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Chabreb from a cough in the bronchi
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Thyme (thyme) - this is one of the best medonosov, which can be found on the territory of Ukraine. And this means that in many respects thanks to him we have such a valuable medicinal product as floral honey, which is very useful for bronchitis.
The plant itself can also be attributed to medicinal products for its strong antiseptic effect, anti-edematous, antispasmodic, restorative and other effects.
But with bronchitis we are interested in somewhat different properties of thyme, and these properties are expressed not less than others. This is a bronchodilator and expectorant effect of the plant, so it has found wide application in the treatment of advanced forms of bronchitis.
Dosing and administration
Let's start with the most popular recipe, effective for many pathologies and even preventing their appearance. This is tea from thyme, for which we need a glass of boiling water and 1 tsp. Aromatic flowers in fresh or dried form. Leave the composition infused for 10 minutes, then strain it and drink it as a normal drink, to improve the taste and enhance the effect of adding to the tea natural honey. Such tea will help to recover quickly.
But to fight with a dry cough better to use a more concentrated infusion, when a glass of boiling water take 3 tablespoons of dry herb thyme. The infusion will need to be wrapped and kept warm for 30 minutes. It is taken three times a day (from morning, lunch and 2 hours before bedtime). A single dose is 2 tablespoons, and before going to bed, the dose is doubled.
Many people do not imagine cough treatment without syrup. Healing syrup can be made at home, using leaves and flowers of thyme. A bunch of grass is crushed and boiled in 0.5 liters of water. Boil the composition on low heat. He will be ready when the amount of liquid is reduced by half. After the broth has cooled to a warm state, it can be filtered and added 350 g of honey, all thoroughly mixed. To enhance the effect of the composition it is recommended to add garlic juice in a volume of 1-2 tablespoons.
We store the medicine in the refrigerator, taking it with a problem cough twice a day in a teaspoonful.
For rubbing the chest and back with colds and bronchitis, you can make a tincture on alcohol. For 100 ml of alcohol we take 20 g of dry grass, put it for 2 weeks in a dark place, and when the medicine is ready, we use it as a warming mixture for local use for cough and cold symptoms.
For inhalations with bronchitis and other bronchopulmonary pathologies, also use a decoction of thyme. On a liter of water we take 3-4 tablespoons. Dry grass and flowers, boil and breathe a healing steam for 10-15 minutes.
To children sweet syrup from a cough can be given already from 2 years. Other funds from thyme for oral administration can also be used to treat children, but already with a dose adjustment.
Use Cervix during pregnancy
Use during pregnancy and in childhood. Pregnant medicines with thyme can also be dangerous, because the herb can stimulate uterine contraction. So without consulting a doctor here is indispensable.
During breastfeeding, thyme is not prohibited and even beneficial to those who have little milk. But mothers, who have no problems with lactation, it is better to be careful not to take medicines with thyme.
The benefits of thyme with bronchitis can not be argued. Another thing is that the compounds based on thyme do not fit all people. Not only can hypersensitivity to grass cause medications on its basis to cause allergic reactions of mild severity, as thyme is not yet recommended for people with cardiosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, various liver and kidney pathologies, thyroid insufficiency, emphysema, bronchial asthma and atherosclerosis of the brain vessels.
It is also not advisable to treat with thyme remedies also to people with diabetes and gastric pathologies, especially if the acidity of the stomach is increased.
Side effects Cervix
With individual sensitivity to thyme, non-severe allergic reactions in the form of itching and rash on the body can be observed. Sometimes people complain of nausea and even vomiting. If the thyme is consumed for a long time, it can lead to a decrease in thyroid function and thyroid hormone deficiency (hypothyroidism).
Storage conditions
Collect the herb of thyme with flowers around July, when the plant is actively blooming. Preference is given to the top with frequent shoots with tender green leaves. Carefully ensure that the collection does not get eaten, sick and dry leaves.
Dry grass is recommended in the shade with good ventilation. It can be decomposed into paper or fabric or hung in small bundles on a rope. It is not advisable to use dryers for drying thyme, but if the weather does not allow drying the plant under natural conditions, the temperature in the dryer does not rise above 35 degrees to prevent the evaporation of valuable essential oils.
From dried raw materials it is recommended to remove coarse stems and leaves that have changed color. Good leaves remain after drying dark green, and the flowers are reddish.
Store the harvested raw materials in a darkened room with good ventilation. Glass, paper and fabric containers are suitable for storage. Shelf life of the thyme is 2 years.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Chabreb from a cough in the bronchi" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.