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Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide
Last reviewed: 10.08.2022

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Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide is not a new method to combat this unpleasant disease. Still our parents knew what to get rid of external signs of a psoriasis without special problems it is possible this means. How effective is hydrogen peroxide today, when it is safe to find other drugs against psoriasis in pharmacies?
Indications for use
Hydrogen peroxide is great if the patient begins to seriously worry about the plaques on the skin. In this inflammation can be treated in various ways: take in, rub, bury in the nasal passages or use as injections (only on the advice of a doctor and under his supervision).
In order to quickly get rid of psoriatic plaques in the pharmacy, you need to buy exactly 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, as well as hydroperite. According to recent studies, hydrogen peroxide helps to saturate internal organs with oxygen, due to which the main signs of psoriasis disappear. To enhance the effect simultaneously with peroxide, you can take vitamin C.
Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide by Neumyvakin
According to Professor Neumyvakin, hydrogen peroxide is one of the best means to combat psoriasis and plaques that appear on the skin during the recurrence of this disease. At the same time, the professor recommends using the drug not only externally, but also inside to achieve an effective result.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. To get rid of the disease, Neumyvakin recommends:
- Use the product three times a day at regular intervals.
- Inside, hydrogen peroxide is first taken in a minimal amount (one drop), gradually increasing to the maximum safe dose for a person (ten drops).
- Dosage is increased by one drop every day.
- After a 10-day appointment, a break is made (three to seven days). After it, the peroxide starts immediately with 10 drops.
Treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide in psoriasis
Baking soda is another effective method of fighting psoriasis. In doing so, it can be used internally or externally. If you use baking soda, applying it directly to the affected areas of the skin, the effect will not take long. It will help quickly soften the skin, exfoliate plaques and relieve inflammation.
Please note that soda is only used in the first stages of the disease, since then it does not bring the expected result.
To remove the itching, which often accompanies the patient during exacerbation of psoriasis, you can take a bath with baking soda. Remember, before this the body needs to be rinsed in the shower. To get effective treatment, you need to put about 300 ml of soda on a bath of water. The procedure should last at least twenty minutes. After the bath, allow the body to dry itself. Take such baths at least once every three to four days.
Soda can be applied to damaged areas of the skin. To do this, first stir it in hot water, and then soak in the resulting solution towel, which is applied to the plaques.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
Hydrogen peroxide is a proven antiseptic, deodorizing and haemostatic drug. After the product enters the affected areas of the skin, and also when it comes into contact with substances that are capable of oxidation and reduction, it decomposes under the influence of the peroxidase enzyme, releasing molecular oxygen. It is he who helps to oxidize, purify wounds from pus, inactivate organic substances, including proteins and blood.
The method of applying hydrogen peroxide in psoriasis
Psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide can be treated in many ways:
- When taking this medication, you need to use only one drop of hydrogen peroxide in three tablespoons of clean water. The resulting solution is taken orally three times a day before eating. Each day, the number of drops increases by one until you reach 10. Make a three-day break and again three days to take a solution.
- There is also a method of treating plaques with the help of hydrogen peroxide and the tablets Hydroperit. Having bought everything you need in the pharmacy, you need to crush six tablets and mix them in 25 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Affected skin areas are lubricated with the resulting mixture twice a day. Please note that plaque-stricken areas of the skin will first ache, but the discomfort will quickly pass.
- To use hydrogen peroxide externally, it is necessary to apply a special compress on the plaques (for 30-40 minutes). To create a solution, take 50 ml of clean water and two teaspoons of peroxide.
- Take 200 ml of a physical solution and 2 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The resulting mixture must be administered intravenously under the supervision of a specialist.
- When digesting hydrogen peroxide in the nose, psoriatic plaques begin to disappear faster, as the agent immediately enters the blood.
Please note that the treatment with this drug lasts from four to six weeks.
Use of hydrogen peroxide in psoriasis during pregnancy
The main advantage of hydrogen peroxide is the fact that this tool has no practical contraindications for pregnant women. If during pregnancy you have psoriatic plaques, it is hydrogen peroxide that will help you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms quickly and without problems.
Also, this tool is recommended to use to eliminate pathogenic microflora during breastfeeding of a child.
Contraindications and side effects
Hydrogen peroxide can not be used when this component is intolerant. In addition, patients who have a history of kidney and liver disease, herpetiform dermatitis and hyperthyroidism should be used with caution.
In rare cases, the patient may develop allergic reactions to medical hydrogen peroxide (redness, hives, itching, irritation). During the treatment of wounds in the damaged area, there is a slight tingling sensation that quickly passes.
Overdose and interactions with other drugs
In no case should not allow an overdose of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of psoriasis. Since then you not only will not get the desired result, but also add yourself more problems. In case of an overdose, this remedy usually shows:
- Burns and spasms in the upper respiratory tract.
- Severe irritation of the gastric mucosa.
- Hemoglobinuria.
- Lethal outcome when taking a single dose in 1 g.
For the treatment of overdosage, gastric lavage is used.
Hydrogen peroxide is unstable in an alkaline environment, in light and at an air temperature of more than 25 degrees, when interacting with complex radicals and metal salts.
Storage conditions and shelf life
It is important to store a bottle with 3% solution of medical hydrogen peroxide in a dark and cool place protected from children (air temperature up to 25 degrees).
As a rule, the shelf life of such a drug is two years. In no event shall it be used after the expiration of this period.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Treatment of psoriasis with hydrogen peroxide" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.