Cyst in breast
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Due to various factors, the dairy ducts of the female breast are able to acquire an uneven width, this causes the accumulation in them of a liquid, sometimes viscous, consistency of secretion. So a cyst is formed in the chest, which can be isolated from the duct itself, if its development occurred in the terminal section of the milk duct.
The cyst is a capsule with a cavity. The thickness of the wall directly depends on the period of the neoplasm. New cysts have a thin-walled capsule, and the old ones have a dense shell. The internal contents of cystic education differ in color, which varies from yellowish to brown and even dark green. Sometimes in the liquid content there are dense inclusions or calcareous lumps, which does not pose a danger, but only indicates the duration of life of the cyst. Outside, the capsule, as a rule, is smooth with an even or bumpy surface, indicating a multi-chambered formation. The multi-chamber cavity is more difficult to treat, since during puncture it is difficult to aspirate ("suck") the fluid from all the chambers.
Single or multiple types of cysts in the chest can appear with one or both sides. The size of the formation can be from 3mm to 5cm (sometimes more) in diameter. The huge size of cysts exert pressure on nearby tissues and cause soreness. An increase in cyst in size and pain syndrome is observed before menstruation.
There are also fatty cysts (instead of fluid filled with fat tissue) that are safe, do not hurt, do not interfere with lactation and can not be removed surgically.
Cystic formations are most often benign in nature and do not cause serious concern.
Causes of a cyst in the breast
The presence of mastopathy increases the likelihood of a cyst in the chest. The risk group includes women over 30, especially those who did not have time to give birth to this age. For younger women, the most urgent problem is fibroadenoma.
According to doctors, the cyst in the chest is formed due to a variety of factors not associated with menopause. The most common causes of cyst in the breast are reduced to a violation of the hormonal background, metabolism and problems with the bile ducts. Often cystic formations grow on the background of existing gynecological pathologies or diseases of the thyroid gland.
Interesting is the fact that the development of the cyst affects the level of the hormone estrogen, the increase of which is tied to the intake of hormonal contraceptives. Until recently, it was believed that hormone-containing contraceptives did not affect the formation of cysts. However, there appeared data linking long-term use (five or more years) of contraceptives with the risk of formation of malignant cysts in the mammary gland.
On the other hand, the primary cause of pathology is often an unstable psycho-emotional state, closely related to the hormonal balance, metabolism and general well-being. As you know, the chest is the most sensitive organ that catches the slightest external changes. The presence of sustained stress in the form of problems at work, resentment, family frustration leads to a pain in the chest. For this reason, women with mastopathy are prescribed sedative drugs and vitamin supplements.
In addition to stress and repeated depression, the causes of cysts in the chest lie in the improper construction of a diet. In adipose tissue there are estrogen receptors, which explains the appeal of women of plump forms. However, excessive weight is fraught with hormonal disorders.
Symptoms of a cyst in the chest
The touch of the cyst in the chest reveals a soft type of subcutaneous formation or a dense clot located deep in the tissues. Cysts are formed in any zone of the breast, mainly the upper part. The shape of the breast remains unchanged. If, however, the cystic formation is of large magnitude and is adjacent to the surface, then bulging can be noticeable.
Soreness in the mammary gland manifests itself most often on the eve of menstruation. When communicating cysts with the duct sometimes there are discharge from the nipple. The skin becomes swollen with a reddish hue only in cases of inflammation of the cyst. The process is accompanied by an increase in temperature, a sharp pain of a jerking type.
Let's summarize, the symptoms of the cyst in the chest, requiring treatment to the doctor:
- when palpation revealed a round formation;
- over time, there is a growth of elastic neoplasm;
- pain syndrome occurs in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
The appearance of pain in the mammary gland is an unpleasant phenomenon, often causing, in addition to discomfort, unfounded feelings. The most common cause of pain syndrome, called cyclic, is approaching monthly. Some medications, cystic or cancerous growth may cause pain syndrome. It should be noted that the cyst in the chest, like cancer, rarely provokes soreness and develops asymptomatically.
Large formations that are easily identified by touch and lead to deformation of the mammary gland are accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, engorgement and raspiraniya mainly in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
When the cyst in the chest hurts, it may indicate its suppuration. Moreover, the pain sharply increases, takes a pulsating hue with irradiation into the neck area, arms or scapula. Soreness becomes so intense that it deprives a woman of sleep. Infection occurs against a background of general weakness with an increase in temperature, often with nausea and vomiting. The skin in the lesion site turns red, it becomes hot. Palpation reveals a soft, uncontoured formation.
Cyst in the left breast
The cyst in the breast is formed in one of the glands or simultaneously from two sides, can be solitary (single) or of a multiple type. Solitary cysts are classified as a diffuse-type fibrocystic mastopathy, in which the cystic component predominates.
The cyst in the left breast develops on a background of an imbalance, age changes of an organism. The cause of pathological education is stress, abortion, hormonal failure, inadequate nutrition, surgical intervention, etc.
Cyst in right breast
The cyst in the right breast, like the presence of a neoplasm, to the left is quite possibly formed after the enlargement of the mammary glands. The fact is that the statistics on cystic pathology does not take into account the factor of earlier mammoplasty. Like any surgical intervention, it is an unnatural process that disrupts the work of capillaries, nerve endings. The foreign implant is implanted into the tissue, compressing them in one way or another.
To assert about the hereditary predisposition to the development of cysts is unequivocally difficult. A number of doctors do not ignore this possibility, because the structure and structure of the breast are inherited. There is no clinical evidence supporting this theory.
Small cysts in the chest
Education in a few millimeters can not be differentiated independently, without resorting to ultrasound research. The small size of the cyst in the chest (up to 15mm) is not dangerous, but is subject to constant monitoring by a specialist.
If multiple or small cysts in the chest are identified, a conservative therapy is prescribed, using phytopreparations, homeopathy, and hormonal means. The purpose of such treatment is anti-inflammatory, resorptive action, correction of immunity and related problems (endocrine, psychoemotional, etc.).
Cysts appear due to internal changes in the body, dysfunction of various organs or systems. Proceeding from this, the treatment scheme is chosen individually for each woman. The most important thing is to correctly establish the root cause of the disease and not engage in self-treatment, so as not to exacerbate the problem.
Cyst in the chest during pregnancy
The period of pregnancy is characterized by an increase in the level of progesterone, which restrains the contractile activity of the uterine muscles and suppresses the action of estrogen.
As you know, the cyst in the breast develops against the background of an overabundance of the female hormone estrogen and prolactin, produced by the pituitary gland. Hormonal shift is formed for a number of reasons - abortion, excessive stress, stress, endocrine disorders, etc. Treatment is carried out with the help of "indinol" and "mastodinone" drugs, which reduce hormonal secretion.
The phenomenon of hyperestrogenism (elevated estrogen in the blood) should have occurred with the onset of pregnancy, but clinical practice shows the opposite. Conception, breast-feeding does not affect the cystic neoplasm.
Pregnancy is the time of preparation of the breast for feeding. Estrogens cause swelling, breast enlargement in size, prepare ducts to advance the milk to the direction of the nipple. Progesterone somewhat restrains these changes, without interfering with the body to prepare for the natural feeding of the baby.
If a small cyst in the chest and pregnancy is found, the latter can cause an independent resorption. Unfortunately, in cases with large, formed formations this does not happen. Cysts with growing are able to grow, and in the period of feeding - to decrease in size.
Treatment of cystic lesions that proliferate during pregnancy is performed by puncture with the introduction of air to splice the walls of the capsule. Small cysts just watch.
The cyst in the chest during pregnancy requires adherence to a diet that excludes fatty meat, fried, coffee, chocolate and cocoa. These products cause an increase in cholesterol in the blood, which in turn affects the activation of estrogens. The doctor can be appointed hepatoprotectors (for example, "Essentiale") in order to improve the functioning of the liver.
Where does it hurt?
Is the cyst dangerous in the chest?
The diagnosis of a cyst in the chest is a fairly common problem that occurs due to natural age changes, under the influence of a change in the hormonal background.
The cyst can be differentiated in women of any age. Often, neoplasms occur after 35 years. The frequency of pathology detection increases with the approach of menopause, and after its onset pass independently or not at all. Carrying out hormone replacement therapy can be a factor in the development of menopause cysts.
Despite the fact that most cystic formations are considered harmless, the question: "Is the cyst dangerous in the chest?" - it is better to address the specialist. Independent resorption of cysts in the mammary gland is a rare phenomenon. In fact, the detected, not started pathological focus is easy to treat in time. In cases of small cysts, conservative therapy is prescribed. Good results are provided by phytotherapy, the use of homeopathic remedies. Herbal preparations are selected in such a way that they have a complex effect on the processes of metabolism, liver function, the mental state of the patient. When formations exceeding 15 mm, make a puncture.
Cystic formations very rarely transform into malignant tumors. The presence of a cyst is also unrelated to the risk of cancer.
Diagnosis of cysts in the chest
Carry out self-diagnosis every month or once every three months, with more frequent monitoring of the hands do not feel the difference. The most suitable period is the week after menstruation, when the mammary gland is soft. Detection of seals, puffiness, redness of the skin, discharge of brown or bloody appearance serves as a reason for contacting a specialist.
At any age, the diagnosis of the cyst in the breast involves ultrasound or x-ray mammography. Patients under 35 years of age are examined by ultrasound, as the tissues of the mammary glands are rather dense, which prevents a clear image from being obtained by mammography.
Differentiating cystic formation from fibroadenoma allows exactly the ultrasound technique. In the process of mammography, the size, shape and amount of tumors are determined. Ultrasound gives a complete picture of the capsule wall, as well as the presence of intracavitary growths.
In some cases, a biopsy and blood take on hormones is required. To exclude the presence of cancer cells in large formations, laboratory methods of investigation are used. In parallel, a woman should be examined for inflammatory diseases of the genital area.
What do need to examine?
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What if the cyst burst in the chest?
Complication of a long-term cyst is its inflammation with subsequent infection and suppuration. The path of infection can be lymphogenous, hematogenous or through papillary microcracks. The pathological process is always accompanied by reddening of the skin, temperature, "shooting" or "bursting" with pain and signs of intoxication.
During the development of the cyst, a rupture of her capsule can occur, and an independent constriction of the cavity of education, that is, recovery. The place of the burst cyst with time is often filled with fluid again and a new tumor is formed.
Any cystic formation is subject to observation by a specialist. Patients are advised to visit a doctor for physical examination, to do mammography or ultrasound. What if the cyst burst in the chest? In case of loss of the cystic integrity capsule, a check should be performed to make sure that there is no liquid left in the duct, the accumulation of which can lead to relapse.
Treatment of cysts in the chest
Medical treatment of small cysts in the breast includes the use of herbal formulations, homeopathic medicines, dietary supplements. Extensive use of extract from seaweed, which replaced the solution of potassium iodide. Medicinal substances based on cauliflower and broccoli are actively used. Recommended phytogens physicians have a systemic effect on the problem, normalizing the metabolism in the body, beneficially affecting the liver and psycho-emotional background.
In order to avoid recurrence in cysts over 15mm in diameter, puncture is administered ozone or air to smooth the cavity wall, and also use the technique of drainage (dehydration). If none of the above methods gives a stable result, the cyst in the breast should be removed.
An increase in the size of the cyst may be the reason for puncture under ultrasound control, when the doctor pierces the capsule of cystic education with a thin needle. When aspirating all liquid contents and concluding a cytological study of the absence of cells prone to further development, about 80% of the procedures are considered successful, not leading to relapse.
If there is even a small amount of fluid, it will eventually accumulate and you will need another puncture. The introduction of ozone causes an anti-inflammatory effect and allows more reliable adherence to the walls of the cystic cavity. Unsuccessful two or three repeated punctures can serve as an excuse for removing the cyst along with the tissues of the breast (method of sectoral resection).
Treatment of the cyst in the breast is carried out in parallel with the immunocorrective program and the regulation of the hormonal background.
Removal of cyst in breast
Most cysts do not require surgical treatment. However, if on the surface of the inner wall proliferation is detected, then puncture is mandatory and cell material is taken for analysis. Benign type neoplasms are subject to sectoral resection. The disadvantage of this method is the scar, which affects lactation. In the channels destroyed by the truncation, milk will stagnate. For this reason, it is very important to detect in a timely manner, if necessary, to examine and treat a cyst in the chest.
In a situation with cysts up to 2 cm, a vacuum aspiration biopsy may be sufficient, if there is necessary equipment for such manipulation. Operative intervention lasts up to half an hour and is conducted with local anesthesia. As a result, the cyst is removed in the chest along with the parietal growth.
Even cysts of enormous size are amenable to treatment, and mammal surgeons do everything possible to preserve the beauty of the breast and make the effects of the operation less noticeable.
When malignant tumors are newly formed, more serious therapy is prescribed in accordance with all principles of treatment of cancer pathologies.
Treatment of a cyst in the breast with alternative means
Modern medicines based on plant raw materials can save a lot of time. If you are used to creating drugs yourself, then remember that any remedy is good after a timely diagnosis and a correctly established diagnosis. The reference to "grandmother's recipes" should be combined with the observation of cystic education in dynamics.
Compress based on cabbage leaf, as well as vodka lotions remain the most effective methods at the beginning of the inflammatory process, as a decongestant and a resorptive.
Treatment of cysts in the chest with alternative means should begin after consultation with a specialist. A positive effect is observed when applying compresses based on St. John's wort and burdock. For decoction of St. John's wort, 1 tbsp. L. Dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water, the tincture is maintained for a while, cooled and used as a bandage in place with a cyst.
From 10 grams of burdock root, gruel is obtained using a grater or chopper, pour it with boiling water, stand up to 3 hours. The received, strained and cooled infusion take inside half an hour before a meal in the amount of a tablespoon twice a day.
It is treatable for the cyst in the breast with lesser known, but effective herbs - gentian large-leafed and sweet. These natural components are easier to buy at the pharmacy than to prepare independently. A tablespoon of gentian root is placed in a glass with warm water and boiled in this volume. Cooled, strained broth is put on a problem place in the form of a compress.
Popular ointments based on the juice of celandine and melted butter, taken in equal proportions. The oil is heated, slightly cooled, placed in a glass container, which is added to the celandine and thoroughly mixed for a uniform composition. This mixture rubs the cystic region, left for four hours, and then washed off.
Among the mass of recipes, it is important to choose only one method of treatment that suits you. Competently to compose a curative scheme, relying on the unique features of a particular organism, the phytotherapeutist will help.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of cysts in the chest
Even in cases where mammary glands do not cause any concern, at least twice a year, women of childbearing age should be observed by the doctor. In order not to fall into the risk group, it makes sense to use dose-free screening technologies (radiometry, electrical impedance mammography, etc.). Women older than forty are recommended to undergo an X-ray mammogram regardless of the presence or absence of complaints.
Particular attention is paid to the prevention of factors that cause the development of cystic neoplasm. Prevention of cyst in the chest includes:
- the construction of a correct diet that supports the normal metabolism in the body;
- stay in constant movement (it is not important you are fond of sports or do housework);
- compliance with the principles of feeding and expressing.
The presence of a problem of excessive weight and poor metabolism entails failures of the endocrine, as well as hormonal. The cyst in the breast is often formed after abortion, inflammatory, infectious diseases. If any of the listed diseases is found, consult a doctor in a timely manner.
Abandonment of bad habits, increased immunity, intake of herbal courses - this is also the prevention of cysts in the chest. Do not also abuse the visit to the solarium and sunbathing topless.
Prognosis of cysts in the chest
Overgrowth of the cyst in tumor formation is very rare, only in 10% of clinical practice. Most cysts are safe and lead to a maximum of uncomfortable sensations in the mammary gland. It should be recalled that even huge amounts of neoplasm are subject to treatment.
However, to start the process on its own, expecting an independent disappearance of the pathological focus, should not be the same as panic, representing the division of cancer cells and a surgical scalpel. Most often the prognosis of the cyst in the breast is favorable. A diagnosed small size breast cyst does not affect the course of pregnancy and the subsequent feeding of the baby.
According to experts, most of the successful treatment depends on the positive attitude of the patient herself to the surrounding reality, the ability not to panic. Ability to love yourself, go through life with a smile, create real miracles, normalizing the production of sex hormones, increasing immunity and dissolving such pathological foci as a cyst in the chest.