

Overview of medicines

Healing hand creams

Most hand creams are designed for everyday hygiene, softening and moisturizing.

Suppositories for endometriosis

With endometriosis, the suppository is used quite rarely, since this disease is always accompanied by abundant and prolonged irregular intermenstrual and menstrual bleeding.

Easy awakening or how to wake up quickly

With age, we are increasingly thinking about the question: how quickly to wake up, how to make your awakening easy and enjoyable? But because of how we wake up, often depends on our physical condition and mood for the whole day.

Ointments for open wounds

The main problem with open wounds is the difficulty of healing. Such damage is prolonged for a long time, and the danger of their infection is very high.

Tablets from gastritis

People who often suffer from pain in the stomach, often in the medicine cabinet, there are a variety of tablets from gastritis - and not all of them are effective. Why?

Aerosols from mosquitoes

Repellents - a drug whose chemical composition is designed to scare off insects, with minimal impact on a person.

Migraine tablets

They will partially or completely help relieve pain and spasms. When choosing a suitable drug, be sure to consult a doctor, self-medication can only do harm.

Ointments from ticks

Now on sale it is possible to find dozens of various medications intended for struggle against ticks. As a rule, these are external agents that are applied to the skin.

Suppositories from vaginal discharge

In gynecological practice, for this purpose, local medications are often used - the vaginal suppository from secretions.

Drugs for treatment and restoration of the liver

To eliminate liver diseases, special medicines are used. Consider the most popular and effective drugs, their types, indications for use and cost.


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