Autumn Allergy
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Autumn allergy is a very common phenomenon today. More than half of allergy sufferers with this type of allergy do not even suspect that their malaise is caused by the arrival of autumn, namely allergens that are active in the autumn period.
The causes of autumn allergies
The causes of autumn allergies are different: the pollen of flowering plants, the evaporation from smoldering leaves, and the autumn micro mites (get into the body through the respiratory tract, multiply rapidly, than irritate the mucous membrane). The cause of autumn allergies can also be the ragweed blooming, which begins in the summer, and is often delayed until mid-October. The pollen of this weed with yellow flowers can spread for hundreds of kilometers, preserving its activity.
If you get into the airway of a person, pollen ragweed irritates the mucous, causing her edema, which manifests itself in the form of a runny nose, sneezing, itching and tearfulness of the eyes. Recently, allergists are increasingly saying that domestic mold, which is activated in the autumn period, can be very harmful to humans. Everyone in the apartment has such a mold in small quantities (for example, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, on the balcony or in the loggia), but with a sharp temperature drop (for example, for a long time it was cold - they did not include heating and mold "slept." Heating was switched on , and a moist and warm environment appeared - an ideal place for reproduction). Such mold is easy to see between tiles in the kitchen and in the bathroom and even through the light wallpaper. And the fight against it is one - washing the infected surfaces and their further drying. For this reason, in rooms where a priory is always wet (in a bathroom, for example), in case of insufficient heating it is recommended to heat the room in addition (to put a radiator) in order to dry the air. This is the only way to get rid of mold that, as a result, can sit tightly in your respiratory tract and on the walls of the mucous membranes, causing chronic autumn allergies, chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, or even bronchial asthma.
How to recognize the autumn allergy?
Symptoms of autumn allergies are very similar to the usual manifestations of any allergy. They appear in the form:
- Runny nose.
- Tears and itchy eyes.
- Coughing.
- Dark circles under the eyes.
- Itching and redness of the wings of the nose.
It is worth noting that the symptoms of autumn allergies occur even when the allergy mechanism is started. It happens this way: the allergen gets into the respiratory tract, where it is perceived by the immune system as a foreign and dangerous body, the development of antibodies begins. The latter are a defensive cage that hunts bacteria that caused allergies. In the body of allergy suffer a whole war, as a result of which the development of histamines occurs. The last, when you get into the blood of an allergic person, cause itching of the skin, a runny nose, reddening of the face and wings of the nose, in other words - all the symptoms of autumn allergies.
Diagnosis of autumn allergies
Diagnosis of autumn allergies is performed using allergotests and / or blood tests for the presence of allergens. Allergotests allow to determine the presence of a specific allergen (a small dose is injected subcutaneously into the human body, and if the allergy is present, after a while the place of the injection will turn red, itching and burning will appear). Another effective way to diagnose allergies is to analyze blood for allergens. The result of this analysis will be your detailed allergic picture. Sometimes, through such an analysis, the patient is found to have an allergy that has not yet manifested itself. To conduct an analysis to identify allergies, you need to contact an allergist, with whom you will later discuss your further treatment. It is also worth contacting an immunologist, since any allergy is a breach in the human immune system.
Treatment of autumn allergies
Treatment of any, including autumnal allergies are performed with the help of 2 groups of drugs: enterosorbents and antihistamines. The first group of drugs helps to eliminate allergens from the body, mediators of allergic reactions and toxins. Antihistamines drown out the allergy, removing its symptoms, as they remove the mucous membrane edema. Antihistamines are selected strictly by a doctor allergist or immunologist, as they have a lot of side effects, and with improper selection can cause problems in the work of the kidneys and digestive organs. Do not joke with this, and blindly rely on what the pharmacist will offer you in the pharmacy.
Nevertheless, if for some reason you urgently need to calm down the symptoms of an allergy and there is no possibility to consult a doctor - you can take some anti-edema drugs yourself. These include: Diazolin (in the calculation of 1 tablet a day, preferably after eating), Eden (1 tablet a day, after a meal), Carbopec (1 tablet a day, after meals). Do not get involved in taking the above drugs and it's important to remember that they can not be taken for more than 5 days in a row. If 2 days after the start of taking these medications you do not feel better - it is necessary to see a doctor immediately. If it becomes easier all the same, it is also worth contacting an allergist, because the above drugs only temporarily took off the manifestations, but they did not cure the allergy itself.
Prevention of autumn allergies
In order to prevent autumn allergies, it is necessary, if possible, to exclude any contact with the allergen. So, if you are allergic to pollen (for example, pollen ragweed), it is worthwhile to bypass the plant "the tenth way". In real life, even realizing this, isolating yourself from the plant is not possible (for example, walking around the field, suddenly passed by ambrosia, which, by the way, spreads its spores for several kilometers, and they remain active!) If such contact all the same occurred, it is necessary to remove the clothes in which you were at the time of the meeting with the allergen, and wash it in hot water (the clothing settles pollen, and with prolonged wearing of clothing, continues to induce allergies). Very often, spores and pollen of plants that cause allergies get into the room with the banal opening of the window. In this case, during the flowering of plant-allergens, doctors recommend using air conditioning. Well, if your air conditioner has a quality filter, which certainly will not allow pollen and spores to irritate your mucous membranes.
During the flowering period, the best time for walking allergies is the morning and the time after the rain, when the pollen has settled and can not fly. If you are prone to autumn allergies, during the period of exacerbation you need to change bed linen more often, which should be pre-ironed beforehand. Spend wet cleaning at least 3 times a week, do not forget to beat out dust from blankets, pillows and furniture (while wearing a face mask).
If you are a chronic allergic person and you know that the autumnal allergy will not fail you - it makes sense to start taking antihistamines for prevention: Allergodyl, Allergol, Zirtek, Eden, Zodak, Kestin, Tavegil and analogues (look for the method of taking and dosage on the liner) . In order to strengthen the weakened immunity, you can poprinimat within a week or ten days tincture root Echinacea (20 drops per half a glass of water in the morning and evening). Do not forget about the correct diet and sleep. In this case, the forecast of autumn allergy will be positive: it will pass you or end, never starting. Be fully armed and be healthy!