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Salicylic ointment
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Indications Salicylic ointment
Indications for use Salicylic ointment is primarily associated with skin diseases. The agent is widely used to eliminate inflammatory lesions, burns, calluses and even excessive sweating of feet.
Often, the medication is used for exacerbation of psoriasis. In addition, it is used to eliminate fatty seborrhea, ichthyosis, acne, hair loss and hyperkeratosis. In general, the main area of action of the drug is the elimination of all kinds of problems associated with skin integument.
The range of action of the drug is actually quite extensive. Means in view of its low cost and excellent functional abilities has become one of the most popular. To date, the ointment has become widespread. It refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is intended solely for external use. The age of the patient does not matter. It is important that the medication is used solely by instruction.
Release form
The form of release - ointment. The product is made in cans of dark glass, weighing 100 grams. In one gram of medicine contains 0.04 grams of the most salicylic acid. The drug is produced in different concentrations - 2, 5, 10% and 60%.
The product has a thick consistency. Therefore, it is easy to apply it to the damaged area, and everything is also very good. There is no other form of release for the drug.
You can buy medicine at any pharmacy. It is released without a prescription. To date, the drug has proved itself as a really high-quality and effective tool. In view of its functionality and affordable price, the medication has become one of the most sought-after.
Due to its special consistency and unique composition, it became possible to get rid of many skin problems in a short time. There are only a few procedures to feel relief. The drug was universally recognized for its effectiveness.
Pharmacodynamics Salicylic ointment - the main component is salicylic acid. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Thanks to the active component, healing of wounds, acne and boils is much quicker. In addition, it can soften build-ups and calluses.
It should be noted that the effect of the drug is not limited to providing an anti-inflammatory effect. The medication is also able to give a keratolytic effect. This process helps to exfoliate the skin, resulting in its regeneration.
Currently, this product is manufactured exclusively by industrial means. Previously, the product was extracted from the bark of willow. To date, progress does not stand still and everything is much faster. The medicine can really be considered unique. After all, it has no special auxiliary components. The main action is achieved by applying the main tool. Salicylic ointment is truly an effective drug.
The pharmacokinetics of salicylic ointment is that it contains a powerful component. Salicylic acid can affect skin diseases of various kinds. It not only eliminates allergic rashes, but also actively struggles with growths and calluses.
The drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it also acts as an antiseptic. But this is not all the possibilities of this drug. The medication is able to have a keratolytic effect. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate build-ups and calluses. Everything is actively softened and regeneration of tissues takes place.
Due to its unique composition, the product is really very popular. It eliminates many of the problems associated with skin. Moreover, it is possible to use the medication as a prophylaxis for many skin diseases. As part of the means there are no dangerous or reactive components, so it is completely safe. Salicylic ointment is a worthwhile medication.
Dosing and administration
The method of administration and dose is prescribed by the attending physician. According to the instructions, the drug is applied to the damaged skin area 2-3 times a day. The recommended dosage is 0.2 grams per 1 cm of skin. Salicylic ointment is harmless, but with a serious excess of the dose may lead to an allergic reaction.
After handling the affected area, it is necessary to put a sterile napkin on it. Thus, the remnants of the ointment are absorbed. Before each change of dressing, the treated area should be cleaned of dead cells. If necessary, all bubbles are opened, and the surface is treated with an antiseptic.
Salicylic ointment is used until recovery, complete restoration of the affected area. Corns are eliminated 3-4 days after using the remedy. To do this, just soften them in warm water. If you can not delete them, the procedure is repeated again.
Children are allowed to apply 1 ml of ointment per day to the skin. This is an allowable dosage for a child. In general, salicylic ointment is used according to the doctor's prescription and in the recommended dosage.
Use Salicylic ointment during pregnancy
The use of salicylic ointment during pregnancy is permitted, but with extreme caution. The fact that the drug is used exclusively externally, so there is no danger for the child can not be. But there are exceptions. If the damaged skin is in the area of the mammary glands, and the woman is breastfeeding, you should not take the medicine in any case. The baby can swallow the remedy with breast milk. How the medication affects the developing organism is unknown.
In general, special care should be exercised in the first trimester of pregnancy. This period is the most "dangerous". There is a threat of miscarriage and development of unwanted pathologies. Therefore, the use of any drug should be controlled by the attending physician. This will avoid unwanted reactions from the mother and the child. Speaking generally, salicylic ointment simply can not lead to the emergence of complex pathologies. But all organisms are individual and the risk may not be justified.
Contraindications to the use of salicylic ointment are available, and they are fully justified. So, to use the remedy in no case is impossible with kidney failure. A special niche in this matter is occupied by people with hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug. Taking a medication with such a problem can provoke the development of a serious allergic reaction.
You can not use a medicine to treat skin diseases in infants. Do not use a remedy to remove the warts that are located on the face and genitals. When eliminating skin diseases in children, treating several areas with ointment is not recommended.
Pregnant girls should use the product solely for the treatment of small areas of the skin. In this case, do not exceed the specified dosage in 5 ml. Preliminary consultation of a doctor is mandatory. Proper use will help avoid possible side effects. Therefore salicylic ointment is used after the approval of a specialist.
Side effects Salicylic ointment
Side effects of salicylic ointment are mainly in the manifestation of an allergic reaction. It can be itching, burning, redness of the skin and pain in the treatment area. In some cases, there may be a rise in temperature.
Usually, side effects are extremely rare. This is mainly due to the presence of hypersensitivity to some components of the drug in humans. Not many people pay attention to contraindications, which is why there are various kinds of negative reactions on the part of the body.
There will be side effects, are capable of overdose. Too much skin can not be treated with salicylic ointment. This can lead to itching, burning and redness. Unpleasant symptoms are easily eliminated when removed from the skin of the product itself. In general, salicylic ointment is not capable of causing serious harm to humans, especially if they were used according to instructions.
An overdose of the drug was not fixed. But, despite this, to exclude the possibility of its appearance is not worth it. So, this negative process can arise against the background of an independent excess of the dose. It all appears in the form of itching, burning, pain in the place of application of the product and even a rise in temperature. In this case it is advisable to seek medical help from a doctor. Naturally, the medicine is completely removed from the damaged area. If necessary, symptomatic treatment is performed.
There may be negative effects due to the human hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug. In this case, it is not recommended to use it. But, if this happened and there are negative reactions from the body, then the medicine is removed from the damaged area. It is possible the appearance of an allergic reaction. In any case, the doctor on duty must be informed about what happened. Salicylic ointment in its composition is not capable of leading to serious problems.
Interactions with other drugs
Interactions Salicylic ointment with other drugs is possible, but if they do not have a similar action or composition. The agent is able to increase skin permeability. In particular, this applies to a topical medicine. Such interaction can lead to an increase in their absorption.
It is necessary to understand that absorbed salicylic acid can significantly increase the side effects of methotrexate and oral hypoglycemic drugs, derivatives of sulfonylurea.
The solution is by no means incompatible with resorcinol. With this interaction, it is possible to form a melting mixture. A similar situation occurs with zinc oxide. In this case, an insoluble zinc salicylate is formed. That's why the drug should be used only on the advice of a doctor. If a person takes any other medication of local importance, it is necessary to inform the specialist about it. Salicylic ointment may react poorly to it.
Storage conditions
Storage conditions Salicylic ointment must be observed without fail. So, it is desirable to create a certain temperature regime. For the product, the optimum temperature should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius. After opening the medicine, it should be stored in a dry, warm place without direct sunlight. Do not put it in the refrigerator.
Babies should not have access to the facility. Due to their curiosity, they can damage the jar or swallow the medicine. This can lead to the development of negative reactions from the body.
It is desirable that the product was in the medicine cabinet. It is in this place that the optimal conditions are met. Dampness and moisture should in no way affect the medication. Watch is also behind the appearance of the means. It is important that the jar is not damaged, and it is worth taking care that the salicylic ointment is stored in the original packaging throughout the period. This will make it possible to use the medicine and really benefit from it.
Shelf life
Shelf life of the product is 2 years. It is important that during this time, certain storage conditions are observed. Otherwise, the medicine can not be of use.
It is desirable to immediately place the drug in a dry warm place, in which there is no direct sunlight. Dampness and moisture should also be kept as far as possible. Curious children should be protected from getting to know this tool. They can harm themselves and spoil the original packaging.
The temperature regime should not exceed 20 degrees of heat. Optimal conditions for the storage of the drug are fully observed in the medicine cabinet. It is necessary to pay attention to the external data of the medicament. Packaging should not be damaged, and the contents change color or smell. Otherwise, use the drug is not worth it. It can not bring any particular danger, but it will not be of any use. Applying the drug at the end of the expiration date is highly discouraged. Salicylic ointment requires special storage conditions.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Salicylic ointment" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.