Numbness of fingertips
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Causes of numbness in fingertips
Most often, after a warm-up from the morning, the problem disappears, if you just laid a hand in your sleep. But it happens that the cause of unilateral numbness of the fingers becomes osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Also, the numbness of the fingertips can result from a lack of iron in the blood, diabetes or pancreatitis. Also, the pain in the fingers can bother the person, if by his profession he is forced to constantly strain his hands, perform monotonous work with his hands. During work, you should definitely take breaks and warm-up. Remember that if the numbness does not pass within half an hour, there is a risk of losing the function of the hand. Also, the cause of numbness can be a violation of the blood flow in the hand, called Reynaud's syndrome. This disease often affects the fair sex. To determine the Raynaud's syndrome, a doctor can help, and so that he does not overtake you, do not forget to wear warm natural gloves or mittens in winter. Also among the causes of numbness are often - diseases of endocrine glands, joint diseases. Be attentive to yourself.
Numbness in the pads of the fingers
Numbness of the fingertips most often in this age of computers occurs because of carpal tunnel syndrome. What is it? Carpal tunnel syndrome, or, as it is called, the carpal canal is a sensation of numbness, pain and "goose bumps" in hands, associated with monotonous work by hands. Also, the cause of numbness of the pads of the fingers can be a scoliosis or intervertebral hernia, lifting weights, for example, heavy bags or carrying children. Other causes are hypertension, venous congestion, the Reynaud syndrome mentioned above.
Do simple gymnastics for the hands. Here are some examples of some useful exercises:
- Sit down, raise your hands and shake them. Lower your hands. Repeat 10 times.
- Sitting or standing, pull out your arms at the shoulder level and rotate them. Do 10 approaches.
- Sit or stand with your arms at shoulder level and squeeze into a fist, then relax your hands. Repeat 10 times.
- Sitting on a chair, turn your head from left to right and from top to bottom. Move slowly, 10 times.
Exercises for greater effectiveness are better done 3 times a day.
Similar to carpal tunnel syndrome, signs, such as numbness of fingertips, happen with polyneuropathy. Address just in case to the neurologist, the orthopedist, hand over a blood on sugar and make a roentgen of a backbone with capture of cervical and thoracic departments.
Who to contact?
Diagnosis of numbness of fingertips
Numbness of the little finger of the left hand indicates problems with the heart. Numbness in both hands occurs with a deficiency of B vitamins. Atherosclerosis in the initial stage and diseases of the elbow joint also manifest themselves by numbness of the fingertips.
You can help the osteopath, restoring the function of nerve endings. Also hand baths help. Blood glucose correction and multivitamin complexes, smoking and booze can be prescribed.
After neurological diseases and injuries, you may be assigned an X-ray of the spine or arm joints, MRI of the spine and joints, ultrasound of the vessels, electroencephalography. It may be found that the numbness of the fingertips is a consequence of the stagnant processes of the internal organs or the abnormal functioning of the thyroid gland. With the pathology of the thyroid gland, you may encounter not only numbness, but also with general weakness, tremor of hands. It is necessary to make ultrasound shchitovidki and donate blood to her hormones. During pregnancy, with the appearance of swelling and numbness in the fingertips, measure the pressure. And in general, pregnant women need to measure it regularly, especially at the end of the term. In the diet should include asparagus and herbs. They not only prevent edema, but also contain folic acid necessary for pregnant women in large quantities.
The Raynaud's disease manifests itself in the symmetrical numbness of both hands. To diagnose osteochondrosis and herniated discs, enough x-rays. It shows the bony proliferation and prolapse of the disk core.
Treatment of numbness of fingertips
Numbness of fingertips is almost always a consequence of problems with blood vessels. But if you do not suffer from heart diseases, vascular diseases, or problems with the spine, the reason can be more harmless - for example, a lack of vitamin A or B vitamins. Also, perhaps, your condition was caused by prolonged weight-bearing, chronic trauma. But do not miss the onset of more serious changes in the body, such as atherosclerosis. Add to the list of possible causes of kidney disease, lungs and just strong experiences, panic attacks, neurosis. In representatives of some professions: the operator of a computer set, a seamstress, a painter, numbness of the fingertips is more common than in others.
Start by consulting a neurologist and a cardiologist. With a neuropathy of the elbow joint, the neurologist will prescribe medications to calm the nervous system.
Cases of systematic numbness quite logically cause us anxiety. If this happens often, we can no longer write off everything just for a not very comfortable pose.
How to treat numbness of fingertips, many people do not know. In fact, there are many methods. Among them, due to high efficiency, the manual effect took a worthy place. Manual therapy will save you from muscle blocks and remove inflammation.
Methods of physiotherapy improve the nutrition of tissues and the flow of blood to the affected area. LFK develops joints and muscles, promotes blood circulation.
Try alternative methods of treatment, for example, pumpkin porridge. Cook it and put warm on the whole hand - from the shoulder to the fingers. Wrap it with wool.
Another recipe: pour a liter of sunflower oil 100 g of ground black pepper and cook for 30 minutes on a small fire. Rub into the fingers.
50 ml of ammonia and 10 ml of camphor mixed and rub your hands.
Help to cope with numbness can tied on the wrist, like a bracelet, a woolen thread.
To get rid of the numbness of the fingertips, it is enough just to start treatment in time.
Prevention of numbness in fingertips
We advise you to monitor your blood pressure and kidney condition. Swelling often causes the fingertips to numb. You need to do simple exercises, for example, fold your arms in front of your chest and rub your palms against each other. The ends of the fingers of the right hand touch the fingers of the left hand and press a little. We massage the fingers of the left and right hands separately for several minutes.
Numbness of fingertips should not drive you into a panic, but to find out the reason and how to treat it is necessary.