Treating secretions from the anus
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Discharge from the anus is a concern for many people. But they are not an independent disease, but more often they are a sign of another, more serious disease. Allocations may be different: mucous, bloody, purulent. Can differ in consistence, color, duration. Some of them can be allocated only during the act of defecation, others - at any time.
The main thing that it is necessary to understand a person is that they always have a pathological character, since there is no excreta in the norm. It is also important to understand that when any discharge, pain, and problems in the rectum and anus are present, the proctologist should be contacted immediately. Self-treatment here is strictly prohibited, because often it ends with an aggravation of the problem and even a fatal outcome.
Any treatment begins with a correction of nutrition. First of all, it is necessary to resort to dietary nutrition, which will have a soft, sparing effect on the body. It is important to limit consumption of acute and fatty foods, eat large amounts of fiber, drink more liquid. It is necessary to completely abandon alcohol, spices, spices and sauces. Then special treatment is prescribed, for example, antiviral therapy, antibacterial, anti-allergic. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, venotonic, vasoconstrictive agents are prescribed. You can stop the discharge by healing the wound surface, repairing the defect, or limiting the inflammatory process.
If necessary, also used symptomatic therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. To improve the functionality of the rectal part of the intestine, a suppository is used based on anesthetics and emollients. With cracks, erosions, bleeding in the suppository add a solution of adrenaline. There are also special suppositories for stopping bleeding. With violations of the stool appoint drugs that normalize defecation.
Medicines with proctologic problems, which are accompanied by secretions from the anus should be taken with extreme caution. First, you need to accurately determine the cause of the secretions and only then select the appropriate treatment. Secondly, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor, to observe the prescribed treatment regimen. Any non-compliance can be hazardous to health. It is important to remember that discharge from the anus is a symptom of a disease, not an independent pathology. Therefore, if the diagnosis is not performed in a timely manner, or the disease is not treated, there can be sad consequences. Medicinal products also have numerous side effects.
To normalize the act of defecation, eliminate pain, burning, apply rectal ointments or suppositories. Ointments are applied superficially in a thin layer. Suppositories are injected into the anus. Procto-gliwenol proved to be well established. Apply 1 suppository 2-3 times a day. Ointment is also prescribed 3-4 times a day.
In order to stop the discharge, it is necessary to heal the wounds and eliminate the inflammatory process. For this, flavonoids are used. Widely used detraleks. Take the pill every 24 hours. The course of treatment is 10-28 days.
With repeated and heavy bleeding, dilatation of venous vessels, elimination of stagnant phenomena, take diosmin. He is prescribed on a tablet three times a day, or three tablets once a day. Wash down with a little water. Gradually, it is recommended to reduce the dosage, bringing it to 1 tablet per day.
After operations on the rectum, take Flebodia 600, which is an excellent venootin. It is especially effective in doping, coagulation of vessels, intestinal walls.
To remove the pain symptoms take no-shp: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day, or as the manifestation of pain. Also taken for the removal of spasms, treatment of hemorrhoids, large cracks, erosion and thrombophlebitis.
With diseases of the rectum, as with other diseases, it is advisable to take vitamins. They contribute to the recovery of the body, enhance the protective potential, endurance of the body. Many of them accelerate the regeneration processes, speeding up the healing of wounds, eliminate the inflammatory process. It is recommended to take vitamins in the following daily concentrations:
Physiotherapeutic treatment
Physiotherapeutic agents in the treatment of discharge from the anus are rarely used. Sometimes ultrasonic heating, or ultrasound massage, can be shown. They promote the resorption of exudates, dry the tissues, reduce the level of maceration. Other procedures can also be used, based on the effects of waves of different lengths.
Well-proven electrophoresis, in which drugs are injected through the mucous membrane. Penetration of the drug into deep tissue is carried out under the action of microcurrents. On the fabric is a direct, direct effect. This can significantly reduce side effects and eliminate the likelihood of an overdose. Systemic action on the body does not happen, only local. This makes it possible to substantially reduce the dosage and improve the efficacy of the agent.
See also: Physiotherapy with hemorrhoids.
Alternative treatment
Alternative agents have proven themselves for the treatment and prevention of discharge. But to address them is with extreme caution, because with improper application can not only not improve, but also worsen the situation.
With cracks in the anus, prolapse of the rectum, it is recommended to take Japanese quince. The juice of this fruit is used as a poultice.
When secretions from the rectum and cracks of the anus are used sedentary baths and enemas from the decoction of dope. To prepare the broth, take 20 grams of leaves on a bucket of water. Bring to a boil, then insist. Cool for a comfortable temperature.
Chamomile broth is used for enemas, douching with discharge. It is useful to make sedentary steam baths above a vessel or basin. Make a decoction of such a temperature, at which steam will go. Pour water into the basin or ship, sit over the steam. The entire lower part, starting from the waist, cover the blanket. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.
For enemas and washing areas from which the most intensive release of mucus occurs, it is advisable to use a strawberry broth. Use about 15 strawberries for a glass of boiling water, filter, apply.
Herbal Treatment
The broth of nettle is used for purulent and mucous discharge. Increases immunity, promotes recovery of the mucosa. Drink in small quantities. Do not drink while spotting. This can lead not only to increased secretions, but also to provoke bleeding.
Chamomile medicinal for ingestion in the form of a decoction or infusion removes inflammation, eliminates excreta. Some chamomile flowers are poured with boiling water, brewed until a light light shade appears and is drunk like tea during the day. You can add to the brewer with tea and drink as an aromatic additive to tea.
To heal wounds, prevent the risk of infection and provide antiseptic action, use leaves of celandine. Take a small amount of leaves - from 1 to 2 teaspoons, grind. The ground mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, allowing to stand for at least 8 hours. Drink about 20-30 ml daily.
Decoction of bones well stops bleeding, restores damaged vessels. For cooking pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water and allow to stand for an hour. They drink in small sips. On average, you need to drink at least a cup a day.
Homeopathic remedies have proven themselves as tools aimed at treating, restoring the body and preventing diseases. When there are secretions from the anus, apply homeopathic remedies alone, without any prior consultation with the doctor, examination, analyzes can not. This can cause numerous complications, side effects.
Often, self-treatment ends with severe bleeding, ulcers, malignant neoplasms, which are no longer amenable to treatment. In the prevention and treatment of homeopathic remedies, a number of precautions must be followed. First, when the first signs of the disease appear, you need to contact the proctologist as soon as possible. Timely diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. Secondly, any means can be used only after you consult a doctor. Thirdly, any appointment should be based only on the results of laboratory and instrumental research, inspection.
For the removal of pain and narrowing of the vessels with chronic hemorrhoids use ice candles. For preparation take a paper form, fill it with water, put it in the refrigerator. Molds should be small in size, so that they can safely fit into the anus, without causing pain and discomfort.
Before entering the anal opening, remove the upper paper or moisten it for several seconds in hot water. This will make it possible to enter the suppository painlessly and avoid damage to the mucous membrane. The first 3-5 days to keep for half a minute, not more. Then gradually begin to increase the duration of the procedure. Every day we add another half a minute.
Suppositories from candied honey are also effective for hemorrhoids. Allow to lower blood discharge, to prevent the development of bleeding. The procedure is quite simple. A candle is formed from the candied honey. Insert it into the anus. The procedure is performed twice a day.
Medical leeches are used to treat hemorrhoidal cones. For each cone should be placed from 3 to 10 leeches. They will suck blood. As a result, the pathology will begin to disappear, dissolve. After leeches have sucked up blood, they will disappear on their own. Before the procedure, you need to wash the cones three times with soap and water. It is necessary to take soap, which has no smell, because a sharp smell will scare off leeches. They have a very high sensitivity to any chemical agents, including soap components.
Cocoa butter has proven itself as a means of healing wounds, cracks. Quickly removes inflammation and prevents the development of infection. Removes edema, irritation, flushing. Apply gauze moistened in the melted cocoa butter to the anal opening. Wait for 10 minutes. The procedure can be performed twice a day, until pain and irritation stop worrying. If there are hemorrhoids, they will break. Then you need to apply a long time, until complete healing. Wounds.
Depending on the severity of the pathology, its course and the number of secretions, surgical treatment may be required. Usually it is used with ineffectiveness of conservative treatment. At some kinds of pathologies, for example, at a hemorrhoids, apply operation on Longo which consists that the mucosa is tightened, fixing thus hemorrhoidal veins.
Ligation is also used, in which additional branches of the hemorrhoidal arteries are excised, which prevents the formation of nodes. Bipolar coagulation means cauterization of defects. The procedure is performed using epidural anesthesia. During the operation, sanation of all identified foci of infection, purulent foci is also carried out. When polyps are found, they are also cauterized.
Diet in the allocation of mucus from the anus
If mucus is released from the anus, you should adhere to an easy diet that will have a gentle, gentle effect on the walls of the stomach and intestines. The diet implies the use of only boiled, steam dishes, stews. Frying is completely excluded, smoking. It is necessary to take in food only lean kinds of meat, fish. All fatty, spicy dishes, mushrooms, spices, spices, sauces are excluded. From marinades and pickles also need to give up. Eat better 5 times a day. Must be three full meals, and two snacks, which include light salads, cereals, fruits or vegetables. Below is an approximate menu for a week based on three meals a day.
Read also: Diet for hemorrhoids.
[7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]
- Breakfast
Omelette with ham, tea.
- Dinner
Potato cream soup, toast. Potato stewed with vegetables. Chicken breast boiled. Fresh tomato. Compote.
- Dinner
Cheesecake with cottage cheese, kissel.
- Breakfast
Honey cake, coffee with cream.
- Dinner
Broth chicken transparent, dumplings. Potatoes with mushrooms and onions in sour cream sauce, chicken steak chicken. Fresh cucumber. Compote.
- Dinner
Rice casserole. Tea.
- Breakfast
Cottage cheese casserole, chicory.
- Dinner
Vegetable soup, croutons. Macaroni with cheese and cheese. Salad from grated corn with green peas. Sausage fried. Juice.
- Dinner
Pancakes with berry juice. Tea.
- Breakfast
Pancakes with strawberries. Cocoa with milk.
- Dinner
Fish broth is transparent. Rice porridge is crumbly. Pepper stuffed with meat. Salad with sorrel and parsley. Juice
- Dinner
Pumpkin casserole. Dried fruits compote.
- Breakfast
Oatmeal porridge with the addition of pieces of fruit. Milk, kefir or yogurt.
- Dinner
Carrot soup. Porridge buckwheat with liver. Salad from boiled beets. Juice.
- Dinner
Pudding from apples and pears. Compote.
- Breakfast
Fruit salad with cream, a sandwich with butter and cheese. Tea.
- Dinner
Soup with meatballs. Mashed potatoes, fish meat steak. Sauerkraut.
- Dinner
Zrazy potato. Compote.
- Breakfast
Boiled egg, boiled sausage. Slice of bread. Tea.
- Dinner
Vegetable soup. Potatoes in milk. Cabbage rolls. Puree from green peas. Compote.
- Dinner
Fried roast. Sandwich with butter. Tea.