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List of probiotics
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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All probiotics are divided into several groups, depending on what is the basis of the classification. The probiotic composition may contain several components, in this connection, monocomponent preparations are isolated that have only one specific type of bacteria. These microorganisms are undoubtedly useful for the intestine, in particular for microflora.
The list of probiotics of this group includes bifidumbacterin and lactobacterin. As for probiotics from several components in the form of live cultures, here it is necessary to distinguish linex, acylac and bifilong.
Combination drugs are a combination of a probiotic with a prebiotic, which distinguishes them among other means. Among such drugs is bifiform and bifidumbacterin forte.
Despite the breadth of the spectrum of the impact of different groups, after all, each of the groups has its application. Especially effective are probiotics when used simultaneously with antibacterial drugs. This is due to the possibility of probiotics not only to protect the existing microflora, but also to maintain its optimal composition.
Bifiform probiotic
Bifiform probiotic is a representative of antidiarrheal microbial preparations, which refer to agents that can influence the digestive tract.
Indications for the use of probiotics include an imbalance of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms colonizing the intestine, resulting from the use of antibacterial drugs, chemotherapy, malnutrition and diarrhea. Due to probiotic bacteria the ratio of useful and pathogenic microorganisms on the intestinal mucosa is normalized. As a result, typical symptoms of a pathological condition are eliminated.
A special indication and superiority of the probiotic is the fact that it can be consumed by people who do not tolerate lactose. The mechanism of action is based on the ability of the bacteria that make up this remedy to restore the physiological composition of the microflora.
Bifiform probiotic reduces flatulence, which is a common symptom of people with lactose intolerance. The action consists in the possibility of splitting lactose, thereby reducing the formation of gases in the intestine.
Name of Probiotics
All probiotics have the same direction in treatment - to eliminate dysbacteriosis, to normalize the ratio of useful and pathogenic bacteria, to get rid of unpleasant clinical manifestations. However, each species has its own composition and, accordingly, its name.
Also distinguish drugs for kids, adults and separately are medicines for animals. The name of probiotic preparations can have the designation "forte", which means the presence of the maximum permissible dose in one tablet or capsule. As a result, you need to carefully monitor the intake of the probiotic.
Combined drugs include in their composition bacteria and auxiliary components that have a positive effect on the body, for example, anti-inflammatory or immunomodulating. Such probiotics include linex, a probiotic complex. Their effect is due to the presence in a single dose of several strains of bacteria, which together have a therapeutic effect.
Also it is necessary to consider separately probiotics for animals, for example, olin and lactobifadol, and means for cleaning the room (new sphere).
Probiotic with lactulose
The probiotic with lactulose refers to a new generation of this group of drugs that contain a high concentration of necessary microorganisms for human microflora.
It is allowed to use it in the form of an acidic-dairy product or in pure form, bypassing the leaven process. Useful bacteria prevent the proliferation of pathogens and contribute to the balancing of all microbes microbes.
The probiotic with lactulose strengthens the defenses of the body, stimulating the production of interferons by cells of the immune system, increases the resistance of beneficial bacteria against pathogens, activates purification processes in organisms, stimulating the elimination of toxic substances, and also reduces the likelihood of developing a large number of serious diseases.
This drug as a preventive agent can prevent the development of dysbacteriosis and its characteristic clinical signs in the event of a change in habitat or changes in the diet. With the help of a probiotic, the body quickly goes through the process of habituation.
Probiotic narine
Probiotic narine is characterized by its unique, purposeful activity in relation to the organs of the digestive tract and a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Due to its properties, the probiotic provides an active and regular purification process, removes toxins and prevents the development of adverse reactions when taking medications.
This drug is involved in the synthesis of most vitamins (about 70%) and is resistant to the destructive effects of chemotherapy, antiseptics and antibiotics. With respect to opportunistic microorganisms, the probiotic possesses powerful enzymatic activity.
Probiotic narine activates the production of interferon, which prevents viruses and the cancer process, thereby increasing the immune defenses of the body. The drug is compatible with other medicines and products.
The probiotic produces enzymes that take part in the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and the assimilation of trace elements. In addition, the preparation synthesizes essential amino acids and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
Probiotic Linex
The probiotic linex refers to agents that affect the digestive tract, and is considered an antidiarrheal microbial.
Probiotic Linex consists of 3 kinds of lactic acid bacteria of different parts of the intestine, which are part of the normal microflora. They maintain a constant number of certain beneficial bacteria and regulate their activity.
The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the shift of pH in the acidic side, which slows down the process of multiplying pathogenic microorganisms and provides optimal conditions for the digestive enzymes.
Probiotic is involved in the production of B and K vitamins, in the metabolism of bile pigments and acids. In addition, the drug prevents the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria to the intestinal wall, synthesizes substances that have a bacteriocidal ability, and also activates the humoral unit of immunity and local immune defense in the intestine.
This tool is used when the ratio of pathogenic and useful microorganisms is violated in order to eliminate clinical manifestations of dysbiosis.
Probiotic acipole
Probiotic acipolum is widely used to combat dysbacteriosis and pathological conditions that lead to it. Among them is to focus on acute intestinal infectious diseases, colitis and enterocolitis of chronic form, atopic dermatitis and chronic bronchitis.
In addition, the probiotic acipol is necessary in case of microflora disturbance after long-term administration of antibacterial and chemotherapeutic agents, as well as with the preventive purpose to prevent the development of dysbacteriosis and subsequent clinical symptoms.
The probiotic consists of live acidophilic lactabacteria and polysaccharide of kefir fungi. Due to this composition, the drug contributes to the normalization of quantitative and qualitative composition of the intestinal microflora, inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, which begin to multiply intensively and cause the development of the disease, and also increase immunity.
The form of the release of the medicinal product is capsules, the contents of which are represented by dry matter. With the help of this form, bacteria are not affected by the factors destroying them.
Hilak probiotic
Hilak probiotic is the representative of a group of drugs that have an effect on the digestive system. They are used for dysfunction of the digestive tract, digestive disorders, as a result of which the person is concerned about discomfort, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea and many other clinical manifestations.
The drug is able to normalize the intestinal microflora, pH and quantitative composition of electrolytes. In addition, the hilak probiotic is a stimulator of the synthesis of intestinal epithelial cells.
The ability to adjust the acidity in the gastrointestinal tract is due to the presence of biosynthetic lactic acid and buffer salts in the probiotic. Normalized as increased and reduced acidity.
The drug also has a large number of metabolic products of beneficial intestinal bacteria, such as lactic acid producers, Gram-positive and negative symbionts. Thanks to them, the physiological functions of the mucosa are preserved and its microflora is restored.
The drug can be used for children from 2 years, since the form of release - drops, which facilitates the use.
Super probiotic
Much of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract is associated with a violation of microflora. In order to restore its normal composition, the use of probiotics is required. Super probiotic is able to normalize the ratio of bacteria and thereby strengthen the body's immune defense.
The super probiotic has many advantages, namely it contains fiber for the growth of useful bacteria, glutamine is an amino acid restoring the mucosa of the digestive tract, and also an extract of chamomile, which has a soothing effect.
This probiotic promotes the normal functioning of the digestive system, ensures the production of vitamin K and group B, activates intestinal enzymes.
When using the probiotic during the intake and after antibacterial agents, it prevents intestinal disturbances with the development of diarrhea, excessive gas formation, and also gravity in the abdomen.
In addition, this drug reduces the risk of helminthic invasion, fungal infection and infection with Helicobacter pilori.
Super 8 probiotic
Super 8 probiotic is effective in disturbing the functioning of the intestine with the development of constipation, diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, the drug is effective in allergic conditions, SARS to increase the immune response and to normalize the microflora after taking antibiotics.
As an adjuvant used to eliminate infections of the urinary and genital systems, as well as to reduce cholesterol.
Super 8 probiotic has a unique composition in the form of acidophilus lactobacilli and enzymes that help digestion and assimilation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Thanks to bacteria, the body receives the necessary amount of lactic acid for the work of the digestive tract and the immune system.
Use probiotic is allowed after 18 years. The types of bacteria that make up its composition are resistant to the influence of hydrochloric acid, therefore they enter the intestines intact. This tool includes 6 types of lactobacilli and 2 types of bifidobacteria. Such a composition ensures the normalization of the ratio of bacteria to the microflora of the organism.
Probiotic vetom
Probiotic vetom refers to the new generation of drugs and is a unique combination of components that provide maximum protection of the body. This drug is able to activate the immune system in order to resist infectious agents.
When the probiotic is taken, the restoration of the intestinal microflora is noted, the bacteria ratio is normalized and a protective barrier is created on the surface of the mucosa from damaging factors.
The mechanism of immunomodulation is based on activation of the production of interferons that inhibit the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms, suppresses their vital functions and reduces the negative impact on the body.
Probiotic vetom is used to normalize microflora after taking antibacterial drugs. In addition, the drug is used to treat infectious diseases of a bacterial nature (salmonellosis, dysentery), gastrointestinal pathologies, which are accompanied by a disorder of the intestine. Also, the probiotic helps to resist infections transmitted by airborne droplets.
Probiotic yogurt
According to the international classification, the probiotic yogurt belongs to a group of agents that affect the digestive system and metabolism, in particular, to antidiarrheal microbial preparations.
Probiotic yogurt is used with a prophylactic and therapeutic purpose for acute and chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines of children and adults, to eliminate dysbacteriosis both local and common.
This drug is widely used in parallel antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. As an additional component for allergic conditions of the generalized form, as well as for maintaining normal microflora in people who can not consume dairy products, due to the lack of enzymes involved in their digestion.
Probiotics contain lactic acid bacteria, which are an essential component of microflora. They are necessary for providing resistance against pathogenic microorganisms, stimulating the immune response, detoxifying function and helping the digestive system.
A new sphere of probiotics
A new area of probiotics are considered to be detergents that provide the presence of beneficial microorganisms on the surface of furniture, the floor where the cleaning was done.
In the case of disinfection, virtually all pathogenic microbes are killed. Some remain in cracks and micropores of the surface. In addition, for the remaining microbes, a huge area for reproduction is released, which ensures a rapid regeneration of their quantity.
There is a difference between useful and harmful microorganisms. Disease-producing microbes multiply much faster than useful, but can not be without food for a long time and become controversial.
Unlike them, useful ones have such a function, but they increase their number long enough, leaving room for bad microbes.
Thus, it can be concluded that disinfection is mandatory. After all, it kills pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the development of diseases. In this regard, it should be remembered that cleaning of premises should be carried out frequently, in order to avoid the spread of infection.
Probiotic forte
Probiotics are necessary for the treatment of dysbacteriosis, which occurs due to dysfunction of the digestive system, its pathology, as well as due to radiation and chemotherapy, against the background of antibacterial and antifungal agents.
Probiotic forte includes a huge number of useful lacto- and bifidobacteria, the number of which is much higher than in conventional drugs. This drug has a high activity, which allows a short time to restore the normal ratio of bacteria, stabilize the qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora, as well as relieve the manifestations of dysbiosis.
In addition, the probiotic forte strengthens the immune system, so that the body struggles with infections is much more effective and generally less susceptible to infection. High level of immunity also provides a remission of the majority of chronic diseases, the aggravation of which is most often associated with immunodepression.
Probiotic Liveo
Probiotic libeo represents a group of drugs that are used to treat dysbacteriosis. The drug can consist of 1 or 4 species of beneficial bacteria. So, babies from birth can take a probiotic liveo, since it is absolutely safe for them. Such a tool will contain 1 strain of bacteria.
Probiotic is used up to 2 years in view of the fact that before this age in babies in the intestine live only bifidobacteria. In the older age - up to 10 years, the following type of probiotic is used, consisting of a pair of strains - lacto- and bifidobacteria.
Adults can take a probiotic, which includes 4 types of beneficial bacteria, thanks to which the ratio of microflora bacteria comes back to normal. As a result, the immune system is strengthened, uncomfortable manifestations of dysbacteriosis are eliminated and the vaginal microflora is restored.
Violation of the composition of bacteria on mucous membranes can occur as a result of prolonged intake of antibacterial and chemotherapeutic agents, during travel and travel, since the digestive tract can not immediately adapt to new nutrition.
Probiotic of rioflora
The probiotic of rioflora is considered a biological additive, the composition of which is strictly balanced. In its composition are bifido- and lactobacilli, which together provide a physiological ratio of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms microflora.
Probiotic rioflora is used to treat and prevent bowel disturbances, which can be manifested by diarrhea, constipation and bloating.
The intestinal microflora performs very important functions: it facilitates the digestion and assimilation of nutrients obtained from food, takes part in the synthesis of vitamins and trace elements, protects not only the intestines, but the whole organism as a whole from the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and also stimulates an immune response to the effects of unfavorable factors and bacteria.
There are varieties of probiotics - this is an "immune complex," which is aimed primarily at strengthening immunity, and "balance", which protects the microflora from the harmful effects of antibacterial drugs.
Probiotic Vitamax
Probiotic vitamax is a complex of bifido- and lactobacilli, which by joint efforts are able to restore the disturbed balance between beneficial and harmful microorganisms of the intestinal microflora.
The components of the drug control the digestion process and eliminate the existing disorders, activate digestion and passage of food through the intestine. In addition, the probiotic vitamax is able to have a stimulating effect on the immune system, reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction, as well as the consequences of taking antibacterial or chemotherapeutic agents.
The drug does not change its structure under the influence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and does not require a certain temperature regime during storage.
The probiotic contains a prebiotic mixture, which includes insulin and artichoke flour, which is the nutrient medium for the vital activity of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Also, the drug can be used in parallel antibacterial agents, which from the first day will prevent their harmful effects.
Liquid probiotics
Liquid probiotics are considered to be the most effective, since they represent the living microflora of the body. After oral administration, the activation of beneficial bacteria begins in the oral cavity and further along the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the high titre of bifido- and lactobacilli, the probiotic is used to eliminate infection in different pathological conditions.
Among such means it is necessary to allocate Bifidum BAG and Trilakt. Their composition (bacteria with a nutrient medium) ensures the normalization of microflora.
Liquid probiotics relate to a new method of therapy, since they differ from tableted forms by the broadness of the effect, starting with the oral cavity, and also by the high activity of bacteria over the prescribed shelf life.
When taking the drug, it begins to act on pathogenic microorganisms that cause stomatitis, periodontitis and other inflammatory diseases. Further in the nasopharynx struggles with pathogens of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and when they get into the stomach they begin to act on Helicobacter pylori.
In the intestine, the maximum number of beneficial bacteria is activated, since it is in this part of the gastrointestinal tract that about 80% of immune cells are located.
Evitalia probiotic
Evitalia probiotic is used to restore the normal functioning of the intestine, including the number of opportunistic microorganisms. In addition, the drug can be used to control the microflora of the vagina, with allergic reactions and dermatological pathology.
This product is made by ripening milk, resulting in a gentle consistency of therapeutic yogurt. The probiotic contains vitamins of B group, antioxidants, micro- and macro elements, as well as specific polysaccharides, due to which the product has antiviral properties and prevents the development of oncological neoplasms.
Evitalia probiotic is recommended for use with intestinal and vaginal dysbacteriosis. In addition, use is possible with a preventive purpose, since in our time not everyone adheres to a rational diet, a regimen and the right way of life. In order to avoid the negative influence of external factors on the body, the intestine must be in a constant readiness to take a blow and resist.
Probiotic prevents the appearance of bowel dysfunction and its unpleasant manifestations.
Probiotic florins
Probiotic floristin is a combination of several types of bacteria, thanks to which high efficiency is provided. So, it includes bifidobacteria, leaven of streptococcus, which is not destructively affected by high temperature, as well as lactobacilli and milk (0% fat content).
The quantitative ratio of the components of the drug is selected, based on the needs of the intestinal microflora. Thus, the probiotic of florins improves digestion and assimilation of nutrients, activates the growth of beneficial microorganisms microorganisms, stimulates the synthesis of immunoglobulins and interferons, provides antiviral and antitumor effect and accelerates the processes of neutralization and elimination of toxic elements.
The drug perfectly controls intestinal motility, eliminates and prevents the re-development of symptoms of functional disorders in digestion and dyspeptic syndrome. In addition, it normalizes cholesterol and takes a direct part in the breakdown of fats.
Vaginal Probiotics
When antibacterial drugs are taken, the ratio of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms is violated, due to the death of the first. Antibiotics are necessary for the destruction of the bacterial agent in the body, but one of the side effects is dysbiosis.
Most often the microflora of the intestine suffers, but in some cases there is a change in the balance of microbes on the mucous membrane of the vagina.
Vaginal probiotics are used to restore the microflora by settling beneficial bacteria. In the vagina are lactobacilli, which under the influence of antibacterial and antifungal agents can die, freeing up the area for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
There are two ways to restore the quantitative and qualitative composition of bacteria in the vagina - this is the natural way and vaginal probiotics. The first solution will take quite a long time, and in the second case, normalization will happen much faster, which will save a person from unpleasant manifestations of dysbiosis.
Vaginorm ekofemin lactogin
The most effective way to restore normal microflora is vaginal suppositories. They are capsules, inside which are useful bacteria. Due to their introduction directly into the vagina, lactobacilli can be located unimpeded on the mucous membrane.
This capsule provides the delivery of the required amount of bacteria directly to the place with a disturbed balance of microflora. Vaginorm ekofemin lactogens are widely used to restore quantitative and qualitative microbial composition.
Each capsule has several billions of lactobacilli, which when they enter the vagina begin to multiply, thereby filling the microflora with useful microorganisms. On the other hand, they, increasing their number, prevent the spread of pathogens.
Using vaginorm ekofemin lactogin for a week, you can achieve the desired result and get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of dysbiosis and return to a full life.
Probiotic complex
The probiotic complex is used to normalize the intestinal microflora in various diseases, including during the period after taking antibacterial drugs. In addition, the probiotic promotes digestion, activates metabolism and increases immunity.
This remedy is also used for allergic conditions. It contains soluble dietary fiber, 3 types of lactobacilli and 2 - bifidobacteria. Such an additive is a "food" for beneficial micro-organisms, it provides regular emptying of the intestine and a complete digestion process.
Useful bacteria that come in with the probiotic help to quickly restore and further maintain a balance between the microorganisms of the microflora, leading to the death of pathogenic agents.
Probiotic complex is recommended for use with intestinal dysbacteriosis, constipation, diarrhea caused by antibacterial drugs or other pathology. In addition, the probiotic is used prophylactically to avoid digestive disorders during travel, as well as damage to the intestinal mucosa.
Coral probiotic
Coral probiotic is widely used in medical practice, as it effectively fights against dysbiosis, eliminating its clinical manifestations. The possibilities of the drug are based on the properties of the probiotic and prebiotic that are included in the composition.
The drug is allowed for use in childhood, because children have at least risk factors for the development of dysbacteriosis. It can be artificial nutrition, infectious intestinal pathology, the use of antibacterial agents, non-adherence to diet, reduced immunity, as well as gastrointestinal illness,
The bowel performs many functions in the body. These include the digestion of food, stimulation of the immune system, the synthesis of vitamins and mineral elements, control over metabolic processes. As a consequence, when there are any violations in the activity of the intestine, the entire body suffers.
Coral probiotic neutralizes the harmful effects of external factors and prevents changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.
Pikovit prebiotic
Pikovit prebiotic, according to the classification of medicinal products, refers to agents that affect the digestive tract, namely polyvitamins with minerals. Pikovit contains important for the body vitamins, which are directly involved in the regulation of many biochemical reactions.
Pikovit prebiotic is widely used in childhood after the first year with a poor appetite, physical and psycho-emotional overload, with developmental lag, seasonal beriberi, and also to restore microflora after taking antibacterial drugs.
B vitamins are necessary for metabolic processes of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and take an active part in the work of the nervous system, maintaining it at a normal level.
In vitamin A, epithelial cells and visual pigment, which is synthesized due to this vitamin, are needed. Vitamin D regulates the processes of calcium assimilation and its entry into bones and teeth. In turn, vitamin C controls the absorption of iron and takes an active part in a large number of oxidation-reduction processes.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "List of probiotics" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.