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Syrup of rose hips
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Syrup of dog rose is made from fruits with the addition of sugar. The natural remedy has a pleasant taste and aroma, and is indicated for some diseases. The drug contains a large amount of vitamin C, R, pectins, flavonoids, etc., which help the body to regain strength after the illness, improve blood circulation in the brain, inhibit the development of pathological cells, give strength, normalize pressure, digestive system, cardiovascular system and organs of hematopoiesis.
In addition, the substance has a powerful antioxidant effect, retains youth, strengthens bones, promotes early recovery, accelerates the process of recovery and healing of tissues, bones after fractures or trauma.
Use of the brier syrup during pregnancy
According to the instructions, the substance is contraindicated in pregnant women, but some experts recommend taking it. Some drugs contain a large amount of vitamin C, which, when abused, can adversely affect the condition of both the woman and her child, so take it only as directed by the doctor, not exceeding the recommended dosage.
It is not recommended to use breastfeeding women for the same reasons as during pregnancy. Excessive amounts of vitamin C can harm both mother and baby.
Take medication can only be prescribed by a doctor not exceeding the recommended dosage.
Storage conditions
In a dry, the dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C. After opening, the vial should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than 1 month.
Special instructions
Instructions for use
Syrup of dog rose is prescribed to increase the body's defenses, improve appetite, with infections and catarrhal diseases, after fractures or traumas to accelerate the process of recovery and restoration of tissues, with a shortage of certain trace elements and minerals. It also helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis, has anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties.
The intake of the substance can provoke allergic reactions, therefore, when the components are intolerant, the drug is not prescribed. Contraindicated take it with cholelithiasis.
A day for medicinal purposes it is recommended to drink one dessert spoon 2-3 times, for prevention - 2-3 tablespoons. 2 times a day (children are given half the teaspoon). Duration of treatment is not more than a month.
Due to the fact that the substance contains a large amount of vitamin C, it can influence the therapeutic effect of some drugs, in particular, increase the absorption of antibacterial (tetracycline, penicillin), iron-containing drugs, reduce the therapeutic effect of heparin, anticoagulants of indirect action, slow the excretion by the kidneys some acids, increase the excretion of drugs with an alkaline reaction, reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.
The agent has the following useful properties:
- helps to preserve youth
- normalizes cholesterol level
- stimulates the immune system
- Helps to cleanse the body, in particular, helps to cope with alcohol poisoning
- stimulates the function of the gallbladder and kidneys
- helps to normalize the work of the digestive system, improves appetite
- improves eyesight
- It acts soothingly on the nervous system, helps the body resist stress.
The remedy consists of rose hips, sugar and water, perhaps adding citric acid.
The drug has an undeniable benefit for the body. Vitamins and trace elements that are part of this natural remedy can improve the resistance and general condition of the body for colds and infectious diseases (influenza, SARS, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.), digestive system disorders. It is also used to stop uterine and pulmonary hemorrhages, improve the work of the organs of vision, circulatory system in the brain, clotting of blood, kidney disease, to prevent the development of atherosclerosis, normalizes blood pressure. In addition, dog rose is considered an effective tool for the prevention of cancer development.
The drug is prescribed not only for diseases, but also as a preventive agent in the cold season, to strengthen immunity, prevent the development of various pathologies, etc.
It is used for treatment of both adults and children with deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, congestion in the gallbladder, as an auxiliary agent used for stomatitis, gastritis, flatulence, constipation.
The Benefits of Immunity
The drug contains a large amount of vitamin C, due to which it has an immunostimulating effect, it also plays an important role in almost all vital processes of the body and helps it to function normally. Rosehip tones, stimulates the immune system, improves the general condition.
During seasonal colds, it is recommended to use it for prophylactic purposes, and in case of diseases - as an auxiliary to the main treatment to help the body cope with viruses.
Fruit syrup
LS refers to multivitamin preparations, which is widely used both in folk and in traditional medicine. Experts recommend to use it usually for preventive purposes, and also as an effective auxiliary to the main treatment.
The substance has a thick consistency, dark brown with a pleasant taste, you can drink it yourself, or add it to tea or juice.
The use of this natural remedy will help to increase the endurance of the body in case of severe physical and mental stresses (including study), increase the body's defenses, improve overall health.
Senna with rose hip syrup
Senna herb has a strong laxative effect. It contains special components - anthraglycosides, which irritate the intestinal mucosa, increase peristalsis.
Senna is used mainly for weight loss, but it is also prescribed for constipation, difficult bowel movements for anal fissures, hemorrhoids, and the like.
It is worth noting that Senna, unlike most laxatives, does not provoke cramping pains in the abdomen.
Senna is used as the main ingredient for making teas or slimming blends, but all the products that contain this herb should only be used after a doctor's advice.
The drug helps to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other poisonous substances, so it is often added to tea for weight loss, in particular to tea with hay.
Quite effective is the following mixture, which cleanses the body and helps burn fatty deposits:
For 100 g raisins and dried apricots, 400 g prunes, 200 g figs grind with a blender or meat grinder, 50 g of senna, 100 g of hips, mix all the ingredients well and take 1 tbsp twice a day. (you can store in a cool dark place).
Senna with raisins and rose hips syrup
Cleansing tea is designed to release the body from harmful substances (free radicals, toxins, toxins, cholesterol). At the heart of almost all cleaning beverages are herbal remedies. One of the most common teas with a cleansing action is tea based on Senna. There are various options for making this drink (with the addition of other herbal remedies).
Clear the body, give vitality, normalize weight will help such a collection:
Senna (20g), raisins (200g), rose hips syrup (250ml).
Raisins pour boiling water and protect it in a water bath for about half an hour, brew senna 300ml of boiling water and add to raisins. After 10-15 minutes strain the mixture and add LS with rosehip.
Weightloss remedy
The basis of the process of combating excess kilos should be proper nutrition and exercise. Supplement the diet can be various natural means that will help cleanse the body, normalize digestion, make up for a shortage of nutrients, etc.
Syrup of dog rose is often used as an additional remedy during weight loss. For these purposes, the syrup is suitable. Pharmacies offer a large selection of syrups with rose hips, they all differ in the type of the plant, the amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements in its composition, etc. The Holosas contains the maximum amount of cholagogue components and is generally prescribed for problems with digestion, inflammation of the gallbladder, it cleanses the liver, bile ducts, improves metabolism.
It should be noted that Holosas does not have a fat burning effect, it speeds up the metabolism, cleans the digestive tract.
To activate the process of weight normalization, there is a recipe, which includes Holosas, senna grass and raisins:
Raisins and senna in equal quantities (200 g each) soak separately 1 liter of boiling water and insist one hour. Next, strain and mix the resulting broths, add the substance.
Drink should be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime for 100ml. Take this drug should be 10 days, the second course no less than six months
Senna has a laxative effect and cleanses the intestines from harmful substances, raisins are a valuable source of fructose and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and Holosas increases the production of bile, clears the bile ducts, improves digestion.
Hawthorn syrup with rose hips
Hawthorn has long been used to treat heart disease, blood vessels. He is prescribed for atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, during menopause.
Syrup of dog rose has a positive effect on the whole body, and in combination with hawthorn, the effect of natural remedy increases. It is especially recommended to use such a nutritional supplement for the elderly to stimulate the heart muscle, an additional source of vitamin C and a fortifying agent.
Syrup of hips on fructose
The drug on fructose is prescribed mainly to small children and diabetics. Fructose is a mixture of natural sugars with high biological activity, it is absorbed by the body without the hormone insulin (which is important for feeding patients with diabetes) and contains a low amount of allergens, which makes it suitable for young children.
Rose hip syrup with vitamin c
Syrup can be additionally enriched with vitamin C, which actively participates in oxidation-reduction processes and has a powerful antioxidant effect.
Vitamin C has a wide spectrum of action - it improves the absorption of iron in the digestive tract, increases the protective functions of the body, affects the formation of hemoglobin, speeds up the process of tissue repair, strengthens blood vessels, has anti-inflammatory effect, etc.
Syrup of dog rose with echinacea
Syrup with rosehip and echinacea has a complex effect and is used mainly during the period of colds to maintain immunity or speedy recovery.
Rosehip helps to maintain youth, helps strengthen bone tissue, vessels, etc.
Echinacea is known for its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
Tea with rose hip syrup
The drug can be taken alone, but the sugary sweet taste is far from everyone can like, so it can be added to tea (all useful medicinal properties are preserved). Tea with the addition of medication is indicated for flatulence, digestive disorders, constipation, edema.
Such tea, if you drink it on an empty stomach, helps reduce pain with gastritis. In addition, such a drink is used during dietary nutrition to remove excess fluid from the body, improve metabolism and normalize weight.
How to make rose hips syrup?
Prepared as follows:
Fresh berries of wild rose (1 - 1.3 kg), rinse well, remove sepals, cut into several parts (you can remove the bones), pour hot water (2 liters) and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, cool (for cooking it is recommended to use enamel dishes) .
Then strain the resulting broth through several layers of gauze (the remaining berries are well wrung out, if necessary repeat the procedure using a denser fabric - should get a clear broth). Allow the liquid to infuse for 24 hours, remove from the sediment, add sugar (1-1.3 kg) and cook over low heat until thickening (about 15-20 minutes).
Ready-made hot syrup filled with sterilized jars, rolled up and stored in a cool dark place (before cooling the syrup, it is recommended to turn the lid down).
At home, the medicine can be prepared according to various recipes. For example, when making home medication, you can add lemon to improve the taste and nutritional value of the finished product.
To prepare the medicine, 400 g of fresh rose hips (thoroughly wash, trim the tail, remove sepals, dry with a napkin).
In a saucepan (it is advisable to take dishes with a thick bottom), pour 300-350ml of water, add the prepared fruit and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. The resulting broth strain and squeeze out the remaining fruits well (you can use a linen cloth or gauze folded in 4 or more layers). Fruits put again in a pan, add 300-350ml of water and boil again for 15-20 minutes, then strain and combine with the first half of the broth, add 600g of sugar, put on fire and cook for 15-20 minutes, then add chopped lemon slices (1 / 2 part) and continue to cook for another 30-40 minutes.
Hot syrup pour into sterilized jars, roll up and let stand down the lid for about 5-6 hours (before cooling down), then place the jars for storage in a cool dark place.
How to use?
Syrup of dog rose is prescribed for the prevention of children 2.5 ml (1/2 tsp), adults 10 ml (2 tsp) 2-3 times a day. The medicine can be washed down with water, tea, compote. As a treatment, the syrup is prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on the condition of the patient and the disease.
Syrup of dog rose to children
It is not recommended to give small children (up to 12 years). But sometimes experts advise to drink to children the course of this vitamin preparation. Depending on the condition of the child, the disease, existing contraindications, etc., may be prescribed from 2.5 to 10 ml per day. It should be taken into account that the medicine can provoke a strong allergic reaction, therefore, for the first time it is necessary to give the baby a few drops of the drug in order to reveal a tendency to allergies or other side reactions. If after the reception the child does not have rashes on the skin, itching, redness, diarrhea, etc., then the reception can be safely continued at the recommended doses.
For young children under 1 year of age, it is recommended to give 1 ml of medication per day, 2.5 ml for 1 to 3 years, 5 ml for 3 to 6 years, 10 ml for every 6 years, but in any case, especially children up to six months) and the dosage should be determined by the pediatrician.
Children under 1 year of syrup should be given dog syrup as prescribed by the doctor, an approximate dosage at this age - 1 ml per day.
For babies up to 6 months, most specialists do not recommend giving medication, as it contains a large amount of vitamin C, sugar, etc., and its administration can provoke severe allergies or other unwanted reactions.
Treatment of cough
The substance has a general strengthening effect on the body, it is usually recommended to use it for colds.
Thanks to the content of a large amount of vitamin C, the dogrose helps the body resist infection and viruses, increases the defenses and speeds up the healing process.
Often, the medication is prescribed for coughing, especially for children or pregnant women.
Despite the fact that the dog rose does not exert an expectorant, relaxing and action on the musculature of the bronchi, etc., it effectively helps to cope with a disease accompanied by a cough due to stimulation of the immune system.
When coughing it is recommended to add 1-2 h. Medication in tea (drink 2-3 times a day).
Produced by various manufacturers. The composition of the product is practically no different (in some can be added various additives - ascorbic acid, echinacea, ginseng, etc.).
The most famous manufacturers of dogrose syrup in Ukraine are "DP MS", Bioflora. Russian manufacturing companies - Doctor W, Start-Fito, Altayvitaminy, Arnika, Marbiopharm.
Forest wizard
Syrup of wild rose "Forest wizard" firm Meysol (Stavropol) is produced only for sale in the supermarket chain "Magnet". The composition of this medication includes only water, dog rose and citric acid. The product is delivered in plastic bottles in volume of 250ml, the approximate cost is from 20 rubles.
It is recommended to take a medicine for 1-2 tsp. 2-3 times a day, you can add to tea, juice or eat it in its pure form, with a small amount of water (tea).
"Forest wizard" is a natural product, it is suitable for use for three months, unlike products of other companies, where the shelf life is from six months or more.
Syrup of the dog rose of the Russian firm Marbiopharm contains additionally sorbitol and vitamin C, the drug belongs to the biologically active additives and is recommended for intake with a deficiency of certain vitamins, during seasonal diseases, to improve the condition after diseases.
Produced in 250ml bottles, shelf life is two years.
The Astrologer
The syrup of the dogrose of the Russian company Astromar is made with various additives: with green tea, with blueberries and lemon, echinacea, and also in pure form. The drug is produced in bottles in the volume of 100 or 250 ml., Is indicated for catarrhal diseases, as a restorative.
The Golden Drop
Syrup of dog rose "Golden drop" of the Russian company Farm-Pro is produced in 100 ml bottles, it is indicated for reception as a restorative and immunostimulating agent.
The composition of the product includes rose hips, water and citric acid.
It is worth a drug from 15 to 70 UAH. The cost of the drug depends on the brand, volume, composition.
The substance has many positive reviews. Basically, the drug is used to strengthen and maintain immunity during seasonal diseases or after severe illnesses. It is also noted that the substance has a positive effect on the digestive system, stimulates the gallbladder, improves gastrointestinal function.
Syrup of dog rose is an affordable and effective means to maintain immunity in the cold season or after severe illnesses. This remedy is suitable for children, but it is worth remembering that the substance contains a large amount of sugar and vitamin C, so do not abuse it.
With an overabundance in the body of vitamin C, insomnia, headaches, anxiety, irritability, hypertension can begin. If there are any unpleasant sensations, you should stop taking the substance and consult a specialist.
Shelf life
Shelf life 1,5 years.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Syrup of rose hips" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.