Pain in the wisdom tooth
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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These teeth are located on the last places of the dentition, appear usually between twenty and twenty five years, in some cases - much later. The pain in the wisdom tooth is most often associated with the processes that accompany its eruption and growth.
In most cases, pain is associated with the inflammation of the hood located above it, and also with the displacement of other teeth, to which it exerts pressure during the growth process.
What causes pain in the wisdom tooth?
Inflammatory process arises due to the fact that between the wisdom tooth and the gum a gap is formed in which food pieces and microorganisms get to. When inflammation occurs, a pain in the wisdom tooth, which increases during chewing and swallowing of food, may increase the body temperature, increase the lymph nodes located under the lower jaw. In the gum near the wisdom tooth there is swelling, hyperemia, the hood of the mucous membrane of the gum can cover the erupting tooth, when pressed, purulent discharge may appear. In the chronic form of the disease, the inflammatory process decreases for a while, but is characterized by frequent relapses.
To temporarily relieve the pain in the wisdom tooth help rinses and anti-inflammatory gels. But in this way it is possible to achieve only a reduction of the arising symptoms, without eliminating the causes. Therefore, the main treatment should be aimed at removing the inflamed hood. This procedure lasts about five minutes and is performed exclusively by the dentist after preliminary local anesthesia.
Displacement of the dentition
If there is not enough free space for the erupting wisdom tooth, it begins to exert pressure on the other teeth, which leads to their displacement and the appearance of pain. In such a situation, in most cases, the wisdom tooth has to be removed in order to prevent the curvature of the occlusion.
The main symptoms are a painful reaction to acidic or sugary foods, hot or cold food. The pain in the wisdom tooth usually subsides as soon as the stimulus is eliminated. Caries occurs when a plaque builds up on the surface of the tooth, which contains many microorganisms that produce acids that destroy the tooth. The dentist should make a decision about the expediency of removing a sick tooth on the basis of an examination and an X-ray examination.
In the case of pulpitis, acute pain of paroxysmal nature arises. Pain in the wisdom tooth often occurs without any apparent cause, usually increases at night. If the disease takes a chronic form, the pain becomes moderate, but accompanied by a nagging sensation, a painful reaction to external factors of exposure (cold, heat, etc.).
The pain with this disease is usually noisy, localized exclusively in the wisdom tooth. Pressing on it or tapping it lightly causes a sharp increase in pain, in the area of the affected tooth, swelling may appear both from the inside and from the outside. It is possible to form a fistula on the gingiva with pus, and the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth. The main factor in the positive outcome of the disease is a complete cleansing of the root of the tooth, after which the dentist treats the affected area with an antiseptic and introduces the medication, after which a temporary seal is established. In some cases, antibacterial therapy may be prescribed. Only after the treatment has been done can permanent fixing materials be fixed on the tooth.
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How is the pain in the tooth of wisdom treated?
To ease the pain in the wisdom tooth, you can use the following herbal decoctions for rinsing: for half a liter of hot boiled water, pour 2 tablespoons of sage, insist 40-45 minutes, after which you can rinse your mouth or take three times a day, one tablespoon. To calm painful sensations will help and crushed leaves of St. John's wort: 1 tablespoon should be poured a glass of boiling water and insist for about an hour, after which the resulting broth should be filtered and used for the intended purpose. A good soothing effect is also possessed by the oak bark: five tablespoons of oak bark are taken for half a liter of boiling water, and the resulting solution is treated with the oral cavity five to six times a day.
The pain in the wisdom tooth can appear under the influence of various adverse factors, the treatment and elimination of which the dentist must deal with. To prevent the occurrence of the aforementioned diseases, observe the norms of oral hygiene, visit the dentist at least once every five to six months.