

Types and Symptoms of Allergies

Allergy after chemotherapy

Allergic reactions are expressed in a variety of symptoms, which can be by the degree of manifestation very light and even unnoticed by the patient himself, to very severe ones, which result in a fatal outcome for the patient.  

Allergy to dust mites

A dust mite loves settling in house dust, and to date, about one hundred and fifty species of mites have been isolated. Another name for the dust mite is dermatophagoid.

Allergic rhinitis during pregnancy

An allergic rhinitis during pregnancy can be caused by various irritating factors, including chemicals, some medicines and products, insect bites, perfume products.

Autumn Allergy

Autumn allergy is a very common phenomenon today. More than half of allergy sufferers with this type of allergy do not even suspect that their malaise is caused by the arrival of autumn, namely allergens that are active in the autumn period.

Allergic reactions in children

Allergic reactions in children develop as a result of a decrease in the sensitivity threshold of the baby to the effect of any allergenic agent.

Allergy to radiopaque substances

The allergy to radiopaque substances is associated with the response of various parts of the patient's immune system to the chemical structure of the RVC and includes a diverse range of clinical conditions, from minor to fatal.

Allergy to Aspirin

Allergy to aspirin also develops in patients who have: atopy, female, if an HQA2 antigen is observed in the HLA phenotype and the frequency of the HLA antigen DPBI 0401 is reduced.

Allergy to soy

Soy allergy is common and occurs in both adults and children. Let's consider the features of the appearance and course of an allergic reaction, as well as ways of treatment and prevention.

Allergic dermatitis in children

What are the causes of allergic dermatitis in a child and what is the cause of this disease in general? It is necessary to understand that simply this phenomenon does not appear.

Allergic skin rashes

Allergic skin rash is one of the first and most frequent signs of the development of the reaction of the hypersensitivity of the organism to allergens.


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