Barking cough in a child: with and without temperature, dry, moist, strong
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A barking cough in a child is the appearance of a very intense cough that resembles a dog's barking. This cough is the most common manifestation of the respiratory tract disease. As a rule, this symptom occurs in children of the first six years of life, which is due to anatomical and functional features of the structure of the respiratory tract. Regardless of the reason for the appearance of this symptom, you must always contact the doctor, because this can be only a minor symptom of a more complex pathology.
The epidemiology of spreading barking cough is such that this symptom occurs in every second child with an airway disease. More than 93% of barking cough cases have an infectious genesis, and only 3% are allergic. Aspiration of foreign body is more common in children under one year, and is diagnosed after active treatment at the stage of its inefficiency. This confirms the need to diagnose this cause of coughing.
Causes of the barking cough in a child
Cough is a protective mechanism of the human body, which prevents any organisms and mechanical particles from getting into the bronchi and lungs. If dust, slime, bread crumb or any microorganism gets into the respiratory tract, then it irritates the receptors in the pharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi, which causes excitation of the cough center. Thanks to this mechanism, this foreign agent is excreted with mucus and coughing jerks. Thus, the child's body protects itself from everything else.
Proceeding from such a mechanism, all the causes of barking coughing in children can be divided into three main groups:
- infectious agents;
- allergic triggers;
- mechanical stimuli.
Among the infectious pathogens of respiratory diseases, which is accompanied by the appearance of barking cough, viruses and bacteria secrete. Among bacteria, the most common cause of respiratory tract diseases can be the cause most often: hemophilia rod, pneumococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, mycoplasma. Among the viruses, there are many pathogens of the respiratory tract - the influenza virus, parainfluenza, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus. But all these microorganisms have the same mechanism of action on the bronchi and can equally induce a barking cough.
Children have their own peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory tract. First of all, children not so well developed epithelium with cilia, which is responsible for the elimination of pathogenic particles. Therefore, they are more often exposed to the action of all agents that can not be evacuated. In children, the nasal passages are narrow, well impregnated with blood vessels, which leads to the fact that they quickly fill with mucus and make breathing difficult. The larynx in children has the shape of an hourglass, and the area under the vocal cords is very vascularized. Therefore, any pathological process that is localized in the respiratory tract, easily descends on the larynx and causes a spasm. The process quickly involves the vocal cords, so the cough is not superficial, but due to the laryngeal edema, it seems coarse and barking.
The pathogenesis of the formation of such a cough is that the microorganism gets on the mucosa of the respiratory tract and can not be immediately neutralized, so the disease develops. In response to this foreign protein, immunity triggers and secretes white blood cells. They surround the bacterium and kill it, and the more bacteria, the more leukocytes. In this case, pus is formed or lymph and plasma fluid is released, which accumulates in the respiratory tract and causes irritation of the cough receptors. To withdraw this liquid the child coughs - that is, a protective mechanism works.
In children up to three years of age, the cause of barking cough may be stenosing laryngotracheitis. This disease, which often causes parainfluenza virus, is accompanied by a spasm of the larynx, increased secretion of mucus and swelling of the larynx under the vocal cords. These three components lead to the fact that the laryngeal lumen strongly narrows and the cough becomes barking.
Another cause of barking cough may be an allergy. Allergic manifestations in the child are transformed with age, and if in infancy he had a food allergy, then in the future it can be an allergy to the flowering of plants or to external factors. And the manifestation of this can be a barking cough, especially in children of the first five years of life, when the bronchi are not yet quite mature. The pathogenesis of this cough is that the allergen (the factor that causes allergies) gets into the respiratory tract. Further on its hit, the basophils (blood cells) react immediately, which secrete histamine. This substance is a mediator of allergy, that is, histamine dilates local vessels and increases their permeability. In this case, plasma and intercellular fluid enters the lumen of the bronchi and trachea and causes such a cough. Cough of an allergic etiology is usually caused by the action of those allergens that are in the air, that is, pollen, fluff, dust. Therefore, do not forget about the possibility of such a nature barking cough.
Very often children, in the measure of their great desire to know the world, can accidentally swallow small details of toys, matches, pins or even crumbs of food. In this case, the mechanical agent enters the trachea or bronchus and is fixed to the wall. So the receptors burst and a barking cough arises. Parents may not always know that a child has swallowed something, because it happens very quickly. Therefore, this cause of barking cough should be eliminated in the first place, because such a mechanical body can move further and cause serious complications right up to apnea.
Risk factors
Based on the main groups of causes of barking cough, it is necessary to identify the risk factors for the development of this pathology:
- children up to a year due to anatomical features automatically fall into the risk group for the development of such symptoms;
- children with atopy in the anamnesis or in the family;
- children with a tendency to bronchial obstruction;
- frequent colds in the child.
Symptoms of the barking cough in a child
Barking cough in a child can be a symptom of laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, stenosing laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, allergic edema of the larynx or foreign body. All these diseases have their own characteristic symptoms, which must be taken into account in a comprehensive manner.
Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the back wall of the oropharynx, which is accompanied by redness, swelling and coughing. In addition to such manifestations also have a pronounced sore throat, there may be symptoms of rhinitis, since it is caused by a virus. The virus most often first enters the nasal cavity, causing mucous discharge from the nose, and then falls to the pharynx. Barking cough, sore throat and red throat are symptoms characteristic of pharyngitis.
Barking cough in a child with laryngitis develops very often, since the focus of infection is in the larynx. Inflammation develops in the underlay space and causes swelling, which changes the character of the cough with a touch of barking. Osipshy barking cough with laryngitis develops very often, because the vocal cords are affected and they swell, which causes a change in the nature of sound during the passage of air. Therefore, with laryngitis, there is also a change in the voice or at all it disappears.
It should also be noted acute stenosing laryngotracheitis, as the cause of barking cough. This condition is considered urgent, since the entire larynx is involved and a prolonged spasm with laryngeal edema can lead to a stopping of breathing. Therefore, it is important to distinguish and other symptoms of this condition, except barking cough. The first signs of this condition appear against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection, more often on the first or second day of the disease. A barking cough at night in a child's dream happens most often, because it is at this time in the horizontal position that the swelling and spasm is amplified. Therefore, the symptom of stenosing laryngotracheitis is a pronounced cough of the child, which occurs sharply in the middle of the night and wakes him up. In this case, also a hoarse voice and shortness of breath is expressed. This can be manifested by anxiety, fear, complicated by inhalation, retraction of intercostal spaces. Attacks of barking cough in a dream or in the morning are typical symptoms of this disease.
Dry barking cough in a child is a symptom of tracheitis. Such a cough is superficial, it is frequent, unproductive and painful. The child may complain of pain in the chest or abdomen, which can be from the tension of the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles.
A wet barking cough in a child is a manifestation of bronchitis. Bronchitis is accompanied by inflammation of the bronchi and a large amount of sputum accumulation. She gradually withdraws from the respiratory tract, which causes such a wet cough. Barking cough in the morning also indicates bronchitis, especially if it is productive. During the night, the mucus in the bronchi is collected, as the child lies in a horizontal position, and in the morning this mucus leaves, which causes such symptoms.
Barking cough in a child with fever is a clear sign that the cause is an infectious disease. Therefore, all inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract are characterized by an increase in body temperature. What is also an important symptom for differential diagnosis.
Barking cough without fever can indicate either allergic pathology or aspiration of a foreign body.
Symptoms of allergies appear at certain times of the year, that is, they are seasonal. In addition to coughing, there may be lacrimation, a rash on the skin, sneezing and other manifestations of allergy. The main feature is the relationship with the allergen.
A foreign body is difficult to suspect if the parents do not distinguish how the child swallowed something. But here it is necessary to take into account that the symptoms appear abruptly when the child has played and there are no manifestations of the infectious process.
These are the main symptoms that can be with different diseases that accompany one such symptom - barking cough.
Complications and consequences
What is dangerous barking cough in a child? This question is asked by many mothers who hear such a cough from their baby. In short, nothing serious threatens the child, except for the case when there may be stenosing laryngotracheitis. In this case, the consequence of a sharp spasm of the respiratory tract may be apnea of the child, which will lead to suffocation. All cases end favorably, as it is a false cereal, but one should remember about this complication. If it is a barking cough that is caused by acute bronchitis or tracheitis, the most common complication in the absence of adequate treatment is pneumonia. If there is no adequate treatment of pathology, then the inflammatory process is lowered to the lungs and the situation becomes more serious.
Diagnostics of the barking cough in a child
Analyzes that you need to pass to clarify the diagnosis, this is a general analysis of blood and urine. A general blood test is needed solely for the purpose of differential diagnosis of cough viral and bacterial etiology. If the etiology is viral, the number of lymphocytes will be increased, and if bacterial - there will be an increased number of leukocytes and stab neutrophils (shift of the formula to the left). If a certain bacterial infection is suspected, then a blood test is performed to determine the antibodies to one or another type of bacteria, which will make it possible to choose a more precise treatment. This is called serological examination of the blood. For example, in whooping cough, a barking cough is strongly pronounced, and with blood serology, an increase in the number of antibodies to a pertussis tick can be determined.
If the allergic nature of cough is suspected, then you can not do without the advice of an allergist. The allergist conducts specific tests - scarification tests and the determination of specific immunoglobulin. Then you can determine exactly what the child is allergic and use it in treatment.
Instrumental diagnosis of barking cough in infectious diseases is not carried out. The only thing, in difficult cases for the exception of pneumonia, can be X-ray of the lungs. If the child has a suspicion of a foreign body, bronchoscopy is required as soon as possible. This examination of the bronchi from the inside by a special device that allows you to see the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and immediately get the body.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis of barking cough should be conducted between different diseases, which can cause it. And first of all, it is necessary to exclude stenosing laryngotracheitis, since this is an urgent condition.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the barking cough in a child
Treatment barking cough directly depends on the cause. Antibiotics for barking cough in children are used only with strict indications - if there is a suspicion of pneumonia or whooping cough. In other cases, with viral etiology, antibacterial drugs are not prescribed. Preference is given to cough syrups, syrups depending on the productivity of the cough, and inhalations. Alternative therapies are very widespread and have a good effect, because many cough medicines are developed based on plants and herbs.
Inhalation with barking cough in children is considered to be the main effective aid. This is due to the fact that during inhalation the therapeutic substance is inhaled with steam and enters directly into the bronchi. This stimulates the receptors and causes the effect of the drug immediately. Speaking about inhalations, you need to understand the reason for the cough. If the cough is unproductive and appears at the beginning of the disease, it is recommended to prescribe inhalation with antiseptic medicines, for example with decanasine.
Dekasan is a drug from the group of antiseptic drugs, the main active ingredient of which is decamethoxin. The drug acts on the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria and kills them when applied topically. Also, the drug kills the fungus, which prevents the development of stomatitis in the future in the child. The method of application of the drug is inhalation by nebulizer spraying. Dosage is one milliliter of the drug for children of the first year of life, and two milliliters from the second year. The solution must be diluted in the same amount of saline and breathed up to fifteen minutes twice a day. Side effects are very rare, because the drug is not toxic.
Among other inhalations, especially with stenosing laryngotracheitis, as well as with expressed spasm of the respiratory tract with obstructive bronchitis, inhalations with bronchodilators are recommended. These drugs include salbutamol, fenoterol, ventolin. Berodual with barking cough in children is also used for inhalation.
Berodual - a combined bronchodilator, which includes adrenomimetic (fenoterol) and anticholinergic drug (ipratropium bromide). Thanks to this combined composition, the drug effectively expands the bronchi and relieves their spasm, which improves the character of the cough and improves the spitting of the sputum. Dosage of the drug - one or two milliliters in dilution only with physiological solution up to 3-4 milliliters. Use inhalation for at least ten minutes, twice a day. Side effects are possible in the form of a reactive bronchospasm.
Ventolin is a drug from the group of beta-adrenomimetics, the active substance of which is salbutamol. The drug is also used to eliminate bronchospasm by inhalation through a nebulizer. The dosage of the drug is standard - 1-2 milliliters with dilution in physiological solution. The method of application - at least two times a day and at least three days. Side effects can be in the form of local allergic phenomena.
Pulmicort with a barking cough in a child is used only if there are signs that it is caused by an allergic reaction, or the child has atopic manifestations, and cough can be because of this complicated. For the treatment of cough and bronchospasm with laryngotracheitis or viral infection, this remedy is not recommended because of its effect.
Pulmicort is a remedy from the group of glucocorticoids, which reveals its bronchodilator effect with a pronounced allergic component. The dosage of the drug is 0.1 milliliters per kilogram of the child's body weight. Method of application inhalation after dilution with solution. Side effects can be with prolonged use in the form of stomatitis, gingivitis and the formation of erosions of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. This is due to the oppression of local immunity and action on the opportunistic flora.
Syrups when barking cough in children are used in most cases with bronchitis. Depending on the nature of the cough, different syrups are taken to improve sputum discharge or anti-inflammatory effect.
A sinecode with a barking cough in a child is used if it has a dry, unproductive and painful character, which is the case with tracheitis. The active substance of the drug, butamirate citrate, is a drug that has a non-opioid central mechanism of action. When using the drug, the excitability of the cough center in the brain decreases and this removes the intensity of the cough. Method of application parenteral in the form of a syrup. Dosage depends on the child's age, but it is necessary to prescribe such syrup to children from three years of age. Side effects can be rare in the form of drowsiness, diarrhea, headache. Precautions - Do not use with expectorants.
Ascoril with barking cough in children can be used for obstructive bronchitis in complex therapy. It is a combined preparation that contains bromhexine (expectorant) and salbutamol (bronchodilator). Due to this composition, the drug first effectively removes spasm of the bronchi, and then promotes the sputum discharge. The way of using the drug in the form of a syrup, the dosage is five milliliters for children older than two years three times a day, and for children over six years, ten milliliters with the same frequency of administration. Side effects can be local in the form of paradoxical bronchospasm or there may be abnormalities of intestinal motility.
ATSTS with a barking cough in a child is used with a damp cough for better sputum discharge. This drug is derived from acetylcysteine, a substance that contains a free sulfhydryl group. Due to this, the drug is capable of splitting mucopolysaccharides of phlegm and it becomes more liquid. So the sputum is better evacuated from the respiratory tract and the cough goes faster. Method of application of the drug in the form of a syrup. Dosage - for children older than two years, five milliliters three times a day, and for children over six years, ten milliliters with the same frequency of admission. Side effects can be from the side of the intestine and the nervous system.
Herbion with barking cough in a child is used depending on the severity and nature of the cough. Herbion created on the basis of ivy is a remedy that is used with a damp cough. Herbion with plantain extract is suitable for dry cough. Dosage of syrup for children from two years to five, and from seven years to ten milliliters three times a day. Side effects can be in the form of diarrhea and insignificant drowsiness.
Lazolvan with barking cough in a child can be used with a damp cough, even in children under two years old. The drug acts well on the respiratory tract due to increased secretion of bronchial glands and enhanced synthesis of surfactant. The way of application of the drug in the form of a syrup, also there are ampoules for inhalations. The dosage of syrup for children under two years is 1.25 milliliters twice a day, from two to six, 1.25 milliliters three times, and from six to 2.5 milliliters three times. Side effects can be in the form of distortion of taste.
Vitamins can be used for children already in the period of convalescence, they increase the overall immunity of the respiratory system and improve the metabolism of cells.
Physiotherapeutic treatment in barking cough therapy is very useful. Use drainage massages that improve the outflow of phlegm. Thermal procedures can be used to improve the secretion of bronchial glands.
Alternative treatment for barking cough in a child
Alternative therapies are very effective, sometimes with a viral infection, they may be enough to completely recover the child. After all, many medicines are created on the basis of plants or extracts from them.
- Borsuk fat is known for its warming effect. This product has many useful vitamins (A, E, C), as well as minerals and oils that penetrate well into the skin. Due to this effect, badger fat warms the lungs and bronchi, which expands blood vessels and improves blood circulation. In this case, the lymphatic system works better and all bacteria and toxins are more quickly eliminated. Therefore, when cough rubbing, badger fat is considered the number one agent, of course, if there is no inflammation. For compresses, grate the child's chest with fat for the night and wrap it in a warm terry or woolen towel. It is necessary to do such procedures for at least three days.
- Inhalations can be carried out at home, even if there is no home inhaler. For this, you can use herbal infusion. To do this, take the grass of the altei, chamomile and ivy, soak in hot water. After the infusion is five minutes under the lid, you need to tilt the baby over a saucepan and cover yourself with a towel. You need to breathe your mouth open for at least five to seven minutes. Such inhalations are more effective if they are carried out at least twice a day. You can use other herbs.
- Milk with honey is known for a long time, as a cough remedy. To make a more useful medicine, you need to boil the milk and add two teaspoons of honey, twenty grams of butter and a few drops of olive oil to a cup of milk. This recipe improves the sputum and softens the mucous throat, which reduces the pain in the throat.
- Barley is considered a very good cough remedy, which normalizes immune processes in the throat and stabilizes tonsils, as the main protective complex of the respiratory tract. To prepare a decoction of barley, you need to take a hundred grams of young barley, insist in clean water for a day, and then boil for ten minutes. This broth should be drunk on a tablespoon every two hours in an acute period.
Herbal treatment is very effective in reducing cough and improving the general condition of the child. Many herbs have antiviral activity, so their use speeds up the healing process.
- Decoction of herbs, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile and althei is good for taking a wet cough, which is poorly expectorated. Such herbs have anti-inflammatory effect, dilute sputum and improve breathing. For broth you need to take 30 grams of each pot and make tea. This tea should often be drunk to a child, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.
- The root of the ayr and grass of the plantain is boiled in hot water for several minutes, then the solution is cooled and diluted with boiled water in a ratio of one to one. It is used for children, since the solution itself is very strong and can have allergic properties. This infusion is most effective with dry barking cough, which happens with bronchitis or tracheitis.
- Kalina is an excellent remedy for sore throat, and this plant has very high immunostimulating properties. To prepare a medicinal solution, you need to take fifty grams of calyx berries, add two tablespoons of honey and grind to gruel. After that, you need to add a glass of boiling water and drink hot. This tea should be drunk at least three times a day and always fresh.
- Broth from the leaves of the string can be used for coughing, which is caused by pharyngitis. At the same time, infusion of one hundred grams of leaves of a string and one liter of water is made, and the neck is washed. This eliminates redness, sore throat and perspiration, which can cause such a cough.
Homeopathy is widely used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Cough that occurs with various diseases, can be treated with homeopathic syrups, lozenges and potions.
- Flu-hel is an organic homeopathic preparation, which includes many medicinal herbs. Used to treat a cough that is caused by a viral infection without a pronounced allergic component. The way of using the drug depends on the form. Dosage in case of taking drops - one drop per ten kilograms of body weight twice a day. Side effects are possible in the form of hyperemia of the skin of hands and feet, as well as sensation of heat. Precautions - do not use in combination with preparations of bee origin.
- Tonsilotren is a complex homeopathic preparation, which contains many inorganic substances. A drug is used to treat throat diseases with marked redness and sore throat. Method of application of the preparation in the form of tablets for resorption. Dosage - one tablet for children from two years three times a day, from two to six - up to six times a day. Side effects can be in the form of increased salivation and nausea.
- Echinacea compositum is a homeopathic remedy of natural plant origin on the basis of echinacea with the addition of various respiratory herbs. The drug can be used for any cough, including acute bronchitis. The method of using the drug is the use of a homeopathic solution in ampoules, dissolving them in pure water. Dosage - five drops per glass of water for children from two years. Side effects can be in the form of insomnia or stool disorders in the form of breakouts.
- Influcid is a complex six-component preparation of plant origin. It is used to treat barking cough that is caused by an infectious agent and besides affecting the throat it also lowers the temperature and relieves the headache. Method of application of the drug in tablets. Dosage of the drug for children from one year to the tablet every two hours in an acute period. Side effects can only be in the form of allergic manifestations.
- Enistol is a combined homeopathic remedy that is used to treat cough and other symptoms of acute respiratory diseases. Method of application of the drug in tablets. The daily dose is taken three times. Dosage for children from one to six years is one teaspoon, from six to twelve - two teaspoons. You need to grind one tablet in powder, add twenty milliliters of boiled water and give a dose, respectively. Side effects are rare.
Operative treatment of barking cough in children is not used, because there is no indication for such an intervention. The only case where an invasive intervention is required is the aspiration of a foreign body. Then they perform bronchoscopy with simultaneous extraction of such a body. In other cases, surgery is not required. The exception may be diphtheria of the larynx with the development of real croup, which requires immediate conicotomy or tracheostomy.
More information of the treatment
Prevention of barking cough in a child should primarily be nonspecific. It is necessary to avoid foci of infection, especially if your child has a tendency to bronchospasm. But it's hard not to let the child play with other children, so specific therapy can be done in the focus of the infection. For this, you can take the same drugs as for treatment, but in the existing preventive doses, which are specified in the instructions.
The prognosis of the child's recovery with barking cough is favorable, since the disease is not so serious and requires only active therapy.
Barking cough in a child is a symptom of a respiratory system disease, which speaks of the need to clarify the topic of the lesion. In most cases, such a cough has a viral etiology, but do not forget about the allergic and mechanical causes of this cough. Treatment should be carried out not only one symptom, but the whole disease using both medications and folk remedies.
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