

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)

Laser removal of tartar

Advertising in the media, billboards and the Internet is full of various methods of cleaning your teeth, both professional and at home. Which of them to choose? In this article, we will dwell in detail on the laser method for removing tartar - the most advanced technique in the fight against solid deposits.

Removal of tartar with ultrasound

Are there universal methods of maintaining dental health? Yes, there is such a way! This is the proper hygiene of the oral cavity and the timely removal of hardened plaque. In this article, we will talk about the removal of calculus with ultrasound.

Removal of tartar

Removal of tartar should be performed only by specialists in specialized dental offices or clinics. They will do it quickly, qualitatively and completely painlessly.

Teeth: causes, symptoms and prevention

Most people do not attach much importance to a dark or yellowish coating on the teeth. Well, there is, and God bless him, does not hurt. In fact, this is very wrong, since this plaque is dangerous and can lead to unfortunate consequences until the loss of healthy teeth. And the name of this touch is tartar.

Removable dental prosthetics

In the event that one or several teeth can not be replaced by bridges and crowns, a removable denture is used. Many such a proposal can scare, memory immediately draws the false mouth of a grandmother or grandfather in a glass with water.

Herpetic stomatitis

Herpetic stomatitis is one of the subspecies of herpes mucosal lesions. During the appearance of herpetic stomatitis, a lot of sores appear in the mouth of the patient, characteristic of herpes, which give very unpleasant sensations, especially when eating.

Nerve removal in the tooth

Removal of the nerve in the tooth can be shown by its mechanical destruction, with the formation of a large tooth hole, as well as with often disturbing pain sensations.

Treatment of stomatitis during pregnancy

Treatment of stomatitis in pregnancy is aimed at saving the woman from unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity. The first thing to do is to stop the inflammatory process, so that it does not harm the development of the baby.

Treatment of periodontal disease at home

Treatment of periodontal disease at home is quite simple, but requires systematic. So what should a person with parodontosis (periodontitis) do? This disease is treated at home with the use of medications and alternative medicine.

Symptoms of stomatitis

Because the etiology, the causes of inflammation can be different, the clinical picture, the symptoms of stomatitis are also variable and depend on the form, from the localization of the disease, the prevalence and many other factors.


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