Treatment of abdominal pain and diarrhea: tablets, alternatives
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Pain in the abdomen and diarrhea are symptoms that you will not be surprised at. With such unpleasantness one encounters in life and usually not once. If this happens after consuming potentially poisonous or stale food, we can guess the cause of the development of symptoms ourselves, having suspected poisoning. But sometimes the symptoms arise, it would seem, from scratch, introducing us into a state of confusion. After all, not everyone knows what to do with abdominal pain and diarrhea, if they are not due to poisoning or indigestion. Read also about what to do with diarrhea in this article.
Since there are a lot of causes of abdominal pain and diarrhea, and some diseases have limitations on the procedures of first aid, you need to be very careful before meeting with a doctor and making an accurate diagnosis. We believe that if there is pain, then it must necessarily be removed with anesthetics, because you can not endure the pain. On the one hand, this is quite logical. But removing the pain symptoms, we thereby distort the picture of the disease.
For example, with pain in the abdomen on the right, the doctor is most likely to suspect appendicitis. And the diagnosis of this pathology involves carrying out tests with a click on the appendix. If the case is in appendicitis, the patient will experience severe pain, which will be the confirmation of the diagnosis. But if, thanks to anesthetics, a person does not react to depression, the doctor will look for the cause in a different way, and time will go away. With acute appendicitis, games can eventually cost the patient life.
Sometimes with appendicitis the pain is so strong that a person simply can not tell from which side the stomach hurts, because it seems to him that it hurts everywhere. Therefore, appendicitis can not be ruled out even when the patient says that the lower abdomen hurts without indicating the exact localization of pain.
It would seem that if you can not give an anesthetic, can you at least apply heat to your stomach, which helps to ease pain? This can not be done either. The purulent-inflammatory process that we have with appendicitis from heat exposure can only increase and a tense appendix will burst, releasing its contents into the cavity of the peritoneum.
It turns out that until the diagnosis of appendicitis is denied, taking painkillers or using heat is not dangerous. It must be said that analgesics in case of abdominal pain of unknown etiology are generally undesirable. Feeling relieved, a person can not ask for help from doctors. But if it is an ulcer that can provoke bleeding and peritonitis, it is just a pain and can save a person, forcing them to turn to specialists in time and get timely qualified help.
Now, with regard to washing the stomach and intestines. Rinse the stomach is meaningful in the first hours after eating, and then only if there is a certainty that it is poisoning or intolerance of foods. With inflammation and stomach ulcer such a procedure is unlikely to alleviate the condition of the patient, but it can worsen, because the inflamed organ walls will experience an increased load.
Caution should also be exercised with enemas that allow cleaning the intestines. On the one hand, some of them help to cope with diarrhea, but with diseases of the intestine such treatment is contraindicated and can provoke deterioration, rupture of the walls of the inflamed intestine, peritonitis. Especially dangerous are gastric lavage and enemas with appendicitis. Cleaning procedures in this case should be performed by a specialist directly in the hospital. And before the arrival of the doctor, the patient should be provided with peace. The treatment of appendicitis is surgical, so taking any medications can not help the therapy of the disease.
In addition, it is not known whether it is worth fighting with diarrhea when its cause remains a mystery. Diarrhea and vomiting are a natural reaction of the body. Thus, he tries to clean himself of harmful substances. Taking strong laxatives and antiemetics, we counteract our body. It remains toxic substances that continue to poison the body, causing malfunctioning of the organs and worsening the patient's condition.
See also: Medications for vomiting and diarrhea
But in this case, what kind of tablets can you drink, if your stomach hurts and diarrhea? The most safe and useful for various diseases are entrosorbents (Activated Carbon, White Coal, Polysorb, Smecta, Polyphepan, etc.). In food poisoning and intoxications, they are the main drugs, and in other pathologies, if they do not have a specific therapeutic effect, they will at least alleviate the patient's condition, removing toxins and some of the bacteria that have entered the organism, thereby reducing the number of defecations and normalizing chair, and also reducing pain.
However, the reception of enterosorbents, which are oral agents, makes sense if the patient does not have vomiting (this applies to all drugs passing through the gastrointestinal tract). Otherwise, the drugs just do not have time to act. But on the other hand, vomiting itself helps to remove all unnecessary from the body.
Fighting this symptom makes sense when the stomach is already empty, and vomiting does not stop. After all, vomit masses in this case will contain only water and bile, which irritates the esophagus.
The loss of water during vomiting and diarrhea can be different. But this situation is considered potentially dangerous because of the risk of dehydration. If a person does not vomit, to prevent dehydration, he can take oral rehydration ("Regidron", "Hydrovit", "Oralit", "Tourist", etc.) and drink more water. With continued vomiting, a person must be hospitalized. In the hospital, these drugs will be administered to him intravenously (as a dropper).
From food intake in the period of the appearance of pain and diarrhea it is better to abstain. With pancreatitis, such a requirement is considered mandatory, since it helps to restore the pancreas. To reduce the irritation of the stomach, reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in it, and help the enveloping agents ("Almagel", "Fosfalugel", "Omez", etc.) help a little.
In the future, the doctor can prescribe to the patient drugs that reduce the acidity of the gastric juice, which will reduce its irritating effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract (Ranitidine, Famotidine, Remmax, Rennie, Pevayev tablets, etc.). This measure is mandatory for stomach ulcers and PDC, gastritis with high acidity, reflux disease and is useful in some other pathologies.
To facilitate the work of organs can be with the help of drugs containing digestive enzymes (Pancreatin, Mezim, Festal, Creon, etc.). These medicines will prove useful for several days after the disappearance of acute symptoms. After all, they will help the sick bodies recover, giving them the opportunity to rest from active work.
If suspicion falls on the dysbacteriosis of the intestine, special bacterial products will come to the rescue - probiotics (Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Lineks, Hilak-forte, Acipol, Enterol, etc.). Gradually, it is recommended to introduce dairy products containing lacto- and bifidobacteria in the patient's diet. Effective reception lopeiuma,
It is clear that if the cause of pathological processes in the body, has become an infection, it can not do without immunomodulators and antibacterial agents. The last should appoint the attending physician after the definition of the causative agent of the disease. Antibiotics in any case should be taken together with probiotics, which will help prevent intestinal microflora disorders. Otherwise, the intestinal dysbiosis can be obtained as a result of incorrect treatment of intestinal infections, gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori, colitis and other infectious diseases.
The raised temperature, appearing together with pains in a stomach and diarrhea, it is not necessary to hurry to bring down, after all it is a part of a clinical picture of illness. Apply methods that reduce body temperature only when it increases to critical levels, i.e. When it becomes higher than 38.5-39 degrees. In this case, the doctor must tell you about the temperature increase, even if at the time of the meeting with him the thermometer showed normal values.
In any disease, which causes abdominal pain and diarrhea, doctors recommend at least a day to refuse food, using only pure boiled water (preferably in a warm or at room temperature). Hot and cold water can only further irritate the inflamed organs of the digestive system, causing new attacks of exacerbation.
In the future it will be necessary to adhere to a diet recommended for diseases of the digestive system. This diet should be appointed by the attending physician, based on the diagnosis of the patient. Light, non-gastrointestinal food is recommended for several days even with light poisoning and stomach upset.
With poisoning, stomach upset, exacerbation of various diseases, patients are recommended rest and bed rest. It is not recommended to show increased physical activity and for the first time after removing acute symptoms. The body should be able to fully relax, so that it can recover more quickly after the illness.
Universal preparations
And now let's talk about those drugs that can help cope with symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. But not as anesthetics and antidiarrhoeas do, fundamentally changing the clinical picture of the disease and preventing the diagnosis. You should always have such medicines in your home medicine cabinet.
"Smecta" is a natural enterosorbent that normalizes the production of mucus by the gastrointestinal organs, as a result of which the irritating effect on the internal walls of the organs decreases, and also binds and removes harmful substances from the body: bacteria, viruses, toxic products of their vital activity without negative influence on intestinal motility. The drug as a whole is harmless, because it is not absorbed into the blood and is eliminated naturally through the intestine. Removing the body irritants, thereby helping to reduce pain and normalization of the stool.
The drug will be useful in acute and chronic form of diarrhea of various genesis, including infectious diseases. It is also suitable for the removal of unpleasant symptoms of gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, colitis and other infectious-inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract.
Doctors recommend using the above pathologies to undergo a three-seven-day course of treatment with a drug that is available as a powder in metered packets. A suspension is prepared from this powder (usually one packet of the drug is used for 50-100 g of water).
Treatment with this drug can be carried out at any age, adjusting only the dose of the sorbent. So babies are prepared a solution of 1 packet of medicine and ¼ cup of water and give the baby to drink in small portions during the day. The ready-made solution can be placed in a baby bottle or added to liquid and semi-liquid complementary foods or baby food.
Children of the second year of life per day use 1 or 2 bags of sorbent. Older children per day should drink a solution prepared from 2-3 packets of medication.
Adults are advised to take the drug three times a day, using 1 sachet at a time.
The drug has very few contraindications. It is not prescribed for intestinal obstruction, since the medicine must be excreted through the intestine, taking with itself all unnecessary. It is not suitable for those who have hypersensitivity to its components.
Side effects of the drug is also a minimum. In a few cases, there were complaints of constipation, but the problem was solved by reducing the dosage of the drug. When hypersensitivity to sorbent components, various reactions of intolerance may appear, which requires a drug change.
" Regidron " is one of the most popular drugs that prevent dehydration of the body and the loss of necessary electrolytes for vomiting and diarrhea, as well as supporting the body energetically due to the glucose in its composition. Osmolarity of the drug is considered ideal, because its reception does not cause a surplus of some minerals in the body, but replenishes their deficiency, bringing the concentration to normal levels.
The drug is useful as in case of dehydration of the body with diseases of the digestive system with such symptoms as vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, and with increased sweating, violating blood acidity and water-alkaline balance.
The drug is available in metered packets. The contents of 1 sachet should be diluted with one liter of hot boiled water and cooled after rasvoreniya. With diarrhea, the medicine is taken after each act of defecation, with vomiting after each emptying of the stomach. Take the composition in small sips, not forgetting to shake it.
Regardless of the age of the patient for an hour, he should drink at least 10 ml of solution for each kilogram of his weight. Subsequently, the dose can be reduced to 5 ml per kg.
The drug is generally safe. It is used to prevent and treat dehydration in children, pregnant women, the elderly. If these dosages are observed, it does not cause side effects. If you use increased doses, there is a risk of developing conditions caused by excess sodium and potassium in the body (gipernatremia or hyperkalemia). A person develops weakness, malfunctioning of the heart rhythm, confusion, violation of breathing. If there is a violation of kidney function, there is a high risk of seizures, muscle weakness, respiratory disorders, therefore, with acute or chronic renal failure, the drug is undesirable. Such patients should be treated in a hospital.
Contraindications to taking medication, in addition to the failure of kidney function are considered the excess of potassium in the body, diabetes mellitus of any type, hypertension (except for mild form).
"Fosfalugel" is no less popular drug based on aluminum phosphate, which has a wide application because it can reduce the acidity of gastric juice and protect the gastrointestinal mucosa from irritation in various diseases of the digestive system: gastritis with normal and high acidity, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the duodenum (duodenitis), hernia of the esophagus, reflux disease. Apply the drug also with functional dyspepsia and diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders caused by poor-quality food, intestinal infections, intoxications, taking certain medications, etc.
Assign the drug even if a person has pain in the abdomen, bloating and acidic eructations associated with eating disorders or abusing irritating drinks (coffee, alcohol), bad habits (smoking).
The drug is manufactured in a single soy. Each packet contains a gel of white color with a sweet taste, which can be consumed in its original form or as an aqueous solution (1 packet per ½ cup of water).
Children up to six months, feeding which is carried out 6 times a day, the drug is given after each meal for 1 tsp, which is a quarter of the sachet. Babies over 6 years of age are fed 4 times a day, which means that the drug should be given 4 times after eating. Dosage at the same time will be 2 times more - half a packet or 2 tsp.
Children older than a year and adults patients drug prescribed 1-2 packages at a time with a reception rate of 2 or 3 times a day. Depending on the diagnosis, the drug is consumed before meals (with gastritis) or after it (hernia, reflux disease, stomach ulcer and PDC). With functional diarrhea, twice a day is recommended: in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.
The drug is not used in the emergence of hypersensitivity reactions to its components, chronic diarrhea, constipation, Alzheimer's disease. It is not recommended to use antacid and with severe pain in the abdomen of unknown cause.
The drug may impair the absorption of certain oral medicines in the gastrointestinal tract, so they should be taken at an interval of 2 hours.
Side effects of the drug are usually reduced to rare cases of constipation (this is most often observed in people with low mobility or receiving a gel at high dosages), even more rare episodes of diarrhea due to sorbitol and allergic reactions against the background of intolerance to aluminum or other components of the drug.
"Mezim" is a drug familiar to many people in rhymed advertising that helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms arising from overeating and eating heavy food for the stomach. But in fact this natural enzyme preparation has a wider application. After all, it helps to work the pancreas and the entire digestive system, the work of which can be disrupted for a variety of reasons, which we mentioned above.
Vachi preparation on the basis of pancreatin is prescribed:
- with a decrease in the pancreas production of pancreatic enzymes, which is often the case with inflammation of the organ or tumor processes in it,
- for the treatment of exacerbations of chronic inflammatory or dystrophic diseases of the digestive tract,
- when violations of the functions of various organs of the digestive system after medical manipulation and trauma,
- with errors in nutrition, due to which there are nausea, heaviness in the epigastrium, flatulence, abdominal pain and diarrhea,
- as a preparation for conducting diagnostic activities (X-ray or ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs).
The drug is available in the form of tablets, which just in case you need to have in your home medicine chest. The medicine is taken on time or immediately before meals, without waiting for the appearance of discomfort in the abdomen. Grind or chew tablets is not recommended because of the danger of reducing their effectiveness due to damage to the protective lash.
For adults, the drug is prescribed in the amount of 1-2 tablets per reception. You need to take the medicine 1 to 3 times a day. If necessary, increase the dose.
Children's dosage should be discussed directly with the attending physician. The duration of the drug is also discussed with the pediatrician, therapist or gastroenterologist.
Do not prescribe medicine under the following conditions:
- individual intolerance of the drug components,
- with acute pancreatitis (during this period, a complete refusal to eat is recommended)
- with exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis (identical situation).
Possibilities of taking the drug during pregnancy are discussed with the attending physician.
Now a little bit about the side effects possible during the drug intake. These are allergic reactions in the presence of hypersensitivity, constipation, nausea, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen. There are such symptoms very rarely.
If you take the enzyme drug for a long time without interruption, it is possible to increase the uric acid content in the urine (hyperuricosuria) and blood (hyperuricemia). Patients with cystic fibrosis may have a narrowing of the intestine at the junction of the iliac and cecum (ileocercal region).
"Linex" is a drug that will prove useful not only in the case of development of dysbacteriosis, the cause of which was antibiotic therapy. It will help in the treatment of diarrhea caused by opportunistic microflora, intestinal infections and viruses (for example, in the therapy of rotavirus and enterovirus infection).
Apply the drug and with diarrhea in newborns, caused by unformed intestinal microflora.
The drug contains 3 types of bacteria that live in our intestines, contribute to the process of digestion and assimilation of food and support our immunity (lacto- and bifidobacteria, as well as useful enterococci).
The preparation is available in the form of capsules, which can be swallowed or opened and use only the powder contained inside, mixing it with a small amount of water. The most effective way to take the drug during meals (or immediately after it), but it will need to exclude alcohol and hot food or drinks, which disastrously affect the living bacteria in the capsule. Drink capsules better with slightly warm water in small amounts.
Children up to 2 years of age receive 1 capsule of medicine three times a day. It is clear that the kids are not able to swallow the capsule, so open it and mix the powder with 1 tsp. Sweet water, juice or tea. Use the prepared composition immediately.
Children under 12 years should take three or more times per day for 1 or 2 capsules. Those who can not swallow a capsule with a powder take a powder with water, as described above.
Patients older than 12 years take 2 capsules with the same frequency of admission. Duration of treatment in any case should be discussed with the doctor. If the two-day treatment does not give results and diarrhea does not subside, then again, a specialist consultation is necessary.
Contraindication to taking medication is only individual intolerance of the components of the drug or milk.
The appearance of side effects in this drug is the exception. The probability of their appearance is less than 1 to 10 thousand. These are allergic reactions in people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Before using the drug, it is recommended that you still visit a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. The decision to take the drug in case of fever, presence of blood in the stool, dehydration, diarrhea with severe pain, the presence of various chronic diseases and other potentially dangerous situations should only be taken by a specialist doctor.
In principle, this applies to other drugs listed in the article, no matter how safe they may seem. Severe abdominal pain and diarrhea, especially accompanied by frequent vomiting and fever, is not a reason to experiment with your body.
Alternative treatment
When there are abdominal pains and diarrhea, we usually sin on low-quality food and do not always rush to tell our doctor about the problem. Someone rushes to rinse the stomach and waits for the symptoms to subside by themselves. Others immediately recall the alternative medicine and recipes that our ancestors treated similar symptoms. The benefit of such recipes for alternative treatment is quite a lot.
For example, from diarrhea is considered an effective infusion of flax seed, which has noticeable absorbent properties. A glass of boiling water is enough to take 1 tablespoon. Seeds and allow the staff to brew for one hour. Such a medicine should be taken three times a day, drinking a glass of infusion to the bottom and pre-cooking the next. With constipation, flax seed treatment has a laxative effect, and with diarrhea reduces the number of trips to the toilet, removing harmful substances from the intestine, acting irritatingly on it.
The oak bark also has remarkable tannic properties. To treat diarrhea, pour 1 tbsp. Crushed bark with three glasses of water and boil on low heat for a quarter of an hour. We take the broth 3 times a day for 2 dessert spoons.
From strong diarrhea helps and rye biscuits. Dry crusts of rye bread should be poured in warm water and after a quarter of an hour drain. You need to drink infusion in half a cup every 2 hours during the day. The next day, diarrhea and pain should be noticeably weakened or disappear altogether. If this does not occur, then the cause is in the infection, a strong inflammatory process in the digestive tract or other pathology, rather than poisoning with poor-quality foods or malnutrition.
It is believed that from diarrhea helps and strong welding of black or green tea (with increased acidity of gastric juice, this drink is preferable), which should be consumed at least 3 times a day. The rapid effect of such treatment may not be given, but there will be no harm from it.
A quick effect with diarrhea is potato starch. 1 tsp of potato starch should be diluted ½ cup of water and drink. This agent has an astringent and enveloping action, i. E. Simultaneously struggles with diarrhea and protects the mucous GIT.
To treat children is better suited rice decoction without salt, which should have the consistency of liquid jelly. This tool has a similar effect. A child or an adult should be given in a warm form every 3-4 hours for half a cup. By the way, rice decoction and potato starch also relieve pain in the abdomen, like "Fosfalugel".
For fans of pomegranate, you can recommend not throwing pomegranate crusts, but drying them and applying them to treat diarrhea. 2 st.lyu crushed crust pour a glass of water and boil for about half an hour. A filtered and cooled broth should be taken 2 tablespoons. Before eating. You can eat in 20 minutes after taking the fixing compound. It is believed that this recipe is also effective in severe intestinal diseases with severe diarrhea (eg, in dysentery and cholera). But it's not worth risking and treating such dangerous diseases with pomegranate crusts.
Painful sensations in the abdomen can be removed with the help of seeds of cumin, fennel (dill pharmacy) or vegetable spice called dill.
Prepare a decoction of seeds of cumin: 2 glasses of water you need to take 1 tbsp. Seeds, boil the composition for no more than 5 minutes and make it insist. Take this broth is recommended in the morning on an empty stomach or before eating.
Infusion of seeds of dill or fennel: take a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. Seeds and insist for 10 minutes. We take infusion at least 3 times a day.
Fighting pains in the stomach helps and fresh potato juice, which should be drunk on an empty stomach for ½-1 glass. This is a proven tool for inflammatory diseases of the stomach, normalizing the acidity of gastric juice and protecting the body walls from irritation. Potato juice can reduce diarrhea.
With such symptoms as abdominal pain and diarrhea, healing with herbs also has a healing effect. Mother nature has given us a lot of medicinal plants that can help to cope with these unpleasant symptoms.
For example, to combat diarrhea, berries of bird cherry, possessing astringent effect, are perfect. They need to brew like tea and drink during the day, which will help get rid of pain and diarrhea.
A good effect with pains in the abdomen also has mint tea (take a glass of boiling water 1-2 tsp fresh or go dry leaves of the plant). To insist tea it is necessary not less than 10 minutes, then to drink slowly in small sips.
Chamomile helps reduce the pain symptom and diarrhea due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Decoction or infusion of the plant will be useful in gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and even with dysbiosis.
For infusion or broth, which is cooked in a water bath for 20 minutes, 1 cup of boiling water should take 1-2 tablespoons. Crushed flowers of a plant (a strong broth half dilute with water). The prepared composition should be drunk during the day for 3 doses. Children are given no more than 4 tablespoons. In a day.
But the root of aira helps to fight pain in the abdomen due to its multiple beneficial properties (tonic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antibacterial). It not only improves digestion, but also normalizes the work of baking, fights against microbes, and stops the inflammatory process in the organs of the digestive system.
Usually, the infusion of the root of the plant is prepared, taking 1 tbsp. Boiling water 1 tbsp. Crushed vegetable raw materials and leaving the composition infused for a quarter of an hour. Before each meal, take 50 ml of infusion.
In diseases accompanied by diarrhea and abdominal pain, sage, St. John's wort, yarrow, centipedes and some other medicinal herbs will also be useful. With indomitable diarrhea, you can try to brew the seeds of horse sorrel. They have a high anti-diarrhea and antibacterial activity, so they help even with strong diarrhea water.
All the above-described alternative recipes are completely safe and are good for small pains in the abdomen and diarrhea caused by stress or the use of poor quality food, inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines.
But we need to understand that in case of infectious pathologies, alternative treatment may not be sufficient and only aggravate the problem. In addition, different plants may have contraindications, so treatment suitable to one patient may be potentially dangerous for another, causing allergic reactions and exacerbations of already existing diseases.
Alternative treatment for serious pathologies should be referred to the category of adjuvant therapy and should be conducted only after a complete examination and diagnosis. It's terrible to imagine what kind of result can be obtained by trying to treat appendicitis with alternative means, considering that it is a question of colitis, poisoning or dysbiosis.
Homeopathic remedies are a topic for a separate conversation, because these drugs are very difficult to pick up, without having a certain knowledge of the field of homeopathy, considered an unconventional method of treatment. Each drug used in homeopathic treatment has many different indications. To prescribe such drugs, the role is not so much the diagnosis as the existing symptoms, as well as the constitutional and psychoemotional features of the patient's body.
But now we will talk about specific drugs in the pathogenesis of which there are symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea:
- Arsenicum album. This drug can be prescribed for severe burning pain in the stomach and intestines, the presence of vomiting and diarrhea, when relief comes from heat, but worse from cold or touching the stomach.
- Bryony is useful for cutting in an inflamed stomach and diarrhea. In this case, there is a lack of tension in the muscles of the abdomen (soft stomach), irritability, bitter taste in the mouth, deterioration in movement and eating.
- Hamomilla is prescribed for intestinal and hepatic colic, accompanied by bloating after eating, greenish diarrhea, belching and vomiting with the smell of a rotten egg, the appearance of a cold sweat.
- Dioscorea is indicated for severe colic, not fading after defecation, increased gas production, acidic eructations and regular morning diarrhea. When a person bends, the pain becomes worse.
- Podofillum in its pathogenesis has nausea, spastic pain and frequent loose stools with inflammation of the rectum. It becomes easier for a man to lie down on his stomach.
- Veratrum albumum can be prescribed with strong cramping pains, due to which a person takes a forced position, bending into a ball. Vomiting and diarrhea are also observed. Cold sweating, fogging of consciousness.
- Pulsatilla is useful in colic and cutting pains in the abdomen with variable intensity, which are accompanied by diarrhea and constipation, replacing each other. Thus the patient can complain of occurrence of bitter taste in a mouth or disturbances of taste perception. Such patients become lighter in the air with little physical activity.
This is not a complete list of drugs that can be prescribed by a homeopathic doctor for abdominal pain and diarrhea. As you can see, for correct prescribing of drugs, you need to take into account the various moments that for an ordinary person seem insignificant. Self-medication in this case can not only not bring results, but even worsen the patient's condition.
But before turning to non-traditional treatment, it is still necessary to get advice from a specialist in classical medicine with an on-site diagnosis of the disease.