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Creams for allergies
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With such clinical manifestations of hypersensitivity, like exudative or lichenoid skin rashes accompanied by itching, an effective allergy cream helps to reduce the intensity of inflammation, eliminate itching, redness and swelling, restore metabolism in the epidermis.
Cream for allergy is a "life buoy" for those who suffer from a dermal allergy. The overall goal of antiallergic therapy is to minimize symptoms and prevent possible complications. Unfortunately, the inexorable statistics says: only 40% of patients after a long course of treatment can forever say goodbye to an allergy. More skeptical doctors, who, unlike extras, face allergies in the literal sense of the word more often and closer, suggest that the percentage is much less.
Many clinical cases, when the allergy was traceless, are associated with a cure for the underlying underlying disease. Nevertheless, pharmaceutical science continues tirelessly to investigate this formidable disease of the 21st century and develop new and more advanced drugs, medical science - allergology continues to study the symptoms and look for the root causes. So, in patients with allergies, there is a hope that a breakthrough in the therapeutic strategy against allergy will be implemented soon. Especially in the treatment of the most acute symptomatic form of the disease - skin allergy.
Skin is the largest human body, it takes the first attacks of external allergens or gives a signal about internal problems. Of course, the wisdom of speaking about the eyes as a mirror of the soul remains in force, in unison this expression should also be said about the skin. Skin is a reflection of external and internal changes in the functioning of human organs and systems.
Indications of the cream for allergies
Indications for the use of these creams are distributed as usual hives, and all kinds of itching dermatoses and dermatitis, as well as eczema. In addition, they can be used for combing with chicken pox and mosquito bites.
As a rule, any kind of allergy manifests itself with various symptoms on the patient's skin. It can be a hyperemia, a rash, erythema or papules, blisters or erosive wounds. All these disorders of the integrity of the epidermis must be immediately eliminated, since allergic symptoms have the property of developing very quickly.
In order to remove the itching, swelling, hyperemia, an external form of antiallergic drugs should be used. As a rule - it's a cream from allergies, ointment or special solutions that ease discomfort and stop the spread of symptoms. The task of using external antiallergic drugs is as follows:
- Eliminate itching, burning, partially inflamed;
- Reduce the dryness of the skin and protect them from additional aggressive external factors;
- As an additional therapy to prevent bacterial or fungal infection.
Release form
It is clear that the complete list, including all the names of allergy creams, can be long enough, so we list the basic tools recommended by dermatologists and allergists depending on the diagnosis.
So, for allergic rashes associated with atopic dermatitis, or when an allergic diathesis is diagnosed , external preparations of various pharmacological groups are used.
These are hormonal allergy creams that contain synthetic analogues of adrenal cortex hormones - glucocorticosteroids (SCS): Advantan, Elokom (other trade names - Uniderm, Gystan, Momat, Avecourt), Afloderm (with aclometazone dipropionate), Lokoid (synonyms: Hydrocortisone, Akortin , Laticort, etc.), Beloderm or Acriderm (with betamethasone dipropionate), etc. All of them are equally used and as a cream from an itch for allergies. Also read - Hormonal ointments from allergies
Also recommended are nonhormonal allergy creams, like Elidel, Bepanten (D-Panthenol, Dexpanthenol, Pantoderm), Skin-cap dermatotropic remedy.
Since the reaction of the skin to low temperature results in an increased yield of histamine from the mast cells of the epidermis, the cream from the cold allergy should contain antihistamines, and the agent for topical application in this case is the cream gel Fenistil (Dimethinden). See also - Treatment of cold allergies
Cosmetic products (consisting of extracts of medicinal plants) include creams Emolium and La Cree.
With mild forms of urticaria you can use chamomile cream (including cream "Chamomile Dosage" from the series "Clean Line", cream "Azulen"), a normal baby cream containing an extract of chamomile. The children's cream "Antoshka" (with extracts of chamomile and tripartite fries), "Cheburashka" (contains extracts of plantain and chamomile), as well as a cream for children "Little Red Riding Hood" - with St. John's Wort extract and D-panthenol, have a positive effect.
Probably, someone will help to remove the itching and redness included in the series of cosmetics Aisida (RF) ASD cream on the basis of antiseptic stimulant Dorogova.
Antihyperimic, protivoallergenic, antipruritic and decongestant real cream Advantan provides corticosteroid methylprednisolone aceponate, cream Elokom (Gistan) - mometasone furoate, Lokoid - hydrocortisone-17-butyrate.
GCS inhibits the release of arachidonic acid, which leads to a decrease in the synthesis of inflammatory mediators in mast cells. Thus, these drugs not only suppress cellular immunity, but also stabilize the membranes of immunocompetent skin cells, removing or minimizing all the symptoms of allergy.
Itching cream for allergy Fenistil contains dimethindene (in the form of a maleic acid salt), which is an antagonist of H1-histamine receptors. Blocking the effect of histamine mast cells on its receptors, Fenistil stops the development of an allergic reaction, and the skin hyperemia with itching pass.
The pharmacological action of the Elidel cream is carried out by its constituent pimecrolimus, a derivative of macromolide of ascomycin (which is synthesized by the bacteria Streptomyces tsukubaensis). This substance inactivates the protein enzyme calcineurin, which blocks the synthesis of leukocyte cytokines and the reaction of lymphocytes and mast cells (with the cessation of the release of inflammatory mediators).
Thanks to dexpanthenol, which in the skin cells is converted to calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5), Bepanten ointment (Dexpanthenol, Pantoderm) reduces allergic skin irritation and promotes reparative processes, as it normalizes intracellular metabolism of lipids and fatty acids at the level of coenzyme A, which includes pantothenate calcium.
Containing pyrithione zinc Skin-cap is an antiseptic cream (antibacterial and antifungal). Zinc pyrithione is a fungicide and bacteriostatic, especially active against fungi that cause seborrhea. Also, this substance inhibits the proliferation of keratinocytes, so Skin-cap is more used in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis. To date, the pharmacodynamics of this dermatological agent has not been fully investigated.
Cosmetic cream Emolium contains a phospholipid complex derived from borage oil medicinal (Borago officinalis), rich in fatty acids, including polyunsaturated linoleic and γ-linolenic. It is believed that these acids relieve skin inflammation and contribute to the restoration of damaged epidermis.
Manufacturers of the cream of the Cree claim that its anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect is provided by such components as walnut, licorice, herbaceous and violet, as well as panthenol and α-bisabolol-sesquiterpene alcohol, similar to the natural terpenoid of the chemist's chamomile (Matricaria recutita).
And among the active ingredients that contains chamomile cream, for example, the usual "Children's Cream" based on the extract of chemist's chamomile, in addition to bisabolol, there is azulene (hamazulene), which has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
Producers of drugs Advantan, Fenistil and Elidel pharmacokinetics in official instructions is not provided.
Synthetic GCS mometasone furoate - active substance cream Elokom (Gystan) - systemic effect does not have due to a low level of absorption (up to 0.5-1%).
But entering into the cream Lokoid hydrocortisone-17-butyrate accumulates in the epidermis and is transformed into hydrocortisone and ethylacetic acid. The cleavage of the drug begins in the skin and ends in the liver; metabolites are excreted by the kidneys and intestines.
After applying Bepanten cream to the skin, dexpanthenol penetrates the skin, is transformed into pantothenate and enters the systemic bloodstream, binding to plasma proteins. Eliminated in the form of pantothenate with urine and feces.
Skin-cap is slowly absorbed into the blood and in very small amounts; Basically, zinc pyrithione accumulates in the epidermal layer of the skin and continues to participate in the normalization of its condition.
Dosing and administration
What can be a cream for allergies? How can I find it?
Ointment, gel or cream from allergies are, as a rule, external means containing corticosteroids. These are the most effective ointments and creams, despite their relative disadvantages, which include a secondary allergic reaction, addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Corticosteroid ointments, creams are divided into - containing fluoride (fluorinated) and non-fluorinated.
If the inflammatory process on the skin develops quickly and passes into the acute stage, fluorinated agents are prescribed, they are quite effective, but they contain a lot of ingredients that have contraindications. Such a cream for allergies is not applied to the face, folds of the skin and is applied no more than one week.
Non-fluorinated corticosteroids have a milder, more gentle action, but are also effective. They can be applied for two weeks even on the face, and this is a sufficient time to eliminate skin allergy symptoms, provided that the diagnosis is correct and complex therapy is applied. To other areas of the body, fluorinated ointments and creams can be applied for a month if necessary. Corticosteroid ointments are prescribed only by a doctor, independent treatment with such drugs carries a high risk of complications.
Also, the allergy cream can be just hypoallergenic softening. If the symptomatology is not expressed clearly, the patient turned in time to an allergist at an early stage of the disease, often these drugs are enough and it does not reach corticosteroid drugs. Effective softening creams for dry rashes and dry papules, if the allergy is manifested in the form of blisters, blisters with exudate, then softening the skin will only aggravate the allergic reaction.
External means are effective enough provided that they are picked up and prescribed by the doctor. There are rules that any physician who is faced with skin allergy knows and observes:
- It is important to choose the right dosage form of an external preparation - ointment, cream, emulsion, solution. The choice depends on the severity of the symptom, the depth of the inflammatory dermal process, localization and prevalence;
- It is important to pre-make a skin test to eliminate the risk of additional allergization. The test is done on the forearm, the inside, the test lasts from 15 to 20 minutes, some external means are tested for an hour or even a day;
- It is important to observe a strict sequence in changing external means and their forms. The replacement depends on the dynamics of the allergic process;
- It is important to take into account the characteristics of the skin, the age of the patient and the general anamnesis. On the characteristics and condition of the skin depends on the absorption of the agent, on age - its bioavailability and contraindications, from an anamnesis - the degree of risk exacerbate the disease.
Cream for allergies can be cosmetic. Cosmetology has long been not just an adjacent medical field, but a full-fledged separate direction in medicine. A novelty in the line of antiallergic external preparations is called emolent. This is both a therapeutic and cosmetic preparation. It removes irritation, softens the skin and is quite effective in light forms of skin allergies.
Considered in the review creams from an allergy with glucocorticosteroids on the affected skin should be applied very thin layer, gently rubbing, once for 24 hours.
Fenistil is recommended to be applied on irritated skin areas 2-3-4 times a day; avoid sun exposure.
Non-hormonal creams from allergies - Elidel, Bepanten, Skin-cap, Emolium, La Cree, chamomile cream - are applied twice a day. And any children's cream - two or three times during the day.
Overdose was noted only in creams Elokom and Lokoid: in case of prolonged use of these hormonal creams in significant areas of skin can develop hypercorticism (manifested obesity of the face, neck, abdomen and back, thinning of the skin on the back of the hands, muscle atrophy and weakness, osteoporosis, etc. .).
Use of the cream for allergies during pregnancy
Creams Advantan, Elokom (Gystan), Lokoid, as well as an antihistamine drug Fenistil during childbearing and lactation can be used in exceptional circumstances and only in view of the ratio of benefits for pregnant women and risks for her unborn child. Fenistil is not allowed in the first three months of pregnancy.
Creams from allergy Elidel, Bepanten, Skin-cap pregnant women are allowed to use.
Creams with GCS Advantan, Elokom (Gistan), Lokoid and others are contraindicated to use in the presence of rosacea, viral infection (herpesvirus), mycoses, cutaneous tuberculosis; Do not apply in the treatment of children younger than two years.
Fenistil is contraindicated for children up to 12 months, and Elidel - up to three months. In addition, among the contra-indications of Elidel cream include: dysplasia of skin tissues; extensive erythroderma; bacterial, viral and fungal skin diseases.
Creams from allergies Bepanten and Skin-cap are not used in the presence of individual hypersensitivity to these products.
Cosmetic creams, as a rule, have no contraindications.
Side effects of the cream for allergies
The main side effects that can have:
- hormonal creams from allergies, including Elokom, Advantan, Lokoid and others - hyperemia, burning and itching of the skin; the appearance of acne and inflammation of hair bulbs; increased hair growth; violation of skin pigmentation; striated atrophodermia of the skin.
- Fenistil - burning and excessive dryness of the skin.
- Elidel - irritation, redness, dryness and burning of the skin; rashes (including herpesvirus and papillomatous); increased or decreased pigmentation.
- The use of Bepantin and Skin-Kap side effects (in the form of urticaria and pruritus) is caused in rare cases, associated with an individual reaction to these drugs.
Interactions with other drugs
Storage conditions
Storage conditions: at a temperature of no more than + 25 ° C, in a dry, dark place.
Shelf life
The shelf life of Advantan and Bepanten creams is three years; Elokom (Gystan), Lokoid, Fenistil, Elidel, Skin-cap - two years.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Creams for allergies" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.