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Non-hormonal drugs for menopause in women: a list and reviews
Last reviewed: 23.04.2024

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Approximately after 45 years (someone earlier, and someone later) in the female body, the processes of extinction of the reproductive function begin: ovulation becomes less and less, the follicles cease to form, the menstrual cycle gradually ceases. The approaching menopause often proceeds with all sorts of unpleasant sensations for a woman - these are the "famous" tides, headaches, sweating, etc. And, if some women have such symptoms, they can pass almost imperceptibly, while others need to resort to medication to alleviate a little his condition. The most safe drugs for a given physiological period, according to experts, are non-hormonal drugs in menopause - these are mostly herbal remedies, or vitamin-based medicines that do not violate their own hormone production and do not cause any negative side effects.
Indications of the non-hormonal drugs in menopause
Non-hormonal drugs with menopause can be taken already when the first signs appear:
- with neurovegetative disorders (hot flashes, "jumps" of blood pressure, dizziness, sensation of "goosebumps," excessive dryness of cutaneous and mucous membranes);
- at psychoemotional disorders (irritability, sleep and appetite disturbance, constant fatigue, impaired concentration, decreased ability to work);
- when metabolic disorders (osteoporosis, diabetes, excessive weight, chondroses, arthrosis, with atrophic changes in the genital organs);
- with cyclic disorders (dysmenorrhea).
Release form
Currently, the pharmaceutical industry offers a very wide selection of non-hormonal drugs from menopause. What kind of drug is suitable in this or that situation - the doctor decides. Each woman is unique and special, so it is impossible to say with precision which form of the drug will be most optimal for her.
Some women prefer to take drugs in tablets - it's convenient, especially if you need to take them outside the home.
Someone prefers funds from the symptoms of menopause in drops - this form of the drug allows you to accurately dose the medicine.
In addition to these forms, non-hormonal drugs are available in the form of injection solutions, in the form of granules or capsules.
Of course, everyone has the right to choose which drug to take. But before making your choice, it is preferable to consult the doctor.
Names of non-hormonal drugs with menopause
Non-hormonal drugs with menopause may differ in the mechanism of action and the medicinal properties of the active ingredients. On the basis of this distinguish homeopathic remedies, biologically active preparations, multivitamin complexes and phytopreparations (phytoestrogens).
- Non-hormonal drugs in menopause with hot flashes
The most popular non-hormonal drugs in menopause are homeopathic remedies. As a rule, they practically do not have side effects and have a very brief list of contraindications: nevertheless, such medications are also prescribed by a doctor.
Homeopathic remedies act cumulatively, so the course of treatment with such drugs usually lasts several months. The effect of such medications is stable and prolonged.
- Remens is a homeopathic remedy from a glandular extract of cuttlefish and snake toxin. The drug eliminates tides, increased sweating, stabilizes mood, activates metabolic processes. Remens apply, as with the first signs of the onset of menopause, and in the midst of symptomatology: the drug is contraindicated only if there is an allergy.
- Climaxan - has an estrogen-like effect, suppresses hot flashes, improves sleep, relieves headache and dizziness. The drug is released in the form of tablets or granules.
- Klimadinon - a homeopathic drop on the basis of rhizome tsimitsifugi, vitamins and minerals. Climadinon successfully fights with hot flushes, micturition, vasospasm and muscle spasms, with pressure drops.
Homoeopathic preparations of the German firm Heel are no less common. Among them are such popular means as Climact-Hel, Ovarium-compositum, Ovariamin.
- Non-hormonal nutritional supplements with menopause
Non-hormonal biologically active additives act due to the presence in them of vegetative estrogen-like substances - phytoestrogens. Such drugs are natural analogues of hormonal drugs:
- Feminal - additive, which is an extract from a red clover plant;
- Femikaps is a complex biological additive with extracts of vitex sacred, passionflower, and also with primrose oil, an autumn sediment, and with a number of necessary vitamins;
- Inoklim - a soy preparation with the addition of gelatin and vegetable oil;
- Bonisan is an additive based on soy extract;
- Femivell is a dietary supplement, an analog of Bonisan. Contains soy extractor;
- Estroel is an additive containing tsimitsifuga, soya, extracts from wild yams and nettles, as well as some vitamins and amino acids.
- Non-hormonal vitamins with menopause
Among multitude of non-hormonal drugs, multivitamin complexes with a specially combined composition can restore physical and psychological health in menopause. The effect of such drugs is explained by the stimulation of the immune defense and the body's own forces. Such means are most popular:
- Menopace is a multivitamin with an additional high content of minerals required during the period of active hormonal changes;
- Ladys formula Menopause is a specially developed vitamin preparation containing tocopherol and B vitamins, as well as minerals and pantothenic acid. The agent has a positive effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system, prevents atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, improves the functioning of the nervous system;
- Klimalanin - a remedy whose action is based on the property of the amino acid β-alanine;
- Biotredin is a drug based on L-threonine and pyridoxine. Improves metabolic processes and energy supply of tissues.
- Non-hormonal suppository with menopause
With the onset of menopause, many women complain of the dryness of the vaginal mucosa. Such dryness manifests itself in all different ways: from slight discomfort to loss of sexual interest and the development of inflammatory infectious diseases of the genitals.
The use of nonhormonal suppositories allows to soften and moisten the mucous membrane, restore or maintain a useful microflora inside the vagina and prevent the development of infectious complications.
- Vagical is a non-hormonal suppository based on calendula, which is known for its antimicrobial, immunostimulating and preventive properties.
- Tsikradin is a suppository on a natural basis, with hyaluronic acid, calendula, aloe extract, etc. Suppositories relieve the vaginal dryness, improve the turgor of tissues.
- Climactol is a suppository based on sea-buckthorn, melissa, hops and valerian oils. Thanks to these candles, it is possible to restore the mucous tissues of the vagina, soothe the itching and burning.
Non-hormonal drugs in menopause in the vast majority of cases "work" due to estrogen-like effects on the body. After the use of such medicines, the production of certain hormones decreases, which leads to a decrease in the level of LH. As a result, the condition of a woman is stabilized, as the manifestations of a lack of sex hormones are weakening. In general, this refers to a decrease in the severity of symptoms from the autonomic nervous system, which include hot flashes, hyperhidrosis, etc.
Non-hormonal drugs used during menopause often have a small soothing effect - it has a positive effect on sleep, relieves irritability and mood swings.
Most of the non-hormonal drugs that are designed to eliminate the negative symptoms of menopause have not been investigated with respect to kinetic properties. Most often, the kinetic features of such drugs are difficult to trace, since they have in their composition a whole list of plant components that have complex pharmacology.
It is known that non-hormonal drugs must be taken by courses - sometimes for several months. Only such treatment can be guaranteed to relieve the negative symptoms of menopause and lead to sustained relief.
At the same time, most non-hormonal drugs demonstrate a pronounced curative effect as early as the second week of their admission.
Dosing and administration
Before starting any nonhormonal medications should consult a gynecologist-endocrinologist. In addition, it is desirable to undergo a complete examination of the reproductive organs in order to exclude diseases that could become a contraindication to treatment. It is very risky to choose and take any medication independently, as each medicine has its own nuances of use, which only the doctor knows.
To improve the effectiveness of non-hormonal treatment of symptoms of menopause, doctors recommend making some changes in the diet. For example, it is very useful to include in the menu daily products of the sea (fish, seaweed, shrimp), liver dishes, boiled potatoes, sprouted wheat and bran.
Non-hormonal drugs with climax take at least 3 months in a row, otherwise the necessary effect will not be achieved.
Which drug to choose, and how much to take it, the doctor decides.
You can not use any remedies for menopause - even non-hormonal - in the presence of estrogen-dependent tumors (for example, in cysts or breast cancer). In addition, there are a number of contraindications for certain non-hormonal drugs with menopause:
- drugs based on tsimitsifugi can not be used by persons with intolerance to lactose;
- drugs on an alcohol basis can not be used by those who suffer from alcohol dependence;
- do not take plant estrogenic preparations in the presence of pathologies of the brain, liver, as well as with a tendency to convulsions;
- uniquely non-hormonal means can not be taken during the period of gestation and breastfeeding of the child;
- Do not take any medication if you have allergies to the formulation.
Side effects of the non-hormonal drugs in menopause
Any medicines to some extent cause side effects. Are not an exception and non-hormonal drugs with menopause. Rarely, but they can still cause such symptoms:
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- yellowness sclera;
- a state of general weakness;
- stomach ache;
- loss of appetite;
- weight change;
- change of color of urine.
Non-hormonal drugs used in menopause are difficult to overdose. However, if this does happen, then the symptoms of an overdose are manifested by increased side effects. If you take medication according to the scheme of treatment suggested by the doctor, then you can not take an excessive dose of medicines: this can only be done accidentally, or intentionally.
If an overdose has occurred, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and intestines, then take activated charcoal (or another similar remedy) with a sufficient amount of clean water.
If any symptoms appear in the form of diarrhea or headache, then symptomatic treatment is additionally prescribed.
Interactions with other drugs
It is not recommended to take non-hormonal drugs at the same time with menopause with barbiturates and Rifampicin (antituberculous remedy).
You should not combine hormonal and non-hormonal drugs without the permission of the doctor - especially for medications based on estriol and corticosteroid hormones.
The combination of different herbal preparations, if their kinetic properties are not investigated, is also not recommended, since this can lead to unpredictable effects.
Storage conditions
Most of the non-hormonal drugs that are used in menopause can be stored in ordinary room conditions. Do not freeze medicines, and also subject them to excessive heating: that's why the drugs should be kept away from heating devices and from sunlight.
Non-hormonal suppository is sometimes recommended to be kept in cool conditions - up to 8-12 ° C.
It must be ensured that children can not reach the storage sites for medicines.
Effective non-hormonal drugs with menopause
For each specific organism, the effectiveness of drugs can manifest itself in different ways. After all, menopausal symptoms in many women are significantly different. You can make an approximate list of the most common non-hormonal drugs that are very popular with the first symptoms of menopause. Among such medications are:
- Climadinone - a drop on the basis of tsimitsifugi, which have a visible effect during the first 1-2 weeks of admission;
- Remens is a combined homeopathic remedy intended for prolonged treatment of not only pathological menopause, but also menstrual cycle disorders;
- Feminal - a biologically active substance that exerts an estrogen-like action;
- Inoklim - a safe herbal preparation that eliminates the main symptoms of climacteric changes;
- Climaxan - this herbal preparation is especially recommended for those women who have elevated irritability, headaches, insomnia, and other psycho-vegetative disorders.
New non-hormonal drugs with menopause
The newest development of medicines to eliminate the unpleasant signs of the onset of menopause help to improve the condition of women, getting rid of the periodic tides and disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Since hormonal changes directly affect the state of the musculoskeletal system, the new non-hormonal drugs often contain calcium and vitamin D 3 - for the prevention of osteoporosis.
Most modern medicines also have a positive effect on the external manifestations of menopause, improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
The most common drugs of the new generation are:
- Estroel is a natural complex drug that replenishes the shortage of estrogen and stabilizes the hormonal background in the body;
- Tribestan - a pill based on dry stretch of anchor. Tribestan possesses a strengthening, protective property, and also "rejuvenates" the female reproductive system;
- Ovarium-compositum is a homeopathic preparation that supports the activity of ovaries during the period of pre-menopause and menopause, since it has an estrogen-like effect.
Non-hormonal drugs with menopause are the safest and most acceptable means. But, before making your choice in favor of this or that remedy, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor.
To simplify the perception of information, this instruction for use of the drug "Non-hormonal drugs for menopause in women: a list and reviews" translated and presented in a special form on the basis of the official instructions for medical use of the drug. Before use read the annotation that came directly to medicines.
Description provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the treatment regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely by the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.