Periodontitis treatment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Treatment of periodontitis includes a set of procedures, including local therapy, physiotherapy, surgical intervention, orthopedic treatment.
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Is it possible to cure periodontitis?
The more neglected the form of periodontitis, the harder the consequences and the harder the treatment. In the early stages of the disease (with a depth of the pathological pocket not more than five millimeters), periodontitis is curable without surgical intervention. With the development of more severe forms, surgical intervention is inevitable. When asked if it is possible to cure periodontitis, any dentist will answer in the affirmative, but do not forget that any disease is best treated in the early stages, and periodontitis is no exception.
Stages of treatment of periodontitis
The stages of treatment of periodontitis include the following procedures:
- Professional dental cleaning, as well as proper oral care to prevent the appearance of calculus.
- If the conservative treatment is ineffective, surgery is performed. This is the second stage in the treatment of periodontitis. In the surgical treatment of periodontitis, dental implantation is also possible.
Complex treatment of periodontitis
Complex treatment of periodontitis includes local treatment of affected areas, the use of physiotherapy, surgery and orthopedic treatment, as well as the use of drugs that have a general effect on the body as a whole. For physiotherapeutic treatment, such methods as hydrotherapy, vacuum massage, phonophoresis can be used. To orthopedic methods of treatment carry selective polishing and splinting of teeth. As a local treatment, the patient is given rinses and oral cavity treatment with antiseptic ointments and gels, therapeutic and preventive toothpastes, and gum bandages with the use of medications.
How to treat periodontitis?
The answer to the question of how to treat periodontitis directly depends on the stage of the development of the disease. In the early stages, when the disease is only beginning to manifest itself, in most cases conservative methods of treatment are used, plaque is removed, antiseptics and anti-inflammatory agents are prescribed. With more severe forms of periodontitis treatment tactics are determined depending on the size of pathological periodontal pockets. With a pocket depth of less than five millimeters, professional cleaning is carried out, the procedure of curettage, when the numerous gums and bone pockets are formed more than five millimeters, they carry out patchwork operations. With the development of an abscess, unplanned surgical intervention is performed.
Vitamins for parodontitis
Vitamins in periodontitis are used as an auxiliary therapy and allow improving the condition of periodontal tissues. With periodontitis, it is possible to use such groups of vitamins as C, B, A, D, E, P (rutin). The daily norm of vitamins for patients with periodontitis should be approximately two to three times higher than the daily dosage for healthy people. Duration of admission is from two to four weeks.
Ointment for periodontitis
Ointment from periodontitis holisal has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory anesthetic effect. The drug is intended for local use twice-thrice a day before meals or after, and also at night. The ointment is inserted into the dentition pockets, rubbed into the gums or used as compresses once or twice a day. The duration of therapy is determined individually.
Gel for periodontitis
The gel from periodontitis metrogil denta has in its composition metronidazole and chlorhexidine and has antibacterial and antiseptic effect. When periodontitis after removal of dental plaque, dental pockets are lubricated with a gel of metrogil denta, after which gums are applied on the gums. The procedure is carried out twice a day for seven to ten days.
Treatment of periodontitis with a vector
Ultrasound device "Vector" allows you to effectively remove plaque from the surface of the teeth, destroy the pathogenic microflora, clean and polish the tooth root. Treatment of periodontitis with a vector allows you to clean the surface of the tooth root without the elimination of hard tissues. Ultrasonic waves have an antimicrobial effect and can effectively clean dentition pockets. Thanks to the use of a suspension with hydroxyapatite elements, the sensitivity of the teeth is significantly reduced, which makes it possible to make the Vector apparatus as painless and comfortable as possible. To remove the inflammatory process, Vector can be used at any stage of treatment.
Rinse with parodontitis
When periodontitis as an auxiliary treatment can be used tinctures for rinsing. To make the tincture you can use flowers of marigold, linden, oak bark. The same number of colors of marigold and linden is mixed and poured hot boiled water, after which it is insisted for half an hour under the lid. Next, the infusion is filtered and used to rinse the gums three to four times a day. Crushed oak bark can also be used to perform a procedure such as rinsing with periodontitis. One teaspoon of oak bark pour a glass of chilled water, then boil for about half an hour, insist to room temperature, decant and used to rinse during the day. On average, the rinse procedure should take one to two minutes. Oak bark has an antiseptic and antioxidant effect, and also strengthens the teeth.
Treatment of localized periodontitis
Treatment of localized periodontitis includes the removal of plaque, professional cleaning of the oral cavity and treatment with antiseptic agents. With a pocket depth of more than five millimeters, surgical intervention is indicated. With the development of bone tissue damage and mobility of the teeth, patch operations are performed, as well as splinting of the teeth.
Orthopedic treatment of localized periodontitis
Orthopedic treatment of localized periodontitis includes the restoration of the tooth shape, alignment of the dentition, selective polishing, temporary and permanent splinting of teeth, restoration of the functions of teeth during chewing and biting food, as well as their aesthetic appearance.
General treatment of generalized periodontitis
General treatment of generalized periodontitis in the development of exacerbation includes antibacterial therapy, the intake of vitamin and antifungal drugs. In the treatment of generalized periodontitis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunocorrecting drugs, intravenous administration of a 10% calcium chloride solution can be administered. Calcium gluconate is also used - two to three grams three times a day, calcium glycerophosphate - to 0, 5 g three times a day, adaptogens and sedatives.
Treatment of periodontitis of severe severity
The treatment of severe periodontitis is a rather complicated process, which is carried out in several stages. At the first visit to the doctor, the general condition of the patient is evaluated, after which the treatment tactic is determined. With the advanced phase of periodontitis, it is possible to use such methods of treatment as polishing, splinting and prosthetics. Preliminarily carried out removal of dental deposits, sanitation of the oral cavity, treatment of periodontal pockets with antiseptic means. Depending on the degree of damage to the teeth, the treating physician individually solves the problem of the expediency of their removal. Treatment also includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and physical therapy.
Toothpaste with parodontitis
Toothpaste with parodontitis is selected individually by the attending physician depending on the condition of the periodontal tissues and the degree of development of the disease. Tooth pastes used in periodontitis should have a common curative-prophylactic effect and provide a comprehensive oral care.
Parodontitis can be used with toothpaste Parodontax. Its composition includes mineral salts, echinacea, mint, myrrh, sage, waffles, chamomile, in a complex that help strengthen tissues, relieve inflammation, destroy bacteria, enhance local immunity, and also provide astringent and haemostatic effect. Toothpaste is recommended to be used in combination with a rinse aid for a more lasting effect.
For the prevention of periodontal diseases is also toothpaste "Lakalut". The assortment of this paste is now quite wide. The composition of the paste "Lacalut duo" includes chlorhexidine, which has a powerful antiseptic effect, preventing the development of pathogenic microorganisms. To reduce the formation of plaque, toothpaste "Lakalut flora" can be used. Its active components suppress the development of pathogenic microflora, and also have anti-inflammatory and fungicidal action. To strengthen the gums, as well as reduce their bleeding apply toothpaste "Lakalut asset", which also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Toothpaste "Lakalut asset" also increases the strength of tooth enamel and reduces its sensitivity to external stimuli. Toothpaste "Lakalut asset" is recommended to use courses of thirty to sixty days with exacerbation of the inflammatory process, as well as for the prevention.
Methods of treatment of periodontitis
Methods of treatment of periodontitis depend on the stage of the development of the disease and can include professional cleaning of the oral cavity, drug therapy, closed curettage, splinting of teeth, as well as surgical methods of treatment. Closed curettage allows you to clean the gingival pockets without compromising the integrity of the gums. In this case, the size of the pathological pocket should be no more than five millimeters. In this procedure, the tartar is first removed, then the contents of the dentition pockets are cleaned and treated with a special solution, after which a protective dressing is applied with the drug. When this procedure is performed, the tooth root is also polished.
When creating a pathological dentogingival pocket with a depth of more than five millimeters, surgical methods of treatment are used - gingivectomy (excision of the gum edge to remove the pathological pocket), open curettage, dental implantation.
General treatment of periodontitis
General treatment of periodontitis is aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes and other disorders in the tissues of periodontal disease, as well as increasing the body's defenses. General treatment of periodontitis includes antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, desensitizing, detoxifying, sedative and vitamin therapy.
Local treatment of periodontitis
Local treatment of periodontitis includes a number of procedures aimed at eliminating plaque, dystrophic processes in the tissues of periodontal disease, to remove inflammation and eliminate dental pockets. After the removal of dental deposits, the interdental spaces and dentogingival pockets are irrigated with an antiseptic. Due to this, they are cleared of the particles of tartar, and in the gums the inflammatory process decreases. After this treatment is directed to the removal of pathological pockets. Pockets of small sizes (up to two millimeters) are eliminated with the help of conservative methods of treatment. In the formation of pathological pockets larger than two millimeters, surgical intervention (curettage) is indicated. However, this procedure is contraindicated in the size of pockets more than six millimeters.
Orthopedic treatment of periodontitis
Orthopedic treatment of periodontitis includes selective teeth polishing, splinting and prosthetics. These methods can reduce the inflammatory process, improve blood circulation in the tissues of periodontal, normalize the closing function of the teeth.
Selective sanding is performed to prevent traumatic overload of teeth, which can occur with periodontitis. Shinning allows to strengthen the teeth and prevent their further mobility and, as a result, loss. For crowning teeth can be used crowns, dentures, sewing threads.
Laser treatment of periodontitis
Laser treatment of periodontitis allows the most efficient cleaning of periodontal pockets, destroying all pathogenic organisms and thereby achieving a maximum level of sterility. A positive result after the periodontal effect on the periodontal tissue is noted after the first procedure: the inflammatory process and pain syndrome in the process of chewing food, as well as the bleeding of the gums and the release of purulent masses are reduced. One of the advantages of treating the periodontitis with a laser is also a rapid recovery after the procedure and a minimal risk of trauma.
Medical treatment of periodontitis
Medical treatment of periodontitis performs an auxiliary function in the general therapy of the disease. Antimicrobials are used for this purpose, among which the most common are lincomycin, metronidazole, chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine solution is used for rinsing the oral cavity, for applying applications to the gums, and also for flushing the dentition pockets. Tablets containing chlorhexidine can be used for resorption before the procedure for cleansing from plaque. A powerful antiseptic action in the treatment of periodontitis has a drug miramistin, effectively suppressing the reproduction of opportunistic microorganisms. The drug metronidazole has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also has antiprotozoal properties with respect to anaerobic microflora contained in the dentition pockets. The drug can be used for oral administration, as well as for insertion into pathological pockets with the application of a protective dressing. Antibiotic lincomycin in the treatment of periodontitis can be used as an ointment, gel, injection solution, as well as capsules.
Lincomycin for parodontitis
Lincomycin in periodontitis can be used for treatment in combination with lidocaine hydrochloride by topical administration. For this purpose, 1 ml of a 30% strength solution of lincomycin hydrochloride is diluted with a 2% solution of lidocaine (0.2 ml). The finished medicine is inserted along the transitional fold of the oral cavity once a day, 0.6 ml on both sides on the upper and lower jaws. Duration of treatment is ten days. Thanks to the joint use of lidocaine hydrochloride and lincomycin hydrochloride, it is possible to achieve anti-inflammatory effect, reduce pain, and minimize the risk of adverse reactions during treatment. Injections are administered only by an experienced specialist in strict indications and in the absence of allergic reactions.
Surgical treatment of periodontitis
Surgical treatment of periodontitis can be emergency or planned. Urgent surgical intervention is performed in cases of exacerbation of the disease with the development of an abscess. Within two to three days after opening the abscess, the patient is prescribed antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity. After a lapse of five to six days, the patient is removed from the stitches.
The planned surgical intervention is a definite stage of the complex therapy of periodontitis. This includes operations on the gums: curettage - elimination of subgingival deposits and polishing the root of the tooth with the use of local anesthesia; simple gingivectomy - the excision of the periodontal pocket without the denudation of the bone, is used for the formation of several dentition pockets up to five millimeters in size. Operative intervention on the gum and bone tissue: radical gingivectomy and patchwork. With radical gingivectomy, a denture pocket with a size of up to five millimeters is excised with further removal of the softened bone tissue and the alignment of the tissue that has remained. Patchwork operations are carried out with the formation of several gingival and bone pockets larger than five millimeters in size.
Prosthetics for periodontitis
Prosthetics in periodontitis complicate such factors as the mobility of the teeth, bone resorption, the inability to sufficiently maintain oral hygiene. That is why patients suffering from periodontitis are contraindicated in certain methods of prosthetics. Before the prosthesis, the patient undergoes preliminary training, which includes a set of therapeutic procedures to reduce the inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues. If necessary, temporary prostheses can be installed for the duration of treatment. After carrying out the prosthesis, the doctor should visit at least once every three months in order to detect and correct complications in a timely manner.
Implantation with parodontitis
Implantation in periodontitis is carried out according to strict indications only after elimination of the symptoms of the disease and a complex of medical procedures. Since the parodontitis may aggravate the periodontal bone tissue, an implantation procedure may be necessary before the implantation procedure.
Splinting with parodontitis
Splinting with parodontitis is performed with the purpose of strengthening the teeth and preventing their further loosening. The most common splinting is performed on the front teeth of the upper or lower row. Splinting with parodontitis is indicated with loosening of the teeth and denudation of the tooth root, when the dentition is deformed. As a rule, fiberglass or polyethylene thread is used for splicing. At first, after the splinting, there is some discomfort, which usually disappears in a few weeks. The effectiveness of the procedure is directly related to the number of intact teeth in the patient - the more teeth you can save, the more effective the result will be. Thanks to the procedure of splinting during chewing food, the main load is distributed to healthy teeth, which contributes to the fastest healing of damaged teeth. Shinning is performed according to strict indications of the attending physician after preliminary examination.
Patchwork operations with periodontitis
Patchwork operations with periodontitis are usually carried out with ineffective conservative treatment (usually with an average or severe degree of disease). When carrying out such an operation, the doctor opens the gingival tissues and thoroughly cleans the periodontal pockets, the top of the tooth root, which helps to restore the periodontal tissues and prevent loosening of the teeth. After the operation is completed, a seam is applied at the site of the incision. In some cases, grafts or osteoblasts can be used to improve the growth of bone tissue and restore the strength of the gingival tissue.
Treatment of periodontitis at home
Treatment of periodontitis at home is possible only in the early stages of the disease, with strict agreement with the doctor, who after a thorough examination will appoint a set of treatment procedures and the drugs necessary for treatment. With independent and improperly selected treatment, this disease can take a more ambitious form and go to the neglected stage, which will already require surgical intervention. The treatment of periodontitis at home at its first symptoms may include rinsings from decoction of medicinal plants, the use of dental anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ointments, as well as therapeutic and preventive toothpaste.
Treatment of periodontitis with alternative means
Treatment of periodontitis with alternative means includes rinsing the oral cavity with infusions of medicinal herbs and other medicinal plants, as well as treatment of gums with the help of plant-based ointments. Treatment of periodontitis with alternative means can be considered as an auxiliary method of therapy aimed at maintaining oral hygiene and reducing the inflammatory process. Before using alternative agents in the treatment of periodontitis, dental cleansing of the tooth surface should be performed to remove plaque. After consultation with the treating dentist, fir and sea-buckthorn oils can be used for the treatment of periodontitis by alternative means. These components are mixed in equal proportions and applied to a gauze swab, after which they are rubbed gums two times a day for several minutes. Reduce the inflammatory process and bleeding gums will also help chopped oak bark. One teaspoon of oak bark is poured with 250 ml of water and boiled for twenty-five to thirty minutes, after which it is cooled and decanted. The broth should be rinsed three times a day, holding it on the gums for about a minute. Removing the inflammatory process is also facilitated by a mixture of fruits of viburnum and mountain ash with the addition of honey, consumed inside during the day between meals.
How much does periodontal treatment cost?
To find out how much treatment for periodontitis costs, you can directly visit a dental clinic and conduct a preliminary examination. Depending on the stage and form of periodontitis, the doctor will prescribe the treatment that is suitable for you and will inform the relativity of the cost of each procedure in particular and of treatment in general.
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