Why did the birthmark grow and what to do?
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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A healthy skin is an ornament of any person. But it can appear various growths, most often it's a nevus. Consider what to do in such a situation and how to recognize pathology?
Birthmarks are almost everyone's, they differ in color, size and location. In most cases, they do not interfere, and we quietly get along with such features of the skin. But this is not always correct, since under certain conditions, growths can change their color and size, that is, they degenerate into malignant neoplasms.
If the nevus is not in a conspicuous place, does not cause inconvenience and does not get injured, then most often it does not pay attention to it. But if there are any changes in its color or size, then it's an occasion to go to the hospital.
Why the birthmark has grown and what to do with it, the dermatologist can tell, which if necessary will give a direction to the surgeon or the cosmetologist. Although the risk of transformation of pigmented formations is small, preventive visits to the doctor will help to reduce it to a minimum. In addition, timely access to medical care and early diagnosis of melanoma, give a good chance of complete cure for cancer.
Causes of the growth of a birthmark
There are many factors and causes that cause the growth of melanocytic cells. It is not necessarily due to their malignant degeneration. Most often, the increase or appearance of a new nevus is associated with skin trauma, for example, during cosmetic procedures, various endocrine and hormonal factors, and many others.
Can a mole grow?
Birthmarks are rightly considered a natural ornament of the skin. They appear and disappear throughout our lives. Therefore, if the question arises whether a mole can grow in an adult person, then the answer is unambiguous - yes. Less dangerous are congenital nevuses, since they rarely degenerate, unlike those that occur at an older age.
Normal pigmented growth has small dimensions <5 mm, its edges are even, the shape is symmetrical, and the surface is smooth. If it is constantly increasing in size, then there is the risk of malignancy. There are a number of reasons, including physiological ones, which cause its growth:
- Traumatization - mechanical injuries most often occur with outgrowths located on the folds and folds of the skin, in the decollete or strapless lingerie. Due to constant friction, a thin layer of the epidermis is damaged, and when recovered, a peculiar corn is formed on it. This leads to its gradual increase. The main danger of this situation is that there is a risk of infection and oncology.
- Changing the hormonal background - a sharp surge or decrease in hormones during pregnancy, puberty, with menopause or when using hormonal contraceptives can provoke growth. In this case, it is necessary to consult not only the dermatologist, but also the endocrinologist.
- Ultraviolet irradiation - excessive exposure to the sun is a risk not only of excessive growth of nevi, but also of various skin diseases. In the risk zone are blonde, shaten and red, since their skin is not resistant to ultraviolet light.
Regular self-examination and monitoring of the skin condition will help prevent the pathological process and not panic if a birthmark has grown.
The main reasons for the growth of moles:
- Mechanical effect - pigmented neoplasms increase in size and regenerate on parts of the body that are regularly traumatized (toes, neck, waist, décolletage, inner thighs and palms).
- Injuries - any trauma to the birthmark can provoke its further growth or division into several additional spots.
- Ultraviolet - the effect of sunlight negatively affects the skin condition. Long sunbaths lead to the appearance and modification of already existing skin defects. In the risk zone are people with a light skin type.
- Hormonal changes in the body - the appearance of nevi or a change in their size is very often observed during pregnancy, puberty and menopause.
- Admission of hormonal drugs and contraceptives - increase the number of spots with melanin cells, usually on the face. This is because the delicate and delicate skin of the face is particularly sensitive to the effects of external factors and the leaps of hormones.
To grow a mole you need time, sometimes it takes years, and in some cases, a couple of days. In any case, systematic observation of the skin condition will not disregard any changes. And will prevent dangerous diseases.
Birthmark is a hyperplasia of dermal cells from the melanocyte series. Pathogenesis is associated with the individual characteristics of the human body and genetic predisposition. Nevuses can appear on any parts of the epidermis and mucous membranes. In most cases, they have a dark color of different shades. This is explained by the accumulation of melanin in the structure of cells. The more often such a neoplasm is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the darker it becomes. This is due to the activation of melanocytic cells that increase the pigment in the presence of the pituitary hormone.
The growth of the pigment occurs with the hyperplasia of the cells, that is, with their disordered division. This is possible if there are provoking factors. In itself, the nevus has no propensity for dynamic growth, which is its main difference from malignant neoplasms. Many types of pigmented growths are congenital and increase along with the growth of the body. That is, by the age of 20-25 their growth slows down or stops altogether.
Symptoms of the growth of a birthmark
There are many types of nevi (white, red, transparent, flat, convex, etc.), the appearance of which can cause anxiety. Their symptoms are not accompanied by painful sensations or other signs indicating that the birthmark has grown. Only regular self-examination of the skin, will allow to notice a new pigmented growth. Problems arise when the birthmark is injured or sharply enlarged. In this case, you need to contact a dermatologist who classifies the damage, determines its appearance, and conducts the diagnosis.
Consider the symptoms and external signs of common moles:
- Not dangerous (without the risk of degeneration in melanoma)
- Flat - Lentigo is formed from melanocytes in the upper layers of the skin. Have a round or oval shape, 3-5 cm in size, can be both smooth and relief, the color is darker than freckles. They are not affected by ultraviolet radiation, they do not darken and do not increase in size. Most often appear on the face, arms and neck.
- Convex - are formed from melanocytes in deep layers of the skin. Very often it has hair, in diameter it is about 1 cm with a smooth or bumpy surface.
- Papillomatous - most often localized in the scalp, have a rough surface with irregularities, warts and grooves.
- Galoneuvus - a depigmented ring is formed around the pigment, and its center is pinned above the surrounding tissues.
- Mongolian spot - can reach large sizes and be localized on any part of the body. Its color varies from intense in children, to pale in adults.
- Fibroepithelial - an outgrowth of round shape with even edges, pink or light brown in color.
- Hemangioma - a vascular birthmark, red or pink. It is formed in the form of nodules, that is hanging nevi.
The above-described pigment neoplasms do not cause any particular harm, they do not change color with age and do not grow.
- Dangerous nevi (there is a risk of malignancy)
- Blue - has a blue or blue color, and in some cases brown. Small size up to 2 cm, rises above the surface of the skin. Most often localized on the face, extremities and buttocks.
- Border pigmentary - can be of different shapes and colors. A distinctive feature is the concentric change of color to the center from the periphery.
- Giant pigment - has large dimensions and uneven edges, rises above surrounding tissues. Often, such formations have increased hair growth.
- Dysplastic - irregular in shape with uneven edges and heterogeneous color.
- Nevus Ota - localized in the area of the orbit, cheekbones or upper jaw. May appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, or eyes.
All of the skin defects described above have features that distinguish them from each other and other skin formations. If you make a diagnosis after a visual inspection is difficult, then the doctor performs skin scraping or histology.
The remote birthmark has grown
Recurrence of melanocytic nevus after removal is a continued growth of tissues that have not been completely removed. If the remote birthmark has grown and by histology it is benign, then the relapse does not carry danger. But if there is a rapid growth of the pigment and its outflow from the rumen, then it is necessary to carry out a reexcision followed by a repeated histology.
The consequences of removal of nevi, that is, the risk of their further growth depends on a number of factors. It is very important to take into account the individual reactions of the body, the correctness of postoperative care and, of course, the quality of the removal procedure performed. Immediately after the operation, there is discomfort, which can last from a few days to a month. A crust appears on the excision site, which can not be touched. To prevent possible infection, the wound should be greased with a solution of potassium permanganate or zelenok.
Birthmark grew after removal
Many owners of pigmented growths on the skin face such a problem when the mole grew after removal. This is due to an incorrect procedure, that is, the incomplete removal of melanocytic cells.
Let's consider in detail, with what complications besides recurrence, it is possible to collide at use of various methods of removal:
- Laser removal - all the complications are minimized, the whole healing process goes without consequences. If there was treatment of a small flat mole, then after complete recovery, there is not even a scar left on the skin. After the convex, there may be small depressions in the areas of their removal and scars. In rare cases, a change in skin pigmentation is observed.
- Cryodestruction is one of the cheapest and most affordable methods. After it very often there are various complications. Since using liquid nitrogen it is impossible to determine the depth of pigment tissues, that is, the risk of their partial removal, after which a repeated procedure will be required. Careless use of liquid nitrogen can cause a burn of tissues, which lengthens the healing time and breaks the structure of healthy skin. Another disadvantage of this method is that at the site of an incompletely removed birthmark a small compaction-tubercle is formed, which requires additional treatment.
- Radio-knife - in its effectiveness is similar to the laser procedure. Can leave small scars, but does not apply to remove formations on the face.
- Surgical excision - after a local anesthetic build-up is excised with a scalpel and a suture is applied. After the procedure, the healing process follows, which takes longer, unlike other methods. There are a number of consequences that the patient should be familiar with: subcutaneous hemorrhages, scars, keloid scars, infection of the wound and, of course, recurrence.
- Self-removal is the most dangerous method with the greatest number of dangerous consequences. When using it, it is necessary to understand that not all nevi are amenable to disposal, since there are those that can not be touched. At home, it is very difficult to comply with all standards of hygiene, so the risk of infection of the wound is significantly increased. Without special microscopic diagnosis, it is difficult to say how deeply melanocytic cells penetrated, so after self-treatment in 90% of cases there is a relapse. And another frequent phenomenon is scars.
Whether the birthmark will grow after removal again depends on the chosen method of its treatment, the professionalism of the surgeon and the observance of the recommendations on wound care.
A birthmark has grown hair
For many people, it becomes an unpleasant fact that when a birthmark grew hair. This gives aesthetic discomfort and can cause psychological complexes. But if the nevus, covered with hair is not in a prominent place and does not cause discomfort, then the question remains: is hair growth dangerous and can they be removed.
Hairizing is a normal physiological process. It indicates that the pigmented neoplasm consists of healthy, mature melanocytes. It is benign and does not carry a threat. Some mistakenly believe that the hair on the birthmark is a sign of melanoma, but it is not. On the contrary, the risk of transformation of the build-up with the hair is much less than without it. That is, if your hair grows on your moles, then this is not an excuse for excitement. But if they spoil the look, they can be deleted.
Two methods are used for deletion:
- Periodic cropping with scissors.
- Removal.
That is, you can only remove hair by cutting it with scissors. The instrument must be disinfected beforehand with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. In order to get rid of the problem forever, you have to contact a dermatologist who will choose the optimal method of removing the build-up. If the hair is not the cause of discomfort or aesthetic discomfort, then it is better not to touch them. In this case, do not forget that the hairline - this is a clear sign of good quality.
Hairs are contraindicated to pull out with tweezers. Since there is a risk of traumatization of the hair follicle, its irritation and subsequent inflammation. Do not shave the hairs, as damage to tissues, can cause malignant degeneration. But if the hair still pulled, it is better to consult a dermatologist, especially if after the procedure there was pain, itching and burning. With the help of dermatoscopy and visual inspection, the doctor will prescribe the treatment or removal of the tumor. If there is a situation when the hair itself falls out, then this is not a very good symptom, as it increases the risk of degeneration into cancer. In this case, you should also consult a dermatologist.
Birthmark has grown over the year
Pigmented skin lesions are present in many people, for some they serve as adornments, while in others they cause discomfort and disgust. Even if a person was born without these special marks, then during a lifetime they will necessarily appear. If the mole has grown in a year, but it has normal dimensions and does not cause painful sensations, then there is no cause for concern. The growth process is especially active in the first ten years of a person's life, during puberty and during pregnancy.
The first spots with melanin cells appear at one-year-old age, they are few and barely noticeable. The reason for their growth is associated with the active production of hormones or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. That is, the birthmark can be a congenital malformation of the skin or acquired benign neoplasm. They differ in size, color, location and depth of occurrence in the layers of the skin. So, if the birthmark is safe, then it has a round or oval shape, a small <5 mm, and its color does not change.
The cause for concern should be the appearance of a large number of nevi in a short time. In this case it is better to contact a dermatologist who will check the malignancy and determine their type. If there is a risk of oncology, then the threat must be eliminated at an early stage. Since without medical help even a small, at first glance, inconspicuous birthmark can develop into melanoma, spreading cancer cells throughout the body.
Mole darkened and grew
Many people face a problem when the birthmark has darkened and grown. This may be due to exposure to UV radiation, hormonal failure or trauma. In this case, the neoplasm does not always take a malignant form. But if the outgrowth has darkened and grown in a short period of time, then it is worthwhile to be alert. Such abrupt changes in some cases lead to serious consequences.
Malignant tumor is a melanoma, it quickly spreads through the body through the circulatory system. There are a number of symptoms that indicate a pathological process:
- Pigment blackened
- There were dark inclusions
- The contours have changed
- The color became heterogeneous
- Increased size
In this case, it is very important to exclude the risk of oncology. To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist who will carry out the diagnosis of altered tissues. After a number of studies, the problem of removing the build-up will be the case, since the suspicion of malignancy is a direct indication of this procedure.
What to do if the mole has grown during pregnancy
After conception of the child in the female body, serious changes occur. Many future mothers complain that the birthmark grew during pregnancy. Their appearance in this period is quite normal and explainable phenomenon. In most cases, they are benign in nature and do not cause complications. In addition to the appearance of new ones, during this period, existing ones may grow or become darker. All these processes are associated with increased production of melanin (skin pigment hormone). Just like the color of the navel changes, the area near the nipples or the strip on the abdomen, so do moles.
If the new spot does not cause painful sensations, that is, it does not itch and does not become inflamed, then everything is normal. This applies to already existing ones, which have darkened or increased in size. But if there is at least one of the above symptoms, then you need to see a doctor. Do not forget that the risk of malignancy is, despite the fact that it is minimal.
Regarding any changes that occur with nevi, a pregnant woman should consult her gynecologist. A female doctor will give a referral to a dermatologist who will diagnose disturbing neoplasms and decide what to do with them further. It is not recommended to remove birthmarks during gestation, but it is not forbidden. You can get rid of those growths that are regularly traumatized, that is, they are in a group of high risk for rebirth. Mandatory removal of skin defects in the perineum and birth canals, as they can be damaged and even infected during the birth process. If a pregnant woman has a malignant nevus, that is, it is also removed.
What if the baby has a mole?
The appearance of moles in children, this is a common phenomenon, which in most cases does not cause concern. In search of an answer to the question of why a child has a mole, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will perform the diagnosis, determine the type of skin formation and the cause of its appearance (heredity, accumulation of melanocytes, unfavorable environmental factors).
Nevi can appear immediately after birth, in which case they are classified as congenital. They come in different colors, sizes and locations. As a rule, there are 3-10 of them. As they grow older, they increase and darken, some disappear, others appear.
- Most often, children are diagnosed with pigmented growths on the head, nose and the back of the head. They are congenital in nature, as they are formed during the period of intrauterine development.
- The second most frequent occurrence is flat birthmarks. With age, they increase, but do not change their color.
- Very rarely there are hemangiomas - convex neoplasms of different colors. In most cases, they grow on the face, delivering aesthetic discomfort.
Many parents raise the issue of removing such formations. This can be associated with the risk of their degeneration into malignant tumors and with the fact that they spoil the appearance of the child. For removal, the same methods are used as for adult patients: laser surgery, cryodestruction or electrocoagulation. The final decision and the permission for removal is given by the dermatologist, being guided by results of analyzes.
Complications and consequences
Birthmark, like any other skin lesions - is a potential risk of oncology. To prevent pathology, many owners of nevi are resolved to remove them. Incorrectly conducted procedure threatens serious dangers. The consequences are diverse, from infection to malignancy. In order to objectively assess the possible consequences of the procedure, let us consider the most common:
- Very often, the build-up is not completely removed, therefore, repeated operations are carried out. This leads to serious traumatization and thinning of the skin, the appearance of scars.
- Some methods of treatment involve the use of liquid nitrogen, which can cause a burn. In this case, the patient is waiting for a long recovery period.
- Many procedures leave traces behind, from light almost imperceptible scars to serious seals and keloid scars.
- When using the surgical removal method, there is a risk of infection and development of bleeding.
- Attempts to independently get rid of skin features using alternative methods and other artisanal methods threaten the development of melanoma.
Before deciding on the procedure for removal, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. As the above-described consequences can significantly complicate the situation.
Birthmark has grown and itches
In some cases, unpleasant and even painful sensations appear in the area of the nevus. The fact that the mole has grown and itches, can be associated with various factors. Most often this irritation is tight clothing. A more serious cause of discomfort is the sharp division of its cells, which leads to a rapid increase in size and is a risk of melanoma formation.
There are a number of reasons that can lead to itching and growth:
- Allergic reaction.
- Various injuries and damage to the skin.
- Hormonal changes in the body or the use of hormonal drugs.
- Enhanced massage and other mechanical effects.
- Increased ultraviolet radiation.
Regardless of the cause of the discomfort, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe adequate treatment and assess the degree of risk. If necessary, a procedure will be performed to remove the cutaneous neoplasm.
The birthmark has grown and hurts
Melanocytic cells can manifest themselves in any part of the body, forming a nevus. Such neoplasms are usually benign in nature, but under certain conditions can degenerate into cancer. If you notice that a mole has grown and hurts, then this may indicate the onset of the pathological process. This requires professional help from a dermatologist.
In most cases, pain occurs due to injury. But the reason can be connected with the action of any other stimuli, for example, increased solar radiation. If the nevus is ill, then in addition to discomfort and its accelerated growth, one can observe the appearance of asymmetry in its form and bleeding, discoloration. In this case, the doctor prescribes removal with its subsequent diagnosis and histological analysis. Based on the results of the study, additional treatment in the form of topical preparations or tablets may be prescribed.
If a birthmark has grown on the body, in most cases this does not represent opsnosti. Complications occur when it degenerates into melanoma. This is due to traumatization, the processes occurring in the body (changes in the level of hormones), the use of drug therapy or increased UV exposure. Some nevi are inherently a threat, therefore, require increased attention.
Regular self-examination of the body and control over the condition of birthmarks, will prevent various complications that threaten life. At the first pathological symptoms (change in color, size, asymmetry, bleeding, etc.), it is necessary to contact a dermatologist. The doctor will examine the neoplasm, carry out its diagnosis and, if necessary, remove it, thereby preventing irreversible consequences.
Diagnostics of the growth of a birthmark
Moles, regardless of their origin, need a medical examination, especially if they began to increase dramatically in size, changed color, structure or shape. Diagnosis begins with a consultation with a dermatologist. The doctor examines the build-up and draws up a further plan of research.
Diagnosis consists of:
- Anamnesis and visual examination.
- Digital dermatoscopy.
- Laboratory research.
- Punch biopsy.
The main emphasis is on the results of dermatoscopy. It is after it that tests and biopsies can be prescribed. During the examination, the doctor evaluates the size, the presence of asymmetry, structure and color. The structure has a certain classification, which allows you to get complete information about the nevus.
In order to determine how deeply melanocytic cells are located, a computerized epiluminescent study is performed. The outbursts are penetrated inward, determining the level of its occurrence. If there is a suspicion that he was reborn in melanoma, then a radioisotope study (non-invasive diagnosis) is indicated. The patient needs to drink disodium phosphate, then, using contact radiometry, determine the level of the isotope in the neoplasm and healthy tissues.
A thermometric method can also be used, the essence of which lies in the detection of pathology with the help of the temperature difference of the skin. As a rule, healthy and affected skin have a difference of 4 degrees. The decisive diagnostic value is in histology. For this, the doctor removes and examines the tissue under a microscope. Its results confirm or refute the malignancy of the skin defect.
Laboratory diagnosis in the study of the state of the nevus is of secondary importance. Blood and urine tests are needed to detect oncology. Using a blood test, I determine the level of the lactate dehydrogenase enzyme. Its high rates indicate the resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapy. Biochemical analysis is necessary to assess the state of the bone marrow, kidney and liver, which can also be affected by cancer cells.
Histological analysis is very important. For it, the mole is excised, the resulting tissues are treated with special histological solutions and studied under a microscope. By its results, it is possible to determine a benign, prednalochetous and malignant neoplasm. Also, with the help of this study, one can judge the presence and severity of the inflammatory process (specific and nonspecific).
Instrumental diagnostics
After a visual examination and a set of laboratory tests, the patient is referred for instrumental diagnostics. Let's consider the basic instrumental methods of research:
A simple, painless examination with a special device - dermatoscope. Allows to estimate a stage of development of a neoplasm and to reveal to a melanoma. The method is a visual multiple increase. The procedure consists of:
- The skin is applied gel to increase the transparency of the dermis and prevent the appearance of glare.
- Direction of special lighting.
- Inspection of the optical dermatoscope and its macro photography.
- Fixing the dimensions of the nevus with a special scale of the device.
- Assessment of the condition and diagnosis.
With the help of dermatoscopy, a doctor can make a maternity card. As a rule, this is done for patients with numerous dermal feces, which cause fear.
From a pigmentary neoplasm take a biopsy and direct on a histology. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. To date, several types of biopsies are distinguished:
- Shaving - is indicated for moles with a low risk of rebirth. If there is a risk of cancer transformation, the method is not used, since the thickness of the cut is not sufficient to determine the degree of cancer penetration into the skin.
- Puncture - for the study take several layers of skin (epidermis, dermis, upper layer and fatty tissue).
- Injection and excision are the most invasive methods that detect melanocytes in the deep layers of the skin. When excision is carried out a complete removal of the nevus, and when incisive - partial.
If the results of the biopsy revealed cancer cells, then a study of nearby tissues and lymph nodes is carried out. To do this, use fine needle aspiration biopsy and lymph node surgery. If melanoma has spread to other organs, then it is necessary to separate it from other types of oncology.
In addition to the above procedures, epiluminescent dermatoscopy, computer diagnostics, histology and other informative methods can be used.
What do need to examine?
Differential diagnosis
To determine the degree of malignancy of pigmented neoplasms and the risk of their degeneration, there is a whole range of different research procedures in the medical arsenal. Differential diagnosis is necessary to distinguish the cutaneous growth from similar phenomena.
Differentiation is represented by the following algorithm:
- Gathering an anamnesis - the dermatologist determines when the birthmark has appeared, whether its size and color have changed, whether there are unpleasant or painful sensations (itching, flaking, bleeding).
- Visual inspection - its condition is studied, surrounding its tissues and lymph nodes.
- Laboratory tests - the patient gives blood and urine. In the blood test, tumor markers of melanoma - protein S-100 and LDH - can be detected. A histology of pigmented tissues is also performed.
- Molecular studies - after studying the state of all existing tumors, it is possible to identify even the smallest birthmark affected by melanoma (RT-PCR).
- Dermatoscopy and confocal microscopy is a visual increase and study of the structure of the neoplasm at the cellular level by means of infrared radiation.
- Radioisotope scanning - is carried out regularly to monitor the dynamics of changes.
- Computer diagnostics - MRI, CT, ultrasound and other methods for obtaining additional information about the state of the nevus and the body.
The mole is differentiated with a common wart, fibroma, basalioma and other tumor-imitating neoplasms. The study largely depends on its location.
Which doctor should I go to if my birthmark has grown?
The prevalence of cancer is growing every day. In the risk zone are people with various skin diseases and numerous nevi. If you belong to this category, it is worth to know which doctor to go to if the birthmark has grown.
So, if you see a suspicious pigmented growth in your body, then you should not panic. The first thing that needs to be done is to consult a therapist who will give a referral to a dermatologist. It is the dermatologist who is engaged in the study and treatment of cutaneous neoplasms. There are a number of symptoms that require medical diagnosis of the nevus:
- Full color change, increased pigmentation or discoloration.
- Uneven color, redness.
- Deformation, the appearance of asymmetry.
- Around the built-up, new screenings with rapid growth appeared.
- The boundaries became indistinct, vague.
- There is an areola, that is, a slight reddening along the circumference of the pigment.
- Painful sensations, peeling, itching, bleeding, inflammation.
- Violation of integrity, formation of cracks and ulceration.
The above phenomena may indicate the degeneration of benign nevi in melanoma. For reinsurance and early detection of the pathological process, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations with a dermatologist.
The doctor will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. If the results of cancer cells are not found, then the birthmark is not affected. In the opposite case, it is removed, followed by histological examination of the tissues and treatment. If the skin defect is safe, but causes aesthetic discomfort or is prone to frequent traumatization, it is also removed. For this, modern and safe methods are used: laser surgery, cryodestruction, radio wave removal, excision. After the procedure, the patient is given recommendations for the recovery period. If they are observed on the operation site, there is no scarring or other defects.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the growth of a birthmark
Regardless of the localization of nevi on the body, they all require careful monitoring and diagnosis. Treatment is carried out by a dermatologist if there is a risk of malignant degeneration or the mole has already taken the form of melanoma. Treatment is necessary and with frequent traumatization or aesthetic discomfort from the nevus.
Drug therapy in most cases is not applied, since it has no pronounced effect on the newly formed tumors. The course of taking medications is indicated if the skin defect appeared against the background of other pathological conditions. In other cases, treatment involves the complete removal of the birthmark.
What if my birthmark has grown?
Many owners of pigmented skin tumors are tormented by the question of what to do if the mole has grown? The first thing you need is to determine how quickly the increase occurred. The faster the nevus has grown, the more serious the prognosis. In most cases, the pigmentation spots increase gradually, 1-2 mm per year. Visually, it is difficult to notice such changes, especially if the mole is in a poorly surveyed area. In this case, you need to contact a dermatologist who will conduct a comprehensive examination.
If you do not see a doctor at the moment or you are not sure that your nevus has increased, then you should answer a number of questions:
- Whether there was an itch, a burning sensation, cracks or an ecdysis.
- Whether the edges, color or shape have changed.
- Is there a swelling of the pigment itself or the skin around it.
If there are no positive answers to the above-described questions, then it is worthwhile to continue to observe the state of the build-up. But if alarming signals are present, then medical assistance is urgently needed. This is due to the fact that growth in combination with other pathological symptoms can be a sign of degeneration. But do not panic in advance, because in some cases, harmless physiological processes (pregnancy, puberty, menopause) or prolonged exposure to sunlight can trigger changes.
Treatment with the use of various drugs is aimed at suppressing growth and removing pigment. Most often, local medicines are used, which allows to achieve destructuring of tissues, have an anti-inflammatory, resorptive and accelerating skin restoration action.
Consider the popular drugs for the destruction of moles:
- Stephalin is a herbal ointment against many types of nevi. A rich plant compound penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, thereby eliminating complex neoplasms. The agent is applied to the skin for 40-60 minutes once a day until the desired effect is achieved.
- Viferon is an ointment, which in most cases is used to remove warts. But, according to the patients, the remedy helps to remove some kinds of moles. The drug contains interferon, which has protective and regenerating properties. It is applied within 5-30 days until the defect disappears completely.
- Panavir is a herbal remedy in the form of a gel with antiviral properties. It is used to remove nevuses of viral origin. After application to the skin, penetrates deeply into the tissue, completely destroying the melanocytic cells, preventing their relapse.
- Aldara - a cream with an active substance - imihimod. Usually, it is used to excrete moles in intimate places. The drug is applied to the cleansed skin 2-3 times a week until the desired result is achieved.
The use of the above medicines is possible only with the appropriate medical purpose. Their independent use can cause unpredictable consequences, which will lead to malignant degeneration of the nevus.
Alternative treatment
Various methods are used to remove moles. Their choice depends on the location of the pigment, its size and nature (benign / malignant). Alternative treatment is a method of alternative medicine, the results of which are rather controversial.
Popular alternative recipes:
- Silver nitrate or lapis is a substance used for moxibustion and disinfection of skin lesions. To remove nevi, it is applied to the skin 1-2 times a day until signs of a decrease in pigment appear. If after a month of this therapy there are no positive effects, then another method of treatment should be chosen.
- Purity is the most popular remedy in the fight against pigmented growths. Has cauterizing and disinfecting properties. On the surface of the skin defect a thin layer of plant juice. The procedures are carried out until the pigment is completely brightened. Since the juice does not have sufficient viscosity, it can be mixed with petroleum jelly or baby cream.
- Vinegar essence - this remedy is much more effective than celandine and lapis. After application on the skin it causes painful sensations. According to reviews, with the help of vinegar from the birthmark can get rid of within a week.
- Lemon juice - has a cauterizing effect. For removal use undiluted, freshly squeezed juice, applying to the skin 5-6 times a day.
- Hemp oil - its action is based on the removal of pigment from the skin. The agent is applied to the skin 3-4 times a day for a month. Since the oil does not destroy the tissues, the pain does not arise, which allows it to be used for young children.
All the above methods are effective in 15% of cases. In addition, the use of cauterizing agents and concentrated acids threatens severe damage and infection of the skin.
Herbal Treatment
Another option of alternative medicine is the treatment with herbs. For clarifying and removing nevuses, you can use such recipes:
- 30 g of fresh daisy flowers, pour 350 ml of cold water and let it brew for 2-3 hours. The resulting infusion should be filtered and applied as a compress 2-3 times a day.
- In order to lighten the birthmark, mix lemon juice and parsley root juice in a 1: 1 ratio. The drug is applied at night, every other day for a month.
- Another option for safe lightening is cucumber lotions. Take a large cucumber, peel and grind with a blender, grinder or grater. In the received infusion, moisten gauze and apply to the neoplasm 3-5 times a day.
- In the flowering season, milkweed, rip off a couple of stems of the plant, rinse and grind. The resulting gruel must be applied to the defect for 10-20 minutes. On the day, 3-4 procedures are carried out and so until the birthmark completely disappears.
The nevuses belong to the category of dermatological defects, for the elimination of which many different methods are used. Homeopathy is an alternative treatment. Very often it is used for malignant degeneration of moles. All drugs are selected by a doctor after a complete examination.
Most often, patients are assigned to treat the lesion site with boric alcohol and sprinkle powder of streptocid 1-2 times a day. These procedures can be performed after surgical treatment. The most effective drug for any kind of moles is Acidum nitrikum. Its application leads to a gradual decrease and drying of the growths. Another tool used to remove unwanted nevi is Psorinum. It stops the process of malignancy, eliminates itching, flaking and soreness. The dosage, the method of application and the duration of treatment are determined by the homeopath, individually for each patient.
In most cases, surgical methods are used to treat pigmented cutaneous neoplasms. Operative treatment is possible both for medical reasons, and at the request of the patient, for example, with cosmetic problems. As for medical evidence, this is, above all, signs of malignancy. Removal is not a serious operation, so the procedure is carried out by many cosmetic centers. Its main condition is the exclusion of any malignant lesions and melanoma. If a pathological process is suspected, the procedure is performed only by the dermatooncologist.
The main methods of surgical treatment:
- Laser excision - using a laser tissue is carefully excised. After this procedure, the skin does not leave any scars or scars.
- Surgical excision - removal is performed with a scalpel under local anesthesia. The whole procedure takes about an hour. On the place where there was a mole, stitches are applied. After this method, scars and keloid scars may remain. If the removal was not complete, then the build-up recurs.
- Radiosurgery - high frequency radio waves are used for treatment. The place of operation is anesthetized, and the whole procedure takes no more than 5-10 minutes. The advantage of this method is that it is non-contact and prevents hemorrhage.
- Cryodestruction - on the pigmented lesion is affected by liquid nitrogen, which freezes the melanocytic cells. If the procedure is carried out carelessly, healthy tissues can be damaged. This method is characterized by a long period of recovery and relapse.
- Electrocoagulation - with the help of high-frequency electric current pigmentary tissues are removed. The method is bloodless, but can cause thermal burn and scarring.
Each of the above methods has advantages and disadvantages. In order to choose the most effective method of treatment, you should consult a dermatologist.
More information of the treatment
Moles are a natural decoration of the body, but if left without proper attention, they can cause a lot of problems. Prevention is primarily aimed at preventing the development of melanoma. In the risk zone are people with a low melanin content in the skin, as it protects tissues from the damaging effects of UV radiation. Caution should be respected and the owners of a large number of various nevi. Since their trauma can also provoke a pathological process.
Consider the main preventive measures aimed at preventing malignant transformation of moles:
- There are many dermatological diseases that can become a provoking factor in the development of melanoma. If the skin appears rash, itching, flushing or flaking of an indeterminate etiology, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor.
- Ultraviolet radiation is especially dangerous. Limit the time spent in the sun, as sunburn or intense sunburn can also cause cancer.
- Maintain an optimal level of skin moisture. Dryness predisposes to cellular changes in malignant nature. Use special moisturizers and lotions. For their choice, you can contact a beautician or dermatologist, who will determine the type of skin and consult on the specifics of caring for her.
- Various mechanical injuries, friction and other physical effects on the pigmented growth are also a risk of malignancy. If you have birthmarks that are often traumatized, they should be removed and histology should be performed.
- If moles grow on their hands, it is very important to protect them from the effects of chemical stimuli. Elementary detergents and cleaning agents can cause itching, soreness and an increase in nevus in size.
It is also necessary to have regular consultations with a dermatologist. Constant monitoring of the condition of moles will prevent any pathological processes.
Why the birthmark has grown and what to do is a question that will never lose its relevance. Improper care of nevi, their constant traumatization and a number of other factors, can cause skin cancer. Melanoma ranks 9th among cancerous fatalities. The prognosis of any mole depends on the timely detection of pathological changes. As soon as you notice that the pigmented growth has increased in size, changed color, or caused painful sensations, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.