Numbness of little fingers
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024
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Numbness of the little fingers of the hands usually occurs when the nerve endings located in the fingers are damaged. There is numbness for various reasons, but most often this condition is associated with squeezing or intense stress on the hands, in some cases, numbness in the little fingers proceeds with a burning sensation or tingling sensations.
Sometimes there is pain and weak mobility of the little finger (or complete immobilization of the finger).
If numbness of the little finger occurs together with a violation of clarity of thinking, dizziness, headache, urgent medical attention is needed, since these symptoms can be associated with a stroke.
Causes of numbness in little fingers
Numbness in the little fingers of the hands can indicate different diseases.
Often, numbness is caused by uncomfortable clothing (too tight elastic on the sleeve, narrow sleeve, etc.), which causes blood circulation in the hand to be broken. Also numbness may appear due to uncomfortable posture during sleep or any physical overstrain. Often, numbness occurs due to trauma, shock, squeezing, which leads to nerve damage. In this case, numbness almost always has a short-term character, when the nerve is restored to the little finger, sensitivity immediately returns.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine also often leads to numbness in the little fingers (possibly other fingers of the hand). With this disease, numbness affects the fingers only on one arm. Osteochondrosis is quite a serious disease, often numbness from little fingers spreads all over the arm, accompanied by soreness, sensitivity to cold.
In addition, numbness can cause tunnel syndrome (nerve endings due to overstrain of the hand during work associated with fine motor skills), clamping of the ulnar nerve (neuritis, radiculitis, etc.), ischemic disease, pre-sultural state.
Causes of numbness in the little finger of the left hand
The most common causes of numbness of the little finger on the left arm are tunnel syndrome, compression of the ulnar nerve, ischemia, vascular disease.
Tunnel syndrome develops as a result of prolonged overstrain of the tendons of the hands. This disease affects people whose work requires fine motor skills (musicians, typists, when working on a computer). Especially prone to the development of tunnel syndrome left-handed (with knitting, drawing, etc.).
When clamping the ulnar nerve in some cases, numbness affects partially and ring finger, in which case numbness can be associated with neuritis, radiculitis, etc.
Cardiovascular diseases usually provoke numbness in the little fingers of the hands. With ischemia or pre-abscess, numbness often accompanies tenderness in the arm or little finger.
Causes of numbness in the little finger of the right hand
Often, numbness in the little fingers appears in carpal or ulnar neuropathy. Most of the people on the planet are right-handed people, i.e. All the main work is performed by the right hand. Because of frequent stress, the ulnar nerve is affected, which causes numbness. In this case, pain often appears, which can be amplified at night or during physical stress. As a rule, when you shake the hand, the pain passes.
Symptoms of numbness in little fingers
Numbness in the little fingers of the hands is expressed in the loss of the sensitivity of the finger. The numbness begins with the disturbance of the blood flow, then there is burning, tingling, a feeling of tightness.
Numbness of the little finger on the right arm
Numbness in the little fingers of the hands is often the result of any disturbance in the body. The little finger on the right hand often begins to grow dull due to osteochondrosis. The disease is marked by rapid progression, so timely diagnosis is extremely important.
Numbness of the little finger of the left hand
Numbness of the little fingers of the hands, especially the little finger of the left hand, is often associated with heart disease. To confirm the diagnosis, a variety of tests and examinations are prescribed. Also, if there is a suspicion of heart disease, it is advisable to consult a therapist and neurologist.
If the examination did not show any violations in the work of the cardiovascular system, then most likely, numbness is associated with a stressful condition or a strong nervous overexertion.
Numbness in the little fingers of both hands
Numbness of the little fingers of the hands can arise as a result of vascular or neurological disorders.
Numbness can provoke strokes, uncomfortable poses, squeezing. Often in the morning there is a feeling of numbness of fingers due to uncomfortable posture or being in one position for a long time, which leads to compression of nerve endings and blood vessels.
Quite often, various pathologies of the nervous system (tumors, infections, abnormal peripheral nerves, diseases caused by improper functioning of the immune system) can be causative of numbness in the little fingers.
Also numbness can provoke a lack of vitamins, a metabolic disorder.
Neuropathologists with the appearance of numbness initially suggest squeezing the ulnar nerve, since it has a rather complex and tortuous structure. When the nerve is squeezed, nerve impulses can not pass to the brachial plexus, which disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses, resulting in numbness.
Violation of the blood flow also leads to a feeling of numbness in the little fingers. Disrupt blood flow can various injuries, the formation of thrombi, atherosclerotic plaques.
Loss of sensitivity of the little finger can indicate the onset of serious disorders, so it is important to immediately seek the advice of a neurologist.
Easy numbness of the little finger of the left hand
Slight numbness in the little fingers of the hands is common, both among the elderly and among young people. If there is a slight numbness you need to rub your finger or the entire brush, you can also rub the area of the forearm. It helps to relax the muscles and help with numbness a little gymnastics (flexion, extension of fingers, rotation of the brush, etc.).
If a slight numbness appeared during work, you need to take a short break and perform several exercises.
With the existing osteochondrosis as a prevention of numbness, you should regularly do physical exercises, undergo a course of massage, and also a neurologist should be monitored to monitor the changes.
In case of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis and other diseases, it is not worthwhile to self-medicate and if there is a slight numbness it is better to consult a specialist immediately (cardiologist, therapist), especially if numbness has acquired a regular character.
Who to contact?
Diagnosis of numbness in little fingers
When referring to a specialist with the problem of numbness of the little finger, first of all, the cerebral circulation is excluded, and the development of this disorder is prevented.
For this purpose, the doctor prescribes some examinations: the x-ray of the cervical section, the examination of the permeability of the vessels, magnetic resonance angiography, electroencephalography, computer and magnetic resonance scanning, echoencephalography,
After the pathology of the central nervous system is excluded, the specialist diagnoses disorders in the hand or fingers.
In addition, you can carry out self-diagnosis with the help of one exercise: extend the arms, connect the back of the hand (elbows to the sides) and bend your wrists at an angle of 900. If there is pain, then you need to urgently consult a specialist.
If there was numbness in the little fingers, attention should be paid to the first signs of the tunnel syndrome: swelling, itching, shaking, swelling of the tendons.
Treatment of numbness in little fingers
After consultation with a neurologist (cardiologist, therapist) and the passage of all necessary examinations (X-ray, screening, tomography, etc.), the expert makes a diagnosis and appoints a method of treatment.
Numbness of the little fingers of the hands when nerve endings are transmitted in the cervical spine is found in the overwhelming majority of cases. Treatment in this case is aimed at restoring sensitivity and eliminating pressure on nerve endings.
At the heart of the treatment is medical therapy, which helps to eliminate pain, swelling, muscle spasms, improve blood circulation in blood vessels. A complex of vitamins and minerals is also prescribed.
As a local treatment, manual therapy is prescribed, which helps in a short time to remove swelling, spasms, restore mobility in the vertebral joints. This effect promotes nutrition in the hands and eliminates numbness.
Quite an effective way to combat numbness is exercise therapy, after which the sensitivity of the little finger is quickly restored, since exercises improve the performance of peripheral vessels.
Physiotherapeutic procedures are also used in the complex treatment of numbness. Treatment with laser, ultrasound, magnetotherapy, etc. Stimulates the restoration of damaged tissues and blood circulation.
Another effective way to treat numbness is vacuum therapy, hirudotherapy, acupuncture and a number of other alternative medicine methods that, in complex treatment, can enhance the overall therapeutic effect.
In case if numbness is caused by poor circulation to restore sensitivity, you can use rubbing with camphor, ammonia, contrast baths.
Preventing numbness in little fingers
Numbness of the little fingers of the hands in some cases is quite complicated, therefore, some preventive measures should be taken to prevent the development of a more serious disease.
For the heart and joints, alcohol, nicotine, spicy and salty foods are destructive. To keep the heart and blood vessels healthy for longer, you need to eat vegetables, fruits, and lead an active lifestyle.
Separately it is necessary to say about clothes, it is important that it was not only beautiful, but also comfortable. Clothes, fettering movements, with tight cuffs lead to a violation of blood circulation, squeezing blood vessels, resulting in numbness. You can not tolerate hypothermia of the hands, in the cold season it is necessary to wear gloves or mittens made of natural materials.
During work, you need to regularly (every 30-40 minutes) arrange small breaks for warm-up of hands, which will help improve blood circulation and joint mobility.
Numbness often indicates the development of a serious disease, it is likely that such a condition is not related to professional activity, but indicates the likelihood of a stroke, poor vascular patency, diabetes, etc.
When there is numbness in the little fingers, it is recommended to consult with a specialist, which will help to identify pathology in time and save not only health, but life as well.
Prognosis of numbness in little fingers
With the timely detection of the disease, which led to a numbness of the little finger, the prognosis is usually favorable.
Medicamentous treatment in combination with physiotherapy helps restore the damaged blood circulation, joint mobility, relieve spasms, which causes numbness in the little finger of the hands.
In cardiac or vascular diseases, numbness usually passes after treatment of the underlying disease.
Numbness of the little fingers of the hands is found among people of any age, however such an innocuous symptom, at first glance, can not be ignored. In most cases, numbness is associated with overstrain of tendons, muscles of the hands, squeezing nerves, vessels, and also because of too narrow clothing, uncomfortable posture. Usually numbness in this case is eliminated quite quickly and does not require long-term treatment. But numbness can be associated with more serious pathologies, which often require inpatient treatment (stroke, thrombosis, diabetes, etc.).
Therefore, in case of numbness of little fingers, especially if this condition occurs periodically and is not associated with uncomfortable posture or clothing, you should consult a therapist or neurologist.