Numbness of the left arm
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Numbness of the left arm may indicate a pre-sultural condition, as well as inflammation of the ulnar nerve, heart disease, nerve trunks, etc., is not excluded.
When numbness does not go away for a long time or worries from time to time for unknown reasons, it is necessary to consult a doctor and take a survey.
From the cardiovascular system, the numbness of the left arm can be associated with a heart attack, especially if there is a parallel pain in the left breast, panic, pallor, nausea, shortness of breath, cold sweat. Often, numbness and pain are also indicated by angina pectoris.
In addition, numbness can be a consequence of the injury, after bruises, fractures, sprains or rupture of ligaments. Excessive physical activity, prolonged work in an uncomfortable position leads to overstrain of the muscles, which leads to unpleasant sensations.
From the side of the nervous system, numbness can indicate a violation of muscle nutrition due to compression of the nerve endings, which leads to numbness of the hand. In addition, dysfunction of the spine can also cause numbness of the limbs. Transmitting vessels, nerve endings, osteochondrosis - all this leads to numbness.
With the numbness of the left arm and fingers, when there is pain in the heart area, aches may be a symptom of breast osteochondrosis.
Another cause of numbness may be vascular disease, tuberculosis of the spine, etc.
Also numbness can be associated with oncology. For example, in the spinal cord, a growing tumor begins to press on the adjacent vessels and nerves, thus causing unpleasant sensations (in the case of swelling, incapacity occurs quickly enough).
However, often the cause of numbness can become ordinary fatigue due to excessive physical exertion and proper rest will help to normalize the condition.
Causes of left arm numbness
Numbness of the left hand often speaks of serious diseases. Often the cause of numbness are spinal diseases, inflammation of the ulnar nerve, impaired function of the heart and vessels, pre-sultural state.
The most common cause of numbness is prolonged compression of the nerve. Usually this is facilitated by an uncomfortable position when working or resting. In this case, changing the posture and a small massage will help improve the condition.
Numbness may result from neurological complications, which often appear with cervical osteochondrosis, displacement of vertebrae.
Often, numbness leads to muscle strain in the cervical collar section. This pathology often affects pianists, computer scientists, etc., because they are forced to stay in the same (often incorrect) position for a long time, which leads to overstrain, spasm and nerve transmission.
People who work at a computer for a long time often get numb in the left hand. Often, numbness occurs after a person falls asleep in an uncomfortable or incorrect posture.
Also, the cause of numbness of the hand may be impaired blood circulation in the brain, cervical spine. Disturbance of blood circulation indicates a pre-sultural state, often in this case there is increased pressure, high cholesterol.
Sometimes stressful situations, psychoemotional stress also causes numbness of the left arm.
Causes of numbness in the fingers of the left hand
Complaints about the numbness of the left arm or fingers are widespread.
Often, this condition appears after taking medications, nervous shock, dehydration, etc.
Sometimes numbness of the fingers is due to reduced sugar, a lack of B vitamins.
More serious causes of numbness of the fingers can be heart and vascular disease. When there is a feeling of numbness in the fingers of the left hand, confusion of speech - it is urgent to call an ambulance, since these signs may indicate a beginning stroke.
A heart attack can also be a cause of numbness in your fingers. Often with numbness there is nausea, pain in the sternum, lack of air.
Pinched nerves due to injuries of the spine, shoulders, intervertebral hernia, displacement of the vertebrae, etc. - Another fairly common cause of numbness of the fingers.
Numbness of the fingers can occur due to trauma to the nerve fibers in the wrist (carpal tunnel syndrome). In this disease, too, soreness, tingling, and weakness of the hand are of concern.
Fingers of the hand may become numb because of narrowed vessels, diabetes, paralysis.
Another causative numbness of the fingers may be associated with Raynaud's syndrome (spasms, narrowing of the vessels). This disease often develops as a result of stress, hypothermia, wrist tumors, angina pectoris, a lack of vitamins, excessive alcohol consumption, interaction with harmful substances.
Often, the cause of numbness in the fingers may not be associated with nearby tissues and organs. For example, the transferred operations, internal organs dysfunctions, infectious and viral diseases, can cause numbness of fingers on the arm.
Causes of numbness in the little finger of the left hand
Complaints about the numbness of the left arm, especially the little finger, have recently become more frequent.
More and more patients are turning to a neurologist with this problem. According to experts, this problem is related to work at the computer, when the arm is in a constant stress for a long time. The monotonous movements, which a person often repeats daily, lead to compression of the nerve endings in the hand, which causes a feeling of numbness in the little finger (or the entire hand).
Also from this affliction suffer and those who in the sphere of their activity performs monotonous movements.
Another reason for the numbness of the little finger of the hand is the so-called tunnel syndrome, which also develops due to the nerve transmission. As a result of the clamping of nerves, a tunnel is formed, in which nerve endings appear. If the hand is in a long position in one position, the transmitted nerve causes tension, soreness, tingling (in some cases, a slight tremor), numbness.
For more serious reasons, the numbness of the little finger can be attributed to osteochondrosis, heart disease, trauma that led to blood circulation in the hand, manic conditions, intervertebral hernia, infectious diseases (pneumonia), hypothermia, arthritis, Raynaud's disease, depressive disorders ...
How does the left arm feel numb?
Numbness of the left hand often leads to physical discomfort. When numbness is usually observed nerve transmission and it manifests as a tingling sensation. Tingling, usually, is insignificant, but in some cases it can be quite strong.
Typically, numbness is felt after changing the uncomfortable position, relaxing the muscles. Sometimes, when numbness, a person does not feel a limb completely, a temporary incapacity of the hand or fingers occurs, during the massage, the sensitivity can gradually return.
Numbness and pain of the left hand
The pain and numbness of the left hand can be caused by a variety of causes, besides, unpleasant sensations can also manifest in different ways. Numbness and pain can be concentrated in one part or spread to the whole arm, the pain can be sharp and sharp, or grow gradually, and there may also be paroxysms or permanent pain in the hand.
Often, pain and numbness develop as a result of trauma (stretching, rupture of ligaments, fractures, bruises), prolonged overstrain.
In case of pain and numbness associated with trauma, it is necessary to ensure the utmost rest to the patient's arm. If you suspect a fracture or dislocation, you need to urgently seek medical help, take an x-ray, apply a cast.
With regular pain and numbness of the left arm, a checkup should be performed, since this condition may indicate a number of serious disorders from the spine, heart, vessels, nerve trunks.
The pain in the arm does not always appear in the place of the bruise, for example, a sick wrist can give in the forearm, usually this is observed with loads associated with professional activities.
Pain in the arm can appear after wearing heavy weights, which leads to inflammation of the tendons. Thus the person also feels a burning sensation, a pricking, especially at night which passes or takes place after a small warm-up.
When there are pains in the left hand that do not go away for several days, you should immediately call your doctor. In this case, the pain can increase during the performance of any loads (even minor ones). In addition, a signal for urgent medical treatment is puffiness, lack of mobility of joints.
Numbness of left arm and leg
As already mentioned, numbness of the left arm is often due to the squeezing of the nerve endings that nourish the muscles. When diagnosing the specialist determines the place of compression of nerve fibers and eliminates the cause.
Numbness of the foot is often found in young people and may indicate a serious pathology, since in most cases numbness causes spine diseases (hernia, osteochondrosis, etc.).
In the human body, the spine is responsible for a number of functions, including the normal performance of the hands and feet.
Diseases of the waist can provoke soreness and numbness of the leg. The frequency of appearance of unpleasant sensations, the character of numbness depends on the disease.
Intervertebral hernia presses on the nerve endings, which leads to tissue spasm, resulting in numbness of the arm or leg (often the hands and feet). When the intervertebral hernia appears heaviness in the legs, pain, "goose bumps", with a long standing or sitting, turns of the head and other abrupt movements soreness increases. Also numbness can be associated with osteochondrosis or other diseases (diabetes mellitus).
Osteochondrosis can be accompanied by various symptoms. To accurately determine the cause of numbness of the legs, it is necessary to fully examine.
For diagnosis, x-rays are often used - the cheapest method available in polyclinics, more informative diagnostic methods are MRI and ultrasound.
As a rule, before the numbness of the legs appears, a person already feels other symptoms of the disease, which can appear even at a young age and have a chronic character (most often low back pain). In the absence of treatment, the disease progresses. Sometimes there is a temporary improvement, but the feeling of stiffness of the spine remains, with time the pain and numbness of the legs are observed.
Numbness of the fingers of the left hand
Numbness of the left arm, in particular the fingers, starts to disturb the person after numbness becomes permanent and is accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations, not only in the fingers, but in the whole hand.
Often fingers begin to grow numb with headaches, dizziness, before loss of consciousness.
Specialists consider numbness of the fingers a fairly serious signal, which can indicate problems with the spine.
Numbness of the little finger of the left hand
Numbness of the little finger, as well as numbness of the left arm, can be associated with the transmission of nerve endings. If discomfort occurs, you can grind or massage the brush, perform simple movements (bend, unbend, turn).
If the little finger became dumb during work, you need to take a break and give the hand rest, stretch the brush. With the existing osteochondrosis, it is recommended to systematically undergo a massage course, exercise and physical exercises, consult with a neuropathologist about possible violations.
If necessary, the doctor can send for an additional examination (X-ray, ultrasound, electroneuromyography, etc.), after which he will appoint an effective treatment.
If the numbness of the little finger occurs against the background of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis, etc. Do not self-medicate. With systematic numbness, it is more advisable to consult a therapist or a cardiologist.
Numbness of the ring finger of the left hand
When the numb finger is numb, first of all, it is worth checking the heart, if the cardiovascular system is disturbed, soreness may appear in the inner side of the forearm.
Violation of the sensitivity of the fingers in early spring can be due to the lack of vitamins, in particular A and B group. When vitamins are deficient with numbness of the finger, skin peeling appears. Older people show signs of atherosclerosis and numbness of the left arm or fingertips.
Numbness of the ring finger can indicate the onset of a stroke, ischemic spasm, osteochondrosis, nervous overexertion, inflammation of the ulnar nerve, etc.
With regular numbness, you should contact a specialist to promptly identify the disease and begin treatment.
Numbness of the left thumb
Numbness of the thumb on the left arm is often a sign of the malfunctioning of the respiratory system.
When numbness affects two fingers, for example, large and index (medium), it is most likely the fault of the displacement of the intervertebral discs, the transmission of nerve endings in the neck. In this case, with numbness there will be weakness, soreness in the shoulder, forearm.
Also, the numbness of the left hand and thumb can be associated with inflammatory processes in the internal organs - liver, kidneys, lungs.
Numbness of the index finger of the left hand
With numbness of the index finger, inflammation of the nerve fibers of the shoulder or elbow joint is often observed. In this case, numbness of the finger is accompanied by weakness of the hand, tenderness when flexing, numbness of the outer side of the hand.
Numbness of the left hand or only the index finger (in some cases, the middle one) often occurs with inflammation of the cervical vertebrae, displacement of the discs (numbness and weakness are observed).
Systematic monotonous movements that are associated with the performance of professional duties often lead to a feeling of numbness of the index finger, stiffness of the wrist, cramps. This condition arises from the overstrain of the arm muscles.
Numbness of left hand palm
The numbness of the left arm was formerly considered a natural age-related change, but now young people suffer from numbness.
Numbness often pains in the morning, usually the cause of this is an awkward posture and, as a rule, after a change in the position of the body, numbness gradually passes.
But it happens that numbness begins for no apparent reason, in this case it is worth consulting with a therapist, undergo a survey, exclude serious pathologies.
Numbness of the hands now occurs quite often, the cause of this, usually, is the compression of the nerves. If you miss the time and do not eliminate the cause, then the disease will progress. At first, there is numbness of only the fingers, then the palms, in the course of time there is soreness, especially with hand movements, which increases in the mornings or at night.
Numbness of the palms at night can be associated with violations of the endocrine or nervous system. The most common cause is the cervical osteochondrosis. The peculiarity of this disorder is that only one arm is numb
Numbness of the middle finger of the left hand
Numbness of the fingers on the left arm develops for a variety of reasons. Bloating numbness can occur against the background of heart disease, spine, poor nutrition, severe nervous shock, narrowing of blood vessels, etc.
Numbness of the left arm is usually associated with cardiac problems, but in practice, in most cases, the cause of numbness is osteochondrosis.
Disturbances in the thoracic or cervical spine due to nerve transmission can lead to numbness of the middle finger on the left arm.
Typically, with osteochondrosis, one middle finger becomes numb, but in some cases several fingers become numb (usually large, medium, index).
In addition to numbness, a person is troubled by weakness, stiffness, tenderness in the forearm or shoulder.
In addition, numbness of the middle finger can appear with inflammation of the elbow joints due to trauma, trophic changes, etc. (usually the back of the finger grows dumb).
Also numbness of the finger can develop as a result of atherosclerosis (narrowing of the vessels, which leads to insufficient circulation of tissues).
Numbness of the left hand
Numbness of the left hand brush often develops as a result of systematic hard work, in which hands and hands are predominantly involved. In addition to numbness of the person, burning, soreness of fingers is disturbed.
The cause of numbness is the pinched nerve on the carpal tunnel.
When working with monotonous movements of the hands, there is swelling, inflammation of the tendons, which leads to an exaggerated nerve.
At the beginning of the disease appears numbness of the cyst mainly in the mornings, with time (if there is no cure) the numbness of the left arm begins to bother constantly, besides, there is a strong soreness.
The cause of numbness of the brush can be the incorrect work of the endocrine system, trauma, arthritis, etc. Independently to determine the cause is quite difficult, so you should consult a neurologist, go through the necessary examination, take tests. Timely diagnosed and effective treatment will not only help to eliminate discomfort, but also to preserve the mobility of the hand.
If your left arm becomes numb, when your arm grows numb from bottom to bottom, pain begins, which increases with time, you need to seek medical help urgently. If numbness and pain last more than an hour, then perhaps the problem is thrombosis of the artery.
A slight numbness in the left arm
The slight numbness of the left arm can be associated with poor blood circulation. This happens, as a rule, because of the uncomfortable position during work, rest. Violation of the vessels (constriction, squashing, etc.) can cause a slight numbness in the arm.
Numbness of the fingertips of the left hand
Most people complain about the numbness of their left arm. Often numb only the tips of the fingers, the cause of this can be a variety of disorders and diseases. Most often, the numbness of the fingertips is due to impaired blood circulation, and cold hands are often observed.
Numbness of the left arm and face
Numbness of the face is also quite common. Often the numbness of the face indicates a pre-sulphurous condition, especially if there is also a numbness in the left arm, an increasing pain.
Also numbness of the face can be associated with a number of other disorders: multiple sclerosis, nerve inflammation, hypothermia (especially in winter), severe nervous shock, problems with the spine, etc.
With numbness of the face, taste sensations are often lost, there are problems with swallowing, which indicates the defeat of the facial nerve.
Numbness and tingling of the left arm
Numbness of the left arm and tingling is a rather alarming signal.
This condition, especially with the appearance of pain in the chest and jaw indicates the onset of a heart attack.
Tingling and numbness of the hand can also be associated with stroke, overexertion, poor blood circulation (due to tight clothing, tight adornments on the hand, etc.), spine problems.
A slight tingling in the numbness of the hand can talk about the development of the tunnel syndrome (impaired blood circulation, nerve transmission due to the often repeated monotonous movements, overstrain).
Numbness of two fingers of the left hand
Often repeated numbness of the left hand, which does not go away for a long time should alert and become an occasion for urgent consultation with a neurologist.
If the left hand is numb with two fingers, then, most likely, it is connected with the spine. Intervertebral hernia, scoliosis, etc. Often lead to numbness of the fingers on the arm, often there is also soreness, weakness in the hand.
Numbness of left arm at night
Numbness of the left arm at night is associated with an uncomfortable position, when the hand is in a forced position. In a dream, a person practically does not control his postures, so it is possible to lie over his arm, which as a result will provoke numbness. Often, men suffer from numbness, on the shoulder of which their beloved likes to fall asleep. In this case, blood vessels and nerve endings are transmitted and the arm grows numb. Usually after a change of position, a little workout, the unpleasant sensations pass.
In addition, numbness of the hands at night can be associated with serious diseases (inflammation of the nerves, circulatory disorders, etc.). If numbness often disturbs and does not go away when changing positions or a small workout, you should consult a specialist.
Numbness of the fingers on the left hand at night can indicate possible problems with the heart.
Often, young people who spend a lot of time at the computer, at night feel a numbness of the hand, usually this is due to uncomfortable position during sleep and the person just does not attach importance to numbness. However, as practice shows, the main cause of numbness in young people is the carpal tunnel syndrome. Not only computer specialists, but also writers, pianists, etc., whose professional activity is associated with overstrain of the tendons of the hands, are affected by this ailment. If you do not attach importance to the symptoms of the disease, then with neglected forms you will have to do the operation.
Also, the nocturnal numbness of the hand can be a consequence of a viral infection, diabetes, anemia, etc., against which polyneuropathy develops (nerve damage in the wrist and fingers).
Numbness of tongue and left hand
Numbness of the tongue, like the numbness of the left arm, can occur for a variety of reasons.
To numbness can lead to addiction to alcohol, a lack of vitamins, the intake of certain medications, diseases of the spine (with often numbness of the tongue is observed simultaneously with numbness of the hand).
Numbness of the left forearm
Numbness of the left arm to the elbow (forearm) can also be associated with various disorders. The main cause may be poor blood circulation due to trauma, uncomfortable position, overstrain (with monotonous movements), overcooling. As a rule, numbness in this case is not a permanent character and passes after a massage or warm-up.
Also, numbness of the forearm can develop against a background of osteochondrosis, cerebral circulation disorders, diseases of internal organs, stress, etc.
Numbness of the left hand during pregnancy
Numbness of the left arm during pregnancy is often associated with osteochondrosis and other injuries of the spine. Now there is a tendency to rejuvenate the diseases, i.e. Diseases, which only a few decades ago only elderly people were ill, are now increasingly diagnosed in young people.
Pregnancy is the period when all chronic diseases begin to worsen, and the hidden ones manifest themselves.
Often, the vertebral hernia leads to the fact that a woman begins to grow dumb. Also, overstrain of the cervical spine can cause numbness of the left arm or fingers. Often a lack of vitamins or minerals causes numbness, in particular iron deficiency anemia is one of the causes of numbness in the arms during pregnancy.
A pregnant woman is gaining weight every month, while her motor activity is reduced, which can lead to poor blood circulation and provoke numbness. In addition, the growing uterus can transmit nerve endings, which can also cause numbness in the left arm.
Also, there are many diseases in which the left arm may be drowsy.
In the third trimester, the risk of puffiness increases, during which many women complain of numbness in the fingers (pinkie, anonymous). Often the cause of numbness is a tight engagement ring.
Who to contact?
Treatment of numbness of the left hand
Numbness of the left hand requires mandatory specialist advice, except for cases of natural numbness (uncomfortable position, prolonged stay in one position, etc.). In most cases, the disease, one of the symptoms of which is numbness, is well treatable.
The main principle of treatment is the restoration of the functions of nerve endings and blood flow. For these purposes, therapeutic exercise, massage, physiotherapy procedures are used.
If the numbness of the left arm, fingers is associated with the development of a stroke or heart attack, seeking medical help should not be delayed, since irreversible consequences are possible.
If there is numbness due to overwork or Raynaud's syndrome, it is recommended to change the place of work (regime) as much as possible, possibly moving to another climatic zone.
In case of fatigue of the wrist muscles (long work at a computer, a typewriter, professional piano playing, etc.), you should regularly take small breaks and do gymnastics for the hands, restoring blood circulation.
Treatment of numbness of the fingers of the left hand
If the cause of numbness of the fingers is osteochondrosis (as a rule, it tortures the cervical department), then the treatment consists in carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures, medicamental treatment, and good results are shown by manual therapy.
Due to increased blood circulation in the problematic part of the body (for example, the cervical spine), the tension in the diseased nerve decreases, and its functions are restored.
Numbness of the left arm or fingers after a night's sleep will help to remove the gymnastics, which is recommended after waking up, not getting out of bed:
- stretch your arms straight and clench your fists (repeat 50 times)
- Hands put along the body and clench fists
- perform rotation of the hands alternately in one and the other side.
If numbness worries during the day, you can also perform uncomplicated gymnastics to resume normal blood circulation in your hand:
- to perform active movements with fingers spread out
- perform rotation with hands clenched in the fist alternately in one and the other side
- with crossed fingers alternately lower one hand down, while the other is held at a level.
Treatment of numbness in the little finger of the left hand
Treatment of numbness of the little finger should be started from a neurologist or surgeon. Usually, before the diagnosis is made, additional tests (tomography, X-ray, etc.) are prescribed.
Depending on the diagnosis, treatment is prescribed (medications, massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy, etc.). If necessary, the patient is referred for inpatient treatment.
In most cases, the numbness of the little finger is conservative. However, in some diseases, surgical treatment is most effective, for example, in tunneling neuropathy. During surgery, the surgeon reduces pressure on the nerve, which helps restore normal blood circulation in the finger.
If neuropathy has developed as a result of trauma, then treatment should be started as early as possible. In this case, an operation is required to release the nerve from the post-traumatic pressure. If after a trauma a lot of time has passed (more than two months), then it may be necessary to have plastic. In most cases, the operation goes well, the sensitivity of the finger is restored, numbness of the left arm and little finger passes.
Prevention of numbness of the left arm
To prevent diseases that provoke numbness of the left hand, you should abandon bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), lead an active and healthy lifestyle, adhere to a healthy diet.
Improper nutrition, lifestyle, bad habits lead to the formation of cholesterol and clogging of blood vessels.
It is also recommended to take regular breaks in work (especially when doing hard, monotonous work with hands), knead hands, try not to overcool, and avoid excessive loads.
If the numbness of the left arm is still there and is not related to natural causes, it is necessary to consult a specialist, since self-medication in this case (without establishing an accurate diagnosis) can lead to serious problems. Usually, when self-treated, the disease becomes chronic and then it is much more difficult to cure, in some cases it can not do without surgery.
Numbness of the left arm is now quite a common problem, both among young people and among older people. Numbness can cause a number of reasons, some of which are quite dangerous for life.
Numbness of the hand should alert the person when soreness appears (in the hand, left breast, shoulder, etc.), weakness, and also disturb other symptoms (headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc.).