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Zalain ovuli
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Zalain ovuli is a topical agent intended for the treatment of fungal infections caused by yeast-like fungi belonging to the genus Candida. The mechanism of action of this medication used as a remedy for thrush is as follows. As a result of its use, the permeability of cell membranes increases and the processes at which ergosterol is produced are stopped. The consequence is the onset of lysis of fungal cells, which means decay as a result of the fact that their outer shells dissolve from the action of lysosomes.
The way of using suppositories from the zalaulin zawula is in their intravaginal administration. Before their use, the genitals should be thoroughly washed with soap. To achieve a healing effect, the suppository should be inserted as far as possible into the vagina, assuming the supine position. Do this before you go to bed. In the event that the use of this medication has not produced the proper effect and there is a further manifestation of the symptoms of the disease after a week, it may be necessary to re-administer the drug.
Throughout the treatment period from candidiasis, it is recommended to avoid sexual relations, and it is desirable that a woman's partner also undergo treatment with this drug with her. The introduction of suppositories should not be discontinued even during regular menstrual bleeding.
It is necessary to use this medicine with caution if a woman has an increased sensitivity of imidazole and benzothiophene derivative, and other components contained in it. During pregnancy and the period of breast-feeding, it is best not to resort to the use of the drug if possible.
Indications Zalain ovuli
Indications for use Zalain ovuli suggest its use in one form or another, in which this medication is presented. So in the form of a cream, this drug can be prescribed in order to promote healing from a number of diseases, including superficial cutaneous mycoses, which are caused by the action of yeasts and dermatophytes. They are represented by dermatomycosis of smooth skin and bone dermatomycosis, candidiasis, we are deprived of otriparous. They can also include inguinal dermatophytosis, epidermophytia of the shin and feet, and trichophytosis of the mustache and beard region.
Indications for use Zalain ovuli in the form of suppositories is due to the presence of the following diseases. Intravaginal administration of the drug contributes to the cure of infections, provoked by fungi and affecting the mucous membranes of the vagina. Among them are also infections of a mixed type, the combination of which is formed by gram-positive bacteria.
This remedy for yeast infection is now one of the best drugs for fighting candidiasis diseases. But, despite this circumstance, before starting its application, it would be absolutely superfluous to consult a medical specialist. In itself, only the fact of finding a fungus in the body of a woman, not accompanied by the presence of symptoms of considerable severity, does not constitute a sufficient justification for the need for the use of this drug.
Release form
The form of the preparation has two main varieties, represented by this drug - in the consistency of the cream, and also in the form of vaginal suppositories.
Zalain cream is a semi-solid fusible mass, having a white color and not odorless, or there may be a faint smell of fat. The cream is filled with aluminum tubes with a volume of 20 grams, which have a screw cap made of plastic. The packaging for the tube is a cardboard box into which it is placed along with a folded sheet of instructions for use.
Cream Zalain is an antifungal agent intended for external use. Its composition includes 0.4 grams of sertaconazole nitrate, which, in relation to 20 grams of total weight, gives a 2% concentration of the curative substance. In addition to it, various auxiliary ingredients are present in the cream: purified water, liquid petrolatum, saturated polyglycolized glycerides, glycerol isoasterate, E218 (methyl parahydroxybenzoate), and sorbic acid.
The drug Zalain ovuli is another form of this drug. It has the form of vaginal suppositories, 0.3 grams each, packed in contoured cell packs. The drug contains sertaconazole nitrate in combination with aerosil 200 and solid semisynthetic glycerides Suppocire NAI 50 and Witepsol H19.
Pharmacodynamics Zalain ovuli is conditioned and is in connection mainly with the pharmacological action of the drug sertaconazole. It is derived from benzothiophene and imidazole, and has pronounced fungicidal properties, manifested in active opposition to pathogenic infections of fungal origin. To such belong blastomycetes Candida albicans, Candida subspecies, Malassezsa furfur; dermatophytes Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum spp, Trichophyion. Its active effect is also directed against infectious lesions of the mucous membranes provoked by Gram-positive pathogens Streptococcus, Staphylococcus.
The mechanism of action, which differs pharmacodynamics Zalain ovuli, is that the sertaconazole contained in it contributes to inhibition of the processes of ergosterol synthesis, and also due to it the degree of permeability of the cell membrane of the fungus increases. Due to such a phenomenon caused by the drug, lysis of fungal cells occurs. Lysis is characterized by the destruction of external cell walls as a result of the fact that they undergo dissolution under the influence of lysosomes.
Pharmacokinetics Zalain ovuli is characterized by the absence of systemic absorption. Local application excludes the subsequent detection of sertaconazole in urine and blood plasma.
Dosing and administration
The way of application and dose of the drug depends on the form and method of application Zalain ovuli.
The cream should be applied from one to two times throughout the day. In this case, it is required to distribute it evenly over the surface of the skin of the exposed lesion, while capturing about 1 centimeter of healthy skin along the edges of the treated area. To determine the duration of treatment should be guided by the peculiarities of the location of the infected area, and also based on what exactly acted as the causative agent of the disease. After the expiration of the course of treatment lasting 4 weeks, one can expect that the clinical symptoms will disappear, and the results of the microbiological analysis will confirm the recovery. The tendency to restore a healthy state, however, begins to appear, mainly, already in the third week of the treatment course.
Suppositories for intravaginal application by adults are administered in the amount of one per day deep inside the vagina before bed. Usually, one-time use is sufficient to completely heal from vaginal infections. Otherwise, after a week, re-use the drug. Before introducing the suppository, the external genitalia are washed with water with an alkaline or neutral soap.
Use Zalain ovuli during pregnancy
Use Zalain ovuli during pregnancy, as well as all other medications requires increased caution. After all, a woman should remember that, bearing a child, she becomes responsible not only for her own health, but also for the absence of dangers and the avoidance of all sorts of negative factors that can influence the development of a new life, the care of which is assigned to her. You can bring a large number of both "For" and "Against" the use of Zalain ovulate during pregnancy. There is ample evidence that Zalain ovuli is highly effective in combating thrush. An indisputable advantage of this drug is that, as one of the many claims of its existing descriptions, only one-time use of it can lead to the achievement of a curative effect. It is also stated that the phenomenon of systemic absorption is not inherent in this drug. This is, undoubtedly, a positive factor.
But, on the other hand, there is also the claim that the use of Zalain ovulate during pregnancy has not been studied sufficiently to assure with all certainty that it is harmless to the baby's health. Therefore, all you need to think about and weigh carefully in regard to the appropriateness of using this drug, whether it really will bring more benefit to the future mother, rather than can adversely affect the development of the baby. In addition, one can not but worry that in the list of contraindications, along with hypersensitivity, pregnancy is often indicated, and in other cases there is no such categorical contra-indication. That is, it shows that the topic, how the pregnancy is compared with the taking of this drug, by the manufacturer himself has not been studied enough for a definite answer to this question. Therefore, it is better not to take risks without special need.
Contraindications to the use of Zalain ovuli arise on the basis that there is a strong reaction to sertaconazole, as well as other imidazole derivatives. In addition, in addition, a prohibitive factor is the presence of hypersensitivity to any of the other components of the drug.
Cream Zalain in any case is not allowed for use as an ophthalmic tool.
During pregnancy and lactation, contraindications to the use of Zalain ovuli are externally justified by the fact that studies to determine its concentration in blood plasma have not been conducted, and its harmlessness for a pregnant woman and a unborn child is not an established fact. For this reason, the administration of the drug can occur only in terms of the degree of expediency and the predicted greater benefit for the woman than the negative consequences for the intrauterine development of the child. Zalain ovuli during fetal gestation should be taken exclusively after consultation and as directed by a medical specialist.
Features of the use of this medicinal product by intravaginal administration should be the exclusion of syringes with soap, which is characterized by an acidic pH. Linen is recommended to use cotton.
Side effects Zalain ovuli
Since the pharmacologically active substance is present in a low concentration, and further, based on the method of administration, the possibility of an overdose is extremely unlikely. In addition, when vaginal use of the drug does not occur systemic absorption of the sertaconazole contained in it, which helps reduce the likelihood of all kinds of negative consequences.
Side effects Zalain ovuli occur in the case of unintentional ingestion of it and may manifest as a local transient irritant reaction - itching and burning sensation. The cause of such unpleasant sensations are the death of pathogens and the action exerted by cellular fragments. Thus, it can also be evidence of the effectiveness of the therapy used. Treatment of side effects due to accidental use of the drug is exceptionally symptomatic.
Side effects Zalain ovuli can be expressed in the appearance of allergic reactions. Among the negative consequences associated with the use of cream, there were cases when during the first days of such a course of treatment there was an erythematous reaction. It, however, was insignificant, transitory and manifested itself for a short time. As a result, it was not necessary to cancel the drug.
Overdose Zalain ovulation seems possible with a very low degree of probability. This has as an explanation that the preparation has a very insignificant concentration of its main active substance. Due to the peculiarities of the form and method of application, the ingestion of this drug in excessive amounts, which can lead to any significant negative consequences, is also excluded. Vaginal suppositories are injected at no more than one unit at a time, and the cream can not be smeared or accidentally swallowed so much to achieve concentration of a potential health hazard.
The fact that sertaconazole, which enters into its composition, does not undergo systemic absorption, is another factor reducing the risk of any disturbances in the functioning of the body.
In the event that there are still sensations of burning or itching, like a local transient irritant reaction, in order to completely protect yourself after an unintended ingestion of the drug inside is a sufficient measure is gastric lavage and treatment of symptomatic nature.
Interactions with other drugs
Interactions Zalain ovuli with other drugs, as for the cream, then it should be noted that some obvious and significant changes in the basic properties and effectiveness of its use in the direction of strengthening or weakening of the therapeutic effect produced by him were not noted. Zelain, used in the complex, which, in addition to it, includes local contraceptives, tends to reduce the severity of their spermicidal properties.
Another feature of the interaction Zalain ovuli with other drugs is that it should, in particular, refrain from using it in conjunction with pessaries or condoms from latex.
Storage conditions
Storage conditions Zalain ovulate in its basic requirements do not differ in any significant extent from those rules that must be followed when storing most drugs.
One of the conditions traditionally is the recommendation that the medicine be in a place that excludes the possibility that it can fall into the hands of children. Such a place, in which the medicinal product is placed, must meet a number of requirements, in particular, to the temperature regime of storage. So for the cream, the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius, and suppositories for intravaginal administration should be kept at a temperature of 30 ° C. At home, in the absence of specially equipped storage areas for pharmacological products like in pharmacies, you can keep Zalain ovuli on the shelves of the refrigerator. It is necessary, however, to monitor the status of medicines, in order to prevent them from freezing. If this does happen, it is absolutely not recommended to use such medications.
The excessively high temperature also represents a factor making the storage conditions of Zalain ovuli unfavorable. This is due to the fact that in this case changes in the properties of the drug can occur, not only with a decrease in the ability to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, but also with an increased likelihood that damage to the body can be caused.
Shelf life
Shelf life Zalain ovuli is 3 years.
It is necessary, however, to pay attention to the fact that the maximum effectiveness of its action and useful medicinal properties of the drug is able to maintain during this time period only if it is in optimal storage conditions for itself. This implies ensuring and maintaining, in the first place, the necessary temperature storage regime.
On the packaging of most medicines manufacturers of pharmacological products indicate the expiration date, which can be calculated if the drug is stored under the appropriate required conditions. Being opened and withdrawn from the package due to interaction with the environment and resulting from all kinds of chemical reactions, medicines undergo changes in properties, for example, they may exhibit other pharmacological activity. In addition, the use of an overdue medication is associated with a significant risk of intoxication, or any other harm to the body caused by it.
Thus, it must be taken into account that a drug with an expired shelf life will at least not be of any use from its use, but as the worst possibility - to cause all the negative health consequences.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Zalain ovuli" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.