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Cream from cracks on the nipples
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The appearance of cracks in the woman's nipples is a big enough problem. And if you ignore it, then it is fraught with a lot of troubles in terms of health. The consequence of the appearance of cracks can be infection of the wound, the development of inflammation accompanied by the formation of abscesses. Abscesses that have arisen in any part of the body cause a lot of trouble, but if they affect the female breast, it is frightening even to imagine the consequences of such a turn of events that can lead.
Therefore, in the role of preventive measures, or as a means of treatment, women are recommended to use a cream from cracks on the nipples. But it should be remembered that this drug should be appointed by a doctor after a proper examination.
Indications for use
Preparations of this group are developed by modern pharmacological companies as a wound healing tool. Indications for the use of drugs, the pharmacological group considered are as follows:
- Prevention of infection:
- Scratch and wounds.
- Scrapes and cuts.
- Cracking and scratching.
- Insect bites.
- Damage to the skin due to a burn of any etiology.
- Trophic ulcers.
- Therapy of infectious dermatoses:
- A different kind of eczema.
- Atopic dermatitis.
- Treatment of cracks and cupping of the inflammatory process in the nipples, taking place with signs of infection in nursing mothers.
- Treatment of a postoperative wound.
In order to understand the mechanism of action of the drug and its pharmacological affiliation, it is necessary to study in more detail the properties and possibilities of the active active substances of the preparation on the basis of which the drugs are manufactured. Pharmacodynamics of medicines used for the prevention or treatment of wounds on a woman's breast, most of them the following:
- High dermatoprotective characteristics.
- Activity in the process of cell regeneration and damaged skin.
- Disinfection.
- Antibacterial properties.
- Nutritional properties, act as vitamins.
- Normalization of the metabolism of each cell of the treated area.
Not the last place in the evaluation of the effectiveness of a drug is played by the pharmacokinetics of the drug. Preparations of this clinico - pharmacological group are rapidly adsorbed by the skin, penetrating into its deep layers. A number of active substances are transformed into other chemical compounds (for example, dexpanthenol into pantothenic acid), while others remain unchanged.
The active substance has a high percentage of linkages to the protein structures of the blood plasma. Preferably, the compound occurs with β-globulins and albumins.
In a healthy adult body, these figures are corresponding to the concentration figures of 100 μg / l and 500 to 1000 μg / l.
Getting into the body, a number of substances are metabolized, while the rest are excreted from the body in an unchanged state (for example, as pantothenic acid).
Names of creams from cracks on the nipples
The problem of the appearance of cracks on the nipples for women is quite urgent, especially in the lactation period, when a woman is particularly careful to sanitize her breasts to protect her baby from infection. But, falling into extremes, they overdry their skin, causing thereby its cracking. Damage to the skin reduces the protection of the body, breaking through the breach to penetrate the infection.
In order to quit the problem as soon as possible, a woman should consult a specialist who will prescribe a drug that can decontaminate the wound and stimulate their speedy healing.
We give only some names of creams from cracks in the nipples, which are widely represented on the shelves of modern pharmacies.
The group of medicines of the activity of interest is divided into drugs, the basis of which is certain chemical compounds.
- Creams based on dexpanthenol (wound healing substance, pantothenic acid derivative):
- Dexpanthenol.
- Cream-balm for nipples.
- Correregel.
- Pentanol - D.
- Bepanten.
- Medicinal products made on the basis of zinc oxide (an excellent disinfectant, antibacterial agent of topical application, allows to prevent infectious damage to damaged skin):
- Desitin.
- Sudokrem.
- Zinc paste.
- Ointment of zinc.
- Tsindol.
- Creams based on retinol (vitamin A, activates the regenerative processes in the tissues, promotes early healing, makes the skin soft and supple).
- Ointment Videestim.
- Retinoic ointment.
- Radevit (vitamin A, D, E).
- The drug, made on the basis of lanolin (fat structure of animal origin, nourishes, moisturizes and, by forming a film, becomes a protection):
- Cream for nipples from "Dawn".
- Cream PureLan 100 from Medela.
- Cream for moms from Babydream.
- Breast skin cream from Baby line.
- Cream for nipples Lanolin from Lansinoh.
- Carelan breast care cream.
- Nipple cream for nipple cream from Avent.
- Lanovit cream from Ecobiopharm with sea-buckthorn oil.
- Cream MultiMam from Ameda.
- Nipple cream from Sanosan.
- Hypoallergenic cream from Mommy Care.
- Nipple cream from Pigeon.
- Creams based on natural aromatic oils (soften the dermis, have wound healing effect):
- Serum from Mamma Donna.
- Nipple cream from Mama Comfort.
- Soothing nipple cream from Natura Hose.
- Special medicines that effectively work to heal skin lesions:
- Actovegin gel, ointment, cream.
- Solcoseryl ointment or gel.
- Means on the basis of plant extracts and hydromineral raw materials (increase the resistance of the skin of the nipple to cracking, relieve the symptoms of irritation):
- Ointment Wulnuzan from Sopharma.
- Nipple care cream from BABÉ Laboratorios.
- Balm for nipples "9 months" from Mustela.
As can be seen from the list, the medicinal creams of the destination of interest are represented on the pharmacological market by a wide range of names.
But out of all this abundance there are also those that are most often prescribed by physicians and are acquired by patients. To such creams from cracks on nipples it is possible to carry bepanten, prelan and avent.
Bepanten is designed and manufactured on the basis of natural components. Active active substance of the drug is dexpanthenol, which, getting on the skin, is modified into pantothenic acid. This substance is a catalyst for activating the process of skin regeneration, normalizes the cellular metabolism.
Another active substance of the drug is lanolin. Its astringent properties create a film layer on the surface of the skin, which becomes a protection against the invasion of pathogenic flora and viruses. At the same time, having a fat structure, it nourishes and moisturizes the skin, making it elastic and more resistant to external influences.
Another cream that effectively heals wounds on the nipples is also actively used. Once used, he is recommended to his friends and acquaintances.
The active ingredient of this therapeutic cream is terbinafine hydrochloride. Its pharmacodynamics treats this remedy as a clinical and pharmacological group of drugs that have an antifungal effect. Terbinafine hydrochloride effectively inhibits the reproduction and growth of dermatophytes. An increased activity with respect to yeast fungi was noted.
This component does not affect the metabolism of hormones, remains inert to other drugs.
Cream from cracks in the nipples when feeding
When going to the maternity hospital, it is desirable for a woman to take along a nipple cream from cracks. After all, right away or after the time after delivery, she has to start feeding her newborn baby. And it is in the first hours and days of the childbirth that the most often encounter the problem of soreness of the nipples. One of the reasons for this discomfort are the cracks that form on the surface of the nipple.
To prevent their formation or to quit already manifested, it is necessary to use when feeding cream from cracks on the nipples. Such drugs are easy to buy at any pharmacy. Widely and their choice. But nevertheless it is necessary to buy that cream which has been recommended by the attending physician. After all, he thoroughly knows the clinical picture of the woman in childbirth, he has the results of her analyzes on hand. Based on the available data, the specialist is able to select the drug that is most suitable for a particular patient.
Most often the doctor prescribes such drugs - creams, suitable for use by women during lactation: beponen, desithin, cindol, corneregel, cream-balm for nipples, dexpanthenol, ship cream, pentanol-D and many others. From the offered assortment it is possible to pick up to itself a medical cream which will approach both on the pharmacology and under the price policy.
Method of application of cream from cracks on the nipples
Before you start using a medical cream, you should carefully read the instructions that are attached to the drug.
If a woman has a tendency to manifest allergic reaction, it is primarily worthwhile to test the susceptibility of the skin to the constituents of the drug. To do this, apply a little preparation to the inner side of the elbow joint or wrist and observe the condition of the treated area for twenty minutes. If the reaction is not followed, then the cream is suitable for use, but if the skin is swelling and hyperemia, the drug can not be used. It should be replaced by another analog, corresponding to pharmacodynamics.
The method of administration and dose are highly individual. They are described in detail in the instructions accompanying any pharmacological means.
The very method of using such creams is simple. It is used several times throughout the day. Basically, the nipple should be lubricated with a medical cream immediately after the feeding is completed. And it is obligatory to wash off with warm water before the next feeding procedure, although such compositions are quickly absorbed into the skin, but it will not be superfluous to be safe. And on the recommendation of pediatricians, the breast should be rinsed before each feeding.
The duration of use of these creams is determined depending on the severity of the damage and the effectiveness of cupping the wound.
Creams of this pharmacological group is not addictive and does not accumulate in the body, on the basis of what is allowed for their long-term use.
Use of cream from cracks on the nipples during pregnancy
After a woman realizes that she is pregnant and has a child in her, her attitude towards medicines becomes very cautious. After all, any negative impact can affect the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. This fact applies not only to pharmacological, but also cosmetic means.
In this case, the body is rebuilt, weakening the protective forces of the female body. During this period, the probability of disease and pathological abnormalities increases. Including this fact applies to the problem of education on the nipples of cracks.
But it is necessary to calm future mothers, there are drugs and cosmetics, use during pregnancy, which will not harm either the baby or the woman, while coping a number of problems that threaten to develop into serious complications, putting even the pregnancy itself under attack.
For example, beepantene refers to such medicines. He has no contraindications and is allowed to use, both during the period of bearing the child, and after his birth in the lactation period. He is allowed to use and on the tender skin of a newborn to eliminate diaper rash, irritation, inflammation and diaper dermatitis.
Contraindications for use
Produced from natural components, the medicines of the clinico-pharmacological group considered in this article are well absorbed and perceived by the body, not having, however much, significant contra-indications.
The only contraindications to use are the individual increased sensitivity of the woman's organism to one or several components that make up the cream.
To prevent the development of an allergic reaction, before using this drug should be tested. To do this, on the inner side of the elbow joint or wrist, apply a little medicine and observe the skin for twenty minutes. If the reaction is not followed, then the cream is suitable for use, but if the skin is swelling and hyperemia, the drug can not be used. It should be replaced by another analog, corresponding to pharmacodynamics.
Side effects
Many medicines are categorically forbidden to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding by the baby because of their toxicity and those complications or manifestations of pathological symptoms that are caused by their intake.
In creams that are used to treat and prevent cracking of the nipples (including the time of fetation and lactation period), side effects are rare.
This consequence of using the cream can be:
- An allergic reaction, manifested in the form:
- Hives.
- Burning and itching.
- Irritations.
- Hyperemia and swelling of the skin.
- The appearance of small bubbles.
- Contact dermatitis.
- Erythema.
Cream compositions used to prevent the appearance and solution of a problem with existing cracks, are well tolerated by the patient's body. In this case, medicines in the form of creams are designed for topical application, so an overdose of the active substance is unlikely.
Interactions with other drugs
In order to obtain the effect of prescribed medications, it is necessary for the attending physician to thoroughly know not only the pharmacodynamics of the medication prescribed, but also the consequences of its interaction with other drugs.
To date, there have been no negative reactions to the joint use of drugs from other pharmacological groups and creams from nipple cracks.
Storage conditions
In order that the used drug does not lose its therapeutic characteristics, the drug should be kept in proper conditions. Conditions for storing creams from cracks on the nipples require the following conditions:
- The temperature of the room where it is located should not exceed 25 ° C.
- It is necessary to protect the medicine from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
- Keep the medicine in a place that is not reachable for small children.
Shelf life
It is necessary to maintain and the effective time of the drug used. The shelf life of creams from cracks on the nipples is different and can vary from two to three years from the date of manufacture. The date of production and the end of the effective use of the drug is necessarily reflected on the package of the medicinal product. If the expiration date of the drug has expired, then this medication should not be used in the future treatment protocol, since the medicine with an expired period can cause significant damage to health.
Best cream from cracks on the nipples
Probably, the most correct answer to the statement - the best cream from cracks on the nipples - is the one that most effectively helped this person. But, according to statistics, there are drugs that are most often prescribed and used by women in the treatment of cracked nipples.
In this case, such a cream is most suitable for such creams as bepantene, pentanol-D, purelane and a number of others. Perhaps, the best cream from cracks on the nipples is one that has high pharmacological characteristics, while it has a good receptivity of the organism and, importantly, an acceptable price.
The problem of the appearance of cracks on the nipples in women is not new, and earlier, in order to cure this pathology, it was necessary to resort to the help of healers who prepared ointments based on medicinal herbs and other natural products. For today the problem of a medicine is solved. Modern pharmacological companies, to solve the problem, are ready to offer the woman an effective, safe and convenient in use means - a cream from cracks on the nipples. This is a qualitative, active remedy intended for healing of skin lesions, disinfection of wounds and protection of injuries from viral and bacterial invasion. If the cream is used regularly, you can get good results not only for healing the wounds, but also significantly improve the condition of the skin. Just remember that if you want to get the most out of the drug, then appoint it should only a qualified specialist!
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Cream from cracks on the nipples" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.