Pain in the eyes and other signs: tearing, redness, swelling, itching, sore throat, runny nose
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Vision is one of the main five senses that we use most often, its organs are sensitive and open to all external exposures, are characterized by a rapid reaction to both exogenous stimuli and health. The lacrimal fluid serves to protect the eyes from various kinds of irritants, so tearing from the eyes occurs quite often and, in general, its causes are quite innocuous. We usually do not worry that tears come out of the eyes in the morning, after waking from sleep, when we yawn, our eyes get wet with weeping or with laughter. In the open air, they react by excreting tear fluid to frosty, sunny or windy weather. To tears may join pain, redness, especially if the eye gets a grain of sand. Overwhelmingly, most people do not pay attention to minor discomfort in the eye, sometimes quite a long time, until the symptoms become a serious hindrance, the pain becomes palpable, and lacrimation permanent. Unfortunately, such carefree attitude towards the problem can lead to the development and aggravation of eye diseases.
Why do my eyes ache and sore?
Pathological causes associated directly with the organs of vision, causing symptoms of tear and moderate or severe pain in the eye:
- inflammatory diseases of any genesis - bacterial, viral, allergic - conjunctivitis (eye mucosa), blepharitis (eyelid edges), keratitis (cornea), barley (hairy cilia pouch or sebaceous gland), dacryoadenitis (lacrimal gland), dacryocystitis (lacrimal sac) , episcleritis (tissue between sclera and conjunctiva), scleritis, uveitis (choroid of the eye);
- glaucoma - a fairly common disease in which as a result of intraocular hypertension occurs atrophy of the retina and optic nerve;
- asthenopia or fatigue of vision;
- xerophthalmia;
- trachoma - chlamydial infection of the eye;
- other eye diseases, in particular, refractive anomalies, in which this symptom may indicate the presence of pathology, being part of the symptom complex;
- trauma of the eye (stroke, injection, burn, foreign body, consequences of the operation).
- aplasia and hypoplasia of the frontal sinuses.
Pathological risk factors for discomfort in the eyes in the form of pain and lacrimation - inflammatory processes in the nose, ear, mouth, ARVI and influenza; ocular form of herpes zoster; arterial hypertension; Strong headache; deficiency of vitamin A and / or B2, hypokalemia; development of age-related pathological changes; diseases of the central nervous system, and also - strong nervous shocks.
Often the causes of pain and lacrimation from the eyes can be:
- unsuitable glasses or contact lenses, improper arrangement of the workplace;
- changes in the hormonal background, most often - pregnancy, menopause;
- the implementation of actions related to the voltage of vision - reading a small or illegible text, a complex drawing with many small details; long-term communication with a computer and other devices equipped with monitors;
- weather.
The pathogenesis of lachrymation combined with pain in the eye depends on the cause that caused the symptom, in particular, in the early stages of glaucoma development, the balance of inflow and outflow of tear fluid is disturbed, which leads to the development of intraocular hypertension and, accordingly, pain in the eye. One of the first clinical signs of the disease is often tearing due to increased production of tears.
In the mechanism of the development of inflammatory diseases of the anatomical elements of the eye, various infectious agents can act as pathogens, the pathogenesis of the lesion is associated with the emerging destructive changes in the area of the pathogen introduction, vasospasm and muscle contractions, and the infringement of nerves causing pain. Lachrymation occurs as a reaction to it. The same applies to traumatic eye injuries.
Lachrymation appears as a protective reaction - a teardrop is washing the eye, moisturizing it, washing away foreign matter. With injuries and inflammations, destructive processes can occur in the lacrimal gland and lacrimal sac - strictures, adhesions. Often, as with xerophthalmia, lacrimation is compensatory. With age-related changes, weakness of the lacrimal canaliculus arises, and their atony can also occur as a reaction to trauma or inflammation.
Statistics of diseases, the symptom of which is pain and lacrimation, is that conjunctivitis (the term combining inflammations of the conjunctiva of different genesis) is the most common eye disease - they account for slightly less than a third of all eye pathologies, which is explained by the availability of the mucous membrane of the eye to the influence of various unfavorable factors.
Blepharitis is not inferior to it in prevalence, but often the inflammation of the edge of the age is combined with inflammation of the conjunctiva or is its complication.
With these diseases, barley can compete, it's just that they usually do not turn to the ophthalmologist for this matter, but treat it at home. It is believed that barley periodically appears in 80% of the population.
Small traumatic lesions of the eye - foreign bodies (mote, eyelashes, detergent spray), minor strokes and scratches remain out of the attention of physicians and occur quite often. Among the injuries of the eye, which were addressed to the ophthalmologist, the most common burns, of which 2/3 are obtained in production, the rest - in everyday life.
Glaucoma, according to WHO, is the main disease that leads to an irreversible loss of vision, unless timely measures are taken to hinder the development of the disease. In the world, there are more than 5 million blind people who have lost sight as a result of this disease, that is, 13.5% of all blind people.
Lachrymation, coupled with pain in the eye - a frequent phenomenon, mainly passing through independently when the stimulus is eliminated.
However, if the eye hurts and tears for several days, then this may be the first signs of ophthalmic and systemic diseases.
If after a long work on the computer, with drawings or another occupation that requires considerable visual strain, the head and eyes are sore, then it speaks of fatigue, or computer visual syndrome. This condition is aggravated by stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, especially in combination with smoking, sedentary lifestyle, medication. To cause fatigue with such symptoms may unusually heavy one-time exercise. Headache caused by fatigue is more often localized in the forehead area, pressure is felt on the eyes, which begin to water. The concentration of attention weakens, the visual acuity decreases. After rest, this condition passes.
In the presence of additional symptoms, for example, respiratory, temperature, general weakness, we can assume the onset of influenza or viral infection.
Pain in the head is given to the eyes, which are teary from this very pain - this condition is characteristic of migraine. In this case, flies, spots, flashes of light can flash before your eyes, spreading from the center of view to the sides - the aura. Migraine attacks are characterized by intolerance of sounds, especially sharp ones, sometimes - light, vomiting can even vomit and even start. The first seizures usually manifest at the age after 20 years. Migraine is characterized by intense temporal pain, which is often localized on one side, while it is intensified by turning and tilting the head.
Eye-scratching headache may be a sign of hypertension, in which nausea, dizziness, weakness, darkening in the eyes, ringing in the ears are also commonly observed. The pain squeezes his head like a hoop, his eyes start to tear from the pain.
Similar symptoms may indicate the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, which is also often complicated by hypertension. With osteochondrosis of the cervical region, pressing pain is often seen in the eyes and temporal areas, impaired vision and sensitivity of the upper limbs.
The sclera of a healthy eye is white, so if the eye is red, sore and teary, you need to pay attention to other signs and, if the condition does not pass, go to the ophthalmologist, because the cause of this symptom can be a lot: weather conditions, dry air-conditioned or smoky air in the room, a speck of dust that has fallen into the eye, an allergy, trauma, a lack of sleep, visual overexertion.
In such cases, the cause-effect relationship is obvious, and when the stimulus is eliminated, everything passes quickly. When the eye hurts and tears, and blushes, in addition, the cause of this phenomenon does not lie on the surface, and the condition is aggravated, specialist consultation is required. The most common inflammatory disease is conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva). One eye is often affected, but both eyes may suffer. In addition to the already described symptoms, edema of the conjunctiva is usually observed, eyelids may swell slightly.
Inflammers of inflammation can be different:
- Viral inflammation usually causes herpes-, picor- or adenovirus, common symptoms - intense lacrimation, hyperemia, burning, itching or pain, first one eye is affected, then the process can spread to both. Catarrhal form - usually inflammation symptoms are minor; Follicular - characterized by blistering rashes on the conjunctiva and eyelids; the vesicular-ulcerative herpetic conjunctivitis and the adenoviral film are most severely affected - with high temperature, swelling, photophobia, and sometimes scarring from ulcers may persist on the eyelids.
- Bacterial conjunctivitis - characterized by the same common symptoms, is characterized by the absence of vesicles and the presence of purulent discharge from the eye. It is caused by a number of bacteria, most often staphylococcus and streptococcus, often passes on its own, although it can be difficult, then its treatment requires the use of not only local, but also systemic antibiotics.
- Allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva - always accompanied by itching of varying intensity, lacrimation, sometimes swelling, tenderness is usually not expressed strongly. May be accompanied by a rash and / or an allergic rhinitis. By the type of allergen distinguish medicated, pollinous (seasonal), coinciding with the flowering time of plants, off-season conjunctivitis (house dust, animal hair, cosmetics, household chemicals).
- There are combined forms, the diagnosis of which causes difficulty, when secondary or bacterial infection is attached to a viral or allergic infection.
Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye can spread to the edges of the eyelids and become complicated by blepharitis, when the ciliary edge of the eyelid becomes inflamed. Inflammation of this localization often occurs as an independent disease caused by different pathogens and allergens. Lachrymation and cutting pain in the eye are the most characteristic symptoms for acute allergic blepharitis. At the same time reddening and swelling of the eyelids, developing photophobia.
Inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) also come in a variety of etiologies. With this disease, the eye and tears are very sore, hypersensitivity to light occurs, vision deteriorates. The main sign of keratitis is the clouding of the cornea due to swelling and accumulation of particles in its tissue that are not characteristic of a healthy state. The epithelial surface of the cornea loses its luster, looks uneven and rough. As a result of the sloughing of the epithelium, erosions are formed.
Sore eyes, water and blush due to inflammation of the outer surface of the sclera - epicleras. Pain can be from minor (with a slight inflammation) to a very significant (with widespread inflammation), hyperemia is caused by the widening of the sudoras in the eye, increased secretion of tear fluid is caused by pain and irritation of the nerve receptors.
Much more dangerous and proceeds with a more pronounced similar sypmatics sclerite. With inflammation of all layers of the sclera, pale yellow spots can appear on it, which are the result of necrosis of the tissue (necrosis). It happens that the spots are the only symptom of the disease, such a course of scleritis is extremely difficult.
Uveitis is a group of inflammatory lesions of the vessels of the eye. In this disease, the choroid membrane visually resembles a bunch of grapes (this is what this name came from). The severity of symptoms depends on the location of the focus, the immunity of the patient, the degree of aggressiveness of the infectious agent. Anterior uveitis is manifested by more noticeable symptoms: the eyes turn red, aching pains appear in the eye, which as they develop develop and become acute, they are accompanied by irregular eye pressure, tearing, sharp reaction to bright light, a veil before the eyes. At the back - the clinical picture is not so bright, there is no pain and hyperemia, vision deteriorates gradually, which is manifested by interference in the form of blurred vision or scotoma (foggy spot).
If the eye is swollen, watery, aching and flushed, then the most likely cause is barley, that is, a hairy ciliary pouch or sebaceous gland in the ciliary bulb is inflamed. After a while (from two to four days), a yellowish head appears on the apex of the edema (accumulation of pus). Later she opens herself and pus comes out. Barley can be several. Sometimes, with infection of the meibomian gland, there is internal barley (meibomite), its clinical manifestations are similar, but somewhat less pronounced. At dissection, pus exits into the conjunctival cavity.
Puffiness and redness of the eye, to be more exact - the upper eyelid, accompanied by painful external corner of the eye, may be symptoms of dacryoadenitis - inflammation of the lacrimal gland. It usually occurs as a complication of infectious mumps, which can happen after a flu or sore throat. Edema and hyperemia rapidly increase, pains increase, causing tear. The patient's condition worsens, there is a headache and hyperthermia, the swollen upper eyelid can completely close the eye. The enlarged lacrimal gland presses on the eyeball, pushing it inward and moving it downwards. Edema can spread to the area of the temple, there is an increase in lymph nodes behind the ear.
Redness, swelling of the inner corner of the eye, severe pain syndrome may be signs of dacryocystitis - inflammation of the lacrimal sac. Such pathologies are usually of a one-sided nature, for example, if the right eye hurts persistently with the increase in symptoms, and also - the swelling in the corner of the eye increases and it is impossible to touch this corner. Puffiness is often quite strong, because of it there is a narrowing of the eye gap. In the tear fluid can be observed pus, especially if gently press into the location of the lacrimal sac. The patient has a strong headache and watery eyes, increases body temperature, there are symptoms of general malaise.
In general, most of the inflammatory processes described above start with one eye, sometimes they may be limited, in some cases, the inflammation can spread to the other eye. Almost always there is a deterioration in vision - double vision, lack of sharpness, scotoma.
Moderate but persistent pain, often - only on the one hand, can be a sign of an incurable disease that leads to complete blindness - glaucoma. By the way, people who have had inflammatory eye diseases are in the group of increased probability of its development. For example, a person notices that his left eye is stubborn enough and teary, while vision loses its sharpness, "flies" or "mesh" appear in front of the eyes, and the field of vision narrows. In the eye there is a feeling of heaviness, the head hurts from the affected side, more often - near the temporal zone. When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist, because the earlier diagnosis is made, the easier it is not to cure, but to significantly slow down the development of the disease. In most cases (up to 90%) open-angle glaucoma develops. The onset of the disease occurs with almost imperceptible symptoms, the field of vision narrows very slowly, sometimes years pass, the discomfort is poorly expressed (a slight asthenopia, a rainbow when looking at the light source). The closed-angle form develops more sharply with noticeable symptoms. Sometimes the process captures both eyes at once.
Sore throat and watery eyes in the flu and influenza-like infections, in particular adenovirus, while the temperature rises (more often to 37.5 ℃), fever, weakness, muscle and joint pains, runny nose. It is accompanied by pain in the eyes, symptomatology of conjunctivitis, diarrhea and epigastric pain are possible.
Sore and teary eyes with colds, as often called rhinovirus infection, as the pathogen is activated and shows itself after hypothermia. And this connection is usually not in doubt. He begins to perspire in the throat, his eyes ache and water, the runny nose - the patient sneezes, his nose is pinched. Later, the head starts to ache, a cough develops and the body temperature rises.
Eyes hurt, watered and itch, mainly, with inflammation of allergic genesis. In contact with the allergen, whether it is: pollen of plants, house dust or cat's hair, usually both eyes come in, so the symptoms manifest themselves synchronously in both eyes. In this case, the vessels usually expand and the whites of the eyes turn red, especially since it is difficult to stay and not to rub them.
Cheshutsya eyes, or rather - the edge of the eyelids with demodekoznom blepharitis - defeat by small mites. In this case, itching will be a prevalent symptom and simply intolerable, especially after sleep, and pain, hyperemia and lacrimation result from irritation with the products of the vital activity of parasites. Outwardly, the eyelids look "untidy", thickened, with withered, poorly separated scales at the base of the eyelashes.
The eyes are quite strong in herpetic conjunctivitis, the symptoms of which are described above.
The ear hurts and the eye is slezed - so usually begins an acute average otitis, thus the pain is given both in an eye from the corresponding party or side, and in a temple. The ear lays, hyperthermia, the state of health worsens. After a while, pus and mucus begins to flow from the ear, the condition improves, pain and lacrimation pass.
The state when the whiskey is aching and the tears of the eyes are familiar to many, after overwork, lack of sleep, nervous tension, and also after excessive drinking. When such situations are one-time, they are not terrible, the body quickly restores itself. However, recurring pain in the temporal zone combined with lacrimation, not provoked by disturbances in the working and rest regime, may indicate a health problem. Most often this symptom is caused by spasms of cerebral vessels. They are provoked by various circumstances - congenital disorders of the tone of the cerebral vessels (manifested from childhood), acquired vascular pathologies, meteorology, unstable arterial and intracranial pressure.
Arterial hypertension is one of the diseases of the age, young and embracing ever wider segments of the population. The characteristic localization of pain is in the occipital area of the skull, which diverges toward both temples. At attacks the head and eyes are tearfully wet, at the patient the face pales, there can be a nausea and a vomiting, pressing pressure behind eyes. With severe attacks - it is impossible to stand up and mix yourself, darkens in the eyes until fainting.
Migraines can be the reason that whiskey sores and watery eyes. Often such a headache is localized on one side: in the temple - the sensation of a hot, burning object, while the eye is very sore and teary.
Intoxication of various genesis - alcohol, medications, poor-quality food, chemicals, due to infectious diseases can cause a headache in the area of the temples and the resulting lachrymation.
The reasons for the fact that the eyes are very sore and teary can be a lot. These are the fluctuations of the hormonal background (pregnancy, menopause, adolescence), inflammatory diseases of the brain, neuropsychological pathologies, neoplasms. If such a symptom worries periodically, it is worth examining and finding out the cause of discomfort.
If even a tiny mote falls, the eye hurts when it blinks and water, and visual overexertion is also manifested by the sensation of "sand" in the eyes. However, this symptom can manifest and the onset of the inflammatory process in the eye, other eye, or, for example, neurological diseases. Therefore, if the feeling persistently does not leave you and after rest, it makes sense to address this problem to an ophthalmologist.
The most common trauma of the eye is its burns, which occur during thermal, chemical or radiation exposure, as a result of which cells of damaged tissues are killed, circulation of blood in the choroid and metabolic processes are disrupted, and intoxication occurs. Depending on the degree of severity of the injury, the symptoms can be manifested in the form of puffiness, redness of the eyelids, mucous and eyeball, pain syndrome of different intensity, inflammatory manifestations, blepharospasm, lacrimation, corneal opacity, increased photosensitivity, ocular hyper- or hypotension, impaired vision. Neglecting safety rules at work and at home, you can get serious injuries and damage your eyesight. When the eyes get sore and watery after welding, these are the symptoms of a burn of the cornea, the eyelid and its mucous membrane. Such household damage can be the result of visiting the solarium, observing the eclipse of the sun without adequate equipment.
The child has eye aches and tears most often due to conjunctivitis (in this case the eye glistens red, the child often rubs it, there may be particles of pus in the lacrimal fluid); overwork from a long view of TV programs, games on the computer (redness, foreign body sensation in the eye, itching, rubbing); allergies; trauma to the cornea; inflammation of the sinuses of the nose; anomalies in the development of lacrimal canals. If the child complains of pain in the eye, often rubs his eyes, they blush and water, it is necessary to consult with a pediatric ophthalmologist about this.
Who to contact?
Modern ophthalmology has a significant arsenal of diagnostic tools for examining the eyes for the presence of pathologies. The doctor examines the external structures of the eye, assesses their condition, measures eye pressure, tests visual acuity, dilates the pupils and examines the fundus. The clinical picture suggests a diagnosis, and also choose laboratory and instrumental methods for further examination. In case of inflammatory processes, a clinical blood test, specific tests confirming the deficiency of vitamins or trace elements, a bacterioscopic examination of the conjunctiva smear, an allergy test, a tear production (Schirmer's test), a tear film resistance (Norn test), degenerative changes in the conjunctiva or cornea with Lissaminov green (Otorolik-test) and others at the discretion of the doctor, depending on the expected diagnosis.
Modern, often computerized, instrumental diagnostics will help comprehensively examine the organ of vision for the presence of any hidden pathologies. The patient is determined by visual acuity, refraction of the eye with the help of devices autorefekertameter, oroprotor. The volume of the absolute and the reserve of relative accommodation is determined by means of a proximetre or computerized ccomodomography. If the glaucoma is suspected, the eye fundus and optic nerve are studied in detail with the help of an ophthalmoscope, ultrasound examination of the eyes and computer coherent tomography, which allows to examine in detail all structures of the eye. The field of view is studied using a computer perimeter. The depth of the anterior chamber of the eyeball, the location and thickness of the lens can be measured, the structure of the inner corner of the eye is examined to assess the function of the outflow of tear fluid (gonioscopy).
Neurologic consultation, computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain can be prescribed.
And yet, what to do if the eye is watered and sore. First, we all try to cope with ill health on our own, remove the foreign body from the eye, drip anti-inflammatory drops for the eyes, relax, sleep off, make soothing lotions of tea or medicinal herbs.
Such measures in most cases help almost immediately, at least the next morning after a full night's rest passes pain, redness and lacrimation, if the cause was insignificant.
If the eye is watered and sore, you can not:
- to rub it;
- warm or cool;
- Bury funds not intended for the eyes;
- wash eyes with the purpose of disinfection with a solution of salt, soda or peroxide and others (only clean water is suitable for washing eyes).
The improvement that has occurred as a result of the measures taken may be apparent, after a while pain and lacrimation will bother again and for no apparent reason. Then it is recommended, without delay, to go to the ophthalmologist - it is necessary to solve the problem by joint efforts.
When an inflammatory process is detected, local ophthalmic ointments or drops are prescribed in the eye. Antibacterial effect has:
- Eye drops with active substance pyloxidine hydrochloride (0.05%), belonging to a number of biguanides. These are antiseptic drops (Vitabakt, Polixidine), which have a bactericidal effect on pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes in the eye - cocci, shigella, E. Coli, chlamydia, certain types of fungi and viruses. Begins to act immediately after instillation, is capable of destroying sensitive microorganisms. Virtually does not enter the systemic circulation. Can be used in pediatrics. Does not have a destructive effect on soft contact lenses.
It is mainly used for the treatment of bacterial infections of the mucous membrane of the eyelid, inflammations of the sclera, cornea, lacrimal sac, after ophthalmic operations. Side effects are minimal, perfectly combined with other antibacterial drugs used to treat inflammation of the eye elements. Bury one or two drops from two to six times a day (the amount and duration of the doctor appoints individually). - Floxal drops and ointment - conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis and other infectious lesions of eye structural elements caused by pathogens sensitive to ofloxacin (the active ingredient of the drug). Children can be appointed from birth. Side effects are very rare, mainly - hyperemia, burning, itching. The method and duration of application is prescribed by a doctor, it is usually recommended to drop in one drop four times a day for no more than two weeks.
- Hydrocortisone drops and ointment - glucocorticosteroid, eliminates allergies, swelling, intoxication. It is used in cases of inflammation in the anterior chamber of the eye, in the absence of damage to the cornea. Contraindicated in viral, fungal and bacterial infections, ulcerative erosion damage. Has many side effects up to the development of glaucoma, is not intended for long-term use. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's prescriptions.
- Korneregel is a drug in the form of a gel for the regeneration of eye tissues damaged by erosions, ulcers, as a result of injuries, operations and infections (as part of complex therapy). The active component of the gel - dexpanthenol, getting on the surface of the mucous membrane, is split, forming metabolites, which contribute to the rapid restoration of damaged tissues. Local side effects (hyperemia, rezi, burning, edema) as a result of the use of the gel are very rare. When used in combination with other ophthalmic drops or ointments, the interval before using another remedy should exceed five minutes. Bury one drop in each eye three to five times a day. Can be used for a long time.
- Actipol - drops on the basis of paraminobenzoic acid, have antiviral (adeno - and herpevirus) and immunomodulating action. In addition to viral infections, they are prescribed to restore the tissue of the cornea and retina as a result of injuries and operations, with dystrophic changes in the cells of these tissues. It is characterized by good tolerability, but side effects are not excluded. It is applied no more than a decade, it is necessary to dig in from three to eight times a day (the amount is determined by the doctor).
Teratogenic, mutagenic and embryotoxic effects of the above drugs have not been revealed, eye drops are not detected in the systemic blood and breast milk and can be prescribed to pregnant women and nursing mothers, however, according to strict indications and after medical consultation.
If local therapy is ineffective, the patient may be given oral or parenteral antibacterial, anti-inflammatory or antiviral drugs.
Conservative treatment of primary glaucoma is aimed at normalizing the pressure inside the eye, restoring normal blood supply and metabolic processes. The physician chooses the therapy method individually, according to the patient's condition, and many factors are taken into account. The drugs used in the treatment of this disease are divided into two groups: strengthening the outflow of tear fluid and inhibiting its production. Treatment of glaucoma is carried out only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.
Vitamins are mandatory in the treatment of pain in the eyes, accompanied by lacrimation. Of great importance is a balanced diet of the patient, including products containing vitamins A and C, riboflavin, as well as selenium and zinc. They contain fresh peas and beans, carrots, cabbage, buckwheat and oatmeal, bread, dairy products, fish, eggs, liver, meat. In addition, the doctor can prescribe a course of vitamin-mineral preparations.
Physiotherapeutic treatment is widely used in ophthalmic diseases. Practically all methods are used - electrical current (pulse, induction, galvanic and other), medicinal electrophoresis, magnetic fields, microwave radiation, thermal procedures. The choice of method depends on the type of disease. For example, ultrasound therapy is used in purulent conjunctivitis, keratitis and their consequences, degenerative processes in the retina of the eye, glaucoma, the consequences of injuries and surgeries.
In acute and subacute inflammation, circulatory disorders in the eyes, microwave therapy is used.
Drug electrophoresis with blepharitis and conjunctivitis, keratitis and scleritis, open-angle glaucoma and a variety of other diseases helps to continuously and continuously inject the drug into any affected area of the eye without disrupting its integrity, creating a storage of ions of the drug substance, and also - to withdraw it from the eye tissues with a change of polarity current. The drug is administered evenly and in small doses, which reduces the likelihood of side effects, it is cumulated in the ionized state in the tissues of the eye, so the effectiveness of the drug is increased at times.
Physiotherapeutic procedures also have contraindications, they are considered individually and depend on many factors. General contraindications to the use of fizmethod - acute injuries, severe puffiness, hyperthermia and temperature sensitivity disorders.
Alternative treatment
Having pulled a mote out of the eye, walking in sunny weather without glasses or having stayed until midnight at the computer it is possible to use the recipes of alternative medicine to calm the irritation and prevent the inflammation of the eye structures.
With more serious pathological processes, after consulting with a doctor, you can use herbal therapy in a complex of therapeutic measures.
With inflammation of bacterial genesis, it is recommended to make eye contours from the juice of the colanchoe: squeeze out the juice from the leaves of the plant and mix with the same amount of warm boiled water, make ten-minute compresses moistened with a cotton swab in the solution.
If in the morning the eyes are stuck together with the pus, they are washed with a decoction of rose hips: take two tablespoons of dried fruit for 200ml of water, boil and put for about 60 minutes. Strain, rinse their eyes and then make the remaining infusion of lotion for a quarter of an hour. To wash each eye, cast the infusion into a separate dish, in which only a new and clean cotton swab should be moistened.
In the inflammatory process caused by a viral infection it is recommended to use infusion of chamomile for lotions, doing ten-minute procedures from four to six times daily: a tablespoon of flowers plants are poured 200ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for an hour. Filter and make the procedure.
Infusion of the eye is washed out the eyes waking up in the morning and at night. To do this, two tablespoons of dried and chopped herbs are boiled in boiling water in a volume of 0.5 liters, after an hour filtered and the infusion is ready.
With adenovirus infection, five-minute lotions of freshly squeezed plantain juice are recommended.
Inflammations of the allergic etiology are treated with ten-minute lotions from aloe juice, for which one part of freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the plant is mixed with ten parts of warm boiled water. Such lotions are recommended to be done four times a day.
You can make drops for the eyes from medicinal plants. Stir in equal parts the crushed and dried flowers of chamomile, lion's pharynx, althaea root and leaves of nightshade black. For 100ml of water take a tablespoon of a mixture of vegetable raw materials, brew and wait for the infusion to cool completely. It is good to strain through several layers of gauze, so that there are no particles of plants left and once a day to dig into each eye two drops.
When inflammation of the cornea of the eye is recommended to instill in the sick eye sea buckthorn oil for one or two drops: at the beginning of the disease - every 60 minutes, later - every three hours. The effect of such treatment comes very quickly, it well helps even in neglected cases. This same scheme can well restore the tissue of the cornea in case of eye burn.
When complicating purulent keratitis in the form of a formed thorn, it is recommended to mix one part of the celandine juice with three parts of the water extract of propolis. To drip this compound once before bedtime. If the drops cause irritation, then the extract can be taken a little more.
Glaucoma doctors categorically do not recommend treatment with alternative means, however, there are many reviews that the condition improves and vision returns. At least, having consulted with the doctor, it is possible to include some alternative means in the scheme of treatment.
For example, rinse your eyes four or five times a day with an aqueous extract of aloe. The course of treatment is two weeks, then a break is made until the end of the month. Side effects during treatment - a feeling of light tingling. The extract can be prepared in two ways: dilute one part of fresh aloe juice with ten parts of distilled cold water or boil two leaves of the plant in a glass of water for six minutes, when it is slightly cool - wipe everything through a fine mesh.
Intraocular hypertension is eliminated by ingestion of herbal infusion. To do this, make a mixture of crushed dry plant ingredients: three parts of dry hips of wild rose and red mountain ash, two - herbs of St. John's Wort; one - leaves of plantain, cranberries, nettles and birches, grass horsetail field, string, knotweed. All mix well. Brewed in a thermos boiling water in a volume of 600ml two tablespoons of plant composition. Leave to insist on all night. In the morning, filter and drink in equal portions throughout the day the whole portion. Treatment continues until recovery.
In classical homeopathy, Euphrasia (eye), Ruta graveolens (rue fragrant), preparations of gold (Aurum) and white arsenic (Arsenicum) are used to treat eye diseases. Homeopathy helps even patients with glaucoma. In general, with this disease, Sulfur and Phosphorus are prescribed. In inflammatory processes in the cornea and the retina, Belladonna, Gelsemium, Ignatia, Conium, Natrium mureaticum give a good effect. Virtually any drug can have a beneficial effect on vision if it is appointed by a specialist and corresponds to the type of patient.
In pharmacies, you can find complex homeopathic remedies for pain relief, lacrimation, hyperemia associated with inflammation and eye fatigue. In case of eye trauma, inflammatory processes and glaucoma treatment regimens, Traumeel C has a positive effect , rapidly arresting hemorrhagic manifestations, anesthetizing, inhibiting the action of inflammatory mediators. Also, the drug has anti-edematous effect, increases the immune status of the organism and promotes the restoration of damaged tissues.
It is available in the form of a solution for injections and tablets. Injections in the acute period are done daily, single dose for patients 12 years and older - one ampoule (2.2 ml). Then go to the maintenance dose - from one ampoule to three within a week or taking pills. In pediatric practice: infant age - 0.4 ml dose; 1-2 full years - 0,6ml; 3-5 full years - 1ml; 6-11 years old - 1.5ml. The contents of the ampoules can be used for oral administration.
The tablet form is intended for sublingual administration, it is dosed: for patients from the age of three, one unit per reception three times a day. Children 0-2 full years tablet divided in half and take three times a day for a half. Acute seizures are cured by resorption of a single dose every quarter of an hour, while you can take no more than eight single doses.
With caution, take people sensitized to plants of the family Compositae.
Okulocheel - homeopathic drops, addressed to patients with inflammatory, viral and allergic, and also - degenerative processes of the organs of vision, and also to people whose activity is associated with high visual loads, causing pain, irritation, tearing abnormalities, doubling, blurred vision. The use of drops contributes to the normalization of trophism of the vessels and the tone of the muscles of the eye. The effect of the drug is determined by its composition:
Euphrasia (eye) - this plant is used in the treatment of ophthalmic pathologies, eliminates the symptoms of asthenopia ("sand in the eyes", lachrymation, dryness, photophobia), it stops infection and inflammation.
Cochlear (horseradish) - irritation, redness, a feeling of discomfort in the eyes.
Pilocarpus yaborandi - overload on the eyes, expressed in severe fatigue, pain and burning, visual disorders.
Echinacea - an immunostimulant and an antioxidant, which also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Bury in the eye three times a day for two drops.
Oculus EDAS-108 - oral drops, intended for the same category of patients as the previous drug. The compositions of the data of homeopathic remedies overlap with each other:
Ruta fragrant - discomfort and burning under the light from an artificial source; shroud, fly or rainbow before the eyes; lacrimation, mainly in the open air; disorders of accommodation and other symptoms of visual fatigue.
Euphrasia (eye) - this plant is used in the treatment of ophthalmic pathologies, eliminates asthenopia symptoms (sand in the eyes, lacrimation, dryness, photophobia), it stops infection and inflammation.
Echinacea - an immunostimulant and an antioxidant, which also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Pour five drops into a teaspoon with water or a piece of sugar and take it three times a day at regular intervals, regardless of the meal.
DreamTeam MagicEye ™ - a new revolutionary invention of Russian pharmaceuticals, the drug is positioned as homeopathic, although its only active substance is sterile water, with the so-called "matrix of healthy eyes" embedded in its molecules. Intellectual droplets, when hit in the eye, find pathological changes in their cells and correct defects by means of information read from the matrix, so they are suitable for patients with any diseases of the eye.
In cases where conservative therapy is ineffective, a decision may be made to perform an operation on the eyeball and eye contusion apparatus in the absence of contraindications. Operations for eye microsurgery are conducted under the control of a powerful operating microscope, which allows for minimally invasive intervention using micro cuts and punctures. Modern eye operations are almost painless, they do not require general anesthesia and suturing. They are mainly carried out on an outpatient basis. Recovery does not take a long time.
Planned operations, for example, with glaucoma are done to improve the outflow of the eye fluid, usually with the use of laser equipment.
In case of eye trauma or retinal detachment, surgical intervention should be performed urgently, as the loss of time is fraught with the patient's blindness.
The type of operation depends on the disease and the condition of the patient. Methods of eye surgery are well established and sometimes only surgical intervention can preserve sight to the patient.
Consequences and complications
Discomfort in the eye, caused by completely innocuous reasons - a small mote, visual fatigue, wind, stay in the sun, passes quickly. It is enough to remove the mote, wash the eye, sleep well and in the morning you forget about the pain in the eye and tearing.
Nevertheless, the symptoms that cause discomfort for a few days, not even too strong, but persistent, periodically arising, should alert.
A small conjunctivitis, which is not taken into consideration for a long time, can be complicated by blepharitis. The spread of the inflammatory process in reverse order is also possible. Prolonged sluggish inflammation captures an increasing area and spreads to the cornea, sclera, and vascular membrane. A particularly dangerous complication of blepharitis is the situation in which the growth of eyelashes in the opposite direction begins. They injure the cornea of the eye, creating favorable conditions for secondary infection. This can lead to the formation of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the cornea, which complicates the treatment process and will call into question the favorable outcome of this seemingly ordinary and harmless at first disease.
Inflammation of the outer layer of the sclera - episcleritis without treatment progresses and captures all layers. There is a possibility of destructive changes up to complete melting of the episclera and deepening of the inflammatory process, which can lead to a significant deterioration in vision as a result of edema and / or retinal detachment.
Consequences of careless attitude towards the treatment of keratitis or sclerokeratitis can be erosive and ulcerative defects of the cornea, leading to the appearance of scars, a thorn in the eye.
Barley usually breaks through itself and does not cause much trouble, except for a slight discomfort, however, in some cases, inflammation can spread to nearby tissues, causing severe headaches, hyperthermia, and lymphadenopathy. Extruded from barley pus categorically not recommended. Such actions are fraught with complications in the form of phlegmon of the orbit, meningoencephalitis, vein thrombosis, through which the blood circulates from the face and brain to the heart (cavernous sinus).
Blepharitis or barley may be complicated by the appearance of a chalazion - the cystic formation of the meibomian gland.
Dacryoadenitis in some patients, especially with reduced immunity, can develop into an abscess or phlegmon of the lacrimal gland. Dacryocystitis and any other inflammation without proper treatment can go into a chronic, constantly recurring disease.
Glaucoma, although incurable, however, competent, thorough and timely treatment begun allows a very long time to maintain vision in working condition and avoid acute attacks during which you can go blind.
In general, any pathology of the organ of vision can, developing, lead to serious impairment of visual function, and sometimes - to complete blindness. Given the proximity of the eyes to the brain, the result of the spread of inflammatory processes to nearby tissues can be fatal.
Measures to prevent the appearance of pain in the eye and tear in the eye are not too complicated:
- It is necessary to protect eyes from bright sunlight, using quality sunglasses for this;
- in production, do not ignore safety techniques and wear masks or goggles that protect the eyes from splashes of harmful substances, flying chips and welding flares;
- arrange a place at the computer in accordance with the rules of ergonomics;
- if necessary, adjust vision with the help of glasses or contact lenses selected together with the doctor;
- try not to overexpose your eyes as much as possible, for example, resting at the TV, after a working day at the computer monitor;
- at long work behind a computer to do technological breaks and gymnastics for eyes;
- Try to avoid stress, nervous and physical strain;
- to lead a healthy lifestyle, to eat fully;
- In the presence of allergies, try to avoid contact with substances causing it, take antiallergic drugs during the flowering period of plants, etc .;
- do not start chronic systemic diseases;
- observe the rules of personal hygiene - do not wipe your face with other people's towels, do not rub your eyes with dirty hands, do not use someone else's cosmetics and do not share your own; if someone in the family has picked up an eye infection, separate his towel, do not lie down on his pillow;
- timely seek medical help when there is pain and tearing of the eyes, without leading to complications and chronic diseases.
The appearance of pain in the eye and lacrimation in the overwhelming majority of cases is quite innocuous and has a favorable outcome, the most common pathologies (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley) are traceless. The consequences of inflammation of the cornea depend on the depth of its damage, as well as on scleritis, however, with timely treatment, the residual effects do not generally affect visual acuity. Deep lesions, especially the central parts of the cornea, often contribute to poor eyesight due to the formation of adhesions and scars, as well as - a strong opacity of the cornea.
The prognosis of injury to the organs of vision is individual and depends on the degree of severity, and also on the localization of the lesion.
The prognosis of glaucoma completely depends on the state of the organ of vision at the time of detection of pathology and the beginning of treatment.