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Sage in menopause and hot flashes: how to drink, contraindications
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Sage is recognized throughout the world for its medicinal properties, but it is especially useful to women. This medicinal plant has long been used in alternative medicine, and its unique healing properties were glorified by healers of ancient Greece and Rome.
Can I drink sage with menopause?
Why do doctors and alternative medicine recommend taking sage with menopause? The properties and actions of this miraculous herb have been proven by numerous studies. According to recent medical observations, it was possible to determine the effectiveness of medications for localizing tidal seizures during menopause on the basis of sage, which resulted in the discovery that medicines and herbs harvested at home completely relieved the symptoms of menopause in 80% of women, and in the remaining 20% their condition has improved significantly.
Sage contains phytoestrogens - non-steroid plant compounds, which are a complete analogue of female sex hormones, and therefore it is able to tidy up the ovaries, normalize the work of the hormonal background, soften and weaken the negative symptoms in menopause.
Moreover, sage affects the strengthening of the walls of the blood capillaries, which in turn helps restore the process of blood supply to the uterus and ovaries. In addition, he normalizes the processes associated with emotional disorders, such as sudden depressions, excessive excitability, tension and sharp irritability.
Sage has an antibacterial effect due to the essential oils found in its composition that help to get rid of severe headaches during menopause and cope with uterine bleeding, and organic acids have anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces sweating and sharp excitability.
Consequently, the healing properties of sage are indispensable for women, thanks to the presence of estrogen, flavonoids, phytosterols, essential oils and other nutrients that will protect against unfavorable symptoms during menopause, and also relieve premature wrinkles, importunate acne, and help with other diseases.
Useful properties of sage in menopause
In alternative medicine, there are many medicinal plants used during the menopause, but the most powerful is sage, which has the following useful elements:
- estrogen, restoring metabolic processes, normalizing blood circulation and the work of sweat glands;
- progesterone, a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, as well as improving blood composition and reducing premenstrual pain, which is especially important in menopause;
- flavonoids, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, which in turn stimulate the formation of new cells and inhibit the aging process;
- tianin - an amino acid with hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect;
- thiamine (vitamin B1), which positively affects the metabolism in the body and the work of the nervous system;
- ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which improves the resistance of the organism to pathogenic microbes, increases immunity;
- nicotinic acid, which is indispensable in the production of energy for the development of all biological processes in the body;
- camphor, which removes irritant effect;
- trace elements, such as manganese, titanium, zinc, copper, and others, restoring the brain and stimulating the defenses of the body, necessary for menopause.
The action of sage has a beneficial effect on the body of the woman and brings considerable relief in the critical period of menopause. This is confirmed by medical research, which was recently conducted in Switzerland, where it was found that the use of sage as a tincture within 30 days reduced the frequency and intensity of tides. Moreover, it has a rejuvenating effect, facilitates mental state, and also strengthens physical health.
Indications of the sage with menopause
Sage with climacteric medicine is recommended for taking the following types of disorders associated with adverse symptoms:
- hot flashes, sudden manifestation of a feeling of heat, excessive sweating and heart palpitations;
- deviations of the psychological nature associated with excessive excitability, nervousness and emotional disorders;
- strengthening the effect on blood capillaries, restoring blood circulation in internal organs and normalizing hormonal imbalance.
In addition, thanks to the contents of flavonoids, tannins and vitamins, sage will help get rid of inflammation, bleeding, which can suddenly open during menopause. It helps to strengthen the nervous system, improves sleep, relieves headaches and dizziness.
Sage from hot flushes with menopause
The use of sage for menopause for the removal of hot flashes has long been used in alternative medicine, and in this case it can be an excellent substitute for hormonal drugs, which are often prescribed for the removal of such symptoms.
Sage acts gently, almost never has side effects and helps many women during attacks of sudden heat, sweating, heart palpitations and other symptoms.
Useful properties of sage in hot flashes are that the plant delays the reduction of sex hormones, which are the main cause of hot flashes. This fact is scientifically proven, as indicated by numerous medical studies.
Sage also positively affects the nervous system, improves the psycho-emotional state of a woman and improves mood. He perfectly copes with the reduction of night sweats, prevents cold sweat and hot flushes. The effect is observed a few hours after the decoction, and with constant treatment, in the future it regulates all the hormonal changes that occur in the body.
Unfortunately, with increased sweating, toxins are not eliminated from the body, and useful minerals are actively emasculated, and in this condition, women may experience hot flashes, sudden dizziness, trembling and other symptoms of menopause. Sage not only stops adverse manifestations and loss of minerals, but also restores, and also supplements its rich reserves, thanks to its miraculous properties.
In nature, there is no other plant that can also cope well with such problems that many women experience during menopause.
Release form
Today in the pharmacy chain you can find sage, which the medical industry produces in the form of:
- herbal collection;
- powder;
- tablets;
- pastilles.
Herbal collection is a shredded grass, designed for the preparation of broths, infusions and other medicinal purposes. Packages of grass have a different weight, it all depends on the manufacturer.
Powder is produced in bags of 50 grams, which contain powdered sage leaves.
Tablets have a specific smell, they have a flat round shape with bevelled edges and an engraved "NP" on both sides. Color tablets - bluish-green, with light or dark impregnations.
Flat round pastilles are made on a natural basis of the extract of dry sage, in the caramel base of which bubbles are allowed and the color is uneven.
Drugs with a sage content have a wide range of action and are intended for topical application.
A component of preparations with sage extract is a combination of biologically active substances that have a positive effect on the female body during the menopause, and also have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent and expectorant properties in parallel.
Dosing and administration
During tides and other unfavorable signs of menopause, doctors recommend taking drugs with sage, and, despite the fact that they can be bought on a free sale without a prescription, you must strictly follow a clear dosage of the drug.
With prolonged attacks of hot flashes, you can take up to 6 tablets or lozenges a day, with an interval of 2 hours. Tablets or lozenges for absorption should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved, not chewed.
How to brew sage in menopause?
To improve well-being and remove unpleasant symptoms of menopause, doctors recommend using a decoction of sage, infusion or tea. It is very important in the process of brewing to observe the exact proportion and correctness of preparation.
Decoction of sage: 2 tablespoons of sage grass fill with boiling water (0.7 liters) and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes, then give the broth about 30 minutes, then strain.
Preparation of the infusion: 2 tablespoons of dry leaves of sage fill with one glass of steep boiling water and put on a water bath. Keep the broth on low heat for about 15-20 minutes, do not bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and insist the sage at room temperature for 1 hour, then strain through a fine strainer or thick layer of gauze.
Sage tea: 1-2 teaspoons shredded herb sage fill with steep boiling water, about 250 ml. In the tea you can add honey and lemon juice.
How to drink sage with menopause?
Cooked infusion and decoction of sage is better to drink warm, for ¼ cup for 30-40 minutes before eating. Multiplicity of use - 3-4 times a day. Infusion is best stored in the refrigerator, but no more than a day.
Tea from sage can be drunk one glass a few times a day, because it has long been believed that sage tea can support and revitalize the body.
Also, with climax, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice from sage leaves, which can be taken up to 2 tablespoons a day. Good help alcoholic tincture from the leaves of sage, which must be diluted with a small amount of water and take 15-30 drops per day.
It should be remembered that it is better to take sage courses, alternating a month of taking with interruptions. Most women respond positively to the effectiveness of such treatment.
It is a mistake to think that medicinal herbs can be drunk without restrictions. Sage and medications in which it is contained have contraindications to the use. From its use should be abandoned with the following pathologies:
- epilepsy;
- acute nifrite;
- hypertensive disease;
- endometriosis;
- diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease);
- after surgical intervention to remove the breast tumor;
- myomas and polycystosis.
In any case, before using sage, you should consult your doctor.
Side effects of the sage with menopause
Sage has the following side effects:
- deterioration of the general condition due to hypoglycemia (sudden decrease in blood sugar);
- strong palpitations;
- dry mouth.
- a sharp drop in blood glucose;
- allergic reactions.
In the treatment should be clearly adhere to the dosage and, after feeling better, after a month of admission should temporarily stop using the drug. This does not apply to the adoption of baths with sage, pronounced side effects they do not bring, but from their frequent use can be addictive.
Long-term practice of using sage suggests that, if properly applied, an overdose was not observed in patients. However, there are cases when immoderate doses can cause:
- poisoning;
- severe headaches;
- increased insulin in the blood;
- with prolonged use there is accumulation of sage in the liver and kidneys, which can cause intoxication of the body.
Doctors advise, during the reception of sage to observe the care of the application and the correct dosage.
Interactions with other drugs
Sage can be taken with other pharmaceutical preparations.
Storage conditions
Collection of dry sage grass is stored in dense cardboard boxes or in glass jars, as well as in linen or paper bags. The room should be dry and warm, have good ventilation. The room temperature should not exceed 25 ° C.
Keep the sage pills in a dry and dark place, inaccessible to children.
Shelf life
Shelf life of tablets and troches of sage is 3 years. It is not recommended to use the product after the expiry date indicated on the package.
Shelf life of raw materials is from 1 to 1, 5 years.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Sage in menopause and hot flashes: how to drink, contraindications" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.