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Effective tablets against dysbacteriosis of the vagina
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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It is not a secret for anyone that within our body there is also a life that is scientifically called a microflora. And the female genitalia is no exception. They live and productively develop about 40 different bacteria, which maintains a certain level of acidity, corresponding to different life cycles. While the balance in the microflora of the vagina is maintained, maintained acidity prevents the development of infectious processes. If there is an imbalance in the microflora, doctors prescribe tablets from the dysbacteriosis of the vagina, which help effectively combat infections of the genital organs and restore normal microflora.
Indications of the tablets from vaginal dysbiosis
The absence of bacteria in the vagina can be noted only in newborn girls. But over time, even on the basis of neutral acidity, various microorganisms appear in the inner genitalia, which are mostly harmless, and even useful, since they control the acidity of the vagina and fight the pathogenic microbes. 95% of all bacteria that live in the vagina are represented in the form of lactobacilli. It is they who produce lactic acid, which maintains the necessary pH level, which in a sexually mature girl or woman fluctuates between 3.8-4.5.
Various reasons can cause a decrease in the number of useful lactobacilli, whose place is eventually occupied by pathogens that provoke inflammation first in the vagina, and then in the cervix, urethra, etc. And this is fraught with the development of concomitant diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as a violation of reproductive function.
The causes of dysbacteriosis of the vagina are many. This and some diseases, and intestinal disorders, and severe hypothermia, and frequent changes in sexual partners, and the wrong approach to syringing, and the change of climatic zones, and many other reasons.
It turns out that no woman is insured against the dysbacteriosis of the vagina, which means it makes sense to see a doctor for confirmation or refutation of this diagnosis, if there is burning and itching in the internal genital area, there are quite strong secretions that have a greyish shade and unpleasant odor, there is a certain discomfort during sexual intercourse. It is these symptoms that indicate the development of the disease, which is one of the indications for the use of tablets from the dysbacteriosis of the vagina.
Different tablets and other medicinal forms used for bacterial vaginosis (aka vaginal dysbiosis), there are also other indications. Usually, they are associated with the presence of fungal and other infections in the body or a violation of the microflora due to prolonged use of certain drugs, in particular antibiotics.
Treatment of bacterial vaginosis is usually carried out in 2 stages. First, therapy is prescribed with the help of preparations containing an antifungal or antibacterial component that is effective in combating the detected infection, and then measures are taken to normalize the vaginal microflora by supplying the necessary amount of active lactobacilli to the woman's body.
Release form
The use of antifungal agents in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis is justified by the fact that changing the acidic environment of the vagina is an excellent breeding ground for various kinds of fungi. Fungal infection is difficult to treat with conventional antibiotics and often fighting with it requires the use of special products containing components that are active against certain types of fungus.
Antifungal drugs for the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis
Most often with vaginal dysbacteriosis against the background of a fungal infection, such tablets are used from vaginal dysbacteriosis as Fluconazole, Diflucan or Flucostat in the form of capsules with the main active substance fluconazole.
Pharmacodynamics of these drugs is a destructive effect on the cells of fungi. They inhibit the production of substances. Necessary for growth and reproduction of fungal cells, and also violate the integrity of the cell membrane, making it more vulnerable. Thus, the spread of the fungal infection slows down, which gradually leads to the death of fungi.
Pharmacokinetics. Fluconazole is perfectly absorbed, penetrating into various biological fluids, while its reception is not tied to food intake. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys. In fact, it does not affect the physiological processes in the liver, which is characteristic of some antifungal drugs with another active substance.
Tablets based on fluconazole have the following contraindications for use:
- individual sensitivity to fluconazole and compounds close to it in structure,
- age younger than 3 years,
- parallel reception of drugs that increase the QT interval on a cardiogram.
Care should be taken when using these medications for patients who are diagnosed with hepatic or renal failure, alcohol dependence, heart rhythm disturbances.
The way of application and the dose of antifungal tablets that help to get rid of the dysbacteriosis of the vagina, depend on the severity of the disease. For mild forms, a single dose of 150 ml (3 capsules) is usually sufficient, heavy forms may require a longer treatment. As a prophylactic for the prevention of recurrence of the disease, fluconazole is administered at the same dosage once a month.
Side effects of drugs based on fluconazole include digestive disorders and liver function, headaches and dizziness, unpleasant sensations in the heart, allergic manifestations, and occasionally hair loss.
Therapy with fluconazole drugs should be performed taking into account the drug interaction with other drugs.
An overdose of fluconazole is an extremely rare phenomenon, the condition is normalized after the usual gastric lavage.
Shelf life of fluconazole preparations ranges from 2 to 5 years. They perfectly retain their properties at room temperature and do not require special storage conditions.
Antiseptics and antibiotics for vaginal dysbacteriosis
Despite the fact that prolonged intake of antibiotics can itself provoke changes in the microflora of the vagina, sometimes without their use it is simply impossible to cope with the infectious factor as a consequence of changes in the acid environment. To combat the pathogenic bacteria within the female body, pills, suppositories, ointments and creams are used, which contain an antibacterial component (antibiotic or antiseptic). Assign them based on the type of bacterial infection.
There are many names of tablets that are successfully used for dysbacteriosis of the vagina, but the most popular are the preparations "Betadin", "Terzhinan", "Clindamycin".
As in the case of antifungal drugs, the effect of antibacterial drugs is aimed at destroying the cellular structure of bacteria. The death of microorganisms causes a disruption in the production of protein, provoked by these means.
"Betadine" is an antiseptic on the basis of a complex of iodine and polyvinylpyrrolidone. It is active against many harmful microorganisms, including fungi and viruses. Produced in the form of a solution, ointment, vaginal suppositories.
Contraindications to the use of "Betadina":
- various disorders in the thyroid gland,
- a benign tumor in the area of the thyroid gland,
- reaction of intolerance to iodine and other components of the drug,
- parallel application of radioactive iodine.
The drug is approved for use from the youngest age, but forms in the form of suppositories preferably used in adult women who live sexually. Therapy with the drug during pregnancy and lactation is performed only according to the doctor's indications.
With bacterial vaginitis, candles are preferred. The acute form of the disease involves therapy for a week. 1 suppository is introduced into the vagina at night, sometimes prescribe suppositories twice a day. If the disease has passed into a chronic form, treatment can be delayed for 2 weeks.
Taking the drug may cause allergic reactions. Such side effects may be a signal that this drug should be replaced by another one.
When an iodine drug overdoses, there may be a taste of metal in the mouth, salivation increases, other unpleasant symptoms appear that require drug withdrawal and treatment.
The reception of "Betadine" is undesirable to be carried out in parallel with the use of other antimicrobial agents, since this can reduce the effectiveness of all antiseptics used.
Store "Betadin" in the form of suppositories in a cool place (up to 15 degrees). Shelf life of the drug allows you to use it for 5 years from the date of release.
"Terzhinan" is a gynecological combined preparation with pronounced bactericidal and antifungal action. Produced in the form of vaginal tablets.
The drug actually has no contraindications except for cases of individual intolerance of its components. Side effects are observed rarely in the form of irritation of mucous membranes, itching and allergic manifestations.
The therapeutic course of the drug is 10 days, with one tablet a day. Before you go to bed, it is slightly soaked and injected into the vagina at night. In the first 15 minutes it is advisable not to get up.
A special feature of the drug is that it continues even during menstruation.
The drug is stored for 3 years at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.
"Clindamycin" is a one-component preparation with antimicrobial action (antibiotic). Produced in the form of cream, candles, solution, capsules. In gynecology has found wide application in the form of ointments and suppositories.
Do not use the drug in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the dosage form. Undesirable medication with other drugs, such as ampicillin, erythromycin, aminophylline, calcium gluconate, magnesium sulfate, barbiturates, diphenylhydantoin derivatives.
Side effects of the drug include possible inflammation of the genitalia, reversible changes in the blood composition, allergic manifestations in the form of an itchy rash, etc.
The therapeutic course is usually 3 to 7 days. Put the suppository at night, injecting them as deep as possible into the vagina.
The drug is effective during the expiration date (3 years), provided it is stored in a room with a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees.
Tablets from the dysbacteriosis of the vagina, normalizing the microflora
In order for a woman's body to be able to prevent the development of a pathogenic microflora in the future, it is necessary to replenish the reserves of lactobacilli, which create a protective environment in the vagina. To this end, the oral or vaginal administration of special preparations containing beneficial bacteria is carried out.
These drugs include: "Gynoflora", "Vagilak", "Ecofemin", "Vaginorm C", and normoflorins B and L. Most often, medicinal forms of drugs in the form of vaginal tablets and suppositories are used.
"Gynoflora" contains the basic bacteria-protectors Lactobacilli acidophil and hormone extriols, which promotes normal growth and healing of the vaginal epithelium. The vaginal mucosa of a healthy woman, in turn, produces the substances necessary for the normal life of lactobacilli, releasing lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins, which actively protect the vaginal mucosa from bacterial parasites. This is the basis of the pharmacodynamics of drugs with live lactobacilli. The creation of a normal vaginal microflora with a sufficient number of lactobacilli promotes the activation of the protective properties of the female body.
Pharmacokinetics. Under the action of the vaginal secretions, the suppositories dissolve, releasing the beneficial bacteria and hormones, which in turn lower the pH, thereby increasing the acidity of the vaginal environment. The acid medium is not suitable for the normal functioning of many pathogens, and they simply perish.
Despite the seemingly safe composition of the "Gynoflora" has its own contraindications for use. These include malignant neoplasms in the area of the mammary glands and female genital organs, excessive growth of the inner layer of the uterus (endometriosis), various bleeding from the vagina, individual intolerance of the components. The drug is prescribed only to sexually mature women.
Interaction with other drugs. This drug should not be taken with antimicrobial and antiviral agents, which may reduce its effectiveness.
Therapeutic course of treatment "Gynoflora" is prescribed by a doctor individually and can vary from 6 to 12 days. Vaginal tablets are used at night for 1-2 pieces, inserting them deep inside the vagina. In this case, discomfort can be felt at the injection site. When oral administration of the drug, side effects are practically not observed.
Vaginal capsules "Vagilak" contain the main types of beneficial bacteria necessary to maintain normal vaginal microflora (lactobacillus and streptococci). They are used as a preventive and therapeutic agent.
Contraindications to the use of this drug in addition to individual reactions of intolerance are acute inflammatory processes, as well as the presence of erosions in the vagina, children's age.
Unlike the previous drug, its effectiveness does not depend on the drugs taken in parallel with it, which makes it possible to use it together with various antibacterial agents. Usually it is prescribed, starting with 4 or 5 days of antibiotic treatment. The course of treatment with the drug "Vagilak" is 10 days. The scheme of reception is similar to the previous preparation.
Both of the above preparations should be stored in a cool place with a positive temperature of up to 8 degrees. At the same time, the shelf life will be 36 months.
"Ecofemin" is a drug based on live lacobacteria. From the dysbacteriosis of the vagina, both tablets and suppositories with this name are prescribed, giving preference to the latter.
Treatment of bacterial vaginosis is performed the day before or after menstruation for 6 days, during which 12 suppositories are used (2 per day). The preventive course is 3-7 days, with 1 suppository per day.
Treatment with "Ecofemin" can be carried out in parallel with antibiotic or chemotherapy. Side effects of the drug are extremely rare in the form of allergic reactions.
"Ecofemin" in the form of tablets is prescribed for all age groups of the population, and in the form of vaginal capsules or suppositories - only for adult women. Do not prescribe the drug for individual intolerance of components and the presence of candidiasis.
Keep vaginal capsules necessary at a temperature below 25 degrees, with a shelf life of 2 years.
"Vaginorm-C" - vaginal tablets from the dysbacteriosis of the vagina, the main active ingredient of which is ascorbic acid, which increases the acidity of the vagina and thereby causes the death of harmful microorganisms. Normalizing the pH of the internal environment of the vagina, ascorbic acid promotes the proliferation of useful microflora (lactobacilli), performing a protective function.
Indications for the use of this drug are various violations of the vaginal microflora, and contraindications - hypersensitivity to ascorbic acid and candidal vulvovaginitis.
Usually, the treatment with Vaginorm-S is carried out for 6 days, but if necessary, the course can be repeated. The package contains 6 tablets with a calculation for 1 course of treatment. Tablets are administered intravaginally once a day at night.
Usually, therapy with the drug does not cause unwanted reactions. In rare cases, there may be local (in the form of discomfort and burning at the injection site, as well as a small edema and increased secretions) or allergic reactions.
"Vaginorm-S" does not show activity against fungi, therefore in the presence of a fungal infection its use is inexpedient. When prescribing a drug, you need to exclude the presence of fungal infection, which may indicate local reactions when using vaginal tablets.
The drug can be continued during menstruation or interclinical bleeding.
The use of vaginal tablets during the expiry date, which in this case is 3 years, is the key to their effectiveness and safety. Store the drug at room temperature.
In addition to special vaginal drugs and other pharmacy medications, as an additional source of lactobacilli and other necessary for the body to fight the disease of nutrients, the doctor can recommend using biologically active supplements. The most popular dietary supplements are normoflorins B and L, which supply not only useful lactobacilli, but also bifidobacteria, vitamins, amino acids, antimicrobials.
Active substances in the composition of normoflorins have a high acidity and antimicrobial activity, which enables them to suppress the growth and development of pathogenic flora. A great advantage of this complex of normoflorins is a rapid soothing effect on the skin and mucous membranes, due to which, when applied, painful sensations, itching and discomfort quickly disappear.
In the case of dysbacteriosis of the vagina, normoflorins B and L in the form of a solution can be taken either as a peroral or as an intravaginal application or irrigation, and no side effects are observed in the preparations. As, however, they have no special contraindications to the application.
Application in the vagina is advisable to spend before bedtime, and the drug is taken orally in the amount of 10-30 ml, diluted in water, during or after meals 2-3 times a day.
Use of the tablets from vaginal dysbiosis during pregnancy
Quite often, the dysbacteriosis of the vagina arises against a background of changes in the hormonal background, for example, in pregnancy. It would seem that you can wait until the child is born, and then begin to fight the pathology. But the whole point is that children born to mothers with a diagnosis of "vaginal dysbacteriosis" are already predisposed to a dysbacteriosis of different localization from which they can suffer all their life since the beginning of their life.
In addition, there is a possibility that a child may not see the light at all or be born prematurely, since with vaginal dysbacteriosis, miscarriages or premature births are not uncommon. And this suggests that it is necessary to fight with pathology at the beginning of its development, even if it happened during pregnancy. Just need to be more sensitive to the choice of drugs for dysbacteriosis, so as not to harm the baby and not to provoke miscarriage.
The fact is that the treatment with antibiotics and vaginal preparations at certain periods of pregnancy is considered undesirable. All these points are reflected in the instructions to the preparations. But now we will try to figure out which of the above-mentioned drugs are allowed to be used in such a delicate period, and which ones should be abandoned, despite all their effectiveness, choosing tablets from vaginal bacteriosis that are safer for the mother and fetus.
So, antibiotics and antiseptics. In the instructions to the drug "Betadin" pregnancy is not reflected in the list of contraindications, however, its use is considered acceptable only at the initial terms, but the expediency and safety of therapy, starting from the 3rd month of pregnancy, should be discussed with the attending physician.
"Terjinan", on the other hand, is allowed to be used from the second trimester of pregnancy, and its use in the early term is determined by the doctor, giving good only if the risk to the fetus is significantly less than the benefit for the mother.
"Clindamycin" in the form of tablets for oral administration during pregnancy is contraindicated. A decision on the possibility of intravaginal application is in the competence of a specialist doctor, given that the active substance of this drug is able to penetrate the fetus through the placental barrier.
The use of antibacterial drugs during breastfeeding is limited, and relatively "Clindamycin" is even contraindicated, since it is excreted with milk.
Categorically the attitude of doctors and the use during pregnancy of antifungal tablets, applied from bacteriosis of the vagina. Drugs based on fluconazole and the like are prescribed by doctors in extremely severe and neglected cases of fungal infection, since there is a possibility of developing fetal pathologies that may be associated with the intake of these antifungal agents. During lactation, therapy with these drugs is not performed, or for the time of treatment of the mother of the baby is transferred to artificial feeding.
In any case, care is above all. Any medicines during pregnancy should be prescribed only by the attending physician, based on the patient's condition and possible risks for both the mother and the baby. Self-medication can lead to the most tragic consequences, ranging from premature births and ending with heart defects and other severe pathologies of development in the infant.
With regard to drugs with lactobacilli, the most useful and safe can be considered normoflorins B and L, which are allowed in pregnancy even in the form of applications in the vagina, which should be carried out in the hospital. In this case, they quickly and without harm to the fetus normalize the microflora of the vagina, and also remove discomfort in the genital area, which can accompany the dysbiosis in a woman. The use of normoflorins does not in itself cause unpleasant sensations.
Other drugs that normalize the microflora of the vagina, are also unlikely to harm the fetus or provoke a miscarriage. At least, among the contraindications to the use of these drugs there is no point "pregnancy and lactation". These drugs are used according to the indications of a specialist doctor.
However, in the instructions to the drug "Gynoflora" there is a warning about the use of this drug in the first trimester of pregnancy. But starting from the 4th month of pregnancy, the use of the drug no longer causes fear. Do not take pills from vaginal dysbacteriosis with live lactobacilli and during lactation, since in breast milk their traces are not found.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Effective tablets against dysbacteriosis of the vagina" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.