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Suppositories from ovarian cysts
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Ovaries in the female's reproductive system are "conceived" by nature as a kind of material bank necessary for the birth of a new life. Eggs, which in the process of conception merge with spermatozoa, are generated precisely in this organ of the small pelvis of a woman. Ovaries perform endocrine function as well. Produce sex hormones. Sometimes on the surface of the ovaries are formed bags of different diameters (up to 20 cm) with thin walls filled with liquid, which are called cysts. Cyst formation is often caused by stagnant processes in the small pelvis due to inflammation and hormonal disorders. Treatment of cysts is both conservative and operative, depending on the nature of the disease and the degree of organ damage. In the conservative treatment of cysts along with the main use and treatment of suppositories, mainly for the removal of inflammation and for preventive purposes.
Indications of the candles from the ovarian cyst
Since one of the factors of cysts is inflammation of the pelvic organs, anti-inflammatory suppositories are used for its treatment. They consist of enzymes, with which dissolve adhesions, blood clots, pus, blood clots. Entered rectally, the dose and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.
With hormonal failures (often an excess of estrogens, with a shortage of progesterone) use hormonal vaginal suppositories. Progesterone is the main active substance, hormone, normalizes the hormonal background, which leads to a decrease in cystic formations, reduces the risk of complications.
To restore the microflora of the vagina after the treatment of inflammations with antibiotics and suppositories, a suppository with lactobacilli is vaginally used.
In case of malfunctions of the immune system, which can also lead to cystic formations, immunomodulators are prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories.
Dosing and administration
Conservative treatment of cysts involves a comprehensive approach, consisting of the use of anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antimicrobial and hormonal drugs. Along with tablets and injections, doctors prescribe and suppositories that are vaginal and rectal (injected into the rectum).
Suppositories in the treatment of ovarian cysts
In the modern pharmaceutical market, there are many preparations in the form of candles. Here are some names of suppositories from ovarian cysts:
- Ichthyol. The active substance is ichthyol, the medicinal properties of which have been known since the 19th century. The substance is black, with a sharp odor, derived from combustible shales as a result of complex chemical processing. Has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Used rectally after natural cleansing of the intestine 1-2 times a day, sometimes with tolerability and vaginally. Well absorbed, so quickly comes a positive effect. The average course of treatment is 10 days. There are practically no contraindications and side effects (in 0.1% of cases, slight reactions were noted). Do not use together with salts of heavy metals, iodide salts and preparations, which contain alkaloids. Both the harm and the benefits of the drug when used by pregnant women are not proven, so it is advisable to consult a doctor. The suppository is stored in a dry dark place, the shelf life is 2 years;
- Diklovit. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, according to the chemical formula - diclofenac sodium. In gynecology is used as a remedy against inflammation of the uterus. Enter rectally after defecation or cleansing enema. Pharmacokinetics of the drug - maximum absorption after 30 minutes. Sufficient dose of 1-2 suppositories per day. The course of treatment is 10 days. Contraindicated in allergic reactions, bronchospasm, individual drug intolerance, pregnant. Has side effects in the form of migraines, noise in the ears, allergies, rarely - edema of the legs. Overdosing leads to a clouding of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, bleeding. The drug has many limitations when combined with other agents. So, with simultaneous reception, the effect of antihypertensive drugs, hypnotics, etc. Is inhibited. Shelf life is not more than 2 years, in a dry and protected from light place;
- Longitude. In gynecology is used to treat and prevent adhesions formed against the background of the inflammatory process. Pharmacodynamics of the drug is expressed in immunomodulating, antioxidant and insignificant anti-inflammatory action. Pharmacokinetics is characterized by a good rate of absorption and distribution in the body, the maximum concentration in the blood in an hour. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys. In a day, one suppository is shown after 2 days of rectal break after cleansing of the intestine, or vaginally. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor (usually 10-20 days). Contraindicated for cancer patients, pregnant women, children under 12 years old, with kidney diseases. Side effects are observed rarely in the form of an allergic reaction. When administered with other drugs, they increase their effect. Shelf life not more than 2 years at a temperature of 2-15 ° C in a dark place;
- Suppositories with propolis. Propolis is a product of bee activity, the mechanism of development of which scientists can not disclose. It is also called bee glue, tk. It is viscous in its structure. Propolis properties are not fully understood, but 16 classes of organic substances are isolated in its composition and it is widely used in the recipes of alternative medicine. In gynecology, including the treatment of ovarian cysts, its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, immunomodulating properties are used. Suppositories are administered vaginally or rectally, after cleansing the intestine. If there is no allergic reaction of the body to the bee product, the course of treatment can last up to a month (1 suppository per day). A suppository with propolis is sold in pharmacies, but you can do it yourself. Here are a few recipes:
- on a water bath put a mixture of grated propolis and butter in a ratio of 1:10, melt to a homogeneous mass, then pour into molds in the form of suppositories and put to freeze in the refrigerator;
- in a water bath, melt 1 g of ground propolis and 20 g of cocoa butter, mix thoroughly, pour into 10 molds and cool;
- similar to the previous recipe, a mixture of propolis and petrolatum is prepared.
Suppositories must be stored in the refrigerator;
- Indomethacin. Refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Pharmacodynamics of the drug consists in blocking enzymes that cause inflammation, which leads to a reduction in pain and swelling. It takes vaginally 1-2 suppositories per day, quickly absorbed, the effectiveness of the drug reaches 90%. Has a number of contraindications, so without the appointment of a doctor to take is not recommended. It is not indicated for patients with diagnoses of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, allergies, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Shelf life of the drug is 2 years at a storage temperature of no higher than 25 ° C in a dark place.
Suppositories from the follicular ovarian cyst
Of all the cases of the appearance in women of the ovarian cyst, 80% falls on the follicular. It arises from the follicle that has not exploded during ovulation, which continues to grow at the expense of the fluid inside itself, forming a cyst. This formation is affected by women of any age from puberty to menopause. More often follicular cysts resolve themselves during several menstrual cycles. With another variant of the course of the process, serious complications are possible: torsion of the full or partial ovary, which is fraught with the necrosis of the tissues, which leads to peritonitis; rupture of the follicular cyst (peritonitis danger); rupture of the ovary (risk of bleeding with death).
With conservative treatment, cysts use medicamentous, physiotherapeutic and alternative methods. If there is a need to remove the cyst, laparoscopy is used, in case of complication, the traditional surgical method (incision of the abdominal cavity).
Since follicular cysts occur against a background of hormonal failures, with medicinal treatment hormonal suppositories are used. One of them is the morning, the active ingredient of which is the hormone progesterone. The preparation is in the form of capsules, but can be used vaginally. Anti-inflammatory suppositories are also prescribed. Supplement the treatment can be homeopathic remedies. In addition to the aforementioned candles containing propolis, a suppository is also made from the alcohol extract of propolis, fir, juniper, geranium based on cocoa butter. Applied vaginally. Rectally put a suppository celandine.
The ovarian cyst can also be found in pregnant women. The appearance of it is often provoked by a serious hormonal reorganization of the body, which occurs during pregnancy. The ovaries of a woman work hard and this leads to the formation of a functional cyst, which does not require unlike a pathological surgical intervention. Treatment is determined by a doctor, in which the role of candles is very limited because of the contra-indications of most of them.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Suppositories from ovarian cysts" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.