

Chamomile for the eyes

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 07.06.2024

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Medicinal herbs are used not only to prepare flavorful medicinal drinks, but also as cosmetics. For example, infusion of chamomile flowers is a universal remedy that can be used to eliminate dark circles and bruises under the eyes, to relieve redness and signs of fatigue, to relieve conjunctivitis. What else can give chamomile for the eyes, if you use the infusion not only in the form of tea, but also as a means for daily care?

Chamomile flower has long been used to treat wounds and skin diseases, which is due to the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial ability of the plant. Thanks to modern research, it was found that chamomile has a positive effect on the skin and mucous membranes, provides faster wound healing, soothes and stops the development of inflammatory reactions, prevents earlier aging of tissues. [1]

Benefits of chamomile for eyes

The healing powers of chamomile have been appreciated since ancient times, when it was actively used as an anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and soothing agent. Chamomile is also readily available, as it can be found on lawns, along roads, in gardens and near fields.

Infusions and decoctions of the plant help to overcome viral and bacterial infection, stop inflammatory and allergic process, soothe pain, relieve swelling. Known properties of chamomile, such as relieving spasms, strengthening the capillary network, stabilizing the nervous system.

Chamomile flower is rich in matricin, which is the source of hamazulene, an active ingredient with pronounced medicinal abilities:

  • It has a calming effect on the CNS, relieves nervous tension, eliminates the effects of stress, provides good sleep.
  • Improves tissue regeneration, disinfects and heals wounds and cracks, stops inflammation, relieves itching and swelling.
  • Cures inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Strengthens immunity, including at the local level, strengthens barrier protection, neutralizes the negative effects of the environment.

Chamomile extract is included in many preventive, therapeutic and anti-aging cosmetic products for face and body skin. [2]

Indications Chamomile for the eyes

For centuries, chamomile has been traditionally used as an active anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, astringent, protective agent. The plant has been used to treat wounds and ulcers, skin diseases, gout, microbial lesions of the mucous membrane, inflammatory processes in the mouth, as well as burns, neuralgia and sciatica, hemorrhoids, mastitis and so on. Chamomile is known to be used to eliminate diaper rash, bedsores, nipple cracks, for the treatment of eyes and ear infections, conjunctivitis, tear duct lesions, etc.

Infusion of chamomile is appropriate as a mild sedative for excessive anxiety, insomnia. In patients with digestive disorders, chamomile remedies help to reduce nausea, stop diarrhea, relieve pain and stomach cramps. In gynecology, the plant is used to regulate the monthly cycle, or to eliminate pain during menstruation.

  • Chamomile for bags under the eyes will help if the problem is caused by taking certain medications (e.g., hormonal contraceptives), thyroid disease, chronic fatigue, age-related changes. If the appearance of bags is associated with cardiac or renal pathologies, then here chamomile may be a weak remedy: it is necessary to consult a doctor and treat the underlying disease.
  • Chamomile for swelling under the eyes helps if the problem is caused by excessive consumption of salty food, a large feast with alcohol, allergic reactions. Eyes can swell from constant stress and sleep deprivation, eating disorders, and also - from a lack of collagen, which has a direct link with aging. Natural ageing processes can not be stopped, of course, but to slow them down and improve the appearance with the help of phytotherapy is quite possible.
  • Chamomile from bruises under the eyes can help if the defect is provoked by lack of sleep or fatigue. To eliminate bruises caused by problems with the kidneys, liver, pancreas, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular pathologies, infectious diseases or anemia it is necessary to treat the underlying disease.
  • Chamomile helps from circles under the eyes, which appeared from overwork, stressful work and insomnia, bad habits (alcohol, smoking, excessive exercise), age changes (usually appear after 40 years), improper use of cosmetics. You can use the plant if the appearance of circles is due to a hereditary factor: in this situation, chamomile will help to lighten the skin a little and "hide" translucent vessels. However, this effect is unlikely to be long-term.
  • Chamomile for barley on the eye helps in the early stages of the disease: rinsing very warm infusion repeated 4-5 times a day until the complete disappearance of symptoms of pathology. It is important at this time not to expose the eye to cold and drafts.
  • Successfully helps chamomile from redness of the eyes caused by sudden temperature changes (for example, in the bath, sauna), bad habits (smoking and alcohol), improperly selected glasses or contact lenses, visual overstrain, prolonged crying. Cool compresses or masks are applied to the eye area.
  • Chamomile from eye inflammation is successfully used in infectious conjunctivitis (bacterial or viral), allergies, inflammatory irritation due to the use of cosmetics or contact with irritating agents from the environment (solvents, paints, chlorine in the pool, etc.).
  • Chamomile for eyes from wrinkles can help only at the initial stage of age changes - that is, up to 25-35 years. After reaching forty years of age, the processes become deeper, and it becomes more difficult to fight them with folk methods: qualified cosmetic help is required.

Release form

For the preparation of healing infusions and decoctions of chamomile for the eyes use the plant collected during flowering. Suitable dry or freshly plucked flowers, inflorescences or their elements, which are collected throughout the flowering period. The optimal length of the peduncle - up to 3 cm.

Most types of medicinal plant material, including chamomile, are used in dried form. For the treatment of eyes, it is allowed to use plants in a fresh state. Drying is the easiest and most accessible way to harvest medicinal raw materials, ensuring the preservation of all the necessary biologically active components.

Chamomile for eyes is used in the form of various medicinal forms, which are prepared based on a certain proportion of dried herbs and water brought to the appropriate temperature.

One teaspoon contains about 1.5-2 g of plant material. One tablespoon contains about 4 g of raw material. An average glass holds 200 ml of liquid.

Chamomile for the eyes is usually prepared in the form of decoctions and infusions. Alcohol tincture is not used in ophthalmology.

  • Decoction of chamomile for the eyes is prepared as follows: 10 g of dry plants are poured into an enameled mug, pour a glass of hot water, cover with a lid and boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour, stirring at the same time. Then the decoction is cooled, filtered and used as directed.
  • Chamomile eye lotion is a macerate - a prolonged aqueous extraction for several hours at room temperature. To prepare the lotion, the prepared chamomile is poured with cold boiled water and insisted under a lid for 10-12 hours, after which it is filtered and used according to the prescription. The remedy can be used only in fresh form, so in a long course of treatment macerate is prepared daily.
  • Infusion of chamomile for the eyes is prepared as follows: 10 g of dried grass placed in an enamel mug, add 200 ml of bark water, cover with a lid and heated on a water bath for a quarter of an hour, then cooled under the lid for 1 h, filtered.
  • Chamomile solution for eyes can be prepared in several ways:
    • raw materials are poured with boiling water and kept under a lid for 40-60 minutes;
    • raw materials from the evening pour boiling water at room temperature, insist, and in the morning bring to a boil and cover with a lid, insist until cool;
    • chamomile is poured boiling water and kept in a thermos for 30-60 minutes.
  • Chamomile eye drops are prepared as follows: dry herbs are poured cold water and immediately placed on low heat, bring to a boil, remove from the fire, cover with a lid and insist for 30-60 minutes.

The resulting therapeutic agents can be used not only for external treatment of the eyes, but also for general washings, baths, lotions. [3]


Chamomile has been used as a herbal remedy since ancient times. This plant does not lose popularity and nowadays, as in its composition scientists have found a lot of biochemical phytocomplexes that can provide a wide range of therapeutic effects. Active components that are part of chamomile, demonstrate a positive effect on the vascular network, activate local immunity, protect the skin from the negative effects of potential carcinogens.

Nevertheless, the individual therapeutic possibilities of using chamomile for the eyes need further study and clinical trials. Therefore, at the moment, the plant can not be called a panacea: experts advise using chamomile as a preventive agent, or as an adjunct to drug treatment of eye diseases (only after consultation with a doctor). Self-treatment may be fraught with aggravation of pathology.

Chamomile contains different categories of bioactive components, as well as essential oils and their fractions, which do not lose their therapeutic properties even after steam treatment. More than a hundred secondary metabolic products are found in the plant, including about three dozen terpenoids and almost 36 flavonoids. The base constituents of chamomile essential oil are represented by the terpenoid alpha-bisabolol and azulenes, including derivatives of hamazulene and acetylene. Bisabolol and hamazulene are partially destroyed by boiling, but are completely stable in alcoholic medium. Other active components of the plant are phenolic compounds (apigenin, quercetin, patuletin) and acetylated derivatives. [4]


According to the results of the study, which was conducted with healthy volunteers, scientists noted: when applying a thick extract of chamomile to the skin, essential oils and flavonoids, which are part of the plant, penetrate into the underlying skin layers. This ability is one of the most important ingredients for the external use of the drug.

The anti-inflammatory properties are due to inhibition of LPS-induced release of prostaglandin E2 and inhibition of COX-2 enzyme activity without affecting cyclooxygenase-1.

The same studies showed a moderate efficacy of chamomile for atopic skin lesions, which was 60% higher than that of 0.25% hydrocortisone ointment. At the moment, the studies are incomplete and need to be finalized.

The effect of topical application of chamomile to optimize wound healing was evaluated when the preparations were tested on patients who had previously undergone tattoo dermabrasion. During the study, scientists noted the positive effect of the plant on the process of wound epithelialization, as well as a pronounced antibacterial activity.

Dosing and administration

Different variations of medicinal compositions with chamomile for eyes are hypoallergenic, do not cause addiction, do not lead to toxic effects. Therefore, such phytotherapy is allowed to be used by patients of any age, for a long time (up to several weeks).

How to brew chamomile for the eyes? To prepare a decoction should take 2 tsp. Dry plant, pour 100 ml of water, bring to a boil, after 1 minute remove from the heat. The resulting decoction is strained and diluted with boiled water, bringing the volume to 250 ml. Such a remedy can be used both externally for wiping and rinsing the eyes, and internally.

For bruises and circles used chamomile under the eyes: the remedy is prepared in the above way, soak cotton pads in it and apply to the necessary area on the face. According to reviews, a good anti-aging effect can be obtained if cotton pads soaked in the decoction, hold a little in the refrigerator (4-5 minutes), then already in the cold form to apply to the eyes.

Can I rinse my eyes with chamomile brewed as a tea? If you have brewed chamomile tea and intend to use it for wiping or rinsing the eyes, then in no case add sugar and other sweeteners, as well as lemon, ginger and other additives. Drink without additives, prepared at the approximate rate of 1 tsp. Of raw materials per cup of boiling water, can be used externally. Another condition: the tea should be fresh and not hot. Such washing of the eyes with chamomile is allowed to carry out and for prophylaxis and for therapeutic purposes:

  • for tired eyes;
  • when spending long periods of time in front of a computer screen;
  • to prevent the formation of wrinkles;
  • for dry eye syndrome;
  • to relieve the discomfort of conjunctivitis.

To relieve fatigue and redness of the eyelids, you can use chamomile eye lotions. Keep cool lotions on closed eyes is recommended for fifteen minutes. Such a remedy experts advise to use:

  • after spending a long time on the computer;
  • after an extended reading;
  • after a sleepless night.

Chamomile compress for the eyes is not difficult to prepare. To achieve the best effect, chamomile color can be mixed in equal proportions with mint leaves and / or dill umbrella. This compress is used in a standard way: a moistened cotton disk or absorbent cotton bag is applied to closed eyelids for 15 minutes.

In case of light injuries or minor trauma, the eyes are wiped with chamomile. Do it carefully, using rubber gloves. Squeeze the tampon and wipe the eyelashes and eyelids in the direction from the outer edge of the eye to the inner edge. The used tampon is thrown away, if necessary, take a new one. Wiping is repeated 4-5 times (for each time take a new swab). At the end of the procedure blot the eye with a clean dry bandage or tissue.

Chamomile ice for eyes is an excellent remedy for eliminating circles, swelling and bruising, smoothing fine lines, restoring expressiveness and shine. Thanks to this procedure, the skin becomes elastic, signs of fatigue disappear, the process of aging and fading of the periocular area slows down.

The following recipes are used to make ice cubes:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. Dry chamomile raw material, pour 1 tbsp. Boiling water, insist for half an hour, filtered and cooled, poured into molds, put in the freezer. Apply daily or as needed.
  2. Green tea is brewed with chamomile, filtered, cooled, poured into molds and frozen. Use mainly in the morning.
  3. Take 1 tbsp. Equal mixture of chamomile and sage, pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist for half an hour, filtered. Pour into molds and freeze. Rub the cubes on the skin near the eyes once a day (preferably in the morning).

Use Chamomile for the eyes during pregnancy

Doctors do not advise expectant mothers to drink chamomile tea: despite the existing benefits, in pregnancy such tea can be dangerous - primarily because of the threat of miscarriage. However, the ban is related to the internal use of chamomile, but what about the external use of the herbal remedy?

In cosmetology, chamomile is one of the most common components of various products. Chamomile extract is included in creams and lotions for sensitive and problem skin care, shampoos and soaps (including baby soaps). In addition, an extract from the plant is often added to toothpastes, face masks, and even eye drops. If there is no allergy, then the external use of such means is very even possible in pregnancy. There are no restrictions for this.


Medicinal chamomile is considered a relatively safe herb. However, there are also certain contraindications to its use. For example, the herbal remedy should not be taken internally:

  • in severe liver and kidney damage;
  • for serious mental health issues;
  • when you're pregnant.

External use of chamomile - in particular, for the eyes - is limited only by the presence of hypersensitivity, individual intolerance to individual components of the plant and allergy to it.

Side effects Chamomile for the eyes

In some cases, even young children cannot do without eye wash. Of course, if the first signs of inflammation appear, you should immediately contact your pediatrician, who will prescribe appropriate treatment and recommend an effective and safe eye medication. However, sometimes the situation is not too serious, but still requires prompt action. What can be used as a solution for rinsing?

If it is necessary to act quickly, a chamomile infusion, furacilin solution or saline solution will work well for the eyes. It is very important to prepare the disinfectant correctly, so as not to traumatize the child's eyes.

Chamomile for the eyes of newborns is almost ideal, since it has not only a therapeutic effect, but also a sedative, which is important in the case of irritation of the mucosa. However, it is wrong to believe that a stronger infusion will act more effectively. The solution should be weak, barely yellowish - for the delicate eyes of a newborn baby this will be enough.

If the infant has been diagnosed with conjunctivitis, the rinse will have to be repeated every 30 minutes. Chamomile should be alternated with a solution of furacilin. In addition, the doctor can prescribe drops of levomycetin or albucid. Self-administered treatment of the child should not be chosen in any case.


By and large, any medicinal plant, even very useful, in case of illiterate and uncontrolled use can harm. To prevent this from happening, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications and clearly adhere to the recommendations for the preparation and utilization of any herbal preparations. If you ignore this recommendation, it can cause the development of complications, ranging from allergic processes to dysfunction of external or internal organs.

Often supporters of phytotherapy believe that scientifically confirmed useful properties of a particular plant indicate not only its effectiveness, but also its safety. But this is not quite true: experts study the chemical composition of the plant remedy and authorize its use, including for the production of medicines. However, if you exceed the recommended dosages, the risk is more than obvious.

Interactions with other drugs

Do not combine eye treatment with other medications at the same time with chamomile: enough time must elapse for one remedy not to interfere with the action of the other. In conjunctivitis should not be made closed lotions: under the bandage bacteria will multiply even faster. It is better just to periodically wipe or rinse the eyes with a sufficient number of tissues, remove pus and crusts.

Between the application of drops or ointments for the eyes should be observed intervals, so that the drugs do not interact with each other, and do not reduce their effectiveness.

If the antibiotics are to be used externally - in the form of eye drops or ointments - they should be used immediately after rinsing the eyes with chamomile infusion. It is not necessary to drop drops or put ointment, if there is purulent discharge or crusts. First remove them with a cotton disk soaked in saline or chamomile infusion.

Storage conditions

The best containers for storing dried chamomile used for eye treatment are wicker baskets, wooden boxes, cloth bags, cardboard boxes. The raw material inside the container should be placed loosely, without tamping.

Do not use for storage plastic bags, glass and kapron jars, as the dry herb in them warms, thaws, which leads to the destruction of active medicinal components.

Just collected plant immediately delivered to the place of preparation (drying), spread out in a darkened place on a clean cloth or cardboard (polyethylene or oilcloth is not suitable).

Storage conditions in the room should ensure the safety of the dried plant, both in terms of external characteristics and the content of bioactive components for a certain shelf life. Dried chamomile should be stored in dry, clean, ventilated rooms, free from barn parasites, protected from the action of solar radiation, at temperatures between +10 and +15°C.

The basic values for storage of medicinal raw materials are::

  • 12 to 15% humidity;
  • temperature from +10 to +15°C;
  • shelf height - at least 25 cm from the floor.

Shelf life

Any plant raw material gradually loses its therapeutic abilities. Thus, the shelf life of dried chamomile color is about 18-24 months. After the expiration of this period, the harvested dried herbs should be discarded.

Infusion or decoction of chamomile stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days. If the remedy has changed color, there is turbidity, spoiled smell, then it should never be used - even externally. Eyes are very sensitive organs, so it is optimal if chamomile will be brewed daily, and the solution will always be fresh.


What is the best eye wash, chamomile or tea? Or are there any other similar remedies?

In ophthalmology, the eyes are washed in case of purulent discharge or surface film, dust, fatigue, etc. There are many solutions and preparations suitable for this procedure:

  • Saline solution is an aqueous 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, sold in pharmacies in sterile bottles. The solution has a mild antiseptic effect, helps to clean the eyes from purulent and mucous secretions, inhibits the multiplication of bacteria, eliminates signs of inflammation.
  • Furacilin is another popular and affordable remedy, which is available in pharmacies in the form of tablets dissolved in boiled water. The resulting solution is used to rinse the eyes, which helps to alleviate signs of conjunctivitis, remove discharge and crusts, slow down the development of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Green tea - without flavorings or sweeteners - helps to neutralize free radicals that negatively affect your eyesight, as well as protect them from UV damage.
  • Thyme infusion - has a positive effect on visual function, improves local blood circulation, inhibits the development of degenerative processes.

It is important to realize that chamomile for the eyes, as well as other phytopreparation - is a help for ophthalmologic problems, but not a panacea. Herbal remedies will be beneficial if they are skillfully combined with drug therapy prescribed by a doctor.

List of authoritative books and studies related to the study of chamomile

  1. "Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects" - by Iris F. F. Benzie, Sissi Wachtel-Galor (Year: 2011)
  2. "The Herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook: A Home Manual" - by James Green (Year: 2000)
  3. "Phytotherapy: A Quick Reference to Herbal Medicine" - by Francesco Capasso (Year: 2003)
  4. "The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy: Over 800 Natural, Nontoxic, and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health, Beauty, and Safe Home and Work Environments" - by Valerie Ann Worwood (Year: 1991)
  5. "Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art" - by Kathi Keville (Year: 1995)
  6. "Pharmacognosy: Fundamentals, Applications and Strategies" - by Satyajit D. Sarker, Zahid Latif, Alexander I. Gray (Year: 2016)
  7. "Chamomile: Medicinal, Biochemical, and Agricultural Aspects" - by Moumita Das (Year: 2015)
  8. "Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs" - by Mark Blumenthal (Year: 2000)
  9. "Handbook of Medicinal Herbs" by James A. Duke (Year: 2002).
  10. "Herbs and Natural Supplements, Volume 1: An Evidence-Based Guide" - by Lesley Braun, Marc Cohen (Year: 2015)


Belousov, Y. B. Clinical pharmacology : national guide / edited by Y. B. Belousov, V. G. Kukes, V. K. Lepakhin, V. I. Petrov - Moscow : GEOTAR-Media, 2014.


To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug " Chamomile for the eyes" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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