

Overview of medicines

Troychatka temperature

Even professional doctors call this tool universal “first aid” and recommend using it if your body temperature rises above 38 degrees.

Ointment from cracks on the heels

Today in pharmacies you can choose a variety of products that help soften the rough skin and improve the condition, but the most effective is still a special ointment from cracks on the heels.

Spray from scabies

Spray from scabies is considered the best means, which helps to get rid of the main symptoms of the disease without problems.

Aerosol from asthma

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory system, which is combined with bronchial obstruction, which has the opposite nature under the influence of medical preparations.

Means against cracks on the nipples

The skin of the nipples is tender and sensitive, so it can be injured with the formation of cracks (fissures).

Ointment from irritation on the skin

Skin irritation is an unpleasant symptom that can appear in anyone. The reasons for it are mass - high sensitivity, weather changes, skin diseases.

Sprays for stomatitis

In the local treatment of inflammation of the oral mucosa various means are used, including antiseptic and anesthetic spray from stomatitis.

Ointment from skin peeling

Many women and men are familiar with the problem of skin peeling, especially in the cold season. Manufacturers of medicines and cosmetics offer a huge range of different drugs that can help to avoid or overcome this trouble.

Tablets from abdominal pain

Pain in the abdomen can have a different origin. Therefore, the means that help to cope with this disease differ in their characteristics.

Tablets from the fungus of nails

In pharmacology a large assortment of tablets from the fungus of nails. They have different degrees of effectiveness, different ways of using and influencing the pathogen.


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