Flatulence in the newborn
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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The meteorism in the newborn can be observed very, very often. In most cases, increased gas production is the first problem that the parents of a newborn baby have to face.
Let's try to understand more in detail the main issues related to flatulence of infants, consider possible causes and methods of fighting an unpleasant symptom.
Causes of flatulence in a newborn
The causes of flatulence in a newborn can be quite a lot. For example, during feeding, the baby swallows air bubbles along with milk (if it is incorrectly applied to the chest). As a result, air penetrates first into the cavity of the stomach, and then into the intestine.
Another common cause of gas - this is the so-called "flatulence of newborns," which is precisely characterized by the excessive release of gaseous substances directly into the intestine. Why is this happening?
When babies are born, their intestines are sterile. Over time, various microorganisms, both useful and conditionally pathogenic, settle in it. When the colon begins to colonize with a diverse flora, a temporary physiological dysbacteriosis is formed - this is the period when the intestines of the baby determine which bacteria it needs, and with which it is necessary to fight. Throughout this period, the intestines "get used" to new conditions, so the appearance of gases at this time is considered inevitable and conditionally normal.
In addition to all of the above, the cause of flatulence in a newborn can be and the mother's nutrition (in the event that the child is on breastfeeding). Gases in the baby are due to the fact that some of the gas-forming substances enter the breast milk from the food that the mother ate. This situation is possible when the mother uses some fruits, muffins, carbonated drinks, dried fruits, sweets, legumes, cabbage, etc.
The stress component of flatulence is also not excluded: if the baby is nervous or his mother is nervous (stress from the mother is often transmitted to the child), the peristalsis of the intestine may slow down, which causes the accumulation of gas bubbles in its cavity.
If the baby is not on breastfeeding, and uses the mixture, the cause of flatulence in this case may be intolerance of the components or a lack of lactose. Perhaps this mixture is not suitable for the baby.
In the worst case, a child can become infected with an E. Coli, or another pathogenic bacterium that can penetrate the body of a baby with foreign objects or with insufficient care for nipples, breasts and feeding bottles. Bacteria grow and multiply in the weakened intestines, which significantly increases the formation of gases and leads to pronounced painful sensations.
Symptoms of flatulence in a newborn
In the cavity of the intestine, the gas is a foam, or a mucus mixture with gases that covers the intestinal lumen and causes bloating, resulting in painful sensations in the baby's tummy. Earlier, the smiling and calm kid begins to worry, blush, strain (like vainly trying to emptying), crying. He becomes excessively mobile: he knits with legs, bends. About the appetite often can not be and speeches: as a rule, a child refuses to eat, repels the breast. Sometimes the baby may not have problems with appetite, but almost immediately after eating, he begins to cry, to be capricious.
When examining the baby, you can see a bulging, tummy tummy, a "drum".
In most cases, the symptoms of flatulence in a newborn appear in the second half of the day. With physiological meteorism, the restless state of the child can last from about 30-40 minutes to 3 hours. However, if the baby cries and can not calm down for several hours, this will be the reason for taking urgent measures and contacting the doctor.
Flatulence in a month old child
The prevalence of flatulence in a month old child is about 20%. Occasionally, gas generation is inherent in babies immediately after birth: most often the symptoms appear closer to the age of one month, increasing for another 1-2 months.
Symptoms tend to develop unexpectedly, often during or immediately after feeding. Duration of discomfort is from 10-15 minutes to several hours. General signs of development and weight gain of the baby do not deteriorate.
Symptoms of flatulence, as a rule, begin to show up by the first month of life and reach their maximum by the age of 1.5-2 months. Despite the apparent complexity of the problem, the state of the child is normalized more often than in three months, the intestinal microflora is stabilized. Only in a small number of children, the stabilization of the bacterial flora is prolonged to 4-5 months of age. If the symptoms are delayed for a longer period, a diagnosis should be made: the causes of flatulence may be somewhat deeper.
Where does it hurt?
What's bothering you?
Diagnosis of flatulence in a newborn
Diagnosis of flatulence in a newborn is primarily done in order to exclude any more serious disease state, accompanied by increased gas production, discomfort, stool disorder and other symptoms. It must be remembered that with flatulence the general condition of the baby should not deteriorate, that is, neither the weight of the child's body nor its physical and mental development should suffer. A general study of blood, urine and stools should not indicate any significant violations.
For the diagnosis of flatulence, it is very important to pay attention to the following signs of the disease, which indicate exactly the transient violation of the intestinal microflora of the newborn:
- the baby is restless during the second half of the day;
- After the child has emptied, or gases have departed from him, he becomes noticeably lighter;
- the baby falls asleep with difficulty, sleeps badly;
- often the desire to eat is lost;
- when you feel a swollen tummy;
- for a day there are several time intervals during which the baby is calm.
Remember: bouts of vomiting, frequent loose stools and fever can not be concomitant signs of flatulence! If the baby is present with such or other alarming symptoms, it is necessary to contact the doctor for help.
What do need to examine?
How to examine?
Who to contact?
Treatment of flatulence in a newborn
At the heart of the treatment of meteorism in the newborn laid several principles, which we now tell.
- It is necessary to establish the psychological state of the mother, because her mood, as well as the general mood and the climate in the family, have a direct impact on the health of the baby.
- Mom should definitely revise their diet, excluding fresh milk (sour milk products must be left), peas and beans, white cabbage, yeast pastries, carbonated drinks, grapes, raisins, etc.
- If the baby is on artificial feeding, then mixtures with coconut oil or milk content, as well as with hydrolyzed protein (wheat or soybean), are recommended for it, since such mixtures are absorbed better and easier.
- It is necessary to adjust the diet of the baby, namely: reduce the time intervals between meals, while reducing the amount of milk or mixture eaten at one time. After the baby has eaten, it must be held either vertically or under the ∟45 ° back-up for 15 minutes, so that he sprang air. In between meals and with symptoms of flatulence the child should be put on the tummy.
- Watch for the correct position of the baby during feeding. The child's tummy should be adjacent to the mother's abdomen, while the neck and spine of the baby should be located on the same axis. In order to prevent the ingestion of air, the baby must correctly give the nipple, so that he captured it completely.
- Do not overfeed, and undernourish the child.
A therapeutic massage of the tummy is useful:
- stroking light movements along the clockwise direction;
- alternate reduction and retraction of the legs to the tummy;
- in the position on the tummy, stroking along the back;
- to enhance the effectiveness of massage is recommended to put a warm water bottle on the child's stomach for 5 minutes.
As a rule, flatulence disappears when the above recommendations are implemented. But if the effect did not follow, more radical methods should be applied:
- phytochemicals with carminative and antispasmodic properties (dill, chamomile, caraway, mint);
- Plantex (a preparation on the basis of fennel) 1-2 packets per day, divided into 2 or 3 doses;
- Bebinos (a preparation based on fennel, coriander, chamomile) 3-6 drops three times a day;
- adsorbing substances (activated charcoal) from the proportion of 0.05 g per kilogram of weight, taken 3 times a day;
- Simethicone (in the form of an emulsion or suspension) for 20-30 mg from 3 to 5 times a day. Similar preparations for action: semikol, meteospazmil, bobotik;
- enzymes and biopreparations (bifiform, bifidumbacterin, normoflorin, etc.).
How to help with flatulence in newborns?
- Take the child in his arms, shake it from the bottom up, try to calm.
- Walk with the baby around the rooms, keeping it upright.
- Tightly swaddle the baby, or vice versa, undress it completely and leave it to lie down for a few minutes.
- If the child loves bathing, it is recommended to prepare a warm bath for him, it is possible on herbal decoctions such as chamomile, mint, sage.
- Make the child a simple gentle massage, massage your tummy and back easily.
- You can put the child back up, putting his hand under the tummy and massage it, stroking the top with his free hand.
- Include light music, or imitation of sounds (the sound of the sea, the forest). You can just sing a little song to the kid, so that he calms down.
Remember that a comprehensive approach with the observance of all possible methods will allow in a short time to alleviate your child's condition and eliminate discomfort in the intestine.
Prophylaxis of flatulence in a newborn
There are several key points that should be considered for the prevention of flatulence in a newborn. Here are some key recommendations:
- during the whole period of feeding and half an hour after it, keep the baby upright until you hear that the child has vomited the air;
- if you feed your baby from a bottle, then pick up a pacifier that is most comfortable for the child, with a not very large hole. There are special nipples that are thought out to prevent the baby from swallowing air;
- if you notice the first symptoms of increased gas formation in your baby, attach a warm water bottle or heated diaper to his tummy;
- if you are breastfeeding, you should definitely revise your diet. Under the ban are milk (not sour), cabbage, legumes, tomatoes, fruits, carbonated water, yeast pastries;
- if you feed the baby with artificial mixtures, experiment with their composition and consistency, watch the rules of their preparation;
- create a diary in which you will mark the time of feeding, the frequency and density of the stool, the length of the discomfort state of the child after feeding. It is not difficult to keep such a diary, but it will be very useful if you contact a doctor for help or recommendations.
If the flatulence of the newborn has a pronounced and long-lasting character, and none of the above-mentioned remedies helped, the next and mandatory step is to contact a specialist who examines the baby and prescribes adequate treatment.
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