Isolation in the corners of the eyes of a child and an adult: reasons rather than cure
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The slight discharge from the eyes that we can see in the morning after waking up is natural and should not be cause for concern. In this way, our eyes get rid of the dust particles that accumulate during the day. Light discharge from the eyes normally accumulates in the region of the inner corner of the eye, they do not cause discomfort, disappear after washing, and practically do not appear during the day.
In the case of pathology, discharge from the eyes can be dark, abundant, thick consistency. They give a person a lot of inconvenience and indicate the presence of a certain eye disease.
Causes of the secretions from the eyes
The main factor that provokes the appearance of abundant secretions from the eyes is the reaction of immunity against pathogenic microorganisms. The color and nature of the discharge depends on the degree of the inflammatory process, the patient's immune defense and the specific nature of the pathogen.
Causes of secretions from the eyes:
- Viral bacterial infections that enter the body from the outside. Often occur shortly after swimming in a polluted sea, lake or pool.
- Demodex (ciliary mite).
- Viral and bacterial infections of the eyes, endogenous (internal origin). Appear as a complication of rhinitis, sinusitis, chlamydia.
- Injury to the eye, foreign matter.
- Use of low-quality cosmetics (mascara, eye pencil).
- Improper care of contact lenses, use after the end of the period of lens availability.
- Allergy.
Risk factors
Allocations in the corners of the eyes can appear in women after using low-quality make-up and unwashed makeup brushes. Also, the procedures for the care of eyelashes, which are performed by an unskilled craftsman without sterile gloves, can cause the development of conjunctivitis. Do not wear and try on glasses of a person with conjunctivitis, as the risk of transmission of the disease is quite high. You can also get infected with demodicosis.
Another factor is contact of the eye mucosa and dirty hands. Often this route of infection is common among children and agricultural workers.
Diving with open eyes can lead to conjunctivitis, especially in hot weather and fresh water.
The first signs of the disease appear 4-6 hours after infection. In some cases, the disease occurs in a day.
The patient complains of itching, redness of the eyelids, puffiness, discomfort or pain in the eyes. After the manifestation of the first symptoms, specific discharges begin to appear. In some cases, the eye may dry out, in other cases tear is observed.
Diseases of the eyes of allergic etiology occur almost immediately after contact with the allergen. Statistics say that the most common sources of allergic conjunctivitis are dust and pollen of plants. In this case, the patient complains of discharge from the nose and eyes, sneezing and itching. An acute inflammatory process can be accompanied by an increase in temperature to 38 degrees and symptoms of general malaise. During this period, the working capacity decreases, infectious eye diseases can temporarily reduce the clearness of vision.
Discharge from the eyes of the child
Discharge from the eyes of a child may appear immediately after birth. Such a disease is called blenorrhea. The child becomes infected while passing through the mother's birth canal. For the prevention of a newborn eye drops with special drops with antibiotic.
The nature and color of eye discharge may indicate the root cause of the disease.
- Purulent discharge from the eyes
Appear in bacterial infections.
- Mucous discharge from the eyes
Accompany viral infections and allergic reactions.
- Bloody discharge from the eyes
Observed in acute form of conjunctivitis. Also, large-sized barley can bleed .
- Filiform discharge from the eyes
Appear with filamentous keratitis and very rarely on the background of allergic conjunctivitis. In these cases, the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. They accumulate the contents and go to the surface in the form of filaments.
- White discharge from the eyes
Most often the mucous consistency, is a symptom of a viral infection. There are a number of symptoms: increased tear, redness, a feeling of dryness or a feeling of "sand in the eyes." White selection may first appear in one eye or in two at once. Observed with conjunctivitis of the eye of viral etiology and as one of the symptoms of ARVI. Sometimes white discharge from the eyes can be a symptom of chlamydia.
- Yellow discharge from the eyes
Usually a thick or dense consistency that spreads in the place of closing of the eyelids, wither and form a dense yellow crust. This crust adheres eyelids and eyelashes, so the patient can not always open his eyes in the morning without first washing. They can also form a cloudy film that makes the vision slightly blurry and fuzzy. Such secretions appear when the immune defense is strengthened in response to the introduction of pathogenic bacteria causing bacterial conjunctivitis, or fungi - as a symptom of fungal keratitis.
- Brown discharge from the eyes
Cinnamon secretions from the eyes can appear after yellow discharge, if not treated with eyes. Primary appearance of brown secretions from the eyes indicates the defeat of bacterial infection of the nasolacrimal canal. In this case, there is inflammation, obstruction and stagnation of mucus that appear on the surface of the eye in the form of brown and thick purulent drops.
- Black discharge from the eyes
Black discharge from the eyes appears in very rare cases. Most often, people who work among coal or soot arise, for example, miners. Particles of the earth and dust also give the secretions from the eyes a dark shade.
- Green discharge from the eyes
Green discharge appears when a serious bacterial infection of the eyes occurs, most often in neglected states. Green discharge is pus, which indicates a strong inflammatory process of the eye mucosa. Such a disease as barley can also be accompanied by the release of greenish purulent contents.
Who to contact?
Diagnostics of the secretions from the eyes
Diagnosis includes the collection of anamnesis, examination, instrumental and laboratory methods of investigation.
The patient provides information about the presence of eye injuries, allergies, informs about all possible factors.
During the examination, the ophthalmologist evaluates the condition of the eye gap, eyelids, conjunctiva. The doctor examines the area of the lacrimal sac and gently presses it. The flow of pus from the lacrimal sac with pressure is called dacryocystitis. Next, the eyeball is examined for pathological changes, and the condition of the circumorbital region is also taken into account.
After the examination, they begin the instrumental method of diagnosis - biomicroscopy. Biomicroscopy can detect pathological changes in the eye, detect even the smallest foreign particles and determine the extent of the pathological process. For the study, a slit lamp is used.
The next step is to assess visual acuity. Visometry is carried out using a special table Sivtseva. The table shows the letters in descending order: from lines with a large font to lines with a small font. The table is read in rows from top to bottom. Visual acuity is checked first on the right, then on the left eye.
Laboratory diagnostic methods include the examination of a smear from the eye under a microscope and seeding a detachable conjunctiva.
Taking a smear is done in the morning. Analyzes for bakposev collected using a special cotton swab, sampling material for microscopy - a sterile microbiological loop.
The patient is forbidden to wash and use makeup before the procedure. The day before the manipulation stop using any medications.
Treatment of the secretions from the eyes
After the diagnosis is clarified, they start treatment. The ophthalmologist deals with the treatment of discharge from the eyes.
When allergic eye damage is necessary to isolate the patient from the effects of the allergen and prescribe a course of antihistamines.
Allergodyl in the form of eye drops are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. The drug removes the puffiness of the eyelids, a feeling of dryness, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Eye drops are used to prevent the occurrence of allergies, if you can foresee contact with the allergen. Assign adults and children over 4 years of 1 drop in each eye 2 times a day (morning and evening). When agreed with the attending physician, the frequency of application can be increased. Allergodyl is well tolerated by patients and is suitable for long-term use. Contraindication to taking the drug is the individual intolerance of the components.
To treat bacterial infections of the eyes, eye drops are used, which includes an antibiotic.
Ciprofloxacin is a drug from a number of quinolones. Bactericidal action is due to the effect on the genetic apparatus of bacteria. The drug is effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Indications for use are superficial eye infections and corneal ulcers. Apply 1-2 drops in each eye 2-3 times a day for 5 days.
Tobrex - eye drops with broad-spectrum antibiotic, has a bacteriostatic effect. Indications for use are infectious lesions of the retina, eyelids and conjunctiva. Also used in the postoperative period to prevent the occurrence of complications. Adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed 1-2 drops per conjunctive bag 3-4 times a day. The drug is well tolerated by patients. Allergy to the components of the drug occurs in the case of individual intolerance. The course of treatment is 5-6 days.
Oksolinovaya ointment - an effective antiviral agent. It is used to treat the eyes against the background of influenza, ARVI and herpes simplex virus. Adults and children are prescribed to apply ointment for the eyelid 2-3 times a day for 5 days. The drug has no contraindications. Duration of admission is agreed with the attending physician.
Vitamins are used as a concomitant treatment of eye pathologies. In the pharmacy you can buy multivitamin complexes and bioactive additives to improve vision. These preparations include bilberry fruit extract, lutein and fat-soluble vitamins. Among all vitamins, vitamin A plays an important role in vision. Retinol has a high biological activity, improves photoreception, night vision and increases visual acuity. The intake of vitamins improves the endurance of the body and helps to recover in the postoperative period.
The use of electrophoresis in physiotherapy can enhance the effect of medications. The use of electrophoresis with aloe extract improves intraocular circulation, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
The use of electrophoresis with a solution of penicillin effectively fights with manifestations of blepharitis, keratitis and conjunctivitis.
SMV therapy (centimeter therapy) has a therapeutic effect due to the use of an electromagnetic field of a certain frequency. Waves of low intensity have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, accelerate metabolism and repair damaged structures, improve trophism of tissues and normalize blood circulation.
For the treatment of barley, dacryocystitis and keratitis, UHF-therapy is used. Ultrahigh-frequency currents have a thermal effect, relieve inflammation and swelling of the tissues.
Alternative treatment
- Tea
To treat the secretion from the eyes at all times, freshly brewed black tea was used. Tea is one of the most powerful antioxidants, has a light anti-inflammatory effect, removes redness from the eyes and clears them from secretions and crusts. Tea will help in the case when redness and discharge appeared after getting dust in them. If there is an infection in the eyes, the tea can cleanse them, but for treatment it is necessary to apply pharmaceutical preparations.
- Aloe juice
Aloe juice is used to treat chronic conjunctivitis. For treatment it is better to use natural juice, which is squeezed out of the leaf. A teaspoon of aloe juice is mixed with 10 tablespoons of slightly warm boiled water. A solution of 1-2 drops is instilled in the conjunctival bag 3 times a day. The same solution wipes the upper and lower eyelid, the corners of the eyes. For each eye, use a clean cotton pad. Ready mix can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. The course of treatment is 15-20 days.
- Propolis
For the third recipe, you need to buy natural propolis. Cooking propolisnuyu water is better in the evening, so she brewed well overnight. A piece of propolis must be thoroughly crushed in such quantity that 1 teaspoon of propolis is obtained (no more than 5 grams). In an enamel container with propolis pour 100 ml of boiled warm water, mix well with a spoon and insist all night. In the morning, propolis must be wrung out, water must be filtered several times through gauze. Water is stored in the refrigerator. The agent is instilled in 1-2 drops in each eye 3 times a day. In the first days of treatment with propolis, you can feel a slight burning or tingling in your eyes. In parallel with local treatment, it is necessary to chew the honeycomb daily for 15 minutes 2 times a day. Contraindication to this type of treatment is an allergy to honey and other beekeeping products.
- Furacilin
A weak solution of furacilin is an excellent tool for combating the mild forms of bacterial conjunctivitis. To prepare the solution, 1 tablet must be ground to a powdery state and dissolved in 200 ml of warm water. Wait 5 minutes for the undissolved particles of the drug to settle on the bottom. Clean the cotton pad moistened with a warm solution and wipe the eyes 4-5 times a day. For each eye, you need to use your cotton pad. The course of treatment 2-4 days.
How to properly wash the eyes with a solution of furatsilina read in this article.
Herbal Treatment
- Echinacea
Echinacea is a powerful immunomodulator, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, so it is used to treat acute and chronic diseases.
For the preparation of the decoction, the roots of the echinacea are used, which must first be crushed. A tablespoon of Echinacea is poured into a glass of hot water and insisted on a water bath for 30-40 minutes. After a couple of hours, when the broth cools down, the roots are squeezed out, and the decoction is filtered. Echinacea apply inside 1-3 tablespoons 4 times a day. For external use use lotions and rub your eyes 3-4 times a day.
- Collection of linden, chamomile and calendula
Herbs are mixed in equal parts. For 400 ml of water, take 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture. Collect the poured boiling water and insist under the lid for 2-3 hours. When the infusion cools, it must be filtered and the grass squeezed. Take 30 minutes before eating 100 ml 4 times a day. Infusion is used to wash the eyes and lotions. Use only in a warm form.
- Euphoria
This plant is used to treat various eye diseases, including conjunctivitis. A tablespoon of herbs ovaries are poured into 400 ml of water and insisted under a closed lid for 1,5-2 hours. When the infusion cools, it must be filtered, the grass must be wrung out. Infusion is used for rubbing the eyes (4 times a day) and eye lotions (3 times a day for 15 minutes on both eyes).
- Gepar Sulfur (sulfuric liver) is a homeopathic preparation based on a combination of sulfur and calcium. The drug is used to treat eye diseases, which are accompanied by abundant purulent discharge, pain and discomfort. The dosage is chosen by the doctor, however, small and medium doses are most often used. Issue in the form of grindings and granules. Inside take 6-8 granules 3-4 times a day. Gepar sulfur is a non-toxic compound that is well tolerated by patients. Contraindication to use is the individual intolerance of the drug.
- Argentum nitritikum (moonstone) - a preparation of silver nitrate. Silver is a good antiseptic, so it is prescribed for the treatment of chronic bacterial infection. Also, the preparation improves the repair of damaged tissues and prevents the attachment of a secondary bacterial infection. Use medium doses. 5-6 granules are taken orally 4 times a day for a month. Contraindication to taking the drug is an allergy to the metal and intolerance to silver nitrate.
- Euphrasia (stellar foci) is a homeopathic preparation based on plant raw materials. Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and soothing effect. Relieves the feeling of dryness and overexertion of the eyes, relieves redness, stops lacrimation. In the treated purposes small and medium dilutions are used. The drug is well tolerated and has no contraindications.
- Rus toxicodendron - an effective drug for the treatment of eye infections, which are accompanied by the release of pus. Indications for use are pain in the eyes and the inability to open eyes in the morning after awakening. For treatment use small doses of the drug, since the plant is poisonous. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.
Surgical treatment of secretions from the eyes is prescribed in extreme cases, when conservative treatment is ineffective.
With chronic dacryocystitis, dacryocystorhinostomy is performed. During this operation, the surgeon creates a duct connecting the tear sack and nasal cavity. Thanks to such a suture, the contents of the lacrimal sac will pass into the nasal cavity, rather than accumulate in the lacrimal sac.