Slimming during menopause
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Everyone knows that with menopause, many women begin to gain weight - this is due to hormonal failure and metabolic disorders. Therefore, such a problem is taken for granted. But there are also absolutely opposite situations - weight loss is observed during menopause, and it occurs very sharply. And the reasons for such changes may not be harmless.
Causes of the slimming during menopause
The first obvious cause is assumed to be a disorder in the thyroid gland. In addition, there are also other factors that need to be addressed.
Losing weight can be the result of an improper diet. In addition, various parasites living in the body can also affect, for example, such as worms. Glistular invasion can cause a sharp weight loss.
In the climacteric period, weight loss is often associated with the development of diabetes mellitus.
In addition, due to hormonal adjustment in women, disorders of the function of the NS are often observed - due to stress and moral overstrain.
Also, a sharp weight loss during menopause may indicate the development of oncological pathology.
Symptoms of the slimming during menopause
In accordance with the causes, the symptoms of the development of the disease vary.
If weight loss is associated with worms, a person feels discomfort in the anus, as well as the stomach. In addition, he has a loss of appetite, weakness, and rapid fatigue.
At a diabetes at the initial stage the woman feels dryness in an oral cavity, and also attacks of thirst. Later, dizziness, smell and taste of acetone in the mouth, and in addition a strong irritability.
If there are problems with the thyroid, the patient is losing weight with a good appetite, which is accompanied by such signs:
- low-grade fever - the patient for a long time, the temperature is maintained in the range 37-37,5 of C;
- interruptions and in the work of the heart;
- tremor develops in the area of the fingers (hand trembling);
- increased sweating;
- problems with sleep;
- general nervousness and the presence of polar fluctuations in the mood.
There may also be a discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract - there is flatulence, sharp pain in the stomach, prolonged constipation.
Diagnostics of the slimming during menopause
In order to determine the cause of a sharp loss of weight during menopause, it is required to conduct a diagnostic examination. The specific area of the body and the methods of its conduction are determined depending on the pathological symptoms disturbing the patient.
First of all, if there is a problem, you should consult a gynecologist, then you can consult with an endocrinologist, a psychologist, a gastroenterologist, an oncologist, etc. - depending on the cause of the onset of anxiety symptoms.
In the case of symptoms that indicate the presence of parasites in the body, a feces analysis should be submitted. When suspected of diabetes mellitus, the patient should check the blood glucose level.
If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract or the thyroid gland, ultrasound of the internal organs should be done.
Who to contact?
Treatment of the slimming during menopause
Initially, it is necessary to establish a diet - to make it fractional (for 6-8 meals a day), as well as balanced. Food should contain a high level of vitamins with proteins, and in addition to have sufficient energy for the body. It is necessary to limit the consumption of products containing coarse vegetable fiber, as well as to remove alcoholic beverages with spicy seasonings from the ration, and also pickled, salted and fried foods.
Treatment can be supplemented by taking medications that improve the processes of digestion and digestion of food by the body.
If there is a specific cause of weight loss, drugs are prescribed to eliminate the provoking factor, the illness that caused the symptom.
Losing weight during menopause can be a very dangerous symptom, which should not be ignored, since in the absence of treatment this problem can have an unfavorable prognosis - up to a lethal outcome (with oncology or diabetes). In the case of a timely call to a doctor and the early start of therapy, the problem can be eliminated without serious health consequences.