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Suppositories from vaginal discharge
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Discharge from the vagina (whites), accompanied by a sharp / unpleasant odor, is likely to be a symptom of inflammation of the mucosa. This inflammation can have a fungal, bacterial or viral origin. Completely eliminate pathological discharge can be, only by getting rid of their pathogen. In gynecological practice, for this purpose, local medications are often used - the vaginal suppository from secretions.
Indications for use
Vaginal suppository is used in case of appearance, causing discomfort, discharge. These can be abundant cheesy discharge, having a sour smell. They are characteristic of thrush and are also manifested by the symptoms of itching and redness in the intimate area. Indications for the use of vaginal suppositories are foamy extracts that have a fishy smell (these are symptoms of Trichomonas colpitis ). They can also be used when there are abundant secretions of yellow or whitish, accompanied by a sharp unpleasant odor - these are manifestations of vaginal dysbiosis.
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The terinidazole contained in Terzhinan has a deleterious effect on Trichomonas. It also eliminates anaerobic microorganisms.
Neomycin (an antibiotic that belongs to the aminoglycoside group) at the ribosomal level destroys protein synthesis in pathogenic microorganisms.
Antimycotic element nystatin is included in the group of polyene antibiotics. It combines with ergosterol, which is in the cell membrane of the fungus, thereby destroying them and contributing to the death of the fungus.
The medicinal component from the group of glucocorticosteroids - prednisolone - has an anti-inflammatory, proteo-exudative, anti-allergic effect.
The excipients contained in the suppository from the excreta contribute to the restoration of the integrity of the vaginal epithelium after inflammation and infections, and maintain the level of pH balance in the body's necessary limits.
The composition of Dalacin contains an active element of clindamycin. Introduced intravaginally (dosage of 100 mg / day) in the form of a candle, it is absorbed into the circulatory system by 30% (6-70%) in 3 days. Up to the maximum limit, the serum concentration reaches about 5 hours after the insertion of the suppository into the vagina. By the third day this figure is 0.27 μg / ml (within the range of 0.03-0.67 μg / ml). Clindamycin with intravaginal injection has little effect on the body. Its pharmacokinetics does not depend on age indices.
Names of suppositories from secretions
Since the whites themselves are different and can be a symptom of various gynecological diseases, there are many names of suppositories from the secretions.
Antiseptic drug Hexicon is used in the complex treatment of diseases such as vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis, as well as for the prevention of STDs.
Suppositories Betadine, based on iodine. Thanks to this element, this drug fights well with various microorganisms that cause secretion - fungi, viruses, bacteria.
Preparations Metromikon-neo, Neo-pentotrans, Neo-pentotran forte are used for local treatment of vaginitis having an infectious origin.
Suppositories from secretions Genferon are used for trichomoniasis, thrush, and other gynecological infections. Usually they are used in complex therapy.
Vaginal suppository from secretions
The effectiveness of treatment and prevention of vaginal diseases largely depend on the use of local medicines - such as candles. These drugs can effectively eliminate pathogens, without any side effects.
In the treatment of vaginal candidiasis (thrush), a vaginal suppository is often used from the excretions of Livarol. This antifungal agent has a wide range of effects. It effectively eliminates fungi that contribute to the development of thrush, and in addition to staphylococci and streptococci, which appear in fungal infections.
With vaginal discharge due to thrush or vaginitis, the suppository Isoconazole and Dalacin (clindamycin) also work effectively.
Suppositories from yellow secretions
If the vaginal discharge has become dirty gray or yellow, there is an admixture of pus in them and they have an unpleasant smell, it is most likely an inflammation of the vagina, or colpitis, cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix). In addition, symptoms may include burning, itching, pain during intercourse and urination.
When yellow secretions appear due to non-specific flora (eg, Escherichia coli), a suppository can be administered from excreta Terzhinan, Macmioror or Polizhinaks.
With bacterial vaginosis with yellow secretions help suppository Klion D100 or Neo Pentotran forte. These drugs contain miconazole and metronidazole. The first eliminates thrush (it often accompanies bacterial vaginosis), and the second removes the causative agents of the underlying disease. Treatment of the suppository in this case lasts for 7-10 days.
Suppositories from blood and watery discharge
Bloody discharge can occur in case of menstrual irregularities, with erosion or cervical cancer, because of endometriosis (adenomyosis).
Watery discharge, appearing in a very large amount and not stopping, as well as causing redness and burning, is a symptom of some kind of inflammation. It can be adnexitis (inflammation of the uterine appendages), colpitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa), or endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa).
In such cases, an effective agent will be a suppository from the Suporon secretions, which have a biostimulating, healing, anti-inflammatory effect. They are used to treat erosion of the cervix, thrush, cervicitis, vaginitis, colpitis and endometritis.
The drug Depantol has a metabolic, restoring, antiseptic effect. It can be used to treat the aforementioned diseases in which bloody or watery discharge appears, as well as with ectopia.
Fitoreal suppository is one of the most effective drugs in the treatment of cervical erosion. They are made on the basis of natural elements (from medicinal herbs), so they have no contraindications.
Suppositories from cheesy excreta
Curd extracts from the vagina, provoked by Candida type fungi, are eliminated with the help of antifungal medicines. They act in this way: by binding to the cells of the fungal cell, they are embedded in the membrane, thereby destroying its integrity.
In the case of a mild form of the disease, a suppository from the cheesy discharge is used as a topical treatment. The drugs, which contain clotrimazole, nystatin, miconazole, cope with thrush in 6-7 days. Suppositories of a new generation (for example, Betadine, Pimafucin or Clion-D) can remove the fungus in 1-3 days.
With a tendency to dysbacteriosis, candles should be used that do not alter the vaginal microflora. Among such antimycotic drugs like Gino-Daktanol. But the suppositories Polizhinax and Terzhinan are able to break the microflora and have some side effects, so they can be used only after consulting with the doctor and his permission.
Characteristics of suppositories from secretions are examined using the example of Terzhinan and Dalacin.
Methods of applying suppositories against secretions
Suppositories Terzhinan are injected deep into the vagina 1 time / day for 10 days. Before the introduction of the suppository, it should be kept for about half a minute in water, so that it softens a little. The procedure is recommended to be performed in the evening (this time of day is considered optimal, since after the administration of the drug, yellow discharge may appear after a while - in the treatment with Terzhinan this is a normal process), and if it is still done in the daytime - after lying on the suppository it is necessary to lie for at least 10 minutes.
The duration of the drug may differ, and it depends on the cause of the treatment.
If the suppository is used to stabilize the balance of the vaginal microflora and to eliminate manifestations of inflammation, this period can last 6-10 days (depending on the doctor's appointment and the clinical picture of the disease).
At treatment of a thrush the medical course lasts longer - it can make 20 days. After 3 days after the end of treatment, you need to undergo a second examination and take the tests again. This is necessary to confirm recovery. In the event that the treatment has no effect, a second course can be prescribed.
Duration of treatment and dosage during pregnancy are prescribed by a doctor - they depend on the clinical picture of the disease.
Suppositories from Terginan excretions are allowed for use during menstruation.
Dalacin is inserted into the vagina 1 time / day. Within 3 days. The procedure is recommended before bedtime. Suppositories are administered using or without an applicator.
The drug Geksikon is applied within 7-10 days - you need to enter 1 suppository 1-2 times / day. In some cases, the course of treatment can be prolonged up to 20 days.
Use of suppositories against discharge during pregnancy
During pregnancy, women are very susceptible to a variety of infections, as the hormonal background in the body changes. In this disease often affects the sexual organs. It should be understood that if the inflammatory process is started and not cured in a timely manner, the infection can affect the baby.
In this situation, you can use only those drugs that do not have a negative effect on the fetus. It is necessary to select drugs that will be effective, and at the same time completely safe for the child.
Suppositories from the secretions of the hexicon are one of the best options. They act locally, so do not enter the bloodstream - thus, the negative impact on the baby and its development is completely ruled out.
The same characteristics are available and the drug Terzhinan - it is not absorbed into the blood, so it can be prescribed for vaginal infections during pregnancy.
When you appear on the 1st trimester of pregnancy, yeast can also be used with Pimafucin.
Betadine should not be used, starting from the 3rd month of pregnancy, and also during lactation. If treatment with this drug is necessary, it must be done under the individual supervision of the doctor.
Contraindications for use
Suppositories from secretions are contraindicated in case of allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to the composite components of the drugs (Dalacin, for example, should not be prescribed if there is sensitivity to lincomycin and clindamycin). Also, they are not prescribed to girls under 16 years of age (Terzhinan drug).
Preparations Metromikon-neo, Neo-pentotrans and Neo-pentotran forte are not prescribed for children under 12 years, on the 1st trimester of pregnancy, for liver failure, low level of leukocytes. They are also not recommended for use if there are disorders of microcirculation, or if the woman has diabetes mellitus.
Side effects
Suppositories from secretions usually do not cause side effects - since they are applied topically, their substances are very poorly absorbed into the circulatory system. Therefore, usually in such cases, there are only local manifestations - an allergic reaction, tingling, burning, itching, irritation and pain at the site of administration of the suppository.
Sometimes in the course of treatment, systemic effects may arise - for example, prednisolone may cause a slowdown in the healing processes of various wounds and cracks. Sometimes atrophic processes can occur in the vaginal mucosa.
In rare cases, side effects from the side are possible:
- Genitourinary system: pain in the vagina, irritation of the vaginal mucosa and vulva, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, thrush, pyelonephritis, dysuria;
- Gastrointestinal tract: nausea and vomiting, as well as diarrhea;
- Skin: itching and rashes on the skin, as well as pain and itching in the vagina;
- General: spasms and abdominal pain, nausea, headache and dizziness, fever, the appearance of a fungal infection, a change in taste, the appearance of a metallic taste in the oral cavity.
Overdose and interactions with other drugs
Vaginal suppositories from secretions are almost not absorbed into the bloodstream, so there is no likelihood of an overdose. In some cases, with a high dosage, side effects may be increased.
Data on the clinical interaction of suppositories from excreta with other drugs are not available.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Suppositories from vydeleny should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C in areas that are closed from sunlight and children. Also they can not be frozen.
The shelf life of vaginal suppositories is usually 3 years.
The most effective suppositories from female secretions
Suppositories from secretions have a local effect, so that the relief of the disease begins almost from the first day of treatment. In addition, local treatment blocks the spread of infection into the uterus and the cervical canal. Vaginal suppositories treat such types of pathogens:
- Viruses;
- Bacteria;
- Fungi;
- Protozoa.
The most effective suppositories from female secretions are able to cope with microbes belonging to several types of pathogens.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Suppositories from vaginal discharge" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.