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Euphyllinum with obstructive and chronic bronchitis: inhalation, droppers, electrophoresis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi that occurs with bouts of painful coughing against the background of shortness of breath. The inflammatory process in the bronchi always proceeds with the formation of a large amount of mucus, for the removal of which it is required to expand the airways, bound as a result of muscle spasm because of their excessive stress. The spasmolytic drug "Eufillin" with bronchitis performs the function of an active bronchodilator, which helps restore airway patency even in case of severe obstruction.
Since "Eufillin" is not a specific bronchodilator, and due to its ability to quickly remove spasms of smooth muscles is used for a wide range of various diseases, some readers have a fairly fair question: can "Eufillin" be used in bronchitis? And if you consider that the drug is famous for a large number of contraindications and side effects, the possibility of its use is generally put under a big question.
Nevertheless, the drug is used for inflammation of the bronchi, even in young children. And in many cases quite successfully, which means it makes sense to consider the use of this antispasmodic for treating bronchitis in more detail.
Indications of the eufillina with bronchitis
It should be noted immediately that the indications for the use of the drug are quite wide, because its active substance (aminophylline, theophylline derivative) is able to relieve muscle spasms not only of the bronchi, but also of the heart, vessels, bladder, bile ducts, etc. But now we are interested in when it is recommended to take "Eufillina" with bronchitis.
So, "Eufillin" is an active bronchodilator, which improves the sputum discharge, and therefore it can be successfully used for cough accompanied by the release of a large amount of viscous bronchial contents. Very often this situation is observed in chronic bronchitis and in the ardent fans of tobacco smoking, which means that "Eufillin" can be used to treat such patients.
"Eufillin" also helps with severe attacks of cough, accompanied by suffocation due to spasm of the bronchi. "Eufillin" with obstructive bronchitis helps to quickly eliminate bronchospasm, which complicates not only the departure of phlegm, but also breathing, which is dangerous for the patient's life.
Attacks of a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi can provoke various factors, which means that one must be ready to provide urgent help to a patient with obstructive bronchitis (or even bronchial asthma) at any time and in different situations. "Eufillin" is available both in the form of injectable solutions, and in the form of tablets, which makes it possible to always keep it with you, using in critical situations.
It should be noted that obstructive bronchitis with a violation of the patency of the airways, beginning from the pharynx and ending with the lungs, often results from ineffective treatment of chronic bronchitis. However, in some cases, obstruction can be caused by regular ingress of dust and other foreign substances into the bronchi. In infancy, obstruction is often associated with the ingress of various fluids (blood, milk, etc.) into the respiratory tract. "Eufillin" will prove useful in these situations, it is introduced after the extraction of foreign bodies and liquids from the respiratory tract.
The drug "Eufillin", according to the instructions to it, is intended for the treatment of patients older than 6 years. However, in the case of severe obstructive bronchitis, which threatens the life of a small patient, doctors effectively use the drug, calculating the allowable dose in this case in each case.
In any medicinal preparation there is an active substance (one or several), the presence of which determines the therapeutic properties of the drug. In the preparation "Eufillin" this substance is aminophylline, which possesses spasmolytic properties. As the catalyst triggered by aminophylline processes is ethylenediamine, which not only enhances the drug, but also facilitates its rapid dissolution in a liquid medium.
Due to this composition, effective antispasmodic has the opportunity to use not only in the form of tablets, but also as an injectable solution for intramuscular injections or infusion solution for drip administration, which is important in situations where procrastination is unacceptable.
The main effect of aminophylline is aimed at relaxing the muscles of the bronchial system, which allows air to freely enter the lungs, delivering oxygen there, and provides the removal of carbon dioxide. However, in parallel with this, the drug is able to strengthen nonspecific defense of the bronchi, stimulating their inner shell, which produces mucus.
By stimulating the brain centers responsible for respiration, aminophylline stimulates the contractility of not only the bronchi, but also other muscles participating in the act of breathing, including the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. Increasing the sensitivity of the body to CO 2 and improving the oxygen saturation of blood by improving the ventilation of the bronchial system, aminophylline exerts a positive effect on other organs and systems that experience oxygen starvation during spasm.
Bronchitis is an insidious pathology that provides the strongest load not only on the respiratory, but also on the cardiovascular system of the patient. Stimulating myocardial contraction and strengthening coronary blood flow, "Eufillin" thereby facilitates the work of the heart, reducing the load on it.
Relaxing the muscles of the kidneys and bladder, the drug provides an easy diuretic effect, which makes it effective for removing edema if they pose a danger to the patient.
The drug has a rapid absorption even with oral administration. Eating food can slightly reduce the rate of absorption, without affecting the volume. The rate of absorption also depends on the dose of the drug. Small doses of drugs are absorbed in the digestive tract faster than large doses.
The maximum concentration of aminophylline in the blood plasma is observed after 1-2 hours after taking the drug (with oral administration), with intravenous administration, the peak concentration is observed after 15 minutes.
Aminophylline is partially metabolized in the liver with the release of caffeine, which in children up to 3 years of age is significantly longer than in adults, which means it can accumulate in the child's body.
Assigning "Eufillin" in bronchitis to patients of different ages and health status, it should be borne in mind that the half-life period is directly dependent on these indicators. So in newborns and patients with heart diseases T1 / 2 will be equal to 1 day, while in quite healthy adult patients this figure will be within 8-9 hours. Nicotine in high doses accelerates the excretion of aminophylline.
When prescribing the drug during pregnancy and lactation, it is necessary to realize that aminophylline is able to penetrate into breast milk and fetal blood, where its concentration is even higher than in the mother's blood.
It is excreted mainly by the kidneys.
Dosing and administration
Despite all the above-described points, doctors continue to use "Eufillin" in chronic bronchitis with obstruction of the airways, bronchospasm, emphysema and other dangerous conditions, when the drug almost saves lives.
Consider how different forms of the drug can be used to treat chronic inflammation of the bronchi.
Tablets "Eufillin" with bronchitis
The drug in the form of tablets is intended for oral administration. Take medicine after eating, drinking ½ cup of water. Tablets can be swallowed whole or broken into 2-4 parts.
The dosage of the drug is selected individually, taking into account the rate of excretion of the drug from the body in different groups of patients.
The daily dose of the drug for adults and adolescents with a body weight of more than 50 kg ranges between 450-900 mg (3 to 6 tablets 150 mg) with the possibility of increasing the dose to 8 tablets. Take medication every 6 hours, dividing the daily dosage into 3-4 equal parts.
If the weight of an adult patient is in the range of 40-50 kg (for adolescents, this figure is slightly higher - from 45 to 55 kg), the daily dose of the medicine should not exceed 600 mg.
The daily dose for children over 6 years and adolescents with a body weight of less than 45 kg is calculated as 13 mg per kilogram of body weight of the patient. In general, this results in a minimum daily intake for adults - 450 mg (3 tablets). Multiplicity of admission - 3 times a day.
Ampoules "Eufillin" with bronchitis
Pharmacological industry produces "Eufillin" not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of a solution of the drug, placed in ampoules. Each ampoule (5 and 10 ml) of the drug contains 120 or 240 mg of aminophylline.
"Eufillin" with bronchitis in injections can be prescribed both intravenously and intramuscularly. Intravenous injections are indicated if the situation is life-threatening and urgent care is required. After all, with this method of administration, the drug most quickly enters the bloodstream, forming effective concentrations there.
For intravenous injections, the drug is mixed with a 9% solution of sodium chloride in a ratio of 1: 2. The duration of the injection should not be less than 5 minutes, otherwise there is a high probability of adverse reactions from the cardiovascular system (increased heart rate, shortness of breath, falling blood pressure). If this is observed even at a low injection rate of the drug, you need to go to a drip introduction.
During the injection, the patient should be in a supine position, and the doctor must constantly monitor his condition. The dose for adults is calculated as 6 mg per 1 kg of body weight.
Intramuscularly, the drug can be administered to a child according to vital indications. In this case, the dose is calculated as 15 mg of aminophylline per kilogram of patient weight.
If necessary, the dosage of 1 time in 2-3 days can be increased by a quarter of the initial dose.
The dropper "Efillina" with bronchitis can be prescribed for adults and children, if the situation arises threatens the patient's life.
In situations that pose a threat to the patient's life, the drug is given in a shock dose (5.6 mg per 1 kg of body weight) for 30 minutes, maintenance therapy is performed in smaller doses (0.9-3.3 mg per 1 kg of weight at a rate of 30-50 drops per minute up to 3 times a day).
Solution for infusion is prepared by mixing 2 ampoules of "Eufillina" in 5 or 10 mg with a solution of sodium chloride in a volume of 100-150 ml.
Droppers for children are put only as a last resort. The daily dosage for babies up to 3 months should not exceed 60 mg. For older children, the drug is given in a dose corresponding to 2-3 mg per kilogram of the child's weight.
A single dose of aminophylline for adults should not exceed 250 mg. In the maximum dose, the drug can be administered no more than 2 times a day.
The duration of treatment with the help of injections should not exceed 2 weeks. As soon as the patient's condition improves, it is recommended to transfer it to oral medications.
Non-traditional application of "Euphyllin"
According to the manufacturer's instructions, the drug "Eufillin" with bronchitis should be used as a peroral medicine, as well as for injection or drip administration in cases of acute bronchial obstruction. Electrophoresis with "Euphilin" is used mainly for the treatment of bronchial asthma and osteochondrosis, in cases of cerebral circulation disorders, to reduce intracranial pressure, and to relieve tension of smooth muscles, but this procedure is not mentioned in the manual for bronchitis.
Nevertheless, such treatment of bronchitis is also actively practiced among doctors. For electrophoresis, use an ampoule solution of the drug, which moistens the tissue to then apply it on the area of the bronchial tubes between the body of the patient and the electrode.
With bronchitis, "Eufillin" can be used alone or in combination with magnesia. In the second case, one napkin is wetted in a solution of "Eufillina", and the other is impregnated with magnesium, after which the napkins are put under the electrodes with different poles.
The medicine passes through the skin under the influence of an electric current, the strength of which is selected individually. Thus, aminophylline is supplied directly to the bronchi, facilitating breathing and facilitating the saturation of blood with oxygen, but without having systemic effects on other organs, which is especially important in the therapy of small patients.
The time of the procedure usually ranges from 10 to 20 minutes (in pediatrics, the time is set to 10 minutes). On average, about 15-20 procedures are performed, which are appointed daily or once every 2 days.
The conventional method for carrying out drug electrophoresis is described above. However, with bronchitis as one of the pathologies of the respiratory organs, good results are also obtained by interstitial electrophoresis, in which the drug is administered orally or parenterally, after which the electrodes are applied to the area of the bronchi.
The introduction of drugs by electrophoresis is painless (for example, intramuscular administration of the drug is accompanied by severe pain) a method of therapy in which even small doses of the drug produce a lasting positive effect, and the bioavailability of aminophylline approaches 100%, which can not be achieved with oral administration.
However, in the appointment of electrophoresis, it is necessary to take into account contra-indications concerning not only the medicine used, but also the procedure itself. Electrophoresis is not performed if the patient is in a serious condition, he has a high body temperature (from 38 degrees), blood coagulability is disrupted, in the presence of pacemakers and other metal-containing implants, if the integrity of the skin at the site of exposure, during menstruation. Do not allow the procedure and health pathologies such as tuberculosis (active form), cancer, liver and kidney failure. The influence of the electromagnetic field is considered dangerous for decompensated cardiovascular failure and severe mental disorders. Electrophoresis is prohibited during the exacerbation of the disease.
Another unconventional way to use "Eufillina" with bronchitis, is the holding of inhalations with the drug. It is difficult to say on what grounds the rationale for such treatment is based. Apparently the property that "Eufillin", getting into the bloodstream, effectively expands the bronchi and alveoli, removing the increased muscle tone of the respiratory tract, led to the erroneous conclusion that the drug will have the same effect, getting on the bronchial mucosa.
Inhalations with "Eufillin" with bronchitis, although they are quite popular, are equal in their effectiveness to the same procedure performed with clean water. This opinion of doctors who argue that the expansion of the bronchi occurs under the influence of steam, rather than the drug itself.
With chronic bronchitis, it is more advisable to talk about a different treatment regimen, when inhalations are carried out with "Berodual" or "Salbutamol" and "Lazolvanom", where the first 2 drugs expand the bronchi, and the latter facilitates the excretion of phlegm. As a variant of inhalation with "Lazolvanom" in bronchitis can be carried out after therapy with "Euphyllinum" and "Suprastin", the reception of which helps to relieve edema and respiratory tract spasms. In this case, antispasmodic and antihistamine are taken orally on the eve of inhalations.
With chronic bronchitis and strong cough, a good effect is shown by medicinal compresses and lotions. But since "Eufillin" does not penetrate well through the skin, it is useless to use it in its pure form. But in combination with the drug "Dimexide", facilitating the penetration of other drugs into the tissues, aminophylline is quite able to alleviate the patient's condition by improving the ventilation of the respiratory system.
"Dimexid" and "Eufillin" in a compress with bronchitis are found in different recipes.
Classic recipe:
- 1 tbsp. Dimexide,
- 1 ampoule "Eufillina" 5 ml,
- 4 tablespoons water, heated to 45 degrees.
First, mix "Dimexide" with water, then add "Eufillin".
Reinforced recipe:
- 1 tbsp. Dimexide,
- 1 ampoule of "Eufillina" and "Mukolvan"
- 5 tablespoons warm water.
The composition is prepared on the same principle.
The compress is done as follows: moisten the tissue tissue in the prepared composition, apply it on the chest or back of the patient, cover with a film and a warm cloth. Hold the compress for 30-40 minutes. You can do it 1 or 2 times a day, as the doctor will appoint.
Applying compresses "Dimexide" is important to realize that this drug has a high toxicity. Applying it in pure form is dangerous even for a healthy person, not to mention people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, to which the medicine is prohibited in any form.
When you are going to apply a compress with Dimexid and Eufillin to treat a child, you should first consult with your doctor about the safe proportions of water and drugs, because Dimexide can be used only from the age of 12, and Eufillin according to the annotation from the 6-year-old.
As for the warming compresses themselves, they can not be done at high body temperature and superimposed on the heart area. After removing the compress, the skin must be wiped with a damp cloth, removing the remnants of the medicine.
Eufillin to children with bronchitis
According to the instructions to the drug "Eufillin" with bronchitis and other pathologies, where rapid withdrawal of spasms and restoration of respiration and circulation are required, it is allowed to apply from the age of 6. However, in pediatric medicine, medication is often used to save the lives of very young patients. So it is changed when the obstruction of the bronchi in newborns, caused by the ingress of respiratory milk and physiological fluids.
Children up to 3 years of age, the drug in the injectable form can be administered only for life indications and only intramuscularly, the tablets are not given to babies at all. If the threat to the life of the child no injection solutions are allowed to enter, only from the age of 14 years. At the age of 3-6 years, a child can be prescribed a drug even in the form of tablets, however, the dosage will be much less than that of an adult.
In children with bronchitis, bronchospasm occurs quite often, which means that emergency help is required to restore breathing. The most effective in this case is considered an intravenous drug, which should be strictly controlled by the attending physician. And in the future it is recommended to leave the child under the supervision of a pediatrician, because "Eufillin" is famous for its influence not only on the bronchi, but also on the cardiovascular system, which can cause a drop in blood pressure against a decrease in the tone of blood vessels and other undesirable consequences.
To avoid negative effects on the children's organism at a young age, the drug is recommended to be used only in the form of inhalations or during physiotherapy. Medicinal electrophoresis avoids the systemic influence of aminophylline on the children's body (the circulatory system, the heart, kidneys, bile ducts, the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.), since the active substance is delivered directly to the affected area, where it has a therapeutic effect in required safe concentrations.
The effective dose of the drug under various manipulations is calculated by the attending physician, based on the age and weight of the sick child.
Use of the eufillina with bronchitis during pregnancy
"Eufillin" is an excellent antispasmodic with the possibility of affecting the muscles of the uterus, removing the increased muscle tone, which makes it possible to apply it, if there is a threat of premature spontaneous abortion. But on the other hand, the good penetrating ability of the active substance, which easily passes through the protective barrier - the placenta, poses a certain danger to the fetus that is in the womb of the mother.
Aminophylline itself is not able to affect the development of the fetus, however, some toxic effects for a small organism can fully provide. The result of exposure to aminophylline will become symptoms of intoxication, which can be observed in a newborn (nausea, heart rate abnormalities, etc.). These symptoms are not dangerous for the life and development of the baby, because they are considered to be reversible. This gives the doctor the possibility of using the drug in situations that threaten the life of a pregnant woman and threaten the breakdown of pregnancy.
Thus, the drug can be used in situations such as toxicosis in later periods (gestosis), edematous syndrome, placental insufficiency, the threat of miscarriage, bronchial obstruction, etc. In these situations, the doctor requires urgent effective measures to save the life of a woman and a future baby.
A certain dosage is not provided for such cases, so the physician must rely on his knowledge and experience, and the woman should be trusted by the observing specialist, while strictly observing his requirements for dosage and the methods of using the drug.
So we got close to an important issue that is exciting for many patients, because taking antispasmodics against the background of some pathologies and conditions can only cause a deterioration in the patient's health. A contraindication to the use of the drug "Eufillin", used for bronchitis, quite a lot, which should be taken into account when prescribing the medicine.
Alas, not all doctors responsibly relate to their work, which means that potential buyers of the drug should be informed of all contraindications to it, both absolute and relative.
To begin with, consider the absolute contraindications to the use of the drug, in which the use of the drug is not permitted under any pretext:
- Severe course of arterial hypertension or hypotension (if the patient is consistently high or vice versa, low pressure, hard to correct drugs),
- Arrhythmia with a stably elevated heart rate (such a pathology is called tachyarrhythmia),
- Gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer in the stage of exacerbation,
- Gastritis, taking place against a background of high acidity of gastric juice,
- Severe renal or hepatic insufficiency,
- Epilepsy and cases of epileptic seizures in a patient's anamnesis,
- Hemorrhage in the brain.
Do not prescribe the drug and patients with acute porphyria, hemorrhages in the retina, high body temperature, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The drug in the form of tablets is not used in the therapy of patients under 3 years of age, in whom the ingestion of tablets causes serious difficulties.
Now let's talk about relative contraindications. These are the cases when the use of the drug is allowed, however, it is necessary to observe some caution in the dosage of the drug and the methods of its administration.
So, the drug is used with caution in such situations:
- With acute myocardial infarction,
- During an attack of angina pectoris,
- With the common form of arteriosclerosis of the vessels,
- Propensities to convulsions,
- Various violations of kidney and liver,
- The presence in the patient's history of a cured stomach and duodenum ulcer,
- Past bleeding from the digestive tract,
- With reflux disease of the stomach,
- Violations of the thyroid gland, manifested in an uncontrollably low or vice versa increased production of thyroid hormones (with hypo- and hypertension or thyrotoxicosis),
- A high body temperature that does not subside for an extended period,
- With septic defeat.
In all these cases, the drug is not allowed to be injected.
Particular care with careful correction of the dose should be shown in the therapy of pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, elderly patients.
Side effects of the eufillina with bronchitis
Both oral administration of drugs and its injection may be accompanied by the appearance of undesirable symptoms, which are called side effects of the drug. It is also worth familiarizing with them, intending to take "Eufillin" with bronchitis.
The effect of the drug on different organs and body systems can cause both a positive and negative response on their part.
So the central nervous system can react to reception of a preparation by dizzinesses, difficulties of falling asleep and a restless dream, uneasiness, a tremor in a body, development of a convulsive syndrome.
From the side of the heart and blood vessels, it is possible to observe the appearance of arrhythmias, pain in the heart (for this reason, too rapid administration of the drug is not recommended), a drop in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. Some patients experienced an increase in the frequency of angina attacks, others indicated a feeling of strong palpitation.
From the digestive system you can expect such manifestations as nausea and vomiting, loose and frequent stools, heartburn due to increased acidity of gastric juice. Possible exacerbations of stomach ulcers, esophagorefluenza disease, and with prolonged therapy and the development of anorexia.
During the administration of drugs, laboratory parameters may change. For example, in the urine, blood or protein is detected, which is associated with impaired renal function, or blood glucose levels drop.
The immune system on "Eufillin" can react with the development of allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, itching and heat.
In addition, patients can be noted: hyperhidrosis (increased sweating), hot flashes, pain in the chest, increased volume of excreted urine.
If you apply "Eufillin" with bronchitis in large doses, the phenomenon of overdose is possible, which is accompanied by the following symptoms: a deterioration in appetite, epigastric pain, gastric bleeding, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea. The patient's breathing becomes superficial, the pulse is quickened, the heart rate is beaten with a beat rhythm, sleep disturbances, increased motor activity against a background of incomprehensible anxiety, and the sensitivity of the eyes to light increase. Then there is a shiver in the body, limbs cramp.
Severe poisoning with the drug can have such manifestations as epileptic seizures, symptoms of hypoxia, acid-base balance (acidosis), increased blood sugar, potassium deficiency, falling blood pressure, necrotic changes in muscular tissue of skeletal muscles, malfunctioning of the kidneys, confusion .
Medical measures (in hospital): forced diuresis, hemodialysis, such extracorporal methods of blood purification as hemosorption and plasmapheresis, symptomatic therapy. When vomiting is prescribed, "Metoclopramide", with convulsions - "Diazepam" and oxygen therapy.
Interactions with other drugs
As you can see, "Eufillin", used to relieve bronchospasm and ease coughing with bronchitis, is not such a safe drug, requiring strict adherence to prescribed dosages. And this means that his appointment should also be coordinated with the use of other medications so that the interaction of the preparations does not have negative consequences for the organism.
There is a group of drugs that can enhance the action of "Eufillina", which requires correction of the prescribed dose. Such drugs include Furosemide and Ephedrine. This action is observed in combination with beta-adrenostimulyatorami and caffeine.
Another group of drugs inhibits the excretion of aminophylline from the body, increasing its concentration in the blood, which also requires a reduction in the prescribed dose of antispasmodic. These drugs include oral contraceptives, antibiotics from the group of macrolides and fluoroquinolones, beta-blockers, vaccines against the influenza virus, drugs based on alopurin, isoprenaline, tsemtidine, lincomycin, viloxazine, fluvoxamine, disulfiram.
"Eufillin" is undesirable to take simultaneously with lithium preparations, as long as it reduces the effectiveness of the latter. But with the simultaneous administration of aminophylline and beta-adrenoblockers, the therapeutic effect of both of them decreases.
Admission of steroid drugs, diuretics and beta-adrenomimetics against aminophylline therapy can lead to a significant decrease in glucose in the blood (hypoglycemia).
Aminophylline is able to enhance the side effects of other drugs (fluorinated anesthetics, mineralocorticoids, CNS stimulants).
"Eufillin" has the ability to enhance the action of anticoagulants.
Aminophylline, like theophylline, is a derivative of xanthine. To avoid the development of an overdose for the duration of therapy with aminophylline, you will have to abandon drugs and products (coffee, tea, etc.) containing xanthine, as well as derivatives of purine and theophylline.
Taking such medications on the basis of rifampicin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, isoniazid, carmazepine and moracizin in parallel with "Eufillin" may require an increase in the dose of the latter.
The solution of "Eufillina" shows incompatibility with acids, fructose, glucose, levulose and their solutions. In a single syringe, aminophylline solution can only be mixed with a solution of sodium chloride.
Storage conditions
The drug "Eufillin", effective for bronchitis, belongs to the category of medicines, which can be purchased at the pharmacy only on prescription of a doctor, filled in Latin.
Store the drug at room temperature. Increasing the ambient temperature above 25 degrees can adversely affect the effectiveness of the drug.
The room where the drug is stored must be dry and protected from direct sunlight.
Shelf life
With regard to the shelf life of various forms of the drug, the tablets should be stored for no more than 5 years, and the solution in ampoules should be consumed within a year. However, different manufacturers of the drug may have their own requirements for the storage of their products, which are always reflected in the annotation to the medicine.
Reviews about the drug
Most positive reviews about the drug "Eufillin" are associated with its use in bronchitis, severe coughing, airway obstruction. Someone gave the drug the desired relief, while others literally saved life.
Very good feedback from doctors and patients about the drug as an emergency medicine for bronchospasm. This is one of the most convenient and fast-acting drugs, able to quickly restore breathing, warning the hypoxia of the organs.
Without negative feedback, too, there were some. That's just when they appear against the background of improper use of the drug. Excess dosage in some cases caused unwanted symptoms, and ignoring contraindications to use - multiple side effects.
Doctors also argue that if you take a bronchodilator according to the appointment, unpleasant symptoms can be avoided. Still, "Eufillin", despite its cheapness, does not belong to the category of medicines with which you can experiment, after all, it's not for nothing that it is released in pharmacies only on prescription.
Sometimes a negative opinion about the effectiveness of the drug is based on the use of "Eufillina" in bronchitis as a constituent solution for inhalation. In this regard, the opinion of doctors and many dissatisfied patients converge. The therapeutic effect of "Euphyllin" in this case resembles, most likely, the effect of "placebo", thanks to which some patients still notice a significant improvement in the state in connection with the normalization of respiration.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Euphyllinum with obstructive and chronic bronchitis: inhalation, droppers, electrophoresis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.