Hypersensitivity — allergies — can be caused not only by chemicals, flowering plants, or drugs, but also by food. Allergy to buckwheat is much less common than intolerance to eggs, milk, nuts, oysters, strawberries, citrus fruits or honey.
An allergy to casein or an allergy to milk is a fairly common occurrence. With this type of allergy, the human immune system perceives the harmless milk protein as a foreign substance and attacks them.
The environment, food, water, climatic conditions - all this affects the elasticity of the skin, and also contributes to rash. There is an allergic rash on the face. After all, everyone knows from childhood such a thing as "Diathesis."
A good pediatrician knows that dry paroxysmal cough can be a sign of anything, including rhinovirus or adenovirus infection, chlamydia and mycoplasma, measles, pertussis, croup, caught in the trachea of a foreign body and even hypertrophy of the thymus gland. In the end, it may just be an allergic cough in children.
Allergic bronchitis in adults is not the result of a cold, but an allergic reaction. However, doctors treat this disease as one of the variants of the chronic form of inflammation of the bronchi, since the main symptoms of these diseases are absolutely identical.
If a person suffers from manifestations of allergic reactions to several types of allergens, then this disease can be called a polyvalent allergy. In this article we will talk about the causes, symptoms, treatment of polyvalent allergies, as well as much more.
Of all the allergy sufferers, almost half suffer from allergic reactions to animals. Most often, the causes of this disease are cats and dogs. But the question is, is there an allergy to a hamster?
Many have encountered a problem when the shampoo is not suitable. But, an allergic reaction to shampoo, a phenomenon not rare, but requiring a more careful approach to choosing a shampoo. Why does an allergy to shampoo occur? What are the causes of allergies? Can it be prevented? And these questions, in fact, a lot.