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Furagin with cystitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A close relative of the known antiseptic furacilin, nitrofuran antimicrobial oral drug Furagin is often prescribed for bacterial cystitis. It should be noted that it belongs to inexpensive domestic drugs and is effective enough to cope with the most common pathogens of inflammation of the bladder.
Treatment of cystitis Furaginom, in general, is effective. If the patient does not ignore the medical recommendations and does not show self-activity, lowering his dose or interrupting treatment before the term, as a noticeable improvement occurs quickly enough, eradication of the pathogen and recovery is guaranteed. The drug has no systemic effect on the body, acting only on the genito-urinary tract, exerting bacteriostatic action and destroying bacteria only in the place of their colonies. In parallel, the drug increases immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect. And most importantly, pathogens do not develop resistance to this antibacterial agent, as to systemic antibiotics, so in most cases it turns out to be more effective. Due to this property, it can be used repeatedly and to prevent exacerbations.
Indications Furagina with cystitis
Furagin with acute cystitis, inflammation of the kidneys, urethra and prostate gland, as well as exacerbations of chronic forms of these diseases is appointed for direct destruction of the pathogen.
Can be appointed to eliminate postoperative infection or prevent the development of infection.
Furagin for the prevention of cystitis are prescribed when necessary for various invasive diagnostic manipulations on the organs of the genitourinary system.
It is also prescribed for patients with chronic bacterial cystitis in order to prevent exacerbations and complications.
In addition to the use in urology with this drug can be found in purulent ophthalmic processes, bacterial infections of the oral cavity, with purulent infected wounds of the skin and mucous membranes.
The active ingredient of the furazidine tablets from a number of nitrofuran antiseptics inhibits the enzymatic activity of several enzymes that catalyze the transport of molecular hydrogen in bacterial cells, which stops metabolic processes there, retards the development and growth of colonies of pathogens, and ultimately leads to suppression of the infectious process and the destruction of pathogens.
To Furaginu are the most common infectious agents - staphylococci and streptococci of different species, E. Coli, enterobacteria and others.
The minimum therapeutic concentration of Furagin, sufficient to inhibit the process of the life of bacteria, 1 μg / ml, is much lower than in other drugs of this group used to treat bacterial inflammation of the genitourinary system.
Acid medium urine (pH about 5.5) contributes to the most effective bacteriostatic action of the drug, alkaline is not favorable for eradication of the pathogen.
Furagin is not a systemic antibiotic and does not affect the whole body, exerting a local effect on the genito-urinary organs.
Most of the dose taken is absorbed in the distal small intestine through passive diffusion, with the maximum serum concentration being determined as early as half an hour after ingestion. This level persists for an hour, then slowly begins to decline. The therapeutic concentration of the drug is kept in the blood serum from eight to 12 hours.
The drug through the lymph flow, incidentally, and here the bacteriostatic effect, falls into the urine.
About a tenth of the administered dose is metabolized by the liver and kidneys. Elimination occurs through the urinary organs, in an unchanged form in urine, up to 15% of the drug is detected in a high therapeutic concentration, which is quite sufficient for their sanitation.
The drug is prescribed primarily to female patients, whose frequent development of cystitis is due to the anatomy of the urogenital system - the proximity of the bladder due to the short and wide urethra. Furagin from cystitis in women is often used, since this, so-called female disease, is mainly caused by an E. Coli, staphylococcal or streptococcal infection.
For female patients, no adverse effects were seen on the drug, while men have an adverse effect on fertility, which is manifested in a decrease in the quantity and quality of sperm.
Dosing and administration
The drug is administered individually and only by a doctor. In pharmacies, he is released on prescription.
Children are dosed at a rate of 5 to 7 mg per kilogram of child weight per day. If long-term treatment is expected, the daily dose is calculated based on the amount of 1 mg or 2 mg per kilogram of weight.
On the question: how to take and how much to drink Furagin with cystitis, adults can also respond only by a doctor. Do not take the drug without the doctor's appointment.
The recommended scheme for the treatment of adult patients involves a four-time administration of 100 mg (two tablets) on the first day, then a dose is taken three times a day.
Prophylactic scheme involves taking one or two tablets at night once a day.
Tablets are consumed during the meal. The patient's diet should contain a lot of protein products to ensure the necessary acidity of urine.
The course of treatment should last no more than a week. If it is necessary to continue treatment, then a break between the courses must be done at least ten to fifteen days.
Application for children
Furagin in cystitis in a child is not a drug of choice, some manufacturers do not recommend its use in pediatric practice.
If necessary, the drug can be prescribed and in childhood with various urological diseases, including bacterial cystitis. Dosage it depending on the weight of the child, his age and duration of admission.
In most instructions, its use is limited to three years of age, in other sources the prohibition on the use of Furagin in children limits the age of application of the first week of life.
Use Furagina with cystitis during pregnancy
Appoint Furagin future mothers are not recommended, because the placental barrier is not for him an obstacle.
Nursing women should also refrain from taking this medication or interrupt breastfeeding for the period of treatment.
So says the instruction to the drug, however, women during pregnancy are extremely prone to infection of the urinary tract. The fall in immunity in the first months, the change in the hormonal background, the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder in the second half of pregnancy, its stagnation - all this contributes to the appearance of painful signs of cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder is painful not only for women, but it creates a threat of infection of the fetus, because the infection is so close. In addition, the likelihood of complications is high.
In such cases, it is essential to consult a doctor and get an effective treatment. The appointment of Furagin is vital, since complications can be much more dangerous than taking a local antibacterial drug. After all, the infection must be radically destroyed.
The drug is not prescribed to patients hypersensitive to the components of its composition, in particular, to other nitrofuran antiseptics, during pregnancy and lactation, and also to children under the age of three (or perinatal period).
Decompensated renal (patients with creatinine clearance below 30ml per minute) and / or hepatic insufficiency.
Polyneuropathy of diabetic and other etiology.
Congenital deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, saccharase / isomaltazy / lactase, galactosemia, congenital and acquired porphyria.
Be wary appoint patients with anemia and lung diseases.
Side effects Furagina with cystitis
Reactions of sensitization in most cases are manifested by skin symptoms - itching and rashes. There are rare cases of acute and chronic pulmonary reactions.
Disorders of hematopoiesis, vision, joint pain, jaundice and other hepatic dysfunctions are very rare.
Not often - dyspepsia, rarely - drowsiness, weakness, fever, temporary alopecia, polyneuropathy.
When taking the drug, the urine becomes dark yellow or brown.
To prevent side effects, it is recommended to take during the course of treatment group B vitamins, anti-allergic drugs and drink as much water as possible.
Exceeding the permissible dose more often leads to headaches, depressive disorders, dizziness, weakness, psychosis. Possible development of hepatic dysfunction and pronounced reactions of sensitization.
In patients with congenital deficiency of the G6FD enzyme, aplastic (megablastic) anemia can develop.
Assistance includes gastric lavage, infusion removal of intoxication, in severe cases can help hemodialysis.
Exceeding the recommended dose in a child is much more likely than in adults, can lead to such severe consequences as toxic hepatitis or peripheral polyneuropathy.
Interactions with other drugs
The simultaneous use with nigramon (nadliklic acid) reduces the antimicrobial effect of Furagin.
The combination with drugs from uricosuria, for example, probenecid, can reduce the therapeutic concentration of furazidine in urine and neutralize its effect, simultaneously, increasing the serum level of the active ingredient and increasing the risk of intoxication of the body.
Antacids containing magnesium trisilicate, taken in combination with Furagin, reduce the absorption of the latter from the small intestine.
The use of alcohol during a course of therapy can provoke or intensify the side effects of the drug.
What to do if Furagin does not help with cystitis?
This medication prescribed properly, relief brings fairly quickly. If you take the drug exactly as prescribed by the doctor and within three to four days do not notice any positive changes in your condition, it is recommended that you consult a doctor about the diagnosis. Often the appointment is made, not waiting for diagnostic studies, only on the basis of the patient's complaints, and the clinical symptoms of urological pathologies resonate with each other. Pain in the kidney and bladder, painful rapid emptying of which can be caused by a number of factors not related to bacteriological infection. In this case, the drug does not work and you need to take other measures.
But if you know that you neglected the recommendations of a doctor or violated the treatment scheme, then do not expect the effect of taking the drug.
Often on the counters of pharmacies, the patient sees drugs of this kind, or the pharmacist can offer a substitute in the absence of a prescribed medication or offer an analogue of another manufacturer more effective in his opinion.
Therefore, the patient is faced with a choice: Furagin or Furadonin. The second drug is more expensive and, perhaps, better? Furadonin is a drug with an active substance nitrofurantoin, which has practically the same effect as furazidine. It has similar characteristics, contraindications, side effects and interactions. The warnings do not indicate an adverse effect on male fertility, therefore, in cystitis in males, it may be better to use it. However, the lack of information and the effect itself is not the same. And the price of the drug is 1.5 times higher. In this case, it is not bad to consult a doctor and listen to his opinion.
If there is a choice of Furagin or Furomag, and the second drug is more expensive, since it was produced in Latvia, then, perhaps, it is not worth paying more. They have the same active substance - furazidine, therefore, and the properties are identical.
In comparison, Furagin or Monural nitrofuran antiseptic loses. Of the modern drugs used in urology, Monural (a derivative of phosphonic acid) is considered to be the most effective to date. Its active ingredient, phosphomycin, is active against all causative agents of cystitis. Characterized by speed and high bioavailability. Already four hours after receiving all the symptoms of cystitis disappear, sometimes you can be cured at one time. If after two days the symptoms begin to disturb, then on the third day the drug is taken again. Form release - powder for the preparation of solution. There are practically no contraindications to it, except for age (from the age of 12), allergies, severe kidney failure and passing the hemodialysis course. The drug is considered safe for a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Only side effects slightly spoil such a good picture: most often there is vulvovaginitis, headache, pre-stupor, dyspepsia, less often - numbness of the limbs, abdominal pain, malaise, itching and rashes. Other undesirable consequences also occur, but much less frequently.
Antibiotic Monural combined with Furagin, strengthening the action of each other, destroying bacteria in many ways.
Nevertheless, successfully cystitis and at the same time avoid complications and chronization can only be under the control of a competent urologist, after having performed the diagnosis and determined the pathogen.
The ideal remedy is that to which the pathogenic microorganism that has colonized your organs is sensitive. It is diagnostics that will help correctly choose a remedy that will save you from the symptoms of the disease in just a couple of days.
Doctors, in general, advocate for antibiotics. Furagin to serious drugs do not rank, but, nevertheless, appoint him actively.
Patients in most of the patients respond positively, but a small group of adherents of natural remedies claims that it is possible to cure cystitis without antibiotics.
As a panacea is called Urolesan. Praise Monument on cranberries and ordinary cranberry juice.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Furagin with cystitis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.