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Sodium thiosulfate in psoriasis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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With a drug such as "Sodium thiosulfate", many of those who care about the "purity" of their body have probably come across. And it does not matter whether this is due to the treatment of any disease or so the usual care of one's health is manifested. The main thing is that this drug, despite its fairly low price, has great effectiveness, giving the body the strength to resist the diseases. And maybe that's why more and more doctors are inclined to use this "cleansing" remedy in the fight against intractable pathologies. Thus, sodium thiosulfate in psoriasis is able to mobilize the defenses of the body in such a way that, so strange in understanding the causes and methods of cure, the illness, frightened by such confrontation, recedes, giving patients a chance to have a healthy life.
Indications of the sodium thiosulfate for psoriasis
In nature, there are many diseases and pathological conditions in which the action of toxins and toxins accumulated inside the body, significantly inhibits the process of recovery, not allowing this very organism to fight the disease on its own. But it is proved that we are able to conquer many diseases without resorting to the help of medicines. But the main condition for this is strong immunity, which is the guardian of our health.
No less well known fact is that most diseases are simply a consequence of reduced immunity. The disease can hide in the body for years, without manifesting itself, but it is only the immune system that should fail, and an attack starts on the various systems of the body.
And after all, often we ourselves become the perpetrators of our troubles, not caring about timely cleansing ourselves from within, and this becomes one of the reasons that with the age of diseases we are becoming more and more. True, this state of affairs does not at all mean that young people are not subject to illness due to good immunity. Bad ecology and food, saturated with "chemistry", constant stresses can knock down immunity even in a child, constantly poisoning the fragile body. And this once again speaks in favor of his purification.
One of the most safe and effective means for purifying the body from intoxication and strengthening its protective forces is deservedly considered sodium thiosulfate, which has recently been increasingly used in psoriasis. But it's not so easy to cope with this non-infectious, practically incurable disease with a vague etiology. Even temporary relief, which is very valuable for such patients, is difficult to achieve as a result of multifaceted treatment with internal (systemic) and external means, despite the fact that almost all manifestations are visible on the surface of the body.
Indications for the use of sodium thiosulfate in psoriasis are the appearance of the first signs of the disease, which indicate that the defenses of the patient's body are reduced, and the disease is actively coming. To such signs, indicating the development of the early stage of psoriasis, refers to the appearance on the skin of unusual seals of pink color, which according to medical terminology are called papules. To detect from the most often you can on the edge of the hair in the head or in the area of the joints on the hands and feet.
Yes, these manifestations are similar to the usual allergic reaction in the form of a practically painless and almost not itchy rash. Nevertheless, an experienced dermatologist will be able to quickly recognize the disease by examining and scraping the papules, which are later transformed into unaesthetic psoriatic plaques scattered throughout the body and limbs, which also noticeably itch and flake, giving patients a lot of unpleasant sensations.
But all of the above does not mean that the use of sodium thiosulfate makes sense only at an early stage of the disease. It helps to significantly alleviate the condition of patients with psoriasis even in neglected cases, carrying out a "dry cleaning" of the whole organism both inside and outside, being a kind of filter for blood, lymph, interstitial and intercellular fluids. Even if psoriasis, which is a chronic disease with seasonal exacerbations, can not be treated with sodium trioxide, it is impossible, but persistent remission with this pathology is already a great achievement.
By the way, psoriasis is not the only indication for the use of this interesting drug. It is useful wherever to improve the patient's condition and improve the absorption of dosage forms in the treatment of diseases requires additional measures to cleanse the body. Sodium trisulphate has proven itself in the complex treatment of diseases such as asthma, arthritis, neuralgia, tuberculosis. It helps to relieve symptoms in the following pathologies: atherosclerosis, cholecystitis, osteochondrosis, etc.
Sodium thiosulfate has also shown itself in the treatment of allergies, various ulcers and purulent wounds, scabies. With it, you can reduce cravings for alcohol, as well as restore the structure of nails and hair. The widespread use of sodium thiosulfate was also received in the sphere of health and beauty of the female body, i.e. In gynecology (health of the reproductive system), cosmetology (purity of the skin) and dietology (slenderness of the figure).
And, of course, the drug is a true first aid for poisoning, carrying out a deep cleaning of virtually all the fluids in the body, and, accordingly, the tissues that they feed. And its effectiveness as an inexpensive, but very effective antidote proved even in severe poisoning with salts of iodine, bromine, mercury, lead, and also prussic acid and cyanides.
Release form
When it comes to a chemical element called "sodium," many people immediately remember salt. Perhaps because it is this element that gives the NaCl compound such a unique and unique taste. Sodium thiosulfate is something else, although in appearance (transparent crystals or granules) it reminds everyone of the known salt. Like table salt, sodium thiosulfate has no odor, and it tastes salty with bitterness.
Crystals of sodium thiosulfate can be dissolved without difficulty in water, but they do not lend themselves to the effect of alcohol, although they are actually preserved in their original form. If the powder is placed in an acidic medium, a decomposition reaction occurs with the release of sulfur.
Sodium thiosulfate is produced by the reaction of sodium and thiosulphate salts (thiosulfates). It is the latter that determine the remarkable antitoxic properties of the drug.
Forms of production of sodium thiosulfate:
- fine crystalline powder, which is usually diluted in water 1: 1,
- solution for external use with 60% sodium thiosulfate content,
- 30% solution, which is used for intravenous injection.
30% solution is most convenient to use, because it is used for both injections and for ingestion in diluted form. It is this form of sodium thiosulfate that is most commonly used in psoriasis.
Sodium thiosulfate is highly valued for its detoxification properties, but this does not mean that only the benefits of the drug are limited. For example, the use of sodium thiosulfate in psoriasis in addition to the antitoxic effect is also due to the palpable anti-inflammatory properties of the drug, as well as the ability to remove unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, and it is unfortunate that during pregnancy and lactation its use is unacceptable due to a lack of research in this area.
By the way, the antipruritic effect of the drug is due to the reaction of sodium thiosulfate to the acid, resulting in the formation of sulfur, which is detrimental to microorganisms that cause itching.
Due to its desensitizing effect, sodium trisodium sulfate reduces the sensitivity of the body to foreign substances that enter the body, which is very valuable in the treatment of allergies. Yes, and the antipruritic effect of sodium thiosulfate is here as well as possible, as in psoriasis.
In the treatment of ulcers and purulent wounds, antiparasitic or otherwise antimicrobial property of the drug is useful. Especially it is effective in the treatment of staphylococcal infections.
Getting into the body in various ways, sodium thiosulfate immediately begins to cleanse the body. When injected, the solution immediately begins to clean blood and lymph, and with oral administration, it first performs its work in the gastrointestinal tract, where toxic substances from food, drugs, again from blood and lymph, "flock", and, finally, the products of the vital activity of the body .
Sulfur molecules, which are part of thiosulfates, are able to bind toxic substances and heavy metals, and remove them through the intestines, in parallel restoring the tissues of the body.
To speed up the process of removing harmful substances from the body, sodium thiosulfate helps at the expense of its inherent laxative effect. Positively affecting the peristalsis of the intestine and loosening the stool, the drug normalizes the work of the entire body, and in particular the digestive organs.
Among other things, sodium thiosulfate, being a non-toxic substance, does not allow toxins that have got inside from outside or formed in the process of vital activity, to quickly penetrate from the intestine into the blood stream and spread through the body, poisoning it from within.
Sodium thiosulfate is excreted from the body unchanged with the help of kidneys. The half-life of the drug is less than an hour.
Dosing and administration
Although almost all the symptoms of psoriasis are visible to the naked eye and is on the surface, it needs to be influenced both on the outside and inside. For local treatment of psoriatic plaques, a 60% solution suited perfectly for external use only. The best effect is given by compresses or lotions with sodium thiosulfate, which need to be done 2 to 3 times a day.
To purify the body of toxins and toxins in order to increase the body's resistance to psoriasis, sodium thiosulfate is administered by two routes: by intravenous injection or by mouth.
The method of administration and dosage of sodium trisulphate for internal use in psoriasis is established by the attending physician, based on the severity of the condition, age, weight, and other characteristics of the patient.
Sodium thiosulfate intravenously with psoriasis is prescribed only in severe cases or if the oral solution does not give the desired effect. A 30% sterile solution is intended for intravenous injections, which is packaged in transparent glass ampoules of 10 ml each. The injectable route of administration gives quick results, but you need to be able to calculate the dose and do the injections correctly, therefore such manipulations are carried out mainly in the hospital according to the doctor's prescription.
In psoriasis, the rate of exposure is not as relevant as, for example, poisoning with toxic substances, so it is more convenient to use a solution of sodium thiosulfate for ingestion by ingestion. It can be prepared from powder, but at home it is more convenient to use the ready-made solution in ampoules, as with intravenous injections.
But you need to know how to drink sodium trioxide in psoriasis correctly, so that the disease can be weakened, and do not harm yourself. A sick person, exhausted by psoriasis, is often ready to do anything to get rid of hated plaques as soon as possible. But in medicine "more" does not mean "better and faster", it's a direct way to overdose and even bigger problems. However, in the case of sodium thiosulfate, no cases of overdose have been reported. But this is not a reason to check her ability on herself.
In a pure form, the solution from ampoules can not be ingested. An effective but safe concentration of the drug is achieved if the contents of 1-2 ampoules (10-20 mg depending on the weight of the patient) are dissolved in a glass of water. The resulting solution is sufficient for 1 day of treatment. Half of the glass is recommended to take on a "hungry" stomach in the morning, and leave a second for dinner. Drinking a medicine is better at least half an hour before a meal or after a couple of hours after a meal.
The course of treatment depends on the patient's body and the degree of damage to the body by the disease. Sometimes a 5-day course is sufficient, in other cases, treatment may be delayed for up to 12 days.
According to the instructions to the drug, therapy is not performed in patients with increased sensitivity to the components of the solution. There were no other contraindications to the use of sodium thiosulfate.
True, there is a note that studies among pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted. There is no such practice with regard to animals. It remains to be seen whether sodium thiosulfate is able to affect in any way the development of the fetus or the course of pregnancy, and will not harm the infant who is breastfeeding.
The drug is completely excreted by the kidneys, and this can mean that with caution it should be taken to patients with severe impairment of kidney function, a tendency to edema, as well as hypertension and certain other heart diseases.
Side effects of the sodium thiosulfate for psoriasis
The intake of sodium thiosulfate in psoriasis can be accompanied by allergic reactions against the background of poor drug tolerance. At large daily doses (20 ml) there is a noticeable loosening of the stool, which can also be considered a side effect of the drug. Normalization of the consistency and frequency of bowel movements occurs when the daily dose drops to 10 ml.
Changes in color and smell of stools are not a reason for drug cancellation or dose adjustment. These are manifestations of the usual biological process of cleaning the body of toxins, which patients observe at the exit.
Interactions with other drugs
Since sodium thiosulfate is a valuable drug capable of reacting, it is necessary to take into account the drug interaction with other drugs when it is administered. It is not recommended to use sodium thiosulfate in parallel with drugs related to bromides and iodides, since it significantly weakens the effectiveness of the latter.
Caution should be taken to the joint use of sodium thiosulfate and nitrates or nitrites, which often occurs with severe intoxication. These drugs must be administered separately, not mixing solutions in one syringe.
Storage conditions
Observing the storage conditions of the drug, you protect your health and provide security to your relatives.
Shelf life
The shelf life of sodium thiosulfate is quite large. The drug refers to the "long-livers" with a shelf life of 5 years. But in order for the medicine to remain effective and not spoil during this entire period. It is necessary to store it at a temperature of no higher than 20 degrees in a place where bright sun rays and curious children are denied access.
Doctor's comments
The effectiveness of sodium thiosulfate in psoriasis during the expiration date is reviewed by doctors. In their opinion, it is impossible to cure this unusual disease with a chronic course completely with the help of this remedy. Yes, and scientists have not yet found such an effective tool that would help get rid of psoriasis forever. But to bring the approach of remission nearer and prolong its course the drug is just under force. Doctors who use sodium thiosulfate for the treatment of psoriasis patients note that the improvement of the patients' condition is observed already 3 days after the beginning of treatment, and in a week most of them get the skin almost clean.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Sodium thiosulfate in psoriasis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.