

Valerian extract

, medical expert
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Valerian extract has a soothing and spasmolytic effect. Helps reduce the tone of smooth muscles, as well as the excitability of the central nervous system.

Indications Valerian extract

Among the main indications:

  • neurasthenia, and in addition to this state, which develop due to prolonged neuropsychiatric excitation;
  • sleep disorders due to nervous stress along with overexcitation;
  • light disorders in the work of the cardiovascular, as well as digestive systems (with complex treatment).

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Release form

Produced in the form of tablets. In one package can contain 10/40/50 pcs.

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Herbal preparation with sedative properties, which are caused by the fact that the medicine contains essential oil (about 0.2-2.8%), which is based on complex borneol ether, as well as acetate borneol with 3-methylbutanoic acid. In addition, the important active substances of drugs are such sexiterpens with monoterpenes: valeranone and β-karyophyllene, valerenal with pentanoic acid and valepotriates (0.05-0.67%) is a valtrate with isovalantrate.

Valepotriates leave such products of their own regression as valtroxal with baldrinil and homobaldrin. The drug enhances the sensitivity of GABA-conductors to the effect of aminalone, thereby increasing the strength of the slowing processes in the cerebral cortex. Along with this, there is an increase in the isolation and synthesis of GABA in the compounds of the brain neurons. Such an effect develops solely as a result of the influence of the sum of these substances, which are mixed in the valerian extract. It can not be reconstructed as a result of the isolated administration of valepotriates with essential oil or sexiterepens.

The sedative effect resulting from the use of drugs appears rather slowly, but at the same time it is very stable. It is fully developed only in the case of prolonged and systematic therapy. The reaction of the organism to any external pathogens is slowed down, and the process of natural retirement to sleep is simplified.

Valepotriates with pentanoic acid have spasmolytic properties, and in addition have a weak choleretic effect. In particular, it helps with spasm, as well as hyper-motor dysfunction of GWP. The complex of bioactive components of valerian extract according to neurohumoral mechanisms, and also due to influence on the PSS helps to regulate the work of the heart - to slow its rhythm and slightly expand the coronary vessels.

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The pharmacokinetics of this drug is poorly understood, because it is impossible to accurately identify its active principle. When 600 mg of extract is used in dry form, the peak concentration in the body of valerenic acid (one of the possible active substances) comes after 1-2 hours and equals 0.9-2.3 ng / ml. The half-life is 1.1 ± 0.6 h. Pharmacokinetic properties of drugs do not change as a result of repeated use.

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Dosing and administration

For adults, dosages of 40-80 mg are used (this is 2-4 tablets) 1-5 rub. / Day. If necessary, the dosage for the day can be increased to 1000 mg for several (mostly 4-5) use. Patients with problems with kidney or liver function do not need dosage adjustment. Children from 12 years can be prescribed 20 mg of medication 2-3 r. / Day. The treatment course lasts a maximum of 1 month.

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Use Valerian extract during pregnancy

The medicine is forbidden to use during the 1 st trimester of pregnancy. Since it has side effects, it should be used with caution in breastfeeding.


Among the contraindications: individual intolerance to the medicine, as well as children under 12 years old.

trusted-source[16], [17]

Side effects Valerian extract

Adverse reactions may include: depression, drowsiness, and decreased performance. As a result of prolonged reception, constipation is possible. In addition, in some rare cases, an allergy develops.

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Among the symptoms of overdose (with the use of doses 20+ times exceeding the maximum allowable dose) nonspecific manifestations, which are associated with the suppression of the central nervous system - such as drowsiness and lethargy with retardation. If the overdose is severe, cardiac arrhythmia or a bradycardia is possible.

For elimination of symptoms it is necessary to cancel the reception of drugs and perform the procedure of gastrointestinal lavage using activated charcoal. In addition, you need to take magnesium sulfate to prevent absorption of the drug by the intestine, as well as to achieve laxative effects. There is no specific antidote.

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Interactions with other drugs

The extract of valerian is able to strengthen the properties of antispasmodics, and besides this sedative and hypnotic drugs.

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Storage conditions

Keep the medicine in a place that is closed from children and moisture penetration. The temperature conditions are a maximum of 25 ° C.

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Shelf life

Valerian extract is allowed to apply for 2 years from the date of manufacture of the medicine.



To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Valerian extract" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

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