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Pills for vomiting
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Vomiting is a protective reaction of the body. In this way, the stomach is released from all the toxic substances that have accumulated in it. It is not considered a separate disease, but rather a symptom that indicates that the body has some kind of malfunction. If vomiting in your case is just a temporary phenomenon, special tablets will cope with it.
Indications for use
Tablets from vomiting, as a rule, are accepted if it appeared after excessive consumption of food, too much emotional stress or stressful situation, taking certain medications (for example, cytostatics) in case of sea or air sickness, after radiation therapy or surgery. Before using any anti-emetics, you need to pay attention that all drugs in this group have a different mechanism of action. That is, if you need to get rid of vomiting after overeating, you should take one pill, and from air sickness - others.
That is why, before using tablets against vomiting, you need to determine the cause of its appearance. If you can not stop an unpleasant symptom, you should immediately call an ambulance.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Consider the pharmacodynamics of tablets from vomiting, using the popular "Cerucal" remedy.
How effective anti-emetic drug "Cerucal" helps block serotonin and dopamine receptors. The main substance of metoclopramide has a peripheral and central effect. Due to blockade of dopamine receptors in brain cells, the irritation threshold of the center increases, which is responsible for the gag reflex.
Due to the mechanism of its action, "Cerucal" helps quickly to cope not only with vomiting and nausea, but also with hiccups. The action is to reduce the motor activity of the esophagus, increase the tone of the lower sphincter, rapid evacuation of the stomach, accelerate the movement of food through the small intestine without signs of diarrhea and normalize the biliary excretory function.
Consider the pharmacokinetics of tablets from vomiting, using the example of the popular "Cerucal".
The tablets are absorbed fairly quickly after they have got inside. Their bioavailability is up to 80%. Metabolism occurs in the liver. Half-produced within 3-5 hours. In chronic kidney diseases, this process can take up to 14 hours. The drug is excreted through the kidneys for 1 day in an unchanged form.
Names of tablets from vomiting
Meterazin. The drug is quite potent. It is often used to remove the vomiting and nausea that has appeared due to motion sickness. The active ingredient is prochlorperazine.
It is used after meals three to four times a day for one tablet. If after the first use all the symptoms have disappeared, you do not need to reuse the drug.
The main side effects from the use of "Meterazin" are: drowsiness, dysmenorrhea, the appearance of dry mouth, loss of appetite, allergy, swelling, agitation. These tablets against vomiting are contraindicated in: heart and vascular diseases, brain injuries, pregnancy and breastfeeding, breast cancer, glaucoma (especially closed-angle), epilepsy, old age, intolerance of components.
Aeron. Tablets that are used to prevent motion sickness and to remove such a sign as vomiting. Active active ingredients are: hyoscyamine and scopolamine.
The drug should be drunk thirty minutes before the flight or travel in another form of transport. Drink two tablets on an empty stomach. After one hour you need to drink another pill. Sometimes Aeron is prescribed to reduce vomiting, when the patient has a headache. It is not recommended to exceed the maximum dosage allowed for one day (four tablets).
This remedy for vomiting is not prescribed to patients with closed-angle glaucoma, with chronic diseases of the prostate gland or with intolerance of their components. Sometimes there are unpleasant side effects: thirst, dilated pupils, urine retention, dizziness, paresis of accommodation.
Diprazin. This is a popular sedative and antihistamine. Due to the fact that it has a calming effect on the central nervous system, it helps to suppress vomiting.
The drug is taken twice or thrice a day (one tablet at a time) after eating. Very rarely after use, side effects occur: dry mouth, skin irritation, lowering blood pressure, drowsiness.
The product is completely contraindicated to take with alcohol. Do not use tablets for drivers of vehicles. When pregnancy can be taken after the appointment of a doctor.
A popular antiemetic drug that helps block dopamine receptors. The active ingredient of these tablets is metoclopramide hydrochloride monohydrate.
It is taken half an hour before eating. Drink plenty of water. Adults are recommended to take one tablet 3-4 times a day. Children can usually drink half a tablet two or three times a day.
Tserukal is contraindicated at the beginning of pregnancy, to women who breast-feed, with intolerance of its components. Common side effects from the use of the drug are: dizziness, migraine and headaches, severe fatigue, deterioration of the emotional state, drowsiness, the appearance of noise in the ears, agranulocytosis, diarrhea, constipation.
Inexpensive and effective remedy for the removal of severe vomiting, nausea and hiccups. Helps to stimulate the peristalsis of the stomach. Blocks dopamine receptors. The active active ingredient is: is metoclopramide hydrochloride monohydrate.
The average dosage of these tablets from vomiting: 1 tablet three to four times a day. If vomiting is very severe, the dose can be increased to 2 tablets.
Metoclopramide should not be used by pregnant women and breastfeeding. Contraindications are also: bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal obstruction, epilepsy, intolerance of the drug components. Side effects from use are the following: diarrhea or constipation at the beginning of therapy, drowsiness, severe fatigue, headache and migraine, acacia, agranulocytosis, allergy.
Tablets from vomiting and nausea
Activated carbon. A perfect absorbent that helps to cope with nausea and vomiting that was caused by overeating or taking medications.
The dosage depends on the weight of the patient. Usually take up to 750 mg of activated carbon 3-4 times a day. Among the main side effects are: diarrhea, constipation, hypovitaminosis (with prolonged use). Activated charcoal can not be used for bleeding in the stomach, as well as for patients with ulcers.
Kokkulin. This is a homeopathic remedy. Active active ingredients are: cocculus inducus, tobaccoum, nuks vomica, petroleum. The tablets must be resorbed in the mouth. Helps cope with nausea and vomiting during motion sickness.
Take two tablets three times a day 24 hours before the proposed trip and on the same day. To treat vomiting, which was not caused by motion sickness, dissolve two tablets until the normal state is restored (every hour).
Side effects: allergic reactions. Do not take with intolerance of the drug components and during lactase deficiency.
Tablets from vomiting and diarrhea
Polyphepan. This drug is of vegetable origin. It is derived from hydrolytic lignin. It differs by detoxification, enterosorbiruyuschim, lipid-lowering, antidiarrhoeic effect.
Tablets are taken for an hour or an hour and a half before meals. The maximum daily dose for adults is up to 16 tablets (for children - 10 tablets). Therapy lasts no more than 7 days for acute diseases.
The main side effects are allergy and constipation. The drug should be taken cautiously to patients with diabetes. It is contraindicated in case of intolerance of the main components.
Motilium. An excellent antiemetic, which also helps to cope with nausea and diarrhea. The main active component is domperidone.
The average dosage is as follows: 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day. Contraindications for the drug are: bleeding in the stomach, benign and malignant tumors of the pituitary gland, acute and chronic kidney and liver failure, intolerance of components, too low body weight (up to 35 kg), pregnancy, lactation.
Among the side effects are: spasms in the intestines, agitation, convulsions, anaphylactic reactions, allergies, drowsiness.
Tablets from strong vomiting
Betagistin. Active active ingredient of the drug is beta-histidine dihydrochloride. Usually, this drug helps to cope with severe vomiting, which was caused by motion sickness. To get an effective result, you need to drink half a tablet 3 times a day a few days before the proposed trip.
The drug is contraindicated in: pregnancy, breastfeeding, under the age of 18. Side effects of taking the remedy may be: a disorder of the stool, allergic reactions.
Buscopan. The active active substance of these tablets from vomiting is hyoscine butyl bromide. This drug is used to treat severe vomiting, nausea in gastrointestinal diseases.
The drug should be taken three times a day for 1 tablet. The main side effects of the drug are: urinary retention, allergy, tachycardia, shortness of breath. Buscopan is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age, with pregnancy and breast-feeding, patients with myasthenia gravis and megacolon.
Tablets for vomiting for children
Anestezin. Active active substance of the drug is benzocaine. The main feature of this remedy is the fact that it can be taken even to young children to eliminate vomiting, nausea. The dosage is individual. It depends on the severity of the disease, which caused an unpleasant symptom, as well as from the indications.
The main side effects of using this drug are allergic reactions. The agent should not be taken if its components are intolerant.
Method and dosage of tablets against vomiting
The dosage of tablets from vomiting always depends on the drug chosen, the individual characteristics of the organism and the severity of the patient's condition. Some drugs can be used without the advice of a doctor. For more information about dosage, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug.
Use of vomiting tablets during pregnancy
During pregnancy, especially in its first weeks, nausea and vomiting are women's constant companions. Of course, they must be treated. Today in pharmacies there are many different drugs that help to cope with such an unpleasant condition even during pregnancy.
For example, quite popular tablets from vomiting and nausea is "Hofitol". It consists of artichoke leaves and cinnamon. But he also has contraindications: cholelithiasis, kidney and liver diseases, intolerance of components. "Holifol" is taken 2-3 tablets three times a day.
No less popular means is "Anestezin". This drug can be used not only during pregnancy, but also for the treatment of vomiting in children.
Contraindications and side effects
The main contraindications to the use of tablets from vomiting are the following:
- Intolerance of their main components.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Children's age (rarely).
- Chronic liver and kidney disease.
- Bleeding gastrointestinal localization.
- Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer and ulcerative colitis.
Of course, like other medications, pills for vomiting have their side effects. The most common are:
- Allergies (rash, hives, itching).
- Irritation, drowsiness, insomnia.
- Dryness and unpleasant taste in the mouth.
- Agranulocytosis.
- Diarrhea or constipation.
If you notice a manifestation of side effects, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Sometimes, an overdose of tablets from vomiting may increase side effects. Often patients develop severe drowsiness, confusion of thoughts, anxiety, irritation, convulsions. If the poisoning was of an easy form, then all the symptoms of an overdose disappear within 24 hours. If this does not happen, you need to see a doctor and establish constant monitoring of the vital organs of the patient.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Tablets from vomiting should be stored in a dry place and protected from direct sunlight. The air temperature should not exceed +30 degrees. It is very important to protect from children. For more information on storage conditions, see the product instructions.
As a rule, the shelf life of such tablets does not exceed five years. Note that taking vomit tablets after this period is not recommended, as this can lead to complications.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Pills for vomiting" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.