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Whitening creams from age spots
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The impact of strong sun rays provokes active production of melanin, as a result of which unwanted pigment spots appear on the face. Of course, women are not enthusiastic about this kind of tanning. In such a situation, bleaching cream from pigmented spots will be the real salvation.
The main thing is to believe that it is possible to return the former color and attractiveness to the person! To achieve a positive effect, you need to choose the "right" whitening cream, get acquainted with its features and the principle of action.
Indications for use
Bleaching cream is designed for removal and prevention:
- pigmented spots;
- chloasma (hyperpigmentation, caused by increased pigment production);
- Lentigo (flat spots on the body of the elderly, which appear from frequent sun exposure);
- freckles;
- butterfly stains;
- acne, acne, hidden defects.
Such disorders occur as a result of pregnancy, age-related changes, metabolic disorders, as well as exposure to strong ultraviolet rays as a result of sunburn.
Apply bleaching cream from age spots is recommended daily, as a result of using the cream, the structure of the cells changes. Old cells die, and new ones appear in their place. In some cases, there is an increased sensitivity to the drug.
Biological activity of bleaching agents is dictated by membrane-protective, immunomodulating and antioxidant properties of the main component of the preparation, which affects the cells.
Names of bleaching creams from age spots
Pigmentation can occur due to many reasons. This hormonal failure of the body, as a result of age changes, during pregnancy, as well as from excessive exposure to the sun. This is due to the excessive excess of the enzyme melanin, which aggravates the process of formation of pigmented spots.
In any case, the appearance of pigment spots gives women a lot of problems. Before using bleaching cream from pigmented spots, it is necessary to find out what is the reason for their appearance. Not all women are calm to spotted manifestations on the skin. Cosmetic industry for such cases has developed a number of whitening creams from pigmentation.
The question arises: "What creams are popular, and by what criteria should they be chosen?". Pay attention to the proposed names of creams from pigmented spots, which we will consider in the proposed article.
Cream from pigment spots "Skinoren" is designed to remove pigment spots on the face. The main component is azelaic acid. To achieve a quick effect, the cream is used twice a day.
- Whitening cream from pigment spots "Melanativ", allows you to get rid of age spots in the shortest possible time, and dramatically reduce their appearance. The composition of the cream includes the natural components of alpha-arbutin and kojic acid, so when you open the box, the cream can slightly change its color. Cream "Melanativ" is recommended for use only on the advice of a dermatologist.
- Whitening cream from pigment spots "Mushroom vs.". This cosmetic product has a lot of advantages. It not only removes the skin of the face from age spots and freckles, but also increases its elasticity and elasticity. At the same time the cream has nutritious, moisturizing and soothing effects. It includes plant components, such as parsley root extract, melon seed oil, lemon juice, mushroom extract, oily and redheads, and others.
- day face cream against freckles and pigment spots "Ideal Whitening" (SPF 20) produced by "Vitex" Belarus. This is the dream of any woman. The cream is unique in that it affects only the pigmented area of the skin. It is ideal for any type of face.
- The cream "Lakshma MAXXI" is designed for removing pigment spots and whitening of the face, bikini zone, elbows, knees, etc. The cream actively removes the old pigmentation.
The list of the names of bleaching agents can be listed for a long time, the main thing - to choose the right bleaching cream and not to harm your health. You can buy bleaching cream in a cosmetics store or in a pharmacy.
Chinese whitening cream qian li
For many years, bleaching creams have been used to remove unwanted skin flaws, such as age spots, freckles, blackheads, and other unpleasant manifestations. One of the most popular means in this direction is the Chinese whitening cream of the new generation "qian li". The product has practically no side effects.
The Chinese whitening cream qian li is widely used both among women and among the people of the opposite sex, due to the rapid effect. You can get rid of unwanted pigmentation and acne in just seven days.
In addition, the cream perfectly moisturizes, whitens and rejuvenates the skin of the face, returning it to its former softness and whiteness. With the regular, correct use of the qian li cream, the result is immediately noticeable.
Special composition of the cream, which includes:
- ginseng;
- aloe extract;
- medicinal extracts of Chinese herbs;
- seaweed;
- pearl powder;
- sable fat;
- beeswax;
- vitamin E;
- serum globulin (arbutin);
- subgroup of tartaric acid.
Before using the cream, you should read the instructions. Do a test test for the reaction. Apply the cream on your arm (in the inaccessible area) and wait for several hours. If there is no redness, the cream is quite suitable. Further it is recommended to apply a thin layer of the cream, rubbing it into the skin with light stroking movements. It is very well absorbed. The procedure should be carried out seven to ten days a day. After the disappearance of the defective signs, the Chinese whitening cream qian li should be used once a day, preferably in the evening, throughout the week.
In retail, there are two versions of the Chinese cream qian li - in blue and green packaging. According to the studied demand for products, the Chinese qian li cream in green packaging is more effective.
Bleaching cream from pigmented spots have the following actions:
- Reduce any type of pigmentation;
- Helps to get rid of freckles, prevent their appearance;
- Have a positive effect on pigmentation during pregnancy;
- Get rid of age-related pigment spots;
- Protect from the influence of aggressive ultraviolet rays.
Among the huge selection of therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetics, Akhromin occupies a special place - a wonderful, extremely strong cream, the results of which are noticeable in a few days. The optimal ratio of quality and price makes the cream affordable for a wide audience of buyers.
The manufacturer of the cream "Achromin" is the firm "Alen Mak", a well-known brand of the world scale. Whitening creams produced by this company are in high demand since the post-Soviet period, and the cream of Achromin is the favorite cosmetic of our grandmothers. Not surprisingly, the cream of the last century is very popular today, as its quality has remained the same.
Cosmetic, therapeutic drug "Achromin" is not only a powerful whitening, but also a preventive tool that helps to avoid hyperpigmentation at the stage of its development. The main constituent of the cream is hydroquinone. It is an organic compound that is easily oxidized in air. Thanks to hydroquinone cream is easy to distinguish from fake, because it instantly becomes darker, and this is visible to the naked eye.
The cream is sold in tubes of 45 ml, in appearance - it is a homogeneous white mass with a slight aroma of rose. The drug can be purchased through the pharmacy chain or at any cosmetics store.
Cream "Achromin" is universal, suitable for any skin type. It is well absorbed, easily, quickly absorbed into the skin. Apply it should be a thin layer twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. With this use, the pigmentation is completely removed within one month. Do not get the cream into the eyes, mucous membranes, open wounds.
Cream "Achromin" is not recommended to take:
- Children under the age of 12;
- Mothers breastfeeding and pregnant women;
- If there is an allergy during or after using the drug, as well as a negative reaction to hydroquinone.
It is also not advisable to go out into the bright sun after applying the drug in less than 2 hours. In most cases, the cream "Achromin" has no side effects, however, there are situations when there are small reddening of the skin, rash, itching. If these symptoms occur, stop using the cream immediately. It is advisable to consult a dermatologist or a cosmetologist before using the cream.
Method of application of bleaching cream from pigment spots
When using the cream, the following rules must be observed:
- Before the beginning of the application of the bleaching cream from the pigment spots, it is necessary to perform an allergic reaction test. To do this, apply a small amount of cream to the invisible portion of the hand. The result will be known in a few minutes. If the cream does not fit, there will be redness, a feeling of discomfort, itching. In this case, you should not use it. In any case, whitening creams from pigmented spots are selected individually, because even the most effective cream can do harm to health.
- Before applying the whitening cream on your face, use a cleanser.
- It is strictly forbidden to use bleaching cream from pigment spots just before going out. The cream acts on the upper layer of the epidermis of the skin, which makes it more sensitive. Therefore, use the cream in the evening, without removing it all night.
- In summer, the risk of pigmentation is especially increased. There is an urgent need for a bleaching cream. The most important thing is to choose the right bleach, paying special attention to its composition. It should not contain retinoic acid, since this component enhances the production of melanin by the action of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, the pigmentation can manifest even more. Do not use the cream in extreme heat.
- Whitening cream from pigment spots should be used in parallel with sunscreen.
- It is desirable to stop the use of the cream immediately after achieving the desired result, since the risk of excessive clarification is possible. The maximum use time is 2-3 weeks, then you need to take a break.
A reasonable approach to the choice of bleaching cream, as well as its correct application will only have a positive effect.
Use during pregnancy
During pregnancy, women undergo complex changes in the body. So, for example, the number of hormones such as corticotropin and melanotropin increases, resulting in the appearance of pigment spots on the face.
To protect against increased pigmentation, you need to limit exposure to the sun, and sunscreen is recommended to be used throughout pregnancy. Doctors and cosmetologists recommend using creams with inorganic filters, which are based on titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. These chemicals do not penetrate the skin and virtually eliminate allergies.
Whitening cream from pigment spots during pregnancy should be used with extreme caution. It is strictly forbidden to use bleaching creams containing in their composition:
- Arbunin - a vegetable ingredient based on leaves of bearberry;
- Aromatic compound hydroquinone;
- Bismuth salt;
- Kojic acid;
- Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). A high vitamin content can trigger a fetal gene mutation.
These components are toxic and harmful to both a pregnant woman and a future child. It is allowed to use bleaching cream, from pigmented spots containing in its composition:
- Artificially synthesized rucinol;
- Diphenyl ketone (benzophenone);
- Lemon, glucon. And lactic acid;
- Parsley extract, licorice;
- Oil of calendula, jojoba, grape seeds;
- Vitamin E.
When choosing a whitening cream, you should carefully read the instructions, which clearly states whether it is possible to apply the cream during pregnancy. In any case, the composition of the cream should be made from natural ingredients. Particular attention should be given to the smell, which should not be too pronounced, and also the shelf life of the drug.
Recommended bleaching cream for pigmentation spots for pregnant women:
- Mama Comfort is the ideal whitening and nourishing cream for pregnant women. The light consistency of the cream is perfectly absorbed into the skin. The drug quickly eliminates unwanted pigmentation spots, returns the skin naturalness and natural beauty.
- Chicco - an indispensable tool for skin care for pregnant women. The cream allows not only to get rid of pigment spots, but also prevents their appearance. It has protective and moisturizing properties.
- Melanil is a whitening cream designed to eliminate pigmentation on the skin. The cream is recommended for pregnant women. Positive effect is observed within 3-4 weeks. Pigmented spots disappear, leaving no white spots behind.
Whitening cream from pigmented spots should be applied in a thin layer, exclusively on the area with pigmentation. Parallel use with a phyto-protective and vitaminizing agent is recommended.
It makes no sense to restrict the skin during the period of pregnancy, the most important thing in this process is to choose the right whitening cream.
Contraindications for use
Whitening cream from pigment spots in a wide range can be found on the shelves of pharmacies and in cosmetics stores. Do not rush to choose the cream you need, as many products have contraindications to the application. Try to get advice from a cosmetologist or a dermatologist.
Many bleaching creams contain hydroquinone, a toxic organic compound that is easily oxidized. To date, the use of cosmetics with hydroquinone is prohibited throughout the world. Some companies still use this dangerous product for health, so, before using the cream, carefully read the instructions, information about the composition of the product and contraindications for use.
Bleaching creams based on mercury are contraindicated in cases of kidney and liver disease. The use of a cream with such a composition is categorically contraindicated for breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women.
Almost all bleaching creams are contraindicated for children under the age of 12 years.
As contraindications may be an individual intolerance to the drug. To avoid this, you must necessarily test the cream.
Side effects
Bleaching cream from pigmented spots have not only positive moments of skin regeneration and complete elimination of pigmentation, but also can have negative side effects such as
- Irritation
- Alegria
- Photosensitivity
- Other serious consequences that cause serious complications.
Virtually all bleaching agents have hydroquinone in their composition. This is a fairly popular and effective component that is used in almost all whitening creams. In some cases, according to the prescription of a dermatologist, you can buy a bleaching agent with an increased concentration of up to 4%, with an allowable 2%. But caution is needed here, since the use of such a cream can cause slight tingling, redness, burning. The risk of such manifestations increases if the cream is applied to the already burnt, dry, cracked skin. In this case, there may be not only irritation, but also a progressive spread of the infection. Before you begin the process of whitening the skin, always consult a doctor. Most experts do not recommend the use of bleaching agents containing hydroquinone for more than two years.
Some bleaching cream from pigmented spots in its composition have mercury. In many civilized countries, the use of this component is strictly prohibited in bleaching agents, however, in cosmetics produced in Asian countries this is natural. Often, the bleaching of the face ends with poisoning with mercury vapor. The consequences can be very different. These are serious injuries to the psyche, nervous system, kidney function, but pregnant women are particularly at risk, since this can lead to fetal developmental pathology.
The bleaching creams contain tretinoin, with which other components of the cream are easily absorbed into the cells, having a beneficial effect on the bleaching process. Bleaching cream with tretinoin can cause severe skin irritation, there are cases when it ends with contact dermatitis.
Whitening creams from pigmented spots are effective enough, they help many women significantly brighten dark spots, get rid of freckles and other unpleasant flaws, but we must always remember that these wonderful remedies can have negative consequences.
Usually, if there is no expected effect after using the cosmetic, we immediately look for the culprit. The choice falls on the manufacturer of the drug. This is the wrong version. In fact, before you start using a cosmetic remedy, you need to carefully study the drug's instructions, and only after that start using it.
Before buying a whitening cream, it is very important to pay attention to the packaging. It is very convenient to use the cream in the package with a dispenser. This makes it possible to extract a sufficient amount of cream. To prevent an overdose, the bleaching cream from the pigment spots should be applied in a thin layer. Excess amount of cream adversely affects the recovery process, and can cause irreversible effects.
It should also be noted that most bleaching creams contain hydroquinone. This is a toxic drug, so manufacturers try to use its concentration to the minimum. Hydroquinone quickly penetrates the skin and is absorbed into the blood. Therefore, an overdose of a cream containing hydroquinone is not allowed. Otherwise, there may be complications such as ochronic disease.
Interactions with other drugs
Whitening creams from pigmented spots do not interact with other nutritional, moisturizing, day and night creams. Moreover, the complex use of whitening and sunscreen cream with SPF 25 protection factor is recommended.
The use of bleaching cream from pigmented spots is well combined with other cosmetic procedures that promote skin whitening, as well as using alternative medicine recipes.
However, cosmetologists do not recommend using several bleaching creams from different manufacturers at the same time. With this interaction, the most unpleasant consequences, such as allergy or irritation, can occur.
Storage conditions
Before you start using a bleaching cream, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition and storage conditions. These two indicators are directly dependent on each other. As a rule, bleaching cream from pigmented spots should not be stored in the bathroom, because there are high humidity and changes in air temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to store in a dark cool place. The most optimal option for storing the cream is the shelf in the locker, closed from sunlight. In summer, the cream can be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, however, do not forget that low temperatures adversely affect the properties of the cream.
The components of the whitening cream are effective enough. During the use of the cream under the influence of high or low temperatures, as well as the ingress of bacteria and excess oxygen into the cream, its elements are destroyed. Therefore, to ensure that the cream does not cause damage to health and does not deteriorate, observe the correct storage conditions.
- After applying the product, tightly close the tube or jar with cream.
- Try to buy a cream in a dark package or with a dispenser.
- Apply the whitening cream only with clean hands to avoid the multiplication of bacteria. It is recommended to use cleaned applicators or sponges.
Shelf life
The expiry date of the bleaching agent depends on the following factors:
- Conditions of storage and use.
- Presence of preservatives, their concentration, variety and quality.
- Origin, quality of raw materials and processing. Synthetic components that are contained in the cream, under different conditions, change their structure.
To determine the expiration date of the drug, it is necessary to study its composition. For example, if it contains hydroquinone, the period of validity and storage should not exceed 2 months. Extend the expiration date can be hermetic packaging with a dispenser, which you only need to store in the refrigerator.
Whitening creams with expired life can be distinguished by the following features:
- Bloated packing.
- Unpleasant smell.
- Stratification of texture, color change.
The shelf life of domestic products is determined by GOST or TU. As for foreign manufacturers, the shelf life is determined by laboratory tests. Therefore, before starting to use the cream, study the packaging of the product. It has an icon with an open jar and a number indicating the storage period in the open.
The best whitening cream from age spots
Many young girls abuse tan, committed without thinking about the fact that by the age of thirty, they are beginning to develop epidermis. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right bleaching cream. The question arises: "What criteria should be considered when choosing a bleaching cream?".
The main function of any whitening agent is the maximum decrease in pigmentation on the face. Absolutely all bleaching cream from pigmented spots under the influence of sunlight reduces the production of color pigment (melanin). Therefore, it is very important that the whitening cream has a moisturizing effect, since excess moisture increases the appearance of the pigment. Whitening cream should have a light peeling property, therefore, exfoliation of dead cells takes place, and the skin becomes tender and supple. This function in the cream performs the content of fruit acids.
We list the most popular whitening creams of leading cosmetic brands, which rightly deserve the high appreciation of consumers. It:
Garnier, Orquid Vital - an anti-aging cream with whitening effect, intended for mature skin, is the undisputed leader among cosmetic products. The product fully meets all requirements, such as restoring effect, deep hydration and complete removal of pigmented spots. The cream is very popular among women of advanced age.
L'Oreal, Age Re-Perfect Pro-Calcium is a whitening day and night cream that is ideal for those over 50. The cream not only nourishes the skin, but also restores the calcium content in the epidermis. The skin becomes smooth, light, dense and elastic.
Yves Saint Laurent is a famous brand of French cosmetics. Whitening cream, which guarantees protection from pigment and dehydration. Light texture of the cream protects the face from aggressive external environment and hyperpigmentation. Has a whitening effect. It is recommended to use the cream in the morning, applying on the face and neck. It restores the contour of the face, makes the skin smooth, supple, beautiful.
Guerlain, Orchidée Impériale White (Royal White Orchid). The basis of the cream is an extract of a white orchid, which not only whitens and moisturizes the skin, but also reduces wrinkles. The cream can be used both day and night.
Meladerm is a cosmetic cream designed to lighten the skin. In the composition of this cream there are no harmful components, so it can be used for a long time. The cream is well absorbed, smoothes the skin and makes it supple.
Bleaching cream can be enumerated for a long time, but the most important in this situation is to select an individual cream that will suit all facial skin parameters and will become a real salvation from negative consequences.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Whitening creams from age spots" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.