

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)

Treatment of periodontitis

Is it possible to cure periodontitis? Quite expected issue from many patients suffering from chronic inflammation of the gums, periapical tissues, sounds like this - can you cure periodontitis?

Inflammation of the gums

Inflammation of the gums or gingivitis is the most common dental disease. Inflammation of the gums is asymptomatic, because of this the patient may not suspect that he has problems with the gums.

Apical periodontitis

Apical periodontitis is often called apical periodontitis, apex in Latin is the upper, upper part. Accordingly, the apical inflammatory process in periodontium is a disease localized in the upper part of the root of the tooth.

Teeth alignment: basic types

The alignment of the teeth is not the most pleasant procedure, but the effect of it is stunning. If you are planning to make yourself aligning your teeth, then you will probably be interested to know about all the subtleties and nuances of this procedure, the types of alignment, prices and reviews of people who have made the alignment. So, about everything and in order.

Granulomatous periodontitis

Granuloma is one of the forms of apical periodontitis, which develops as a consequence of the granulation process. Granulomatous periodontitis clinically manifests less active than its predecessor - granulation periodontitis.

Traumatic periodontitis

Inflammation of periodontal disease, or traumatic periodontitis can be triggered by a traumatic factor. The most common trauma is seemingly familiar, unconscious actions

Symptoms of periodontitis

Patients often describe the symptoms of periodontitis as an increase in the aching tooth, which is explained by the pressure of exudate, pus on the periodontal region. The tooth, from which the inflammation begins, is mobile, often affected by tooth decay.

Whitening teeth with soda

Whitening teeth with soda is an excellent option for those who want to have a snow-white smile and not become a frequent guest of dental clinics. And without a beautiful white tooth smile now.

Classification of periodontitis

The general classification of periodontitis, which helps in dental practice, is based on such unifying categories: Clinical signs of the disease. Etiological factors of the disease. Morphology of the inflammatory process. Topographical features.

Periodontitis: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Periodontitis is a common inflammatory disease in the periapical tissues. According to statistics, over 40% of the diseases of the dentoalveolar system are periodontal inflammations, only caries and pulpitis outpace them.


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