Numbness of fingers
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Numbness of the fingers can be a sign of many diseases associated with the nervous, bone and muscle systems. Most often, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine manifests itself.
Causes of numbness in the fingers
Finger numbness is the first sign of nerve conduction disturbance. You can often find this symptom with osteochondrosis of the cervical osteochondrosis. You can test yourself - if you feel a crunch, discomfort or pain when you tilt your head to the side or when you turn your head - there is a possibility that the cervical vertebrae are affected by osteochondrosis. With this disease, mainly the thumb or forefinger becomes numb. To confirm the diagnosis, it is enough to make an x-ray of the cervical spine. Most often, osteochondrosis occurs after 45 years. Similar symptoms occur with disc herniation or spondyloarthrosis.
The reason is even simpler - for example, if a limb was held for a long time while you were sleeping. Or only one finger can become numb if the ring does not fit.
Finger numbness in women during menopause and during pregnancy. It is also found in migraine sufferers.
Numb fingers of the left hand sometimes indicate heart problems. Such a condition may be caused by angina pectoris. Especially should be wary when numbness of the ring finger or numbness that extends to the forearm.
Sometimes the cause of numbness is head injury a traumatic brain injury or the threat of a stroke.
Numbness of fingers after injury
Numbness of the fingers can be associated not only with nerve damage or inflammation, but also with a hand injury or a cranial injury. In this case, other unpleasant symptoms often occur as well: burning, pain in the arm, tingling, spasm and even itching. Possible twitching limbs. If gait staggering is added to the symptoms, it can be Multiple Sclerosis.
After a head injury, weakness often occurs along with numbness. Often the patient who received a head injury, loses consciousness. Also, numbness occurs with neck injuries and syndrome carpal tunnel syndrome.
With numbness of the fingers after injury, special exercises to develop joints will help. Often, mobility is not limited by the hand injury itself, but by its continued immobility while in a cast. Immobilization causes muscle atrophy and circulatory disorders, leading to numbness. After surgery on the nerves and tendons of the fingers must be developed.
If your hands go numb and tingle often after an injury, you need to visit an orthopedist. He will determine what to do next, what exercises are needed, can appoint a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures. At the direction of a doctor, you can contact an osteopath or manual therapist. Acupuncture sometimes helps.
Do not wear gravity in the newly injured arm or on the shoulder on this side. Perhaps, in addition to physical therapy and physiotherapy, the doctor will prescribe you multivitamin preparations. Often, numbness of the fingers can occur with vitamin B12 deficiency. You should also avoid stress and emotional overstrain, especially prolonged. When monotonous work take breaks, walk more, run.
Numbness of fingers after hand fracture
After a fracture, the cause of numbness in the fingers may be poorly applied plaster. When you wear a cast, avoid wearing tight clothing.
Often the cause of numbness and tingling can be injuries to the shoulder, sprained articular bags, bone fractures. These injuries are often sustained by the elderly, having fallen on ice in the winter or professional athletes. The hand at the same time quickly swells and it becomes impossible to move it. Usually begin gymnastics in a cast on the 5th day. With a healthy hand, bend and unbend the fingers of a sore hand. Active movements start from the second week: they take a cup, a pencil, a comb in their hands. After 3 weeks after removing the plaster, 2 kg of weight can already be worn in the hand.
After several hand injuries, Raynaud's disease, characterized by pain, cyanosis, and constantly cold hands. To avoid exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to wear warm, natural gloves in cold weather.
Numbness of fingers in osteochondrosis
In case of cervical osteochondrosis, the following symptoms pay attention:
- Movement in the cervical spine is severely limited.
- There are headaches and shoulder pains.
- Pain can be like a pain in the heart.
The disease is provoked by stress and sedentary work, overweight.
In Raynaud's disease, the fingers of both the right and left hands become numb, and in osteochondrosis, only one of the hands.
Also, numbness of the fingers often bothers patients with diabetes. This condition is called polyneuropathy. You can cope with the problem by adjusting the level of sugar in the blood and doing feasible exercise.
When referring to an orthopedist and a neurologist, numbness of the fingers is a very common complaint. Most often, numbness is worse after sleep or in transport.
Symptoms of numbness in the fingers
A bundle of tendons that sets our fingers in motion passes through a narrow canal. The nerve responsible for the sensitivity of the entire palm also passes through this channel. Usually it is protected. But sometimes it happens that the hand swells during prolonged monotonous work. Numbness of the fingers is accompanied by pulsating pain, tingling, goosebumps and loss of sensation, itching and burning, muscle spasms and twitching. If you do not treat carpal tunnel syndrome in time, you can lose the ability to bend your thumb. There may be other causes of numbness in the fingers. About them mentioned above. But the symptoms are similar, for example, as with professional abuse, and with spinal lesions and even with panic attacks. Clarify the reason must doctor.
In a stroke, the numbness of the lower arm, speech, and coordination of movements may disturb. With chest pain and difficulty breathing, heart attack. Surgical interventions, adhesions in the lungs and bronchi can also cause numbness in the fingers.
Most often, the problem can be solved by prescribing a course of pills and ointments. As a preventive measure, overloading the psyche, infections, and hypothermia can be recommended.
Thumb numbness
Numbness thumbs often the case with frostbite, multiple sclerosis, stroke, certain diseases of the blood vessels and nerves, sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome, when a hand injury, poor circulation, Raynaud's disease, osteochondrosis, arthritis, diabetes, pancreatitis, deficiency of certain vitamins and trace elements. If numbness occurs frequently and is accompanied by weakness, it becomes difficult to perform everyday tasks, fine motor skills are disturbed, if visual impairment and gait are added, an urgent need to find out from a neurologist what to do. You may need hospitalization, for example, with a stroke. The numbness of the thumb along with the index finger indicates that something is wrong with the cervical spine.
Numbness of the fingers is a frequent occurrence today. You can not work without interruptions. Useful running, skiing, swimming, contrasting baths for hands and honey wrap. It is enough to smear honey over the fingers and wrap the brush with a cloth.
Numbness of fingertips
When we wake up in the morning, sometimes we feel a tingling sensation in our finger tips due to an uncomfortable position. Often these symptoms bother the elderly. But there are also more serious reasons for which numbness of the fingers occurs, tingling sensation in the finger tips. For example, with thrombosis, the artery can become blocked and cause numbness. Thrombosis is a dangerous condition. If not treated, you can lose a hand.
With the threat of stroke, numbness always occurs in only one hand. The patient has high blood pressure. There may be speech disorders. In this case, assistance should be provided immediately, without losing precious time. With the wrong or delayed treatment, stroke leads to persistent functional disorders.
Diabetic neuropathy is also a fairly common cause of this disorder. In diabetes, sugar from the blood corrodes blood vessels. People with diabetes also have an increased risk of getting gangrene. Keep your blood glucose under control.
Rarely, numbness occurs with rheumatism, nerve overstrain, or after injury. Sometimes the cause of numbness is in hyperventilation, superficial frequent breathing. Sometimes there are spasms of blood vessels in the hands of Raynaud's disease. With this disease, the person constantly feels cold in his hands and burning. Sometimes the fingers may itch. Fingers may turn blue or, on the contrary, very pale.
Whatever the reason, it is impossible to install it without consulting a competent specialist. He may advise you to undergo osteopathy. In case of polyneuropathy, patients with diabetes can be prescribed both drugs for correcting the level of glucose in the blood and altering the properties of the blood. You need to improve your diet, do not eat foods with dyes and preservatives, give preference to meat, vegetables and greens.
Numbness and tingling of fingers
Sometimes the cause of unpleasant symptoms can be a banal change of weather. But still more often occurs on the background of fractures and other injuries or disk, osteoporosis. The cause of the disease, unfortunately, can also be hidden in very serious pathologies of the brain, for example, tumors.
With cervical myelopathy, when the spinal cord is compressed by osteophytes or vertebral hernia, the disorders gradually increase, the hands become very weak over time. When the neck is bent, the spinal cord is tightly stretched. His extensive heart attack may occur. In patients with cervical myelopathy in the cerebrospinal fluid, laboratory tests can reveal elevated levels of protein.
Numbness of fingers and hands
The feeling of numbness of the hands is especially common in the elderly. This is because the elderly move less. But there are other factors that cause numbness. There are a lot of reasons for this. Among them:
- Polyneuropathy in avitaminosis, diabetes. Fingers are also affected due to anemia.
- Raynaud's syndrome, with his fingers freeze, pale and turn blue.
- Closure of the cerebral vessel with a blood clot.
- Inconvenient position in a dream.
- Inflammation of the joints.
- Multiple sclerosis.
- Cervical spondylosis.
- Squeezing the nerves.
You can independently recognize the stroke. You should know that the first sign of an impending stroke may be just numbness of the fingers. Then there are difficulties with breathing and walking, visual disturbances and paralysis. If you find such symptoms in yourself or your close ones, call an ambulance!
If you ignore the problem, you may be disturbed by pain for a long time. Even complete paralysis of the hands is possible.
If your hands are numb while working, spread them apart and move your fingers, squeeze them into a fist.
Maybe there are some products that are good to use for numbness? Yes, we advise you to eat more greens that contain special substances - oxalates. They are in sorrel and cabbage. But salt in large quantities is harmful to you. It is worth thinking about finding a good chiropractor, undergoing a course of water procedures or acupuncture.
Numbness of fingers in sleep
Numbness of the fingers at night, during sleep, is most often due to impaired normal blood circulation in the hand. To avoid this, we advise you to buy an orthopedic pillow. She will keep her head in a correct position in her sleep, which will help to avoid clips in the cervical spine. It perfectly relieves tension in the muscles of the neck. Also the cause of numbness can be uncomfortable clothes with tight cuffs. Buy looser pajamas. At night, remove the jewelry. You can try to change the position during sleep. Do not sleep, holding his hands above his head, "hugging" the pillow. In this case, the blood may simply not be enough to go to the hands, as in the dream the heart is a little slower.
If you have crunches and a sore neck, we can assume that the fingers are numb at night because of cervical osteochondrosis. The pains in it are constant, pulling.
Nevertheless, if you do not manage to eliminate the cause of numbness, register with a neurologist, cardiologist and orthopedist and find a solution to the problem together with a specialist. For example, you may not know that the loss of sensation in your hands was caused by a blood clot that simply blocked the normal blood supply to the upper limb.
Numbness of fingers and toes
Headache, decreased performance, dry mouth, a reddening face, numbness of the fingers and toes, tingling, burning and itching are very serious neurological symptoms. They may indicate a stroke threat or an attack that has already attacked you. It can also be a microstroke, which, if left untreated, can end very badly, you can get persistent physical and mental disorders.
Another cause of numbness is Raynaud's disease, which is manifested in the sensitivity disorder of the hands and feet. The cause of the disease is a hereditary factor and smoking, infections. Patients are freezing, the third and fourth fingers and toes suffer greatly.
Also, numbness of the extremities occurs in vertebral hernia, pinching nerve endings. Sitting for a long time in the same posture reinforces the feeling of running goosebumps. Treatment of intervertebral hernia at first conservative: using manual therapy, exercise therapy, physiotherapy. Only with the ineffectiveness of such measures think about the operation.
Severe scoliosis and sciatica, sciatica even before the appearance of hernias can lead to a feeling of discomfort, "chills" in the limbs. You better pay attention to these symptoms as early as possible.
Metabolic diseases are a fairly common cause of numbness in the fingers and toes. With gout, for example, urea is deposited in the joints. This leads to numbness of the thumbs. Gout is more common in men.
Particular attention should be paid to cases where speech and motor coordination are impaired with limb numbness. Such a person should be immediately taken to the hospital and examined by a neurologist. It is necessary to establish whether a stroke did not lead to numbness in the arms and legs, perhaps there is another reason, such as a chronic injury or vitamin deficiency, problems with the spine, its arthrosis or osteochondrosis, hernia, hypothermia, tunnel neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, migraine, pancreatitis, Raynaud's disease. The list can be continued.
You can try to cope with a slight numbness by running and swimming, but the bike is not recommended for you. Do not store heavy items in your pockets. Take breaks at work, during which you actively move your arms, walk, it is better to leave the office for fresh air at lunch. It will help even a simple walk up the stairs instead of the elevator. The diet should include as much as possible fruits, salads, vegetable dishes. Do not abuse diets. Give up alcohol. Lack of vitamin B12 adversely affects the overall tone of the body, a person becomes irritable and his limbs may go numb.
Numbness of fingers in the morning
Nowadays, even young people wake up from the unpleasant numbness of the fingers, although earlier this trouble was much more common in older people. The reason for this is the ubiquitous distribution of computers and laptops, long-term regular work for which contributes to the breakdown of normal blood circulation. If your fingers are numb in the morning after waking up, we advise you to do this: analyze what can cause pinching of blood vessels. Perhaps you sleep in uncomfortable close pajamas. If the clothes are fine, you should think about doing warm-ups more often during work. It is also good to know the level of glucose and iron in the blood, since diabetes mellitus and anemia can also cause such sensations.
Numbness of face and fingers
Numbness of the face and hands with loss of consciousness occurs if the lumen of the vessel narrows. For example, when it overlaps with a thrombus or atherosclerotic plaque.
Sometimes it may occur after inaccurate dental procedures. Smoking, in addition to facial numbness, can also lead to taste disorders. By the way, numbness of the extremities is quite a frequent problem in smokers, so we wish you to get rid of bad habits quickly.
Anemia, gait disturbance, numbness of the face and fingers can occur with vitamin B12 deficiency. To identify it, you need to pass a biochemical blood test. Vitamin B12 is found in red meat and liver, consume them in sufficient quantities.
Persistent numbness of fingers
The number of people complaining of numbness of the fingers is increasing every year. Neuroscientists and traumatologists speak about this with alarm. And if a person comes to the doctor, then, as a rule, this is repeated more than once, that is, it is impossible to blame the uncomfortable posture, clothing or pillow for everything. Here are some reasons:
- Cervical osteochondrosis. With this disease, numbness occurs not only in the mornings, but throughout the day.
- Inflammation of the joints.
- Psycho-emotional overload.
With the constant numbness of the hands, try the recipe of Academician Bolotov. Take 3 liters of whey, three glasses of crushed garlic and a glass of sugar. Stir. Add a teaspoon of sour cream and let wander 3 months. Take 100 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Do massage and self-neck massage.
Can also help infusion marsh wild rosemary. 2 tbsp. L herbs need to pour a glass of boiled water. Soak in the water bath for 15 minutes. Allow to cool infusion and mix it with apple vinegar 1: 3. Do the grinding.
A warming compress from warm pumpkin porridge to the whole hand can help.
Remember that you can not drink strong coffee and tea. They lead to vasospasm. Better for breakfast eat sprouted grains or oatmeal, rhubarb, sorrel, buckwheat. Run, skate in the winter, roller skate in the summer, swim. In the cold do not go without hats and mittens. While working at the computer, at least occasionally, rotate the brushes. Hands when working at the computer, keep on the table, close to the body, they should not hang down.
Partial numbness of fingers
Partial numbness of the fingers should make you act. Check the condition of the spine, especially the cervical, make an x-ray and MRI. According to the results you will be assigned a massage and exercise therapy. Keep track of how you react to stress. If you have frequent panic attacks, it's time to visit a neurologist or psychotherapist. Remember if you had any injuries to your shoulder, elbow, or wrist.
First of all, a neurologist at the reception of a patient with such complaints excludes cerebral circulation disorders - ischemia and stroke. To determine the cause of numbness, you may need to take a blood test for hormones or toxins if your job is related to occupational hazards.
After the survey, prescribed medication to relieve pain and improve sensitivity. A timely visit to the doctor will allow you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in a short time and affect the cause of the disease.
Numbness of fingers after childbirth
Edema often accompany the last months of pregnancy, hands are no exception. The accumulated fluid presses the nerve bundle on the wrist, which is located in a narrow channel, hence all the trouble begins. Of course, a woman becomes accustomed during pregnancy to unpleasant sensations, sometimes it is easier to think that this is because the arm was in an uncomfortable position for a long time. But still, it is worth looking for the cause inside the body, which during this period changes every day.
We advise you to control weight during pregnancy. An increase in body weight contributes to numbness of the fingers. On the hands should not be loads during pregnancy. Do not lift more than 4 kg.
Numbness of the fingers after childbirth sometimes indicates heart problems that have experienced an overload during pregnancy. Do not be nervous during pregnancy. This is the perfect period in your life! Nervous overloads also sometimes lead to numbness.
Who to contact?
Treatment of numbness of the fingers
Numbness of the fingers can be a sign of serious body problems. Of course, it happens that this condition is caused, for example, by deficiencies of vitamin B12. If you do not eat meat and fish, add brewer's yeast to your diet. They are in pharmacies. Eat red vegetables, as well as greens, in these products there are many other vitamins - vitamin A, which is important for fighting numbness. You can get nicotinic acid from nuts and grains, which is indispensable for your nervous system.
Older people often wear woolen thread on their wrists. This is a very old way of dealing with numbness of the upper limbs.
A therapist or neurologist can refer you to a cardiologist if you complain about the numbness of your little finger. He will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
If a neurom infringement is detected by a neurologist's consultation about numbness, your doctor will prescribe vitamins of group B and a procedure such as amplipulse with analgin. Also required refusal of alcohol, smoking and strong tea.
To help with numbness in people with circulatory problems come to the aid of parsley and celery. Take them for 1 kilogram, as well as a glass of honey. Pass a mixture of these products through a meat grinder. Use 4 tbsp. L in the morning on an empty stomach.
With poor blood circulation, Raynaud's syndrome, it is important to provide the body with ascorbic acid. She - a real elixir for blood vessels. Eat more citrus, tea, replace the drink from rose hips.
Massage for numbness of the fingers
The elasticity of the arteries can be lost with frequent supercooling. And this also becomes a cause of numbness, pain, and goosebumps. In this case, you should wear warm clothes and try to avoid vibration. Massage is also a good remedy for both prevention and treatment of numbness in the fingers.
Hand massage normalizes the capillaries. Pick up a small ball and roll it in your palm. Use the index finger of your right hand to grind the fingers of your left hand. Then change hands. It may also help contact massage with rubbing tincture of lilac juice.
Now, on weekends, we are working with all our might on our personal plots, and our hands get very tired during the day. General hand massage will help: stroking, rubbing.
10 g of camphor alcohol must be diluted in a liter of cold water and massage the hands with rubbing solution. Or another mixture: take a glass of vegetable oil and sugar and mix. We do massage numb places.
Cure for numbness of fingers
If numbness of the fingers occurs during tunnel syndrome, glucocorticoid injections are made into the carpal tunnel, massage is performed, and overloads and occupational hazards are excluded.
What kind of substance glucocorticoids? These are hormones produced by the adrenal glands. They are used for a very long time, since the middle of the XX century. Hydrocortisone is used most widely. Its anti-inflammatory effect is due to the suppression of the activity of phospholipase A2, which inhibits the formation of prostaglandins, due to which inflammation and pain occurs.
These drugs have some toxic effects on the body, which can be reduced by the appointment of liver enzyme inducers. With glucocorticoid therapy, it is undesirable to take estrogen containing drugs at the same time. Diuretics interact with glucocorticoids in such a way that an arrhythmia can begin. Be careful. Also, glucocorticoids suppress immunity, reduce the effectiveness of insulin, heparin and vaccines.
There are also many alternative medicine remedies for numbness in the fingers. You can prepare the tincture of pickled cucumbers and red pepper. Dice cucumbers and chop the pepper and add 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist a week and then rub your fingers with tincture.
Numbness of the fingers should not be ignored - find out the reason and only after that begin treatment and be healthy!