The destruction of the vitreous of the eye: the more dangerous, the reasons for how to treat
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Today, in medicine, the need to restore vision is becoming increasingly important. Patients complain of reduced visual acuity, clarity of perception. For many, the perceived object is twofold, or "flies" appear before the eyes. In an attempt to understand what kind of "flies", and where they come from, scientists came to the conclusion that the cause is the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye. This is quite a complex disease, which is difficult to treat.
What is dangerous destruction of the vitreous body?
The most dangerous are detachment, liquefaction, wrinkling.
Dilution is accompanied by the formation of empty spaces. Also, there is accumulation of intraocular fluid, protein compounds. Fibers are formed from fibrils that adhere to each other and form various configurations in the field of view, they are associated with flies, spider webs, octopuses. At the same time, yarns and yarn balls are formed.
An even more dangerous form of destruction is wrinkling, the end result of which is retinal detachment. It is an essential reduction of the vitreous in size, the formation of folds. Gradually, the structure is deformed, the vitreoretinal structures are stretched, which can lead to rupture or detachment.
Three types of destruction are distinguished in form: filamentous, crystalline and granular. According to the frequency of occurrence, the filiform form predominates: 52%. Crystalline account for 4%, for grainy - 44%. The trigger factor, which triggers the development of a filiform form of pathology, is predominantly (71% of cases) atherosclerotic processes and progressive myopia.
The development of the granular form of pathology is facilitated by the inflammatory process in the internal reticular layer. It is for this reason that 68% of cases of granular destruction develop.
Crystals of cholesterol and tyrosine cause the development of crystalline destruction in 42% of cases.
"Flies" before the eyes are found in about 50% of people over the age of 60 years.
Causes of the destruction of the vitreous body
Destruction can occur for various reasons. Almost always the vitreous body undergoes degenerative and dystrophic changes with age. Such changes begin with about 40 years, and finally formed by the age of 60. Congenital myopia, weakening of the eye muscle, can lead to similar changes. Often pathology is a consequence of vascular disorders, occurs against a background of vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial and venous disorders. Dystrophic changes in blood vessels can also lead to pathology. Cervical osteochondrosis, various hormonal and neuropsychic reconstructions, pregnancy, taking hormonal medications, can provoke the disease.
As a cause, various injuries and injuries to the head, neck, eyes, and eye surgery are also considered. Long physical exertion, stress, neuropsychic overstrain, exposure to the body of radiation, toxins, biological objects also serves as one of the causes of pathology.
Risk factors
The risk group includes elderly people, pregnant women, people during hormonal reorganization (adolescent, climacteric period). Also, the risk increases significantly when taking certain medications, in particular, hormonal drugs. To avoid risk, you should not allow the development of osteochondrosis, myopia and weakness of the eye muscle.
At the heart of pathogenesis is a violation of the normal structure of the transparent substance located between the lens and the retina of the eye. Normally, the vitreous humor is transparent and is represented by special filaments (fibrils) that are localized in the gel. Various pathological conditions and diseases lead to aging of the fibril, which break fast enough, lose elasticity. On top of them is the deposition of various aging products in the form of granules.
The process is accompanied by turbidity and the formation of spots that are sufficiently visible on a white background or in the daytime, under light. It is these granules, fragments of fibrils that humans perceive as flies, filaments. They can envelop the eye, like a film, while significantly reducing vision.
Most often, central departments of colloidal gel are subjected to destructive transformations. The process takes place in several stages. In the first stage, a cavity is formed that contains liquid and coagulated collagen masses. In the future, an increasing number of fibrillar proteins are involved in the pathological process. They undergo coagulation, go far beyond the limits of formation, as a result, the gelatinous substance turns into liquid and fills the space between the lens and the retina.
Gradually, substances of different configurations are formed, attached to the fundus and entail wrinkling, triggers an adhesive process. There is a decrease in the vitreous in the volume, its deformation, as a result of which the vitreoretinal junctions are stretched and retinal detachment subsequently occurs .
Symptoms of the destruction of the vitreous body
The destruction of the vitreous body is manifested as a defect that occurs in the visual field. It can be structures of different configurations, for example, threads of different thickness, yarn tangles, flies that constantly fly before your eyes. Forms can be absolutely any, while for the same person they remain constancy. Quite often there are flashes, lightning, before the eyes.
Especially good these phenomena are visible on a light background, in the daytime, against the backdrop of any bright surfaces. If the lighting is insufficient, or in the dark, a person, as a rule, does not notice anything of the kind, and does not feel any discomfort. Sometimes such phenomena can arise on nervous soil: after stress, nervous overexertion, overwork. Some people have a feeling that objects move behind the eyes, as a result of which it is impossible to focus the view.
First signs
The first signs of destruction are the appearance of various small objects in front of the eyes. They move, less often - they stand still. Most often people compare such objects with flies, spots, clouding in front of their eyes. In ophthalmology such periodically arising images are usually called optical phenomena. They occur mainly with an increase in blood pressure, with strokes on the head. Can arise as a result of a sharp change in position, with the lifting of weights.
Optical objects are characterized by constancy, stable shape and good visibility against a light background. When these first symptoms appear, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible in order to diagnose the disease, identify its cause and take the necessary measures.
Destruction of the filamentous form is characteristic of patients suffering from atherosclerosis. Also, the formation of filaments can be the result of dystrophic changes in the retina. One of the most common pathologies that occurs in patients with myopia. Such changes may appear in old age.
If you examine the lasagne bottom with a slit lamp, you can note the presence of fibers that differ significantly in shape and size. Optically empty gaps are clearly visible between them. This is the zone in which the vitreous body is diluted. There are various forms of severity of the disease: from minimal to extremely severe.
During the biomicroscopic examination of the eye, a suspension of microparticles of various sizes, shapes and colors is detected. The slurry is represented by the remains of a broken structure of the vitreous. Also included in the composition are cellular elements, components of cell membranes. You can find ciliary cells of the retina, white blood cells, lymphocytes, pigment cells that have come from defective vessels. A powerful destructive process develops, which is based on the inflammation of the inner layer of the retina. Often occur against a background of chronic or acute uveitis, diabetic retinopathies, hemophthalmus. With hemophthalms, the grains differ in red.
According to the type of golden rain
Often patients claim that they have gold sparks before their eyes. They are especially pronounced when the eye moves. This indicates functional disorders of various organs, in particular: kidneys, liver, endocrine glands. Often the cause is a violation of metabolic processes, which only worsen over time. As a result, the colloidal environment of the body changes, and their composition changes.
Similar processes occur in the vitreous body. It develops pathological local changes, active processes of precipitation and coagulation unfold. There is a deposition of crystals consisting mainly of cholesterol and tyrosine. The main accumulation occurs in the vitreous body. During movements, their pendulum oscillation occurs, active luminescence and transfusion begins. It is for this reason that the symptom was called "golden rain". This form of destruction is quite rare.
To diagnose pathology it is possible by means of an ophthalmoscopy - a standard technique, which is often used in diagnostic practice.
Under mixed destruction, this type of pathology is meant, in which two types of destruction develop simultaneously, or all three. Most often observed both filamentous and granular pathology, in which in the cavity of the eye can be found both filamentous elements and granular components. The combination with crystalline destruction is extremely rare, in about 1.5% of cases.
The destruction of the vitreous body of both eyes
Destruction can develop both in one and in both eyes. In most cases first, one eye is subjected to destructive changes, then, gradually, the pathological process spreads to the second eye. Most often, both eyes are covered with granular and filamentous destruction. Crystalline is rarely observed.
The destruction of the vitreous body in a child
At the child destruction is observed much less often, than at adults or older persons. Most often in children, destruction is the result of injuries or damage to the eye, brain. Congenital myopia, myopia, as well as stress, overfatigue, nervous and mental overstrain can lead to destruction of the vitreous. Most often in children, filamentous destruction is observed, more rarely granular. Cases of crystalline destruction are little known, and appeared mainly against the background of a delay in mental and physical development, the violation of metabolic processes.
Complications and consequences
The consequence of the destruction of the vitreous body is the formation of voids in which liquid accumulates. Gradually they are filled with intraocular fluid. The eye is subjected to necrotic and dystrophic processes. The most dangerous complication is rupture of the retina or its detachment.
How to stop the destruction of the vitreous body?
In order to stop the destruction of the vitreous body, qualified help from specialists is required. Do it yourself is not possible. First of all, you need to contact a retinologist who will conduct an examination of the fundus. In order to identify pathology, the ophthalmoscopy method is used, which is a study of the eye using a slit lamp.
The main condition is early diagnosis, which makes it possible in time to identify the cause of the formation of flies. This significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and prevents further progression of the disease. The doctor determines the features of therapy, depending on the revealed pathologies. Surgery or laser correction may be required, as there is no specific conservative treatment.
Diagnostics of the destruction of the vitreous body
Diagnostics is based on the recognition of pathology primarily in the clinical picture. Therefore, it is important to carefully study the anamnesis of the patient's life and illness, obtain the necessary information and information about the patient. Based on the subjective feelings of the patient and the data of objective examination, a preliminary diagnosis is made. If the data is insufficient, additional laboratory and instrumental studies can be assigned. Differential diagnostics is also carried out, which makes it possible to clearly distinguish the signs of one disease from another. It is important to pay attention to the concomitant diseases, because they can also cause destruction. Often, destruction is not a major disease, but a secondary pathology that has developed as a result of another disease.
The need for laboratory analyzes is rare, since the main method of research is instrumental diagnostics. Rarely bacteriological examination of tear fluid may be necessary. Such a need arises mainly with bacterial damage to the eye, suspicion of conjunctivitis.
In acute inflammatory process, a clinical blood test is performed. In the crystalline form of destruction, which occurs against the background of metabolic disorders, you may need a biochemical blood test, deployed immunogram.
Instrumental diagnostics
At the heart of instrumental diagnostics lies an ophthalmoscopy, a biomicroscopy, which allows one to study in detail the eye itself, the fundus of the eye. Additional methods of research that can provide the necessary amount of information are ultrasound, tonometry and visometry.
Using the ophthalmoscopic method, it is possible to identify optically empty cavities, which in most cases are represented by vertical slits. In the presence of complete destruction, a single cavity is found, filled with fragments of fibrils. The boundary membrane can collapse, then there is no retrolental space. If clouding is localized at the edge of the retina, no specific changes will be detected.
Using a slit lamp, a colloidal gel, clouding in the form of flakes, is detected by a biomicroscopy study. With filamentous destruction, collagen fibers of a loop-like shape are found. Granular destruction manifests itself as a cluster of particles of small size. Particles predominantly gray or brown in color. In later stages, it is possible to identify accumulations of grains as a separate conglomerate.
Another very informative method of research is ultrasound. It is used most often in the presence of hemorrhages in the retina of the eye or vitreous body. It makes it possible to identify the source of hemorrhage. The presence of echo-negative signals from the crystal lattices within the colloid, as well as the mobility of crystals, grains and collagen aggregations, indicates the dilution of the vitreous.
Optical coherence tomography is performed if other methods of research do not provide the required amount of information. Destruction will be indicated by a decrease in size and an atypical form of the vitreous, its turbidity and heterogeneous consistency. With massive hemophthalmia, the method is contraindicated.
Using the method of visometry, one can diagnose the degree of vision loss.
With the help of tonometry, the intraocular pressure is examined.
Differential diagnosis
In order to finally diagnose, it is necessary to clearly separate the signs of destruction from other diseases that have similar manifestations. So, flies and spots in front of the eyes are similar, they can occur with retinal rupture, head trauma and neurological disorders.
Exclude these diseases by examining, checking eyesight, examining the fundus and examining using a slit lamp and an ophthalmoscope.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the destruction of the vitreous body
The treatment is rather complicated and is chosen strictly for each patient. The intensity and direction of therapy is determined by the nature and extent of lesions, and also on how spoiled the patient's vision is. The influence of pathology on the capacity for work, the physical and mental state of the patient is also taken into account.
Specific treatment has not been developed to date. Methods that would allow effective and without additional risks to remove fibrillar growths, still does not exist. Therefore, the basis of therapy is the focus on identifying the underlying disease and further fighting it. For example, if the cause of destruction is diabetes mellitus, then it is necessary first of all to fight precisely with it, then the destruction normalizes as a secondary pathology.
The basis of drug therapy is the use of resorptives, drugs that improve cerebral circulation. Specific treatment aimed directly at the restoration of destroyed fibrils and prevention of destruction does not exist.
Now the market has a large number of biological active additives, drugs that can indirectly affect tissue repair, including fibrils. You can try the application of physiotherapy methods, alternative recipes and homeopathic remedies. Surgical treatment and laser correction are also used.
Is it possible to cure the destruction of the vitreous body?
Direct methods aimed at treating destruction do not exist. But it is possible and necessary to treat the destruction. Today, treatment includes the means aimed at resolving the deposits and fibrillar formations inside the eye, as well as reducing the load on the visual analyzer. Etiologic therapy is used to eliminate the cause that caused the destruction. Symptomatic therapy is also used, which allows eliminating the main symptoms of pathology. These methods allow achieving good results and preventing further development of pathology. If inefficiencies are used, operational methods or laser correction.
First of all, I would like to note that there are no specific medicines aimed at treating the destruction of the vitreous humor. Therefore, at the present time, any claim that a drug or supplement is directed at eliminating destruction is false or erroneous. Any drug will have only an indirect effect, this must be remembered. It is important to observe the precautionary measures - use the funds only for the doctor's prescription, according to a strictly prescribed scheme. This is due to the fact that the funds are selected for each case individually, and is based on the results of laboratory and instrumental research. There are numerous side effects, in particular, aggravation of pathology or occurrence of other diseases of the organ of vision.
To improve cerebral circulation, and as a result, improve blood supply to the brain, use pyracetam 0.4 grams 2-3 times a day.
To eliminate hypoxia and normalize metabolic processes in the brain, apply cinnarizine: 25 mg 2-3 times a day.
I have proven myself mexidol, which has a relaxing and antioxidant effect. Eliminates dystrophic and necrotic processes, accelerates the transfer of nerve impulses, promotes resorption of the seals. Take the drug you need with a gradual increase in the load from the minimum to the maximum. Begin with 200 mg per day, gradually increase to 600 mg. You also need to finish gradually. In this case, you need to return to the minimum dosage - 200 mg per day.
Midokalm is used to stabilize the nervous system, normalize metabolic processes and reduce muscle tone. Take the pill three times a day.
Drops in the destruction of the vitreous body
For the treatment of destructive processes, eye drops are used. They are vitamin and resorptive, aimed at resorption of deposits and formations inside the eye. You have been recommended by such drops as ophadex, taufon, ciprofloxacin, levomycetin droplets. Also, potassium iodide is used as a strong absorbent. Drops have a local effect. Only their applications will not be enough to eliminate pathology and alleviate the condition. Therefore, resort to systemic therapy, taking medicines inside.
- Wobenzym
A drug intended for normalization of microcirculation in the tissues of the eye. Has a resorptive effect, eliminating the inflammatory process and reducing the amount of deposits and neoplasms in the eye. Restores normal blood circulation. It is an enzyme preparation that dissolves collagen fibers and their clots. Apply strictly according to the doctor's prescription, with the observance of an individually developed scheme. The scheme is developed on the basis of the results of laboratory and instrumental research.
- Emoxipine
The drug is aimed at normalization of microcirculation in the tissues of the eye. Related to vascular drugs. It restores cerebral circulation, normalizes intraocular pressure. Apply strictly according to the prescription of the doctor in accordance with the prescribed scheme.
- Taufon
It is an eye drop that stimulates metabolic processes in the cells and tissues of the eye. In its composition contains an active vitamin complex. It is used for minor disturbance of the visual field. With more severe disorders, complex therapy is required, including systemic action drugs. Apply 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.
- Glycine
Glycine is a drug aimed at stimulating activity and normalizing the function of the brain, improving cerebral circulation, maintaining normal blood supply and metabolism. Normalizes the function of the brain and auditory analyzer. Take 2-3 tablets 3-4 times a day.
To maintain the normal functioning of the visual analyzer, to prevent destructive and dystrophic processes, it is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily concentrations:
- Vitamin H - 150 μg
- Vitamin PP - 60 mg
- Vitamin C - 500-1000 mg
- Vitamin E is 45 mg.
Physiotherapeutic treatment
As the basic physiotherapy procedure, electrophoresis is used. This procedure, which is based on the effect on the skin and mucous membranes microcurrent. Under the influence of a microcurrent, drugs quickly penetrate deep into tissues, penetrate directly into the tissue that needs treatment. This increases the accuracy and direction of the action, reduces the need for the amount of substance. Accordingly, the likelihood of side effects and overdose decreases. Essential medicines are resorptive, vascular, vitamins and enzyme complexes.
Alternative treatment
Well-proven alternative means that allows you to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process from the eyes and remove the flashing "flies" before your eyes.
To prepare the broth requires 25 grams of cumin. Boil for 5 minutes in boiling water. Then do not filter, and add to the resulting broth a tablespoon of blue cornflower flowers. With fire set aside, insisted for an hour, wrapped in heat. After that, decoction is filtered and buried in the eyes for 1-2 drops with the appearance of unpleasant sensations, burning, flies, reduced vision.
Grass is used for a long time to wash and instill eyes. To prepare the broth, take 15 grams of grass, insist for 8 hours in boiling water. Drip 2-3 drops three times a day.
A decoction of chamomile is used to wash and wash the eyes. You can also make lotions when flies and unpleasant sensations appear. To prepare the broth, take a tablespoon of chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for 30-40 minutes.
Treatment of destruction of the vitreous body of the eye with an egg
In alternative medicine, the destruction of the eye is treated with an egg. For carrying out of medical influence it is necessary to boil the hard-boiled egg. Yolk is extracted, ground with honey until a homogeneous mass is formed. Protein cooked again. As soon as it became moderately hot, put on the eyes from above, lie down and lie for 10-15 minutes. After removing the protein, we put a mixture of yolk with honey on the eye area, lie for another 5-10 minutes. The procedure should be performed daily for a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Promotes resorption of neoplasms and deposits, removes the inflammatory process.
Herbal Treatment
Herbs are actively used to treat various inflammatory and destructive processes, including for the treatment of eye diseases.
Well proved to be a decoction of plantain with the appearance of flies and circles before your eyes. To prepare the broth, take a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for 1-2 hours, used to wash the eyes, wash or lotions.
Also use a decoction of a highlander. To prepare a tablespoon of herbs pour 1-2 cups of boiling water. Used in a warm form for washing, lotions.
Decoction of medicinal mint is used for the appearance of flies and other unpleasant sensations in front of the eyes. As a local remedy used for lotions, rinsing and instillation of the eyes. As a systemic preparation, the prepared decoction is taken orally.
To prepare a tablespoon of herbs pour two cups of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. Then divide into two glasses. One glass is drunk during the day. It is recommended to drink a third cup three times a day. The second glass is used for external use.
Homeopathic remedies are effective enough, cause a minimum of side effects. But, despite this, you need to take precautions: take only after a preliminary consultation with your doctor, strictly follow all recommendations and the scheme of admission.
Well proven means to eliminate necrotic, dystrophic and destructive processes in the tissues of the body. These are mainly herbal infusions, which have long been used to activate metabolic processes, stimulate regeneration in tissues.
- Recipe number 1.
To prepare the infusion of 15 grams of tinder, mix white with 10 grams of hop cones, pour 500 ml of vodka. Drink 50 grams per day.
- Recipe number 2.
Take 10 grams of blood grocery pharmacy, mixed with 15 grams of elecampane high, pour 500 ml of vodka. Drink 3-4 tablespoons twice a day.
- Recipe number 3.
Take the herb bloody medicinal, the poplar buds black in a 2: 1 ratio, pour a glass of vodka, insist the day. Drink 2-3 tablespoons twice a day.
- Recipe number 4.
Take tincture of geranium meadow and hops cone extract, mix in a ratio of 2: 1, insist for a day. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.
The main method of surgical treatment is vitrectomy - a technique aimed at complete or partial removal of the vitreous. After that the removed sites are subject to replacement by a special artificial medium. This is a radical method, which is used only as a last resort if there are serious indications.
The operation is effective, but it is rarely performed due to high risks. Complications are often observed, such as hemorrhage into the eye cavity, retinal detachment, cataract.
Treatment of destruction of the vitreous body with a laser
If the destruction is sufficiently pronounced and does not yield to conservative treatment, surgical methods are used. The main technique is vitreolysis, aimed at grinding large fragments of collagen. For the operation, local anesthesia is used.
First, the pupils are enlarged with the help of mydriatic short-acting, then they perform the necessary manipulations with the help of a laser. The operation is complicated by the high mobility of pathological accumulations within the colloidal gel. However, in general, such operations are quite fast and successful, there are almost no complications after them, vision does not decrease.
Unfortunately, today the operation is not widespread enough. It is practiced by only a few specialists.
Nutrition in the destruction of the vitreous body
When destroying, one should use sparing food. It is desirable to use boiled, steam dishes. It is also important to include in the diet a large number of products containing carotenoids, vitamin A, E, B. A mandatory product on the table should be blueberries, as berries have a restoring effect on the eyes. You need to eat carrots daily, both fresh and in a variety of salads. Useful products for eyes such products as salad, spinach, celery, turnips. From the diet should be excluded fatty meat, fried, smoked, spicy dishes, marinades, smoked.
The basis of prevention is timely diagnosis. When the first signs of the disease appear, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. It is important to undergo preventive examinations in a timely manner, treat the diagnosed diseases of other organs, especially vascular pathologies. This is due to the fact that destruction is often a secondary pathology that occurs as a result of the disease of another organ or system.
Do not let fatigue, overexertion of the eyes. In the event of poor vision, it is necessary to carry out its correction in a qualitative way. It is also important to maintain a full-fledged diet with the necessary amount of nutrients and vitamins. It is necessary to include in the diet more fresh fruits and vegetables, especially carrots, blueberries.
The prognosis can be favorable with timely treatment, regular check-ups. If the destruction of the vitreous of the eye will be under the constant supervision of a specialist, it may not become a hindrance to life. A person adapts to the inconvenience and optical effects, and the quality of his life does not decrease. But in the absence of control, the pathology can turn into a more severe form, serious complications can develop, up to complete loss of vision.