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Sprays from fungus
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Indisputable superiority among infectious skin diseases belongs to mycosis. In the dermatological structure of morbidity, the share of fungal skin lesions accumulates up to 70% of cases. Leading among the localizations - fungal nail damage, in second place - feet, on the third - smooth skin.
As a rule, anthropophilic dermatophytes are parasitic on human skin, they are characterized by mild manifestations of the inflammatory process and localization on the closed parts of the body (nails on the feet, feet, folds of the skin), although placement in open areas is not excluded.
For the treatment of fungal lesions, especially located in places covered with clothing and shoes, the form of the drug is very important. Fat components of ointments and creams, which are predominantly prescribed for topical application, can cause a greenhouse effect in the infection zone, exacerbation of the inflammatory process and its further spread. To prevent this development of the disease, antimycotics in the form of a spray are used to treat the lesion site.
Indications of the sprays from fungus
- fungal lesions of feet, smooth skin, hairy areas of the skin, nails;
- epidermophytia of large folds;
- Fungal infection of the stratum corneum of the epidermis ( pityriasis );
- prevention of fungal infection.
Why choose a spray from the nail fungus?
Antimycotics in the form of a spray among other means of getting rid of fungal infections have proved to be most effective.
The fungus is localized mainly on the nails of the foot, whose foot is also affected by mycosis. Onychomycosis (fungal infection of nails) is very resistant to the effects of medicines. If you ignore it, then after a while the nail will collapse completely. The untreated fungus recurs, and the form of relapse is usually heavier than the primary disease.
Modern sprays from nail fungus not only have a powerful antifungal effect, but also inhibit the spread of fungus. The sprayed drug is in the nails for a long time, which significantly reduces the duration of treatment.
Spray for use on the feet, most often closed socks and shoes, prevents the spread of the disease, as it has drying, deodorizing and antipruritic effect. At the same time, it does not disturb the work of the sweat glands. The skin with the spray applied to it functions as usual.
Another advantage of this form of the drug is contactless treatment of the lesion.
And, of course, you should not forget about the comforts: dosed flow, compact packaging, ease of use. After using the spray, there are no marks left on the clothes.
All of the above sprays are suitable for fighting fungal nail lesions.
Dosing and administration
The preparation is irrigated with the skin surface in the area of infection, previously cleaned from keratinized tissues and dried, and also - surrounding healthy skin (the focus of the lesion should be well moistened).
The duration of therapy and the frequency of use of the spray are determined individually, depending on the causative agent of the infection and the general health of the patient.
The condition of the affected area of the skin noticeably improves a few days after the start of treatment. In the absence of signs of recovery, a week after starting the use of the spray should be reported to the attending physician (in the treatment of onychomycosis, the improvement usually becomes noticeable after several months).
Thermicon, Lamicon, Lamisil
Antimycotics for external use. The active component of the sprays is terbinafine, a representative of allylamines, which has the ability to disrupt the biosynthesis process of the main component of the membrane of the fungal cell - ergosterol. Fungicidal action of the preparations is to inactivate the enzyme squalene epoxidase, the catalyst of the third, penultimate stage of ergosterol biosynthesis. Its deficiency with simultaneous concentration of squalene in the membrane kills fungal cells.
Squalene epoxidase of human skin cells is not susceptible to terbinafine, which explains the selective effect only on fungal cells.
These sprays have a fungicidal effect on the causative agents of the epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, microsporia, pityriasis, candidiasis, and also on dermatophytes, aspergillus, cladosporiums, scopularyopsis.
Different types of yeast fungi have either a fungicidal or fungistatic effect.
Absorption of terbinafine with topical application up to 5%. The manifestations of the systemic effect of the drug are insignificant.
The use of sprays from fungus during pregnancy and lactation is not thoroughly studied, therefore they can be prescribed only when necessary. Studies have not identified adverse effects of terbinafine on intrauterine fetal development.
Terbinafine is found in breast milk, so it is best to abstain from breastfeeding.
Contraindications to use - allergy to the ingredients of the drug; the period of breastfeeding; age up to 3 years.
Use with caution in cases of: impaired liver function and / or kidney function; alcoholism; neoplasms; disturbance of metabolic processes, hematopoiesis processes, patency of the vessels of the extremities.
Recommended duration of application: with dermatomycosis and epidermophytosis, the lesion is irrigated once a day for one week; with pityriasis - twice a day for one week.
Keep two years, observing the temperature regime up to 25 ° C, in a dry place. Keep away from children.
Antimycotic for external use. The active ingredient of the spray, bifonazole, has a fungicidal action against trichophytes, epidermophytes, pathogens of microsporia and candidiasis. It has a fungistatic effect on yeast fungi of the genus Malassezia, asspergilla, scopulariopsis, corynebacterium, gram-positive cocci (except enterococci).
Bifonazole inactivates one of the catalysts for ergosterol biosynthesis (cytochrome P-450), which causes ergosterol deficiency and accumulation of its precursors in the fungal cell membrane. This process destroys the structure of the cell membrane and destroys the cell.
The spray completely penetrates the infected layers of the skin, and is not absorbed into the blood. Six hours after irrigation of the lesion, the level of accumulation of bifonazole in the skin exceeds the minimum effective concentration, which is detrimental to the causative agents of dermatomycosis. It is found in the skin for up to 2 days. The duration of the half-life from 19 to 32 hours depends on the permeability of the skin.
Bifosin spray during pregnancy: in the first three months - only if necessary, in the remaining six months - according to the indications.
Bifonazole penetrates into breast milk, therefore it is better to abstain from breastfeeding during breastfeeding.
Contraindications to use - allergy to any ingredient Bifosin, the period of breastfeeding.
Method and duration of application: Antifungal spray Bifosin treat the affected surface once a day in the evening before bedtime.
The therapeutic effect comes with continuous use of the spray for:
- fungal lesions of feet and interdigital intervals of feet - from three to four weeks;
- fungal lesions of the scalp - four weeks;
- fungal lesions of smooth skin - from two to three weeks;
- multi-colored lichen, epidermophytia of large folds - two weeks;
- surface skin lesions of Candida fungi - from two to four weeks.
Keep two years, observing the temperature regime up to 25 ° C, in a dark place. Keep away from children.
Side effects of the sprays from fungus
In the place of spraying there is a possibility of skin peeling, crusting, itching, burning, painful sensations, irritation, changes in skin tone.
In cases of contact with the spray, irritation of the mucous membrane appears in the eyes. First aid - rinse your eyes thoroughly with clean running water.
In cases of ingestion and ingestion, headache, stomach pain, nausea, dizziness are likely. First aid - activated charcoal at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of weight.
Sprays for processing shoes from fungus
The cutaneous lesions of the fungus are contagious, therefore, in parallel with the treatment process, the daily processing of shoes and clothes, contacting the affected area with a fungus, antimycotic sprays is carried out.
The most convenient and effective means of treatment are hygienic sprays for the treatment of footwear from fungus.
Spray Mycostop
The active substance is Tetranyl U, a derivative of undecylenic acid. Antagonist of all fungi infecting the foot and toenails. Treatment with Mikostop eliminates fungi and prevents the possibility of self-contamination from own shoes. Method of use: shoes are removed from the shoes and sprayed on both sides, then the spray is sprayed onto the inside of the shoe overnight for 3 to 5 days.
Disinfection of shoes is carried out daily during therapy to avoid relapse. To process it is necessary all footwear which was in a sock in the period of illness.
Store for two years, observing the temperature regime of 10 - 25 ° C.
This spray is an antagonist of dermatophytes, yeast fungi and pathogens of candidiasis. Shoe treatment by Desavid prevents re-infection, eliminates other microbes and an unpleasant odor.
Does not contain aromatic substances, does not leave traces, does not cause allergy. Shoes can be processed from natural and artificial leather, suede, textiles and rubber.
Method of application number 1: generously spray a piece of gauze, tissue or cotton wool, to process their shoes from the inside.
Option 2. Spray the inside of the shoe with a spray. When it dries, you can use it.
Odorgone Shoes
The spray consists of a mixture of plant extracts, natural oils, distilled water. It has antibacterial and antifungal action. Eliminates unpleasant odor, even animal labels.
The mechanism of action - precipitates molecules of fragrant substances and absorbs, preventing them from accumulating. After spray treatment, there is no residue on the shoes and clothes.
You can process footwear from natural and synthetic materials, add to water when washing socks (for the prevention of fungus), or treat the inside of the sock before washing (during the treatment period). The odor from the treatment disappears after the drying of the treated object.
Hypoallergenic, non-toxic agent.
Use of the spray: shake the bottle, water the shoes from the inside, insole treated separately from both sides. Dry in the open. It is recommended to perform treatment before bedtime.
If there is no opportunity to purchase special sprays for processing shoes from the fungus, you can use aerosol antiseptics: Gorosten, Desiskrab, Kutasept, Miramistin.
To disinfect shoes, you need to get insoles out of it and spray, sparing, spray on the inside of the shoe and on the insole on both sides. Place the processed objects in a plastic bag, cork and leave for 3-4 hours. Remove shoes, air dry. Dried shoes can be used about 12 hours after the start of the process.
The above description of preparations for the treatment of fungus is recommended only for acquaintance with their basic properties. When signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to apply for diagnosis and treatment to a medical institution.
The therapy of fungal lesions involves sometimes complex treatment with different forms of the drug, as well as the use of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and other means. Only a dermatologist can prescribe the correct treatment regimen.
Preventive measures include strict adherence to hygiene rules. Failure to adhere to the prescribing physician and premature termination of treatment can provoke a relapse of the disease.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Sprays from fungus" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.