

Diseases of the teeth (dentistry)

Prevention of stomatitis

In order to correctly prevent stomatitis, it is necessary to understand the causes of its occurrence, and there are more than enough of them: Weakened organism (stresses, avitaminosis, weakened immunity, hormonal failures). Microtrauma of the oral cavity.

Pain in the tooth after removal of the nerve

One of the causes of pain in the tooth after removal of the nerve, can be a natural effect of the procedure itself. The whole problem is that the doctor, having made anesthesia, performed a successful removal of the pulp, and with a calm conscience let the patient go home.

Chronic periodontitis

Chronic periodontitis is one of the forms of the inflammatory process in the periapical tissues of the tooth. As a kind of pathology of the peri-toothed ligaments, chronic inflammation can develop without a clinically pronounced exacerbation or be the consequence of an acute form of periodontitis that does not fall prey to adequate treatment.

Kapy for the alignment of teeth - orthodontic correction of the dentition

In recent years, a special kind of orthodontic correction of the dentition series - kapa for the alignment of teeth - has become popular. Obviously, dentists borrowed it from athletes, because the plastic cap (from the German kappe - the cap, cover, cap) reliably protects their teeth from all sorts of injuries.

Periodontitis in children

Among all dental problems, periodontitis in children is almost a third - about 35%. The disease is much more complicated than in adults, as periodontal tissues in childhood are constantly rebuilt and do not have a clear anatomical distinction, so inflammation regardless of the cause and localization affects literally all the structural elements of periodontal disease.

Straightening of teeth without braces

A smile is one of the most striking characteristics of successful people. Beautiful, even and white teeth are not given to everyone by nature. Earlier there was one way out - braces, but in our age it is possible to make teeth like that without much difficulty. And alignment of teeth without braces - an innovation in dental practice, which is rapidly gaining momentum. The main issue in the financial and time capacity of man.

Acute periodontitis

In the classification of diseases of the periapical tissues, acute periodontitis occupies a special place, since most often it concerns the category of young patients, it develops rapidly and can lead to premature loss of teeth with untimely appeal to the dentist.

Inflammation of gums in children: how to treat and relieve inflammation

It should be borne in mind that without proper therapy, inflammation of the gums in children can go on into a chronic form, then into the ulcerative necrotic stage, and, as a result, lead to the most serious dental problem - inflammation of the surrounding tooth root tissues, bone tissue of the alveolus and gums .

Treatment of gingival inflammation

Treatment of inflammation of the gums begins with the identification of the cause of inflammation. Correctly establish the cause can only the dentist. This means that a qualified doctor can also prescribe an effective treatment for inflammation of the gums.

Arsenious periodontitis

Acidum arsenicosum is used in dentistry for the treatment of inflamed pulp. This sympathicotropic poison, which acts on the smallest blood vessels, they are torn, as a consequence - the nutrition of the pulp tissue is disturbed and it is necrotic. Arsenious periodontitis is a consequence of incorrect treatment of acute pulpitis.


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