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Suppositories from vaginitis
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Vaginitis is one of the most common gynecological diseases caused by the activity of pathogens, which provoke an inflammatory process that affects the entire mucous membrane of the vagina. In this article, we will try to elaborate on the medications, and, more specifically, which suppositories from vaginitis can be used in various treatment protocols.
Indications for use of suppositories from vaginitis
Each drug has its own area of effective work. There are also indications for the use of suppositories from vaginitis.
- The first and the most priority direction in the work of drugs of this group is chronic vaginitis, the development of which causes anaerobic microflora (fungal, bacterial and mixed origin):
- Vaginosis of bacterial nature.
- Recurrent form of the disease.
- Nonspecific vaginitis is an inflammatory process that affects the vaginal mucosa.
- Mixed vaginitis.
- Restoration of impaired vaginal microflora.
- Vulvovaginitis is an inflammatory two-part disease, including vulvitis and vaginitis.
- Cervicovaginitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and cervix.
- Cirvitsit - inflammation of the cervix.
- Prevention of infection before surgery on one of the pelvic organs, before radiographic examination of the uterine cavity and / or urinary tract.
- Amoebiasis.
- Giardiasis.
- Trichomoniasis of the urogenital tract.
It is also worth noting the signs that suggest the likelihood of such a pathology:
- Increased vaginal discharge, which differs from the norm by increased discharge volumes, unpleasant odor and shade.
- These secretions can be cloudy, mucous, increased viscosity.
- Even purulent discharge can be observed.
- Succulent veins are possible.
- Slightly less often, but foamy excreta that have an unpleasant smell of foul fish, which is more typical of trichomonas vaginitis, may also occur.
- Curd leucorrhoea indicates a fungal lesion.
- The patient feels itchy.
- Puffiness and hyperemia of the vulva can be observed.
- Sexual intercourse can cause painful sensations.
- Frequent cases when the primary pathology is added discomfort during urination, which is expressed by the burning of this area, as well as pain symptoms in the lower abdomen or back.
Subfebrile temperature may appear. But this indicator happens with vaginitis with a deep lesion of the vaginal walls.
Suppositories with atrophic vaginitis
The atrophic form of the disease under consideration is most often found in women during menopause, as it is directly related to its hormonal background, namely, to the deficiency of the female sex hormone estrogen. After a woman stops passing menstruation, the percentage of people who suffer from this pathology increases. At the end of seven to ten years, medical statistics speak of 50% of suffering women, more than ten years of experience, this figure increases to 73-75%.
Physicians distinguish two varieties of this pathology: postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis, and one that is associated with the artificial triggering of menopause.
One of the methods of therapy for atrophic vaginitis is a candle, like a local treatment prescribed by a doctor - a gynecologist. Most experts still tend to use local therapy. Mostly these are candles: estriol, ovestin, ortho-ginest, estrokad.
Suppository estriol is introduced into the patient's body intravaginally. Such a suppository should be used in the evening, injecting just before bedtime. The duration of therapy and the dosage of the active substance is determined by the treating doctor individually, after the examination and the establishment of a complete clinical picture of the disease.
Advantageously, one suppository is recommended each day, taken for a month. After that, the amount of the injected substance is reduced to one suppository taken twice a week.
Suppositories from bacterial vaginitis
Bacterial vaginitis often occurs against the background of antibiotic therapy, which have systemic or local effects. This pathology is sometimes associated with a number of diseases. Provoke the development of the disease pathogens of infection or pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, the suppository from bacterial vaginitis has a directed suppressive effect on pathogens.
Suppositories with this effect are more often used in the treatment of nonspecific vaginitis caused by opportunistic microflora: fungi and / or bacteria. Advantageously, modern drugs have a dual effect, working both to suppress the innervation of fungi and bacteria at the same time, as often enough gynecologists have to diagnose a mixed bacterial-fungal type of pathology.
Recently, doctors prefer medicines such as ornidazole, terzhinan, metronidazole, polyginax, tinidazole, ginalgine theonitrosol. For the implementation of preventive measures, pharmatex, patent oval, contraceptin T
Combined drug with antibacterial and antifungal action terzhinan - this effect is due to its composition:
- included in the drug antibiotic neomycin.
- antibacterial medicinal product of a wide range of terinidazole.
- antifungal substance nystatin.
- effective glucocorticoid prednisolone, allowing in a short time to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, burning, swelling of the external genitalia and pain.
Terzhinan signs one unit, taken daily immediately before going to bed for ten days. If necessary, the treating specialist has the right to adjust the time of the treatment course.
Polizinaks has a similar pharmacodynamics. It also contains neomycin and nystatin. But it can also find a dimethylpolysiloxane gel, which allows enveloping the problem area, thereby increasing the effect of the drug used. It removes irritation, activates the cellular metabolism of the vaginal walls, improving their permeability for the components of the drug. There is also an antibiotic, polymyxin B, which provides a wider range of bacterial damage. The average duration of therapy is 12 days.
Due to the low price and good efficiency of the doctor, metronidazole is often prescribed, which is administered at a daily dosage of 0.5 to 2.0 g. The dosage of the course of treatment is usually from 2 to 7.5 g.
Form of issue
Medicines of this pharmacological group are presented on the shelves of pharmacies in various forms, but in this article we are talking about preparations whose form of release is defined as vaginal suppositories that have a different composition of active active substances but are united by similar pharmacodynamics.
Getting to the site of pathological lesions (vagina, uterine tissues, cervix and others), the drug of the considered pharmacological group, lower the pH level, which has risen above the norm due to the action of the invasive microflora. Pharmacodynamics of active chemical compounds, which form the basis of drugs, can lead to a normal microflora in the female organ: Lactobacillus gasseri and Lactobacillus acidophilus.
During the first 30 minutes of the drug, the pH level on average can drop from 6.8 units to 4.0. The further decline takes place more slowly: in the next four hours this figure is capable of decreasing by another 0.72.
The complex preparation, mainly, possesses antifungal (with directed defeat of parasitic fungi), anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, antibacterial (against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms) action.
Preparations in the form of vaginal suppositories are characterized by the properties of enveloping the affected area, removing irritation, and accordingly, and itching. Medicines in this group improve the course of trophic processes in the mucosa of the inner lining of the vagina, which greatly improves the processes of cellular nutrition. At the same time, the structure of the drug allows him to penetrate even the tiniest vaginal creases.
Drugs of this group allow you to locally raise the body's immune status.
With a one-time or short-term administration time, there is no progression of proliferative processes in the endometrium, which allows us to do without additional progestogen treatment.
Predominantly the maximum concentration of active substances in the blood can be observed after an hour or two after entering the body.
Preparations of this group have a high degree of binding to plasma proteins from 73 to 90%.
The pharmacokinetics of these drugs is due to the fact that the penetration of the active chemical compound of the drug into the pathologically affected area proceeds slowly, approximately 70% for four hours.
The main amount of the drug in the unchanged or metabolized form is excreted from the body by the patient together with the urine, and only a small part of it comes out together with the feces.
Names of suppositories from vaginitis
Pharmaceutical science does not stand still and today on the shelves of pharmacies you can find more drugs of different pharmacological orientation and form of release. The list of drugs taken to stop the problem under consideration is also quite extensive. Recall only the most frequently used names of suppositories from vaginitis.
- Metronidazole is an antiprotozoal and antimicrobial drug.
- Polynynax is an antimicrobial and antiseptic agent used in gynecology.
- Dalatsin is an antibiotic of the group of lincosamides.
- Iodoxine is an antiseptic.
- Tiberal is a medicament for the treatment of trichomoniasis, leishmaniasis, amoebiasis and other protozoal infections.
- Betadine - is used topically in the treatment of infectious lesions.
- Atrikan is a remedy for trichomoniasis.
- Klion-D - antiprotozoal, antibacterial, antifungal.
- Ginalgin is a preparation with antibacterial, antiprotozoal and antifungal action for topical application in gynecology.
- Terzhinan - complex antimicrobial agents.
- Hexicon, which, thanks to low absorption, is allowed to be taken even during pregnancy and lactation.
If a candidiasis vaginitis is diagnosed, drugs of more directional action may be prescribed:
- Medicines polyene group:
- Nystatin.
- LeVorin.
- Mikogeptin.
- And others.
- Imidazole group preparations:
- Clotrimazole.
- Miconazole.
Dosing and Administration
When appointing a drug, the expert proceeds from the clinical picture of the disease, the severity of the pathological manifestations, the source that became the catalyst for the problem, the state of health of the patient at the time of the examination. Based on this, the way of application and the dose of the medicinal product is described.
Mainly vaginal suppositories with vaginitis are administered once a day, daily. The recommended time of the procedure is evening, immediately before going to bed.
The suppository is placed deep enough in the vagina. The procedure for entering is best done in the supine position, slightly bending the legs in the knees.
The duration of the course of therapy is purely individual and largely depends on the severity of the pathology. The time interval of treatment can vary from six days to two weeks. And in especially severe cases from several weeks to several months. If necessary, the course of therapy can be repeated. With this approach to the management of the disease, the effectiveness of treatment is significantly increased.
If, for any reason, one or more drug introductions has been missed, then the treatment should continue with the usual dose and the same schedule.
Use of suppositories from vaginitis during pregnancy
Treatment of the disease under consideration in a woman who is preparing to become a mother begins with the fact that the attending physician precisely determines the cause of the pathology and only then paints the protocol of therapy. The use of suppositories from vaginitis during pregnancy is the most acceptable form of medication, acting locally, directly on the source of the disease. This form of treatment allows you to minimize the likelihood of exposure to the negative effects of chemical constituents of the drug on the course of pregnancy and development of the embryo.
The vaginal suppositories that the attending physician can appoint to a pregnant woman include: hexicon, neo pentotran, ginalgin, clion, pulsix, neo-pentotran forte and a number of others. It should be noted that the drugs of this group should still be avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, the medicinal product of the pharmacology in question is prescribed only by the treating doctor, if the expected benefit to the mother organism exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.
At a time when a woman is feeding her newborn baby with breast milk, taking this medication is entirely acceptable. But for the period of therapeutic treatment it is necessary to stop breast feeding of the child, transferring it to artificial feeding.
Contraindications to the use of suppositories from vaginitis
The drug is necessarily based on one or more active compounds, the properties of which determine the pharmacodynamics of the drug. They, being acting drugs, can negatively affect neighboring organs and systems of the human body (with local application) or the whole organism (with its systemic action). It is these substances that cause contraindications to the use of suppositories from vaginitis:
- Individual intolerance of the constituent components entering into the drug.
- Period of passage of menstruation.
- The first trimester of pregnancy.
Side effects of suppositories from vaginitis
No matter how safe the preparations were, almost all of them under certain conditions and the condition of the patient's body are capable of manifesting concomitant negative symptoms. The drugs in question are usually characterized by good tolerability of the patient's body, but the side effects of suppositories from vaginitis can still be manifested:
- Itching.
- Burning in the area of the external genitalia.
- Irritation in the vagina.
- Activation of mucous secretions.
- Symptomatic of the allergic reaction of the body to the administration of the medicine.
- Allergic contact eczema.
If the patient has one or more of the symptoms listed above, as well as facts that are not listed, you should immediately notify your doctor who, after analyzing the situation, will correct the treatment.
Overdose of the drug for the treatment of vaginitis, used in the form of vaginal suppositories, is ephemeral enough. But still, if such a fact is recorded, it is necessary to conduct symptomatic therapy, which should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist.
At an allergic reaction of an organism antihistamine medicines are appointed.
In the case of convulsions and tremors - sedatives, and in more severe cases, intravenous diazepam is used.
Interactions with other drugs
It is necessary to take very carefully any medication under the protocol of treatment with monotherapy, but it is much more difficult to correctly design a complex treatment with the appointment of two or more medications simultaneously. Suppositories from vaginitis, interactions with other drugs, can enhance mutual effectiveness, oppress it or "adhere to neutrality."
In most cases, the drugs of this pharmacolinical group and the form of administration are fairly neutral in interaction with many drugs.
It is only necessary to remember that during the course of treatment should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages of any degree of strength.
This issue has not been studied so thoroughly, and the results of monitoring are rather small. But it is known that the medicines of the considered pharmacodynamics extend the action of vecuronium bromide. It is also known that a joint method with an anticoagulant coumarinic series enhances the pharmacological properties of the latter.
Storage conditions
Depending on how correctly all storage conditions are fulfilled, the level of pharmacological effectiveness of the drug used depends on the extent of the drug acceptable to the manufacturer. These recommendations are detailed in the instructions attached to the medicine. They are not complicated, but their precise implementation is simply necessary.
- The preparation of the considered form of release should be during all term of admissible use in a cool place where the room temperature does not exceed +20 degrees.
- Keep vaginal suppositories in place out of the reach of small children.
- The drug should not be exposed to direct sunlight, it reduces its shelf life and reduces pharmacodynamic activity.
Shelf life
By issuing any medicine to pharmacy counters, the manufacturer must indicate its packaging: the date of release and the final number, after which the drug in question should not be used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Further the preparation starts to lose the pharmacological characteristics, and, hence, to expect from such medicine of high efficiency of a cupping of disease it is not necessary.
Such negligence can lead to deterioration of the patient's condition and loss of precious time. The shelf life of a medicinal product of this category varies from two to three years.
Bad ecology, those products that feed modern people, attitudes to personal hygiene rules and other factors are capable of provoking the development of many gynecological diseases. If a woman begins to feel uncomfortable in the area of the external genitalia, observes the appearance of more abundant uterine discharge, do not delay with a visit to the doctor - gynecologist. After all, every person knows that the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the less forces and means will have to be applied to the relief of the problem. But most importantly, in this case, the patient's body will receive a smaller percentage of violations and complications. Suppositories from vaginitis, the list of which has been considered in this article, is the most in demand in the treatment of sounded pathology, since with high efficacy, having a local effect, preparations of this form of release have the least negative effect on other organs and systems of the human body. It only needs to be recalled that in case of discomfort, self-medication should not be done, a qualified doctor should prescribe any pharmacological preparations. Self-medication can only lead to a worsening of the situation and the loss of time for the timely provision of medical care.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Suppositories from vaginitis" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.