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Remedies for flatulence
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Increased gassing in the intestine (flatulence) - a very common phenomenon in our time, since it is directly related to our nutrition. Incorrect food, overeating, eating disorders, stress - all this sooner or later affects our digestion. How to deal with this? Are there effective remedies for flatulence that will eliminate discomfort for a long time and do not harm the body?
The fact that the drugs designed to eliminate bloating, in modern pharmacies presented more than enough. Only here is which one to choose?
What to drink with flatulence?
In order to choose for yourself the medication against flatulence, which will help you, first you need to understand the causes of bloating. Analyze what and how you have eaten recently, how you spent your time. Whether there were stressful situations at work or at home, etc. In order to correctly choose what to drink with flatulence, answer the following questions:
- Have you consumed products that provoke an increase in the release of gas in the intestine (peas, beans, fresh milk, cabbage, a large amount of fruit, baked pastry)?
- Have not you changed your eating habits or switched to a new diet?
- Maybe you overeat?
- Have you ever suffered from gall bladder or duodenal ulcer, lack of enzymes, low acidity of gastric juice?
- Could anything adversely affect the balance of microflora in the intestine, for example, the course of treatment with antibiotics, glucocorticoid drugs or chemotherapy drugs?
- Have you experienced any stress recently? Perhaps this is even chronic stress: unloved work, constant bossing of the boss or hostile attitude of colleagues. Psychogenic causes of meteorism are very common, so do not discount the work of our nervous system.
Observe yourself and determine the possible cause of discomfort: what exactly could cause bloating? If the cause is known, then finding a remedy for flatulence will be much easier and easier.
Activated charcoal in flatulence
Activated carbon is used not only for poisoning, intoxication and digestive disorders, but also for flatulence. Coal has the property of sucking in itself harmful substances that cause fermentation and the development of putrefactive processes in the intestine: the drug does not enter the systemic circulation, but leaves with feces, resulting in toxic and other harmful substances.
One tablet of activated carbon is too small a dose to eliminate flatulence. In order for the effect to be felt, one tablet per 10 kg of weight should be taken. That is, if a person weighs 60 kg, then his optimal dose of activated carbon will be 6 tablets at a time.
Take too many tablets at a time (much more than the recommended dose) is also not recommended, as this can cause difficulties in bowel movements. However, if this happens, do not worry: for several days the chair will come back to normal on its own.
Smecta in flatulence
Smecta, like activated carbon, has the property of adsorbing a lot of harmful substances: toxins, viral and bacterial infections.
Smecta in meteorism is assigned according to the following scheme:
- adult patients take 1 pack three times a day;
- kids up to 12 months. Can take 1 pack / day;
- children from 12 months. Up to 2 years take 1 pack / twice a day;
- children, starting from 2 years old, take 1 pack / 2-3 times a day.
Before using Smecta, dilute in 100 ml of cold water. To small children the means are bred in porridge or juice.
Duration of treatment with the drug is from 3 days to 1 week. It is ideal to take the drug in between meals.
Smecta is an effective drug not only with bloating, but also with diarrhea or poisoning. The product is released in the form of a powder for dissolution in liquids, which is sealed in bags weighing 3 g.
Enterosgel with flatulence
Enterosorbents eliminate the signs of flatulence, removing bacteria from the intestine that cause active gas formation. Another representative of sorbent preparations is Enterosgel, which is produced as a gel or paste for internal use.
Enterosgel with flatulence is taken 2 hours before meals, or 2 hours later. Multiplicity of reception - three times a day, with a sufficient amount of water.
- Adult patients and children older than 14 years take 15 g at one time, up to 45 g / day.
- Children from five to 14 years take 10 g of the drug at a time, up to 30 g / day.
- Children from the first days to 5 years of age use 5 g of the drug at a time, the daily maximum - 15 g.
The duration of therapy with excessive gassing with Enterosgel is about 1-2 weeks, depending on the stability of the symptoms of flatulence.
In the first day of drug use, the development of non-prolonged constipation is possible. Elderly in such cases it is recommended to use an enema. Constipation passes without any intervention for 2-3 days.
Dufalac in flatulence
Dufalac is a laxative drug that activates intestinal motility and helps restore intestinal microflora. Dufalac is not used in flatulence, moreover, in some cases, if used improperly, the drug itself can cause bloating. The thing is that after receiving Dufalac flora in the intestine begins to actively multiply. The intestines are not able to react so quickly to such changes in the microflora, so there is flatulence.
In order to avoid flatulence when taking Dufalac, the drug should be taken very carefully, gradually (not dramatically) by increasing the dosage. Children receive the drug with drops. To older children and adult patients the agent is prescribed as follows:
- the first two days of 1 ml;
- the next two days of 2 ml;
- on the fifth and sixth days - 3 ml each.
Thus, the dose is adjusted to 5 ml once / day, preferably overnight.
In some cases, for example, with flatulence against the background of putrefactive intoxication dyspepsia, Dufalac can be used. However, the decision to use the drug in this case should be taken by a doctor.
Espumizan in flatulence
Espumizan - perhaps, one of the most common drugs with flatulence. This drug, belonging to the group of defoamers, has a number of undeniable advantages over other drugs:
- Espumizan can be used to eliminate bloating, regardless of the cause of its appearance;
- the drug does not penetrate the systemic circulation, so it can be used by adults, children, and pregnant women;
- if necessary, the drug can be used for an extended period;
- Espumizan can be combined with almost any other medications;
- Capsules can be swallowed without even drinking water.
Espumizane with meteorism can be taken in the form of capsules, drops or emulsions. As a rule, young children are given an emulsion.
Adults and children from 6 years of age take 2 capsules up to 4 times a day, preferably after breakfast, lunch and dinner and immediately before going to bed.
Espumizan acts quickly and effectively: the active ingredients of the drug destroy the structure of the bubbles with gases, as a result of which the gas no longer forms and leaves immediately from the intestine, or is absorbed into the intestinal walls.
Trimedate in flatulence
Trimedate, a drug of trimebutin, refers to spasmolytic drugs. Since Trimedate acts throughout the intestinal tract and normalizes, above all, the motor function of the intestine, it is most often prescribed for a problematic peristalsis, gastroesophageal reflux, dyspeptic disorders, intestinal spasms. However, Trimedate in meteorism is also effective, because it is able to restore the natural physiology of the intestine. The only drawbacks of the drug is that it is not recommended to take infants until 3 years old, pregnant women in the first trimester, as well as during breastfeeding.
Dosage of the drug:
- adult patients and children over 12 years of age use 100 to 200 mg of trimedate three times a day;
- children from 3 to 5 years use 25 mg of the drug three times a day;
- Children older than 5 years and up to 12 years of age use 50 mg three times a day.
If necessary, treatment can be prolonged: for a month or more.
Linex in flatulence
Linex is, first of all, a drug that restores the microflora in the intestine, as it contains a living form of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci. In this regard, Lineks recommended for dyspepsia, dysbiosis, digestive disorders, and as a probiotic for the prevention of intestinal disorders.
Lineks with meteorism can bring an effect, but it is far from instant. To eliminate signs of increased gas formation, the drug will have to be taken by the course, until the intestinal flora and physiology are fully normalized.
The drug is taken after eating, squeezed with enough water (not cold and not hot, so as not to disrupt the vital activity of living bacteria). Most often the recommended dosage consists of 2 capsules that take three times a day. Infants use 1 capsule three times a day. Small children are allowed to open the capsule and mix the contents with juice or mixture.
The drug can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Enzymes in flatulence
As you know, the causes of increased gas formation may be different: a violation of diet, poor food, bowel and stomach diseases. Therefore, often, along with the admission of special carminative drugs and diet correction, prescribe drugs that normalize the number of pancreatic enzymes.
Deficiency of enzymes can be observed in chronic course of pancreatitis, with overeating and insufficient chewing of food, which, in turn, can provoke the development of flatulence.
If the abdominal distension appears as a result of the chronic form of pancreatitis (based on diagnosis), and specifically, due to a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, then medicines should be included in the treatment regimen, in which missing enzymes are present. It can be Mezim forte, Smecta, Creon, Panzinorm forte, Pancreatin, etc. Dosage is determined by a pediatrician or gastroenterologist individually.
Enzymes in flatulence restore normal and complete digestion of food, which prevents stagnation of food masses and development of putrefactive processes in the intestine, causing increased gas production.
Mezim for flatulence
The properties of Mezim are directed to the elimination of the lack of enzymes of the pancreas and to facilitate the processes of digestion of food. The medication contains pancreatic enzyme substances, such as protease, lipase and amylase, which accelerate the processing and assimilation of proteins, lipids and carbohydrate foods in the small intestine.
Mezim during flatulence removes unpleasant symptoms, and also prevents the appearance of a feeling of heaviness and discomfort after overeating, eating dry, using unusual foods for the body.
The drug is consumed immediately after a meal, without chewing on tablets, washed down with water or other liquid. The average dosage for an adult is from 1 to 3 tablets per day. The frequency of administration and the amount of the drug depends on the level of lack of enzymes.
Duration of reception Mezim can be limited to one or two tablets once, or continue for several days (in case of digestive disorders as a result of eating disorders), months and even years (with chronic pancreatic function abnormalities).
Collection at flatulence
With flatulence, you can use the following fees to make infusions:
- Collection number 1: mint leaves 20 g, fennel 20 g, anise 20 g, cumin 20 g. Add to the thermos 2 tsp. Collecting, pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 1 hour. To profile. Drink a small sip throughout the day;
- Collection number 2: valerian root 20 g, mint leaves 20 g, chamomile and marigold 20 grams. Add 1 st. L. Collecting, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 3 hours. Drink a third of the glass three times a day after 30 minutes after eating;
- Collection number 3: valerian root 20 g, aira root 20 g, mint leaf 30 g, fennel 20 g, chamomile 30 g. Add to the thermos 2 tsp. Collecting, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 60 minutes. To profile. Drink after eating and before going to bed for 150-200 ml;
- Gathering number 4: root of tinfoil 20 g, wormwood 20 g, yarrow 40 g, horsetail 40 g. Pour 2 tsp. Collect 200 ml of water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, filter. Drink during the day in small sips;
- Collection number 5: chamomile color 50 g, juniper 20 g, fennel 50 g, mint leaf 50 g, cumin 50 g. Fill 2 tsp. Collection in a thermos 200 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour. To profile. Drink after eating and at night for 200 ml;
- Collection number 6: buckthorn (bark) 40 g, nettle (leaf) 60 g, valerian root 20 g, calamus (root) 60 g. Boil 2 tbsp. L collection in 400 ml of water for 10 min. To profile. Drink twice a day for 100 ml after eating.
Herbs in flatulence
Alternative medicine offers a lot of funds for the treatment of bloating. Herbs with flatulence are often used, because, in contrast to medications, they have a beneficial effect on the body, without causing side effects.
Chamomile pharmacy: 1 tsp. (full) pour 200 ml of boiling water and after 2-3 minutes filter. We drink in small sips throughout the day (in the amount of 200-600 ml per day, depends on the severity of symptoms of flatulence). You can also brew a leaf of sage.
Root of ayr: dry raw material to a powder state. 1 tsp. Ground root pour 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature, leave for the night. In the morning, heat the liquid (do not boil), then filter. The received medicine is divided into 6 portions. Immediately before taking the portion should be heated and a drink. The number of portions is calculated for one day.
A good effect is provided by dill tea: a tablespoon of dill is brewed in a glass of boiling water, like tea, and we drink it after 40-50 minutes after eating. In such a tea, you can add cumin, parsley, chamomile and other carminative herbs.
Dill with flatulence
Dill has a rich and valuable composition. Thanks to useful ingredients, this popular plant perfectly normalizes the digestive function, facilitates the symptoms of intestinal disorders and diseases of the urinary system.
Dill has diuretic and cholagogue properties, in addition, drugs and dishes made with dill relieve spasms of the intestines and relax its walls.
In modern medicine, dill is used both in fresh form (salads, cocktails), and in dosage forms (in the form of infusions, broths, etc.).
For example, popular (especially in pediatrics) dill water is made from an extract of dill (1: 1000). Dill water is known for its ability to relax the tone of smooth muscle organs, affect intestinal motility, dilate the lumen of the vessels.
The usual use of dill in flatulence: 1 tbsp. L. Finely chopped dill brew a half-liter of boiling water, insist 60 minutes, drink 100 ml three times a day, 15 minutes before meals, or 40-50 minutes after it.
It is useful to add dill and all kinds of dishes: soups, side dishes, salads, unsweetened pastries and casseroles.
However, more often than dill grass, with flatulence, dill seeds are used.
Seed of dill with flatulence
Water infusion of fennel seed can be prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. L. Pounded dill seed, pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist 20 minutes under the lid, filter and drink a quarter cup to 6 times a day for 15 minutes before meals.
Seed of dill with meteorism, dyspeptic disorders, epigastric and intestinal pain can be prepared in another way: 1 tsp. Pounded seed brew in 250 ml of boiling water, infuse 2 hours (can be in the thermos), then filter. To consume to children 1 tbsp. L. Three times a day, and adult patients can take 100 ml three times a day before meals.
Infusion and broth from dill seed are also used to normalize appetite and digestive processes, get rid of spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, as a carminative agent, to enhance the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice, to improve the outflow of bile.
Chamomile with flatulence
The color of chamomile is used mainly in the form of an independent infusion, or as part of complex medicinal collections. Chamomile can be used for acute and chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, diseases of the duodenum, inflammatory processes in the intestine. The best effect is seen from the combined use of the color of chamomile with plants such as calendula and yarrow. As a result of this combination, pain, eructation, bloating, discomfort in the stomach and intestines are eliminated.
With spastic conditions of the intestine and flatulence, special tea is made, which consists of the color of chamomile, valerian root, mint leaves, caraway seeds and fennel in equal quantities. About 1 tbsp. L. Such a collection is insisted in a thermos bottle with 200 ml of boiling water for 20 minutes, after which it is filtered and used 100 ml each morning and night.
The simplest recipe is a tea with chamomile in bags, which is sold in almost any store or pharmacy. Such bags for one-time brewing can be brewed throughout the day and drink instead of regular tea.
Fennel against flatulence
According to the chemical and pharmaceutical properties, fennel and common dill are very similar. In this case, the effect of these plants on the functionality of the digestive system is practically the same. Galenic preparations of fennel and fennel strengthen the secretory activity of the glands of the digestive tract, stimulate the production of bile, eliminate spasms, stabilize peristaltic activity, have a definite antimicrobial effect.
Fennel from meteorism is most often used in the form of infusion: 2 tbsp. L. Fennel is covered in a thermos and poured 250 ml of boiling water, insist 15 minutes, cool and filter. This infusion is consumed on a third of the glass up to 4 times a day. Store in the refrigerator no more than 2 days.
Fennel can be purchased without problems in pharmacies: it is available in the form of dry raw materials in packs of 100 grams, or in the form of fennel oil. The oil is a clear liquid without a certain color, but with a distinct specific odor, similar to the anise flavor. This oil is mixed with water or other liquids: it perfectly copes with flatulence, and also irreplaceable for bronchitis and dry cough.
Cumin at flatulence
Actively apply the useful abilities of caraway in flatulence. Cumin can stimulate the production of gastric juice, extinguish the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines, relax the intestinal muscles and stabilize the function of the entire digestive tract as a whole.
Cumin is recommended to be added to dishes with a tendency to increased gas production, as well as intestinal atony and violation of bile secretion.
In the manufacture of funds from meteorism, seeds of cumin are often combined with other plants, such as valerian root, chamomile, cucumber, etc.
Cumin oil is used for internal intake of up to 3 drops on a piece of sugar, up to 5 times a day.
Water on caraway seeds is used for bloating in babies, 1 tsp. At the first signs of flatulence.
Infusion of caraway seeds can be prepared independently: 2 tbsp. L. Cumin buried in a thermos and poured hot water (250 ml), after 15 minutes filtered, cooled. Take 60-100 ml from 2 to 3 times a day after eating. Infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
Ginger in flatulence
In eastern countries, ginger is actively used for flatulence, fermentation and pain in the intestine. Often in addition to ginger in the east, add cardamom, cumin, fennel, ajavan, asafoetida and other spices.
Ginger with flatulence use fresh, dried, fried and pareneed, add to the dishes and make a fragrant ginger tea.
- A piece of fresh ginger (4-5 cm) is thinly sliced, we add 2 cloves of garlic and pour 2 liters of boiling water into the thermos. We insist about 2 hours. We filter and drink hot gradually throughout the day. Important: all 2 liters should be drunk until the end of the day.
- Ginger root pour boiling water and insist, before use add a little honey and lemon juice. Special lovers of ginger tea can add a few leaves of mint, green tea or cardamom seed.
If there is a rise in temperature against the background of flatulence, it is not recommended to take ginger preparations.
If excessive gassing causes too much trouble, you can simply add ginger to most of the dishes you eat: first courses, meat, fish, salads, sauces. Ginger is also successfully added to desserts, kissels and fruit drinks.
Defoamers in flatulence
What are defoamers and how do they help with flatulence?
The greater number of gases in the intestine is represented by a fine bubble foam, which covers the intestinal wall with a fairly thick layer over a considerable length. At the time of peristalsis, the mucus is even more saturated with gases, the foam increases in volume, often filling the entire free intestinal cavity. The mucus itself has a fairly high density, so it disappears very slowly, overflowing the gut and stretching the walls, causing intestinal pain.
To accelerate the settling of foam and reduce the reactions of foaming and apply defoamers. Such means include Espumizan, Antifoshilan, Disflatil, Sab-simplex, etc.
As a rule, the main active components of defoamers are dimethicone and simethicone. These substances provoke the weakening of gas bubbles, which after a while burst and merge, as a result of which the foam collapses and decreases in volume.
Defoamers in meteorism can be used as drops (Difatil, Sab-simplex), effervescent tablets (Pepfiz), common tablets (Unienzyme, Pancreophlate), capsules (Espumizan, Meteopazmil), emulsions (Espumizan), suspensions (Maalox), gel (Pepsan ).
Tea from flatulence
The recipe for tea from flatulence and increased gas production in the intestine:
- Ingredients: 4 single bags of chamomile tea, 4 single-use sachets of mint, 1 teaspoon of fennel seed or dill, 1 teaspoon of marjoram dressing;
- all ingredients pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover the lid and let it brew for 10-12 minutes. We filter. We drink tea all day instead of tea.
It is useful to drink ordinary black or green tea (without sugar) with the addition of the following components:
- color of chamomile;
- fennel seed;
- seed of wild carrot;
- root of parsley;
- caraway;
- ginger;
- herb of oregano or thyme;
- blackberry leaves or strawberry;
- leaves or root of the doe;
- valerian root;
- St. John's Wort.
It is useful to add cumin, ginger root or cayenne pepper into drinks. And for the preparation of effective tea from marjoram and cumin use the following recipe: 1 tbsp. L. Ground seeds should be brewed in 250 ml of boiling water, insist 15 minutes and drink in the morning and at night for 100 ml.
The first symptoms of flatulence are helped by the following drink: ½ tsp. Cardamom is mixed with 1 tsp. Cumin and 1 tsp. Fennel, put a plate of ginger and steal 200 ml of boiling water. After 15 minutes, add a little cinnamon and drink 15-20 minutes before eating.
Kefir with flatulence
Kefir has long been considered one of the most useful products. But does kefir help with flatulence?
Most experts recommend to include in the diet fresh kefir. Its main property is to normalize the state of the intestinal microflora, especially with dysbiosis, facilitating the digestive processes. Also, the sour-milk product helps to remove toxic substances from the body and inhibit the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. Not for nothing is yogurt recommended to drink after food intoxication.
However, with all the advantages of this product in flatulence, it can worsen the situation: kefir increases intestinal peristalsis, which can increase the accumulation of gases.
Fresh yogurt in flatulence is recommended to use gradually and for a long time, until the intestinal flora is completely stabilized. If you feel that the formation of gas increased, reduce the amount of kefir consumed. Duration of elimination of dysbacteriosis with a fresh (no more than three-day) kefir can be 2-3 weeks.
With increased acidity of gastric juice, it is undesirable to use kefir.
Ayurveda with flatulence
The common problem of most vegetarians is flatulence, associated with the use of large amounts of fiber and legumes. Ayurveda with flatulence can offer a simple but very effective remedy:
- We prepare mass from honey, lemon and ginger juice (1: 3: 3);
- single dose - 7 cap of honey, 20 drops of lemon juice, 20 cap of ginger juice.
At the first sensations of bloating we take 1 teaspoon of cumin (zira), chew well, swallow and drink with the prepared product from honey and juices. Discomfort should retreat almost instantly.
If you encounter difficulties in obtaining ginger juice, then simply rub the root on a small grater, and already in this mass add lemon juice and honey. Cook this croissant with a chewed cumin.
Among other means that Ayurveda offers in flatulence, we can name the following:
- add ginger root to the dishes;
- after each meal, eat a little of this mixture: cumin, fennel seed and ajwan (in equal parts). Blend the mixture, swallow and drink 50 ml of warm water;
- use 1 clove of garlic at night for a week.
If you have bloating, avoid dishes from raw foods, legumes, eat food and drinks only in a warm form.
Homeopathy in flatulence
Before starting treatment with homeopathic preparations, it is necessary to detect and exclude those factors that initially provoked the development of flatulence. From the diet should exclude all meals and foods that could contribute to the formation of increased gas formation. In case of enzymatic insufficiency, in no case should you overeat, sometimes, if necessary, taking enzyme preparations. If bloating is associated with a violation of microflora in the intestine, then kefir and preparations with live lacto- and bifidobacteria (probiotics) will help. It is necessary to stabilize the intestinal function to prevent diarrhea or constipation. When consuming poor-quality food, you should take sorbents, for example, activated charcoal.
In our country homeopathy with meteorism often refers to Heel's preparations:
- drops Nux vomica Gommakord - 10 drops per day three times a day, or with a particularly pronounced meteorism every 15 minutes, before the normalization of the condition;
- sublingual tablets Gastriculum - 1 tab. Three times a day.
These drugs eliminate excessive gassing, and also have a general positive effect on the digestive tract.
Enema in flatulence
Excessive accumulation of gas in the intestine can be successfully eliminated by setting a purifying enema. For filling use warm boiled water, or a warm infusion of chamomile (1 tsp chamomile color soak in 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and filter). After the patient has been injected with the required amount of liquid, he must try to keep it out for several minutes. To do this, you can lie on your back, putting on the area of your stomach a hot water bottle with warm water.
Enema will have a more pronounced effect, if after the procedure, in addition to drink a cup of chamomile tea, an infusion of rhizomes of parsley, tea with leaves of mint or dill, thyme.
However, if signs of flatulence appeared suddenly, then use an enema, heating pad and laxatives is not recommended: such procedures are used only for prolonged flow of flatulence, otherwise they can only aggravate the situation and increase gas formation. With a sudden swelling of the abdomen, the best way is to use the carminative tea and the gas outlet tube.
The antimicrobial agent in flatulence
The main group of drugs that exert a carminative effect in flatulence, contributes to the damage of gas bubbles and subsidence of bubble foam in the intestine. To such preparations carry means on the basis of dimethicone and simethicone: Tsiolat, Sab-simplex, Tyrozol, Meteopazmil, Espumizan.
From herbal preparations you can advise Bebin droplets, which consist of chamomile extracts, fennel and coriander.
Carcinogenic effect is seen and for some spasmolytic drugs (drotaverin, no-shpa), as well as drugs that are prescribed with a lack of enzymes (mezim, festal, enzyme, pancreatin). The use of such drugs is advisable when meteorism is triggered by spasms or a violation of food digestion processes.
Veterinary drugs with meteorism are very effective, but they have one important drawback - such drugs can make it difficult to digest other medicines in the digestive system. It is not advisable to combine carminative drugs with anti-acid agents, especially at high dosages of such drugs.
Suppositories against flatulence
Suppositories from flatulence are used only if bloating is associated with congestion and prolonged constipation. In all other cases, the suppository can worsen the situation and increase gas formation.
With constipation against the background of flatulence, the most commonly used suppository from glycerin, Bisacodyl (Dulcolax), Calciulax and Ferrolaks (with sodium bicarbonate and citric acid).
In children's practice with flatulence the homeopathic suppository Viburkol is used. These suppositories on a plant basis, contain extracts of chamomile, belladonna, nightshade, plantain, lumbago. The use of viburkol with flatulence in children helps to normalize the function of still unformed regulatory systems in the intestine, and also to start adaptation processes.
Viburkol with flatulence is used according to the following scheme:
- children from 0 to 3 years - 1 suppository twice with an interval of 1 hour, then 1 suppository 1-2 times a day, but not more than 4 suppositories a day;
- children from 3 to 6 years use 1 suppository twice with an interval of half an hour, then - 1 suppository up to 3 times a day;
- children under 14 years of age use 1 suppository with an interval of half an hour, then - 1 suppository up to 3 or 4 times a day;
- adults use the drug in the amount of 2 suppositories up to 4 times with intervals of half an hour, then - 2 suppositories up to 3 times a day.
Massage with flatulence
If flatulence occurs quite often, then a week of special acupuncture massage can help get rid of the problem.
When pressing on certain points, alternating with the clockwise rotation, it is possible to eliminate the increased gas formation in a relatively short time. Each point should be exposed for 3 to 5 minutes.
- Point number 1 is in the center of the navel. It is massaged when the patient lies on his back, or sits with knees bent at the knees.
- Point number 2 is 2 cm below the navel.
- Point number 3 is 10 cm above the navel, above the epigastric region.
- Point number 4 is approximately 4 cm above the center of the wrist. Her massage is sitting, while the hand is palm up.
- Point number 5 is located 5 cm to the right and left of the navel. They are massaged simultaneously.
- Point number 6 is at the outer base of the thumbnail.
- Point number 7 is between the little finger and the ring finger.
- Point number 8 is at the base of the index finger.
Stabilize the work of the intestine can also be using the following methods: pour 2-3 drops of olive oil into the navel and massage the stomach, moving from the umbilical region spiraling along the clockwise direction. If bloating is accompanied by diarrhea, the movements are carried out in the opposite direction.
With flatulence, try to move more, do exercises: physical activity allows you to accelerate the removal of gases from the intestine.
The best remedy for flatulence
The choice of the best remedy for flatulence depends on which reason is the basis for the appearance of increased gas formation. After the doctor has established this cause and announced the diagnosis, he can prescribe a treatment depending on the cause found. To normalize the intestinal flora, pro and prebiotics can be prescribed (Lactofiltrum, Lineks). Also known are a number of drugs that affect the formation and release of gas from the intestinal cavity:
- carminative drugs (Espumizan) - inhibit the formation and destroy gas bubbles in the intestine. The released gases are subsequently absorbed by the walls of the intestine or are excreted with movements of peristalsis;
- drugs-sorbents (activated carbon, Smecta) - withdraw from the intestine toxic substances, bacteria and gas-forming substances;
- drugs that enhance peristalsis (Motilium) - eliminate flatulence, caused by congestion stool due to prolonged constipation and the processes of putrefaction in the intestine;
- plant-based preparations (Plantex) and alternative recipes (fennel or chamomile infusion).
In most cases, the listed drugs have the expected effect, but it must be remembered that they eliminate only the symptom, without relieving the original cause of flatulence. If, after treatment, signs of increased gas production return, it is necessary to contact the doctor and find the cause of the swelling in order to normalize the broken links in the digestive chain.
The doctor should appoint a means for flatulence. Remember that a healthy state of the digestive system is always an indicator of the health of the entire body.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Remedies for flatulence" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.