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Tablets from bronchitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Bronchitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of a bronchial tree of bacterial or viral origin. The disease develops in the lower parts of the respiratory tract. It is usually a complication after the flu or ARVI. There is a classification of bronchitis according to the type of inflammatory process in the bronchi:
- Catarrhal (increased formation of exudate in the bronchi);
- Muco-purulent (hyperexcitation of exudate in the bronchial tree);
- Purulent (appearance of purulent exudate);
- Fibrinous (presence of viscous and difficultly separated sputum, which leads to blockage of the lumen of the bronchi and bronchial obstruction);
- Hemorrhagic (due to small hemorrhages in the bronchial mucosa may have blood in the sputum).
The main symptoms : a strong obsessive cough (dry or with exudate), an increase in body temperature to 39 ° C.
Differential diagnosis is carried out from tuberculosis or pneumonia on the basis of clinical picture, physical examination and instrumental research methods (chest radiographs).
When treating bronchitis, taking into account the severity of the disease, use injectable and tablet forms of medicines.
There are a lot of names of tablets from bronchitis (Erespal, Kafetin, Kodelak, Stoptussin, Ambrobene, Amizon, Ceftriaxone, Spiramycin, Amikacin, ACTS, Mukaltin and many others). All of them are divided into - antitussives, expectorants, mucolytic, combined. Each subgroup of drugs also has its own classification. It is very difficult to determine the choice of the necessary drug.
Tablets for coughing with bronchitis
Paxeladin, Glaucine, Libexin, Tusuprex, Erespal, etc. The effect of these tablets on the body is not the same - some directly affect the cough center, others weaken or interrupt the impulses that go to the brain from the affected mucosa of the bronchi.
In acute obstructive bronchitis of infectious genesis, antiphlogistic agents are used that break down the main pathogenetic links in the chain of development of inflammatory changes in the respiratory tract. This preparation is Erespal.
Pharmacodynamics : the active ingredient is fenspiride. Has antiflogistic action, and also relieves spasms. Removes puffiness and reduces the intensity of irritation in the bronchial tree, suppresses the secretion of excess mucus.
Pharmacokinetics. Fenspiride reaches the maximum values in the systemic circulation for 6 hours. The products of kidney metabolism with urine are excreted for 12 hours.
Use during pregnancy. It is not desirable to use during gestation. Therapy Erespalom - not an indicator to the interruption of pregnancy.
Contraindications :
- hypersensitivity to constituent ingredients;
- children under 18;
- time of gestation;
- the period of lactation.
Side effects. Relatively to the gastrointestinal tract - unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region, gastralgia, diarrhea, attacks of vomiting; relative to the central nervous system - general weakness, lethargy, vertigo; relative to CAS - increased heart rate; general symptoms - lowering blood pressure, fatigue, fatigue; allergic manifestations - erythematous rashes, urticaria, burning, angioedema. All adverse reactions disappear when the dose is reduced or the drug is withdrawn.
Method of application and dosage. 80 mg (1 tab.) 2 or 3 r / day. Max. Dosage of 240 mg / day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.
Overdose. Exceeding the allowable daily dose does not lead to an increase in the effectiveness of the drug. Accidental excess of the maximum therapeutic dosage requires urgent medical care if the following symptoms occur: tachyarrhythmia, nausea, vomiting, apathy, or severe arousal. Therapeutic measures: gastric lavage, ECG dynamics and providing vital body functions.
Interaction with antihistaminic, sedative and analgin-containing drugs leads to an intensification of the hypnotic effect. Categorically prohibited alcohol intake.
Storage conditions. It is recommended to store in a dry dark place, inaccessible to children with a temperature below 15 ° C.
Shelf life, according to the instructions - 36 months.
Tablets for coughing with bronchitis
With bronchitis there is a need to suppress the excitability of the cough center, and also help the body cope with inflammation, lower the temperature. In this situation, pills for coughing with bronchitis - Caffetin, Codelac, Glaucin, Pakseladin, Stoptussin, Ambrobene and others - will come to the rescue.
Pharmacodynamics. The drug is combined, its action is predetermined by the ingredients. Active substances:
- Paracetamol (analgesic and antipyretic from the group of anilids) is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect.
- Caffeine (alkaloid purine series) - has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, reduces fatigue, increases the effect of analgesics, raises blood pressure, increases the pulse.
- Codeine (opium alkaloid) - suppresses the excitability of the cough center, has an analgesic effect.
- Propifenazone (an analgesic and an antipyretic from the group of pyrazolones) has antipyretic and analgesic effect.
Pharmacokinetics. All active ingredients of the drug are well absorbed in the digestive tract. The maximum concentration in the bloodstream of paracetamol is reached after 2.5-2 hours; caffeine - after 0.4-1.4 hours; codeine - 2-4 hours. Propyphenazone - 30 min. Split the liver. Paracetamol is excreted by the kidneys in the form of conjugates (sulfites and glucuronides). Caffeine is excreted by the kidneys. 3-methylmorphine and 1,5-dimethyl-2-phenyl-4-propan-2-lpyrazol-3-one are excreted by the kidneys and bile.
Dosing and Administration : a planned admission for adults is 1 tab., 3-4 times a day, with intense pain, you can take 2 tablets. Simultaneously. Max. Daily dose of no more than 6 tablets.
Children who are more than 7 years old ¼ - ½ tab. From 1 to 4 times a day. The standard course of treatment is not more than 5 days.
The duration of the course of therapy and the dosage of the drug is adjusted by the doctor, depending on the diagnosis, taking into account side effects.
Overdose. Each of the active ingredients of the drug is able to cause a specific symptomatology in case of an overdose.
- Paracetamol - lack of appetite, pale skin and visible mucous membranes, pain in epigastrium. Violated metabolic processes, manifested hepatotoxic effect.
- Caffeine - anxiety, cephalalgia, hand trembling, tachyarrhythmia, increased blood pressure.
- Codeine - cold sticky sweat, confusion, lowering blood pressure, vertigo, reducing the respiratory frequency, hypothermia, increased anxiety, convulsions.
Treatment of an overdose depends on the symptomatology and is conducted in the clinic under the supervision of a physician. Gastric lavage is usually used. Reception of enterosorbents and therapy aimed at eliminating specific symptoms. Symptoms associated with an overdose of codeine introduce an antagonist - naloxone.
Interaction with other drugs. Paracetamol: simultaneous use with barbiturates, hypnotics, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, rifalenicin, ethanol, phenibutazone is not recommended, because of the high risk of complications in the form of hepatotoxic reactions. With the parallel application of indirect anticoagulants and paracetamol, the risk of prolonging the time of hemostasis increases. The use of metoclopromide significantly increases the activity of paracetamol absorption.
Codeine - enhances sedative properties of drugs of oppressive central nervous system, muscle relaxants, ethanol, analgesics. Suppresses the effectiveness of metoclopromide.
Caffeine - simultaneous use with beta-blockers can lead to mutual suppression of the effectiveness of drugs. Inhibitors of monoamine oxidase in combination with caffeine. There is an opportunity to provoke arrhythmia and persistent increase in blood pressure. Reduced clearance of xanthines (theophylline) leads to additional hepatotoxic effects. Simultaneous use of alkaloids of purine series with narcotic and hypnotics significantly reduces the sedative properties of drugs.
Kodelak Broncho
Kodelak is a combined preparation. Active ingredients: codeine (opium alkaloid), sodium bicarbonate (soda), herbs of thermopsis, licorice root (liquorice).
- Codeine is a derivative of alkaloid opium. The antitussive effect is based on the inhibition of the respiratory and cough centers. It blocks an unproductive cough. In an acceptable therapeutic dosage is not dangerous, does not cause addiction and dependence.
- Soda - facilitates the escape of sputum by reducing its viscosity, which stimulates a more active work of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi. Changes the acidic environment of bronchial mucus to alkaline.
- The herb of thermopsis - raises the level of secretion of the glands of the bronchial tree, activates the work of the ciliary epithelium, which covers the bronchi. Excites the respiratory and vomiting centers.
- The root of licorice contains flavonoids, which possess antiflogistic, regenerating, antispasmodic action. Expectorant and immunostimulating effects. Suppresses the growth of pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococcus, mycobacteria, etc.).
Pharmacokinetics. Good and completely absorbed by the digestive tract. The maximum concentration in the blood plasma is observed after 30-60 minutes. It is excreted by the kidneys in 6-9 hours.
Method of application. Adults - 1 tab. For taking twice or thrice a day. One-time max. Dose of 3-methylmorphine - 50 mg. Max. Daily dose of the drug - 200 mg. The standard course of treatment usually lasts 3-5 days.
Overdose. The overestimation of prescribed doses of the drug leads to an overdose of codeine: vomiting, drowsiness, decreased sinus angle functions, skin itching, slowing of respiratory rate, intestinal atony and bladder.
Assign a gastric lavage and the use of sorbents. Conduct symptomatic therapy, correcting the normal functioning of organs and systems.
Interaction with other drugs. It is forbidden to use Kodellak with drugs that depress the central nervous system (hypnotics, sedatives, central analgesics, tranquilizers, antibiotics). The drug is not compatible with alcohol and antihistamines. The use of cardiotonic drugs in combination with Kodellak leads to an increase in their plasma concentrations. Simultaneous reception of astringent and enveloping medicines, enterosorbents with Kodellak significantly weaken the effect of its active ingredients. The use of expectorants and mucolytics simultaneously with Kodellak contradicts the therapeutic goals of each drug.
Glaucin is an alkaloid derived from the ground part of the herbaceous plant Glaucium flavum (machek yellow). Has a central antitussive effect. Has a slight vasodilation effect, leading to hypotension. It differs from codeine in that it does not cause suppression of the respiratory center and does not depress intestinal motility. Long-term use of drug medication and addiction does not cause.
Pharmacokinetics. The drug is well absorbed by the digestive tract. The effect is manifested after 30 minutes and lasts for 8 hours. The main part is metabolized by the liver. Metabolites are excreted and unchanged by the kidneys.
Use during pregnancy. It is not recommended to apply during gestation.
Application and dosage : adults - 40-50 mg - 2-3 r / day; to suppress coughing attacks at night - 80 mg per night; max. Daily dose of 200 mg; children - from 4 years: 10-30 mg - 2-3 r / day. The drug is prescribed two or three times during the day. Glaucine is taken after meals.
Overdose. The drug is taken as indicated by the doctor. No cases of Glaucin overdose have been reported. If a patient at a time will take a large number of tablets, then in this situation, it is necessary to wash the stomach. Deterioration of the condition requires urgent medical care in a hospital.
Interaction with other drugs. Incompatibilities were not observed. There is a positive effect and an increase in the antitussive effect if Glaucin is used with ephedrine and basil oil.
Paxeladine is a non-opiate, antihistamine, antitussive drug. The active base substance (oxleadine citrate) is obtained synthetically. The active ingredient does not have a hypnotic effect and does not depress the respiratory center in therapeutic doses. Paxeladine weakens the intensity of dry and obtrusive cough, normalizes the respiratory rate. Drug dependence does not cause.
Pharmacokinetics. It is well absorbed from the digestive tract into the bloodstream. In the systemic blood stream, the maximum concentration is observed after 1-6 hours (depending on the form of release). Therapeutic concentrations and antitussive effect persist in plasma for 4 hours.
Method of application. Tablets are taken without chewing and without taking into account the diet. Dosage: children 15-18 years - 10 mg 3-4 times a day; adults - 20 mg 3-4 times a day. The standard course of treatment is 3 days, but the duration of therapy with Paxeladin is determined by the doctor individually.
Overdose. Causes drowsiness dyspeptic phenomena, the fall of blood pressure. Treatment consists in taking activated charcoal and saline laxatives in a hospital.
Interaction with other drugs. Paxeladin is not recommended for taking mucolytics and ekspedorantami.
Pharmacodynamics. Stoptusin combined drug, the combined composition of which has a mucolytic and expectorant effect. The basic active ingredients are butyrate citrate and guaifenesin. Citrate butramate has a local anesthetic effect on sensitive receptors in the bronchial mucosa. This explains the effect of suppressing cough. Guaifenesin helps to secrete the secretion of the glands of the bronchial tree. The mucus is diluted, its amount increases. The ciliated epithelium activates the secretion of the bronchi more actively. Cough becomes more productive.
Pharmacokinetics. The drug is well absorbed by the digestive tract. Butamirate citrate is bound by plasma proteins by 94%. Metabolised by the liver. The metabolites formed during the transformation process have an antitussive effect. It is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys and slightly intestine. The half-life is 6 hours.
Orally administered guaifenesin easily and quickly enters the bloodstream from the digestive system. A small amount is associated with plasma proteins. Derive the products of kidney metabolism. Half-life lasts 60 minutes.
Method of application. Stoptusin eat after eating, do not chew, drink a sufficient amount of liquid. The drug is taken at intervals of 4-6 hours.
The dose of Stopcin tablets directly depends on the weight of the patient's body, but in spite of this in all age groups is prescribed 3 times a day. An exception is a group of patients weighing up to 50 kg (4 times a day). Children after 12 years and adults are recommended the following dose at a time: up to 50 kg - half a tablet; 50-70 kg - 1 tablet; 70-90 kg - 1,5 table; more than 90 kg - 2 tab.
Overdose. Accidental administration of a large amount of the drug leads to the phenomena of toxic action of guaifenesin - nausea, vomiting, weakness, lowering blood pressure, dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness. Therapeutic actions are: gastric lavage, reception of enterosorbents and therapy aimed at eliminating the symptom complex. There is no specific antidote to guaifenesin.
Interaction with other medicines. The active substance guaifenesin strengthens the analgesic effects of paracetamol, aspirin, anesthetics that affect the central nervous system. The effect of psycholeptics and hypnotic drugs with simultaneous reception with Stoptusin is greatly enhanced.
When conducting urine tests with a photometric method using hydroxynitrosone-phthaline, false-positive reactions can be obtained. Avoid driving controls due to side effects of Stoptusin's drowsiness, dizziness. Do not use simultaneously with expectorants because of possible bronchospasm, sputum stagnation, infection and the development of pneumonia.
The main active ingredient Ambrobene is ambroxol hydrochloride. It increases the secretion of the glands of the bronchial tree and activates the release of surfactant in the pulmonary alveoli, which significantly improves the rheological properties of sputum, which makes it possible to improve the ejection. The effect of mucus on the ciliary epithelium of the bronchi promotes the activation of the secretion effect.
The action occurs within half an hour after taking and lasts 6-12 hours.
Pharmacokinetics. Absorbed in the digestive tract. The greatest amount in the blood plasma is manifested for 1-3 hours. Metabolised by the liver. The kidneys excrete metabolites. Easily crosses the placental barrier, has the ability to penetrate into breast milk and cerebrospinal fluid. Violation of the kidneys leads to a slower elimination of the substance. The period of final elimination of water-soluble metabolites is 22 hours.
Dosage and administration: for children from 6 to 12 years, 0.5 tab. (15 mg) 2-3 r / day. For 2-3 days, appoint a dose of 1 tab. (30 mg) three times a day. If the dosage is insufficient and ambroxol therapy is ineffective, the dose may be increased to 4 tablets / day. And divided into a double reception. After 3 days, the intake is limited to 1 tablet. 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. Tablets are not chewed. They are swallowed after eating and washed down with a large amount of liquid.
Overdose. Heavy intoxication, due to poisoning with ambroxol in large quantities, did not occur. There are: neurologic excitement, attacks of nausea and vomiting, lowering blood pressure, hypersalivation. Treatment of overdose should be conducted no later than 1-2 hours by means of gastric lavage and taking enterosorbents. In the following time, symptomatic therapy is performed in a medical institution.
Interaction with other drugs. It is not used concomitantly with medications that depress the cough center due to the danger of stagnation and additional infection of mucus. Increases the concentration of ambroxol in bronchial secretion, increasing the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. Does not affect the ability to concentrate and manage vehicles.
Tablets from cough with bronchitis have contraindications and side effects.
Contraindications to taking tablets from coughing with bronchitis. In this group of drugs, the main contraindications are: hypersensitivity to the components of tablets; stomach and / or duodenal ulcer; pregnancy up to 28 weeks; period of lactation, convulsive syndrome, diseases with impaired motor and kinetic function of the bronchi, large volumes of secreted mucus. The child's age, from which pills are allowed from bronchitis, varies from 6 to 18 years depending on the drug. A syrup is provided for children.
Side effects. Allergy manifests itself in the form of urticaria, exanthema, itching, dyspnea, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock. Relatively to the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth. In rare cases fever weakness, cephalalgia, diarrhea, rhinorrhea may appear. Affects the results of doping control.
The use of the above described tablets in pregnancy is not recommended, especially in 1 trimester (up to 28 weeks). There are no data on possible teratogenic effects on the fetus. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the use of certain tablets is rational if the benefit to the mother's organism exceeds the potential danger to the fetus.
Conditions for storing tablets against coughing with bronchitis. Specific conditions are not required. Store the preparations in a dry dark place with an air temperature of 15-25 ° C.
Shelf life from 1 to 5 years. Depends on the components that make up the drugs. At the end of the expiration date indicated on the factory original carton, as well as blister, the use of the drug is dangerous.
Antiviral tablets with bronchitis
Bronchitis along with the bacterial flora can be caused by various viruses. Viruses from the upper parts of the respiratory system with air flow fall into the bronchi. They are fixed there and actively multiply, damaging the mucous membrane. Because of this, the body's defense system becomes more vulnerable. The main way of transmission of viral bronchitis is contact, air-drop. Bronchitis always has a viral origin and then, due to improper therapy or if the patient does not have a positive immune response, becomes bacterial. At this stage, the use of antiviral tablets is rational.
Active active ingredient is Tiloronum. Amiksin is an antiviral drug. It stimulates the stem cells of the bone marrow, increases the production of antibodies, increases the resistance of the immune system.
Pharmacokinetics. Absorbed by the intestine. Can not be biotransformation. It is excreted through the intestines, a small part is excreted by the kidneys. The period of maximum generation of interferon is 4-24 hours. Half-life occurs during 2 days.
Use during pregnancy. Experience with the use of Amiksin during the gestation period is absent, so it is not recommended to use during this period of time.
Method of use and dosage. Take orally after eating. The course of therapy with amixin and the schedule for taking Amixin is determined by the doctor.
Therapy of bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, influenza: adults - in the first 2 days of therapy, 125 mg; then a couple of days, 125 mg; course - 750 mg. With the preventive purpose (ORVI, flu): adults - 125 mg once a week for 1.5 months.
For the treatment of uncomplicated forms of influenza, SARS in children older than 7 years, according to the instructions - 60 mg 1 p / day. In the 1st day and further h / z day before the 4th day from the beginning of treatment. The course is 180 mg. In viral bronchitis, arising from the complication of certain forms of influenza, SARS are prescribed 60 mg 1 time per day. In the 1st, and then b / d until the 6th day after the onset of the disease. The course dose is 240 mg.
Interaction with other medicines. Good compatibility with antibiotic drugs and drugs used in traditional therapy of diseases of viral or bacterial origin.
The active substance is arbidol. The drug has an antiviral effect, immunostimulating and immunomodulating effects. The active substance specifically affects the viruses, activating the humoral and cellular immunity. Arbidol easily penetrates into cells and intercellular space. Affects increased production of interferon.
Pharmacokinetics. Easily absorbed throughout the gastrointestinal tract, distributed to all organs, systems and tissues of the body. Cmax reaches in 60-90 minutes. Metabolised by the liver. It is excreted by the intestines, a small part by the kidneys. The elimination time is 17-21 hours.
Method of administration and dose. Abridol tablets are taken orally, washed down with sufficient water before meals (1-0.5 hours). Significantly increases the body's resistance to viral infections.
Therapeutic therapy. Uncomplicated acute respiratory viral infection or influenza - single dose is: children 3-6 years - 50 mg, children 6-12 years - 100 mg. Children over 12 years and adults - 200 mg. Apply with an interval of 6 hours for 5 days.
Flu or ARVI with complications. Children 3-6 years - 50 mg, children 6-12 - 100 mg, children over 12 years and adults - 200 mg.
With the preventive purpose during the spread of influenza, respiratory diseases, to prevent the harmful effects of chronic bronchitis - children 2-6 years - 50 mg; 6-12 years old - 100 mg; children from 12 years and adults - 200 mg twice a week for 3 weeks.
Tricyclic amine. The active substance is rimantadine. Has an activity against many types of viruses. At the initial stages it blocks the replication of the virus and counteracts the appearance of new virions. It is used both for preventive purposes and for initial treatment of influenza in adults and children (from age 7).
Pharmacokinetics. Absorbed in the digestive tract. It binds to plasma proteins. Metabolised by the liver. The major part of the transformed metabolites is excreted by the kidneys.
Method of administration and dose. Depending on the indications, the age of the dosage and the treatment regimen is assigned individually.
Interaction. Taking medications containing Acidum acetylsalicylicum or Paracetamolum lowers the concentration of rimantadine. Cimetidine - reduced clearance of rimantadine.
Non-narcotic analgesic, antiviral drug. The active ingredient is an amine, which is a product of para-pyridinecarboxylic acid.
Inhibits the effect of influenza viruses. Strengthens the body's resistance to infections of viral genesis, antiflogistic, antipyretic and analgesic effects.
Pharmacokinetics. Through the gastrointestinal tract enters the systemic circulation, reaching the highest values within 2-2,5 hours. Metabolised by the liver. It is excreted by urine.
It is used: for the prevention and treatment of influenza conditions, viral infections of the respiratory tract as a component of complex therapy - viral, viral-bacterial pneumonia and angina.
It is used inside after eating. The maximum single dose is 1 g, for a day - 2 g. For the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection, 0.25-0.5 g 2-4 r / day (5-7 days). Children 6 to 12 years, 0.12 g 2-3 r / day (5-7 days).
For the prevention of influenza:
- adults - 0.25 grams per day. (3-5 days), in the future - 0.25 g once every 2-3 days (2-3 weeks);
- children 6-12 years - to 0,125 grams per day. (2-3 weeks);
- adolescents from 12 to 16 years - 0.25 grams per hour. (2-3 weeks).
Interaction with other drugs. With the simultaneous use of amyzones with antibacterial drugs, they intensify their action. Assign in parallel with drugs containing ascorbic acid, as well as recombinant interferon.
Contraindications. The drugs are well tolerated. The exception is patients with liver and kidney pathologies, with individual hypersensitivity to the ingredients of tablets, children's age (from 3 to 7 years). Admission during pregnancy and in the lactation period is not advisable.
Side effects of antiviral tablets with bronchitis. Allergic manifestations are practically absent and disappear when tablets are withdrawn. Do not affect the ability to drive vehicles and machinery.
Conditions of storage of tablets from bronchitis. The above medicines are stored in the usual way (in a place dark and dry with an air temperature of not more than 25 ° C).
Terms of suitability are different - from 2 to 3 years.
Antibiotics from bronchitis in tablets
To accelerate the therapeutic effect during the exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, antibiotic therapy is indicated. The recommendation of the drug depends on the type of pathogen.
With a long course of bronchial disease, antibiotics and combined medicines are prescribed in the acute phase of purulent bronchitis. Therapy with antibiotics is carried out for 7 to 10 days. With a prolonged period of exacerbation, the course is increased to 0.5 months.
List of tableted medicines used to treat bronchitis:
- Amoxiclav.
- Ceftriaxone.
- Spiramycin.
- Sumamed.
- Ciprofloxacin.
- Amicacin.
- Gentamicin.
Expectorant tablets with bronchitis
A wet cough is accompanied by phlegm, which is better to get rid of. Such a cough will stop when all the sputum is released.
Applied during the treatment of productive cough following expectorant tablets with bronchitis:
- ATSTS (acetylcysteine).
- Bromhexidine.
- Flavamed.
- Mukaltin.
Tablets with obstructive bronchitis
Obstructive bronchitis is a disease of the bronchial tree caused by inflammatory processes. In this situation, sputum accumulates and does not find an outlet outside. Patients are constantly coughing.
They subdivide acute and chronic forms of the disease. Acute obstructive bronchitis is typical for childhood. The main causes: acute respiratory viral infections, influenza; adeno- and rhinoviruses; RSV infection.
Chronic bronchitis affects the adult population of the planet, often older people. Causes: smoking, hereditary-genetic pathology, unfavorable environmental conditions, work in harmful industries (metalworking, coal mines, etc.).
Treatment of obstructive bronchitis is focused on the removal of bronchial spasm, reduction in viscosity and excretion of sputum.
Tablets with obstructive bronchitis:
- Bronchodilators - holinoblokatory; xanthines; beta-adrenomimetics.
- Preparations containing hormones (prednisolone);
- Sputum-reducing phlegm - ambroxol; acetylcysteine; bromohexine.
In the treatment of obstructive bronchitis, antibiotics of the fluoroquinolones group are shown; macrolides; aminopenicillins if bacterial infection is observed.
For successful treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis, the patient needs to change his lifestyle.
Effective tablets from bronchitis
The selection of effective tablets used for the therapy of bronchitis depends on the nature of the cough. Cough is productive or unproductive, arising as a symptom of another disease.
The identification and treatment of the cause of cough is the key to a successful and rapid recovery.
Therapy of different types of cough has its own characteristics. In the treatment of dry cough drugs are used to help stop the cough reflex. These drugs are prohibited when treating wet cough, which can cause blockage of the bronchial lumen.
For the selection of effective pills for bronchitis, you must get a doctor's consultation.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Tablets from bronchitis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.