

Overview of medicines

Names and rating of medicines for the liver

Facing such a problem as liver disease, patients begin to look for effective and affordable drugs.

Ointments and creams from a fungus on nails

The choice in the pharmacies is large enough, the main thing is to acquire an effective tool that will help cope with the disease and will not cause complications.

Ointments from streptoderma

Names of ointments from streptoderma, which can quickly and effectively cope with the disease, very much.

Ointment for seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic dermatological disease and manifests itself in the form of scaly spots, red skin and persistent dandruff.

Suppositories from prostate adenoma

Indications for the use of rectal suppositories include the presence in patients of such symptoms as enlargement of the prostate size, swelling of the tissues, inflammation, urination disability, etc.

Ointments from bruises and swelling under the eyes

To date, the pharmaceutical industry is creating more and more new medical products. In pharmacies, you can find even special ointments from bruises under the eyes.

Tablets from noise in the ears

Noise and ringing in the ears, which appear without any external stimuli, are quite a challenge for doctors. The fact is that it is not an independent disease, but rather a separate symptom to some kind of disease.

Ointments for open wounds

When properly processed, such wounds are quickly tightened, usually using ointments for healing - baneocin, levomecol, solcoseryl, eplan, etc.

Drops with otitis in children

Otitis is the inflammatory process that occurs in the middle part of the auricle. Very often this disease manifests itself in toddlers. Drops with otitis in children are considered the most popular and safe remedy.


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