

Digestive system


The abdominal cavity (abdominal cavity) is the largest cavity of the human body, it is located between the chest cavity at the top and the cavity of the small pelvis below. Abdominal cavity at the top is limited by the diaphragm, at the back - by the lumbar spinal column, by the square muscles of the waist, by the ilio-lumbar muscles, at the front and by the abdominal muscles.


The pancreas (pancreas) has an elongated shape, a gray-pink color, is located in the retroperitoneum. The pancreas is a large digestive gland of mixed type.


The gallbladder (vesica biliaris, s.vesica fellea) has a pear-shaped form, in it bile accumulates and concentrates. The gallbladder is located in the right hypochondrium. Its upper surface is located in the pit of the gallbladder on the visceral surface of the liver.


The liver (hepar) is the largest gland, has a soft consistency, reddish-brown color. The length of the liver in an adult is 20-30 cm, width - 10-21 cm, the height varies from 7 to 15 cm. The weight of the liver is 1400-1800 g. The liver participates in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins; performs protective, disinfecting and other functions.


The rectum is the end section of the colon. Its length is on average 15 cm, diameter from 2.5 to 7.5 cm. In the rectum, there are two sections: an ampulla and an anal (anal) channel.

Sigmoid colon

The sigmoid colon (colon sigmoideum) begins at the level of the left iliac crest and passes into the rectum at the level of the head of the sacrum. The length of the gut is from 15 to 67 cm (on average - 54 cm).

Descending colon

Descending colon (colon descendens) begins from the left bend of the colon down and passes into the sigmoid colon at the level of the iliac crest of the ilium.

Transverse colon

The transverse colon (colon transversum) usually sags downward arcuate. Its origin is in the region of the right hypochondrium (right hepatic flexure) at the level of the costal cartilage, then the gut goes in an oblique direction from right to left first downwards, then upwards into the region of the left hypochondrium. The length of the transverse colon is about 50 cm (25 to 62 cm).

Ascending Colon

Ascending colon (colon ascendens) has a length of 18-20 cm. The position of the ascending colon is variable. Its posterior side occupies the extreme right lateral position on the back wall of the abdominal cavity.

Appendix (appendix)

Appendix (appendix vermiformis) departs from the posterior medial surface of the caecum, its length varies widely - from 2 to 24 cm (average 9 cm); its diameter is 0.5-1.0 cm. The appendix can have a diverse direction.  


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